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Times -Advocate, September 20, 1995 • I ,
Money raised at Terry Fox Run in Zurich
Snacks and refresh-
ments were enjoyed of
ter the Run.
Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The fifth annual Terry
Fox Run (Walk) was held in Zurich
on Sunday, September 17 under the
direction of Wendy Rowan.
Those raising the most money
from pledges were Natasha Hag-
gitt, daughter of Louise and Paul,
RR 2, Zurich with a grand total of
$433.00; Theresa Stark, Zurich
raised $338.00 and Jackie Keenan
from London raised $218.00.
Tyler Markham in his wheel-
chair, along with his parents on
their roller blades, took part in the
run. Afterwards everyone was treat-
ed to hotdogs, snacks and refresh-
ments at the Park. A silent auction
was also held that day.
Lions meet
The Lions Club held their first
meeting of the fall Wednesday,
September 13 with dinner at the
Dominion Tavern.
There were 10 Lions present,
along with guest speaker Zone
Chairman Jerry Haliburton from St.
Marys. The meeting was chaired by
president Louis Willert.
The next meeting will be at the
Hotel Wednesday, October 11 at 7
Historical Society
Everyone is welcome to attend
the Historical Society's general
meeting at St. Peter's Lutheran
Church Hall on September 21 at 8
p.m. Alice Gibbs will speak on the
'Legacy of the Cantin Family'.
Registrations •
If any boys missed registration
night for Cubs, Beavers, Scouts or
Venturers, they can still join by
calling Theresa VerHoog at 236-
7200 as soon as possible. Leaders
are needed for Cubs.
Registration will be held for
Brownies, ages 7 and 8 years, and
Sparks, ages five and six years, at
St. Boniface School gym on Sep-
tember 26 from 7 to 8 p.m. If you
need more information, phone lead-
er Nicole VerOude at 236-7631.
Fashion show
Advance tickets aro available for
the Fashion Show,' sponsored by
the Zurich and Area Figure Skating
Club, on Thursday, September 28
at the Zurich Community Centre,
beginning at 7 p.m.
The theme is "Fall into Fashion
Advance tickets are available for
$9.00 per person at Huron Ridge
Flowers, J&L Variety or club
members. Tickets at the door will
cost $10.00. Door prizes and re-
freshment are included.
School open houses
The public school will be having
an Open House and Barbecue Sup-
per at the school on Thursday, Sep-
tember 21, from 5 to 7 p.m.
St. Boniface School is having a
"Meet the Teacher" barbecue sup-
per on Wednesday, September 20,
beginning at 6:00 p.rn. on the
school grounds.
The Optimist Club held a dinner
meeting at the Township Hall on
September 13.
Special speaker for the evening
was Markus Sax from Switzerland,
speaking on the international Tug -
0 -War competition that will be
part of Hay Township's Sesquicen-
tennial celebration next summer. It
will involve men from Zurich and
Dashwood area.
The next Optimist meeting will
be on October 11 with the induc-
tion of the new executive.
Seniors Diners
Forty-four seniors attending the
Senior Diners Dinner Wednesday,
September 13. Carl Finkbeiner was
the 50/50 winner. Doreen Oesch
gave a reading, 'Thr. Deacons'.
Earl and Doreen Oesch treated the
Diners to beautiful sacred duets,
accompanied by pianist Pearl Ann
Martin, who also treated the diners
to variation of popular songs. Solo
and Euchre games followed.
Golden Agers
Zurich Golden Agers are spon-
soring a progressive euchre party at
the Township Hall Monday eve-
ning, September 25 at 7:30 p.m.
Admission is $2.00 which includes
Sixteen Golden Agers and one
visitor enjoyed a potluck supper
prior to their September meeting
which opened with 0 Canada and
the Lord's Prayer.
Louise Hayter read a poem Sum-
mer's Farewell.
The fall zone 8 Rally will be held
in Exeter Legion, October 5 with
registration starting at 11:30 a.rn.
Linedancing has started again at
the community centre, Wednesday
mornings at 10 a.m.
Phyllis Deichert gave a report of
the convention she attended at the
Howard Johnson Hotel in Toronto
in August.
The next meeting is set for Octo-
belt 16, starting With a potluck sup-
Cecelia Farwell read a poem
"Someone Needs You" and led in a
few exercises followed by Euchre
and Solo.
Sympathy of the community goes
to the family and relatives of the
late Arthur Gelinas, who passed
away September 12, especially to
his wife Marie of London and his
brother Mozart Gelinas Sr., Zurich.
A baby shower was held Septem-
ber 8 for Laiken Marie Martin,
daughter of D'Arcy and Sheri of
Hensall Tinker Tots check out the fire trucks at the Hensel!
Fire Hall Thursday moming.
Erosion control project
starts this Wednesday
secured grants from the province to
install erosion protection for one
home at the end of Sauble Road in
Grand Bend. A study done in 1989
concluded that the property re-
quired some form of protection be-
cause of the ongoing erosion along
the banks of the Ausable River. If
erosion was allowed to continue
unchecked, the building on top of
the bank would be in danger. Cur-
rently, the house is only 20 feet
from the top of the actively -eroding
Warwick Equipment Limited of
Stratford will complete the project
by installing a steel sheet pile wall.
The sheet pile option was chosen
for three reasons.
1. The wall will stop the erosion
at the toe of the slope and support
'he bank.
2. The bank is so steep that there
is little space to work with; the
sheet pile wall was the best option
in the available area.
3. This option was the most eco-
nomical based on the available
space and expected life of the steel
sheet piling.
