HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-08-30, Page 19Times -Advocate, August 30, 1995 235-1331 Page 19 lW 3S•£.,Vnte4 ed QPOlae, ry 76ell%)I2 cs,�M8uP pets n ro GUARANTEED RESULTS WITH OUR $10 SUPER AD OR WE'LL REPEAT YOUR AD UP TO ANOTHER SEVEN TIMES AT NO CHARGE Advertisers want one thin RESULTS. And that's what weguarantee whenyouplace a SUPER AD with us. For onlyone low fee of $10.00 we'll run g... your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want (up to a maximum of eight insertions). All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. One item ally per ad. You can take up to 25 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the 79 ranteOBu zo pro Pe For Y FOr tt for 22 Por Rent Renee iv.. Sale °r 2q lrrated to Rent 25 -sent Nor WI 26 Le tic ant 2� Te dere we ed 2g nde� es weekend, call us on Mondayand we'll gladlyrepeat the ad at no charge. (Excluding real estate and accommodations)Private non-commercial P g( 8 followingOS ads only. SUPER ADS MUST BE PREPAID. • TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE 29 Yaucti°n s anted +ldandG'rage S a'� IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25e per line of verse. Plus Your Ad Will Reach 10 000 More Readers In the St. Ma s Journal Ar: s at No Extra Char_ a $10.00, each additional word 15e. Three insertions for the price of two. 1 Lost, Strayed CAMERA - Black's 35 mm automatic, Lake Huron Aug. 17. Black case with red trim. Reward. 238-8256. Please leave message. (35*) BOY'S BLACK AND BLUE JACKET lost at soccer fields at Exeter Public School during Saturday's tournament. Phone 235-0402. (35c) 3 Situations Wanted CARING, RELIABLE babysitter looking for children one year old and up for three or more days a week. Smoke and pet free environment with flexible hours and reasonable rates. Call 235-2494. (33-36*) EXPERIENCED, reliable childcare in my home. Monday to Friday. ECE diploma, child daycare management certificate. First Aid and CPR. Circle, crafts, indoor/outdoor play. lunches and snacks provided. Starting Sept. 235-2373. (34-36c) MOTHER WISHES to babysit your child for 52.00/hour. For more information call 227-1537 anytime. (35c) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. 3 Situations Wanted CREDITON - Mother of one would like to babysit other children. Fenced yard, crafts. 234-6740. (35-38c) EXPERIENCED FARM HAND available for part time or full time work in Exeter area. Experience with machines and manual work. 237-3590 after5 p.rn. (28-35SA) CHILDCARE AVAILABLE starting in September. Caring mother offers reliable childcare in my horn. Large fenced -in yard. lunch and snacks provided, smoke free environmment, lots of toys and fun. References and receipts Shauna 235-3124. (34:35') QUALIFIED ECE TEACHER and mother of one looking for chilren to care for in my home starting September 1. I have my ECE diploma. Infant -toddler diploma, First Aid and CPR. Will provide lots of activities and fun for all ages. Call Diane at 235-4286. (32tfn) 4 Help Wanted Aickfrattne9 EXETER TOYOTA, 242 Main St. North Exeter NOM ISO NEW & USED CAR RECONDITIONING TECHNICIAN required immediately full time Experience an asset! Wage package to compliment CONTACT BRUCE HODGE 235-2353 DAIRY LANE SYSTEMS LTD. a registered SURGE dealership is expanding and requires a SERVICE WORKER for the Huron/Perth area The successful applicant for this full time position will have a working knowledge of electricity and the ability to troubleshoot. Some computer knowledge would be an asset. Evenings and weekend work may be required. Salary to commensurate with experience. Please submit resume to DAIRY LANE SYSTEMS LTD. R.R.#3 Komoka, Ont. NOL IRO Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted 4 Help Wanted EXETER UNITED CHURCH requires an administrator of Christian Development for 7.5 hours per week beginning the week of September 18. 1995. Interested persons should contact the church office at 235-0860 on or before Friday, September 8. 1995. Job description is available at Exeter United Church. (36;37c) FULL TIME MAINTENANCE position would be required to maintain and repair general farm equipment. :urkey bams and turkey processing plant. Mechanical. construction, electrical experience would all be an asset in this position. Wage based on experience. Benefit package. Apply in writing or fax resume to: Hayters Turkey Farms Ltd., Att: Tom Hayter, Dashwood. Ontario NOM I NO. Fax (519) 237-3460. (35:36c) ESTABLISHED company seeks sales representative to sell our fine products in rural areas. Average earnings of 5600-900/weekly. Personable, fun product to sell. We supply all leads. Car required. Call collect Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 to 4:30. (519) 668-0067. (35c) LOOKING FOR A mature non-smoker to care for a 1 and 3 year old in my home. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 235-3415. (35c) GRAND BEND MOTORPLEX is currently accepting applications/resumes for a food concession management position. (Year round racing is being scheduled).Mail to G.B.M. P.O. Box 418, Grand Bend, Ont. NOM ITO or drop off at the tower at GBM. (35c) MATURE WOMAN to stay overnights with elderly woman who needs company in Grand Bend. Please call for appointment. Phone238-8240. (34:35c) TRAIN TO BE A CERTIFIED HEALTH CARE AIDE An Information and Registration Seminar for the LONDON AREA CERTIFIED HEALTH CARE AIDE PROGRAM will be held Wed., Sept. 6 at MEADOW PARK NURSING HOME 1210 Southdale Rd. E. London, Ontario at the following times Seminar (A) 12:00 a.m. Seminar (B) 5:00 p.m. NEW SKILLS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 1-905-294-5573 (Please do not call Meadow Park) GOVERNMENT APPROVED PROGRAM PHOENIX STAGE 2 HOUSING is hiring a CHILDREN'S ADVOCATE to work primarily in Clinton and Goderich providing support and advocacy to children who have witnessed abuse. This is a 20 hour a week position requiring flexible hours. Qualifications - post secondary degree in social science, experience in individual and group work with children, experience with local community, social service, medical and justice system providers. This is a contrail position until March 30, 1996. Submit resumes to: The Hiring Committee Phoenix Stage R Housing Box 211 Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Z2 By September 8, 1995. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Did you know that 1 in 4 women in Canada is abused in her lifetime and that violence affects 14,500 people in Huron County at any one time? Agencies within Huron County need your assistance in ending violence against women. If you have a feminist perspective on the issue of woman abuse, are culturally sensitive and enjoy helping others, we want to hear from you. A ten week training course Is scheduled to begin Monday September 11, 1995 at 7 p.m. at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs office at 100 Don Street In Clinton. For more information and to register please phone Tanya 1 Verburg at (519) 523-9677. vanalese 4 Help Wanted MATURE, RELIABLE person to work weekdays. Monday to Friday 9-4 at Exeter hair salon. Please bring resume to The Cutting Comer, 10 Wellington St. Exeter. (35c) PART TIME REQUIRED. Petro Canada Gas Bar Exeter. Apply in person with resume 7-4. (35c) RELIABLE. plant workers required. Apply in person only at Durisol Materials Ltd.. 216 St. George St. Mitchell, Ontario (34;35c) BABYSITTER REQUIRED for two children ages 7 and 4 in my horn in Huron Woods, Grand Bend. Needed for Monday and Tuesday before and after school. 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.rn. References required. Phone 238-5696. (34:35c) 5 Business Opp. RESTAURANT/COFFEE SHOP licensed with Lotto Centre and Video rental located near Stratford, Ont. Asking 140K. Established 16 years. 38K down + inventory, owner will finance the rest. 20 year lease avaialble. New equipment. Serious inquiries only. (519) 348-9420 after 6 p.m. (34:35c) NEW GIFT SHOP needs rustic country items. Please call Cheri Shauer 345-2788. (34-36c) 6 Services 1 Mindy Gough B.S.W. DASHWOOD FAMILY COUNSELLING and A GENTLE PLACE FOR GRIEVING CHILDREN PHONE 237-3892 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3t fn) NestesisIN1111112111111111111lfrRflflllfislsisseursls Mil Custom Round R y Baling R y 4ft. wide by35fl. bigb R y Mike Pickering R y Dasbwood R R y 519-237 3742 x RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR --Y -- Y E HAVE IHOV TOA NEW LOCATION... Kuality Kustom Boat Tops & Interiors 9855 Lakeshore Rd., 3 miles south of Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO (519) 238-2662 Fax: (519) 238-5496 Let KK Top Them All Owners: Rose Marie Auge and Fern Laurin 1+PIANO LESSONS I) High school student studying Grade Nine piano at Westem Conservatory looking for piano students to begin lessons in September. For information or to schedule lessons, contact Julie Darling . 235-1302 ••eekdaus before 9 *gym. 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working. call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936 Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • Hedge Trimming • Grass Cutting • Aerating Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (28tfn) SCOTT'S CAR OILING Dashwood (519) 237-3284. No skips. Call anytime. (29-35•) 6 Services .D.J. SERVICE AVAILABLE Call for Booking* DALTON FORD RES. 229-6167 CELL. 661-9889 BAILEY'S of Hensall Ltd. Heat Air Conditioning Hwy. #4 N. 262-2020 Hensall 262-2626 Your Home Comfort People Since 1981 HAY'S AUTOMOBILE RECONDITIONING Hensall, Ontario DRIPLESS OIL Car $50 Trucks $60 PHONE 262-3342 tist/Hypnotherapist. tion, your 514.95. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count - as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15e per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 155 per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 15e per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements. Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 155. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25e per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 15e. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10.00, additional words 100 each. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per col- umn inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size In this category 1 Inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POUCY Advartishg in the Tines -Advocate is accepted on condition that. n the event of a typographic.; error, that portion of the advertising space occu- pbd by the erroneous hem, together with reason- able allowance for signature. will be rerun in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge. whit the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applicable rate. In the event o1 a typographical error advertising goods or servbes ata wrong price, goods or services may not be ,old. Advertising Is an offer to sit and may be withdrawn al any time. Any errors must be ac- knowledged within seven days of publication. Tinos ♦vistq The -Advocate reserves the revileg* o1 re- that II visingor rejecting advertisements consid- ers ob)echionable and 10 change IM c eek:4tbn of arty edvertb.msnt from that ordered to con- iorn 10 the policy of this n wsp•p•r. Contents are prntetxed by oopyrIQM. Reproduction of any material without IM permission of the publisher is forbidden. Advertisers purchase spew and circulation only. Al rights 1c any advertbem•Ms produced by We Thea -Advocate, using artwork, typography or for by photograph* thronged the newspaper shall be the property of the These -Advocate. No such be ad or any pan thereof may reproduced or as- t Thies eparted signedwithout wAten consent of the • AdWwn. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The TYnse-AdwcIN is not responsible for errors In advertisements not submitted In IagiNe form, nor for mon than Snowed Insertion that a mingle of advertisement. IN:.'t■ Phone 235-1331 '-_i Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2.60 3 Situations Wanted CREDITON - Mother of one would like to babysit other children. Fenced yard, crafts. 234-6740. (35-38c) EXPERIENCED FARM HAND available for part time or full time work in Exeter area. Experience with machines and manual work. 237-3590 after5 p.rn. (28-35SA) CHILDCARE AVAILABLE starting in September. Caring mother offers reliable childcare in my horn. Large fenced -in yard. lunch and snacks provided, smoke free environmment, lots of toys and fun. References and receipts Shauna 235-3124. (34:35') QUALIFIED ECE TEACHER and mother of one looking for chilren to care for in my home starting September 1. I have my ECE diploma. Infant -toddler diploma, First Aid and CPR. Will provide lots of activities and fun for all ages. Call Diane at 235-4286. (32tfn) 4 Help Wanted Aickfrattne9 EXETER TOYOTA, 242 Main St. North Exeter NOM ISO NEW & USED CAR RECONDITIONING TECHNICIAN required immediately full time Experience an asset! Wage package to compliment CONTACT BRUCE HODGE 235-2353 DAIRY LANE SYSTEMS LTD. a registered SURGE dealership is expanding and requires a SERVICE WORKER for the Huron/Perth area The successful applicant for this full time position will have a working knowledge of electricity and the ability to troubleshoot. Some computer knowledge would be an asset. Evenings and weekend work may be required. Salary to commensurate with experience. Please submit resume to DAIRY LANE SYSTEMS LTD. R.R.#3 Komoka, Ont. NOL IRO Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted 4 Help Wanted EXETER UNITED CHURCH requires an administrator of Christian Development for 7.5 hours per week beginning the week of September 18. 1995. Interested persons should contact the church office at 235-0860 on or before Friday, September 8. 1995. Job description is available at Exeter United Church. (36;37c) FULL TIME MAINTENANCE position would be required to maintain and repair general farm equipment. :urkey bams and turkey processing plant. Mechanical. construction, electrical experience would all be an asset in this position. Wage based on experience. Benefit package. Apply in writing or fax resume to: Hayters Turkey Farms Ltd., Att: Tom Hayter, Dashwood. Ontario NOM I NO. Fax (519) 237-3460. (35:36c) ESTABLISHED company seeks sales representative to sell our fine products in rural areas. Average earnings of 5600-900/weekly. Personable, fun product to sell. We supply all leads. Car required. Call collect Mon.-Thurs. 8:30 to 4:30. (519) 668-0067. (35c) LOOKING