The project will begin Wednes-
day, September 20 with the end of
October as the target date for com-
pletion of the work. The project
will affect boat traffic to an extent
since a barge will be used to install
the wall. A navigable channel,
however, will always be main-
The $121,000 project will be
funded as follows; 50 per cent pro-
vincial grant; 45 per cent from the
Village of Grant Bend and the ef-
fected landowner; and five per cent
from the ABCA general levy.
Zurich. Proud grandparents are Ir-
vin and Grace Martin of Zurich.
The shower was attended by
friends and relatives at the home of
an aunt, Pearl -Ann Martin, RR 3,
A good time was had by Tim
Klopp and his friends, celebrating
his 10th birthday on Sunday by go-
ing to a swimming party at Vanas-
tra pool, and having a pizza supper.
Sympathy goes to Maggie Viss-
cher on the death of her father,
Klaas Boer, who passed away re-
cently in Hoogeveen, Holland.
Mrs. Visscher attended his funeral
in Holland on September 14 and
spent the week visiting with her
three sisters and their families.
Happy birthday wishes go out to
Jennifer Jeffrey, who was 15 years
old on September 14.
A surprise 60th birthday party
was held for Mary -Lou Denomme
at her home on September 9, which
was given by her family. Her actual
birth date was on September 12.
Special happy birthday wishes go
to the oldest resident in town, Mar-
garet Hess, who will be 94 years
old on Sunday, September 24.
Congratulations to Mark Stephan
and Annette Regier who were mar-
ried at St. Boniface Church on Sep-
tember 16 by •Fr. Wronski, with
dinner and reception held at the Zu-
rich Community Centre.
The bride is the daughter of Karl
and Mary Regier and the groom is
the son of Jack and Sandy Stephan,
all of Zurich. The couple will he
living in Toronto after their honey-
A Stag and Doe will be held for
Margy Hartman and Mark Wardell
on Friday, September 22 at the Zu-
rich Community Centre. Margy is
the daughter of Ray and Janice
Hartman, Zurich.
The couple plan to he married in
Horticultural Society members learn
how to attract birds to their yards
Kate Monk of the Con-
servation Authority ad-
dressed the group.
Liz Sangster
HENSALL - The Hensall and
District Horticulture Society met
September 1 1 , at the Hensall Unit-
ed Church. President Ann Over-
weel welcomed everyone to the
meeting. Secretary Inge Mowat
read the minutes of the last execu-
tive and general meetings. After
the business portion of the meet-
ing, Eileen Rannie thanked Kathy
Mann and Luanne Phair, two of
the people responsible for the
flower beds this year.
The guest speaker was Kate
Monk, of the Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Authority. Millie
Dupuis was presented with a
ABCA mug as she had the closest
birthday. Monk gave a slide pres-
entation and spoke on maintaining
a bird feeding station and attract-
ing different birds to your yard.
Inge Mowat thanked the guest
speaker. Kathy Mann conducted
the draws. The winners of the door
prizes were Margaret Cole, Barba-
ra Elliot, Kay Mock, Mary Kins-
man, Marion Plunkett and Jessie
Allan. The meeting ended with tea
and sandwiches.
Sunset Seniors
The Sunset Seniors held their
September meeting at the United
Church. Everyone enjoyed a pot-
luck supper. The group was enter-
tained by Kate Monk frorrr the
Conservation Authority, with pic-
tures. The Fall Rally will be held
in Exeter at the Legion, October
5. Huron Country Playhouse will
present a musical at Clinton Le-
gion, October 11.
Hostesses for the October meet-
ing will be Isobel Rogerson, Eve-
lyn McBeath, and Hilda Payne.
Winners of the euchre were: la-
dies high and low, Marg Cole,
Hilda Payne, men's high and low
Stewart Blackwell, Dorothy Brint-
nell; lone hands Helen McKay.
Wednesday evening, September
13, Hensall Legion held their first
meeting for the fall season with
excellent attendance. Guests,
Zone Commander Gordon De -
Jong accompanied by Deputy
Zone Commander June Pyette at-
tended for their annual visitation.
A motion was passed to donate
$300.00 to Parkwood Hospital to-
wards veterans' welfare. A dona-
tion of $50.00 was made to the
Week of the Child.
September 30, a bus will be tak-
ing Legion members to Parkwood
Hospital for an afternoon of enter-
tainment and socializing with the
veterans. Anyone wishing to go is
to meet at the Legion at 10:30
October 24 the new Provincial
Service Officer Randy Ground-
water will be visiting the Legion.
Any Legion member or ex -
service personnel and/or their de-
pendents wishing to see hits may
make an appointment through
president Larry tJyl, 262-2618.
The Hensall Kinettes will be
canvassing for South Huron Hos-
pital, September 22-29.
United Church
Rev. Henry Annen conducted
the service at Hensall United
Church this past Sunday. Rev.
Annen's message was "Help Me,
I'm Lost". The children's story
was "You are Special". The chil-
dren's hymn was "Saviour Teach
Me". The organist was Doug
Klopp. The greeter was Betty
Simmons and ushers were Elaine
Corbett and Jeff Butson.
The Official Board will meet
September 20.
Senior Choir practice will bc
held Friday evening, September
September 25, the Hensall
United Church is in charge of en-
tertainment at the Bluewatcr Rest
Communion al Hensall United
Church, will be held October I.
Grand Bend Golden Agers plan bake table
GRAND BEND - Eighty-nine
Grand Bend Golden Agers met
September 6 for the monthly lunch-
eon and meeting.
The group made plans for par-
ticipating in the Grand Bend Farm-
ers Market, which will be held Oc-
tober 7 and 8 and October 14 and
The Grand Bend Golden Agers
will have a bake and flea market ta-
ble on Saturday, October 7.
Next meeting will be October 4
at 12:30 p.m. in the Grand Bend
Legion. The group will be pre-
viewing the entertainment planned
for the October 18 birthday party at
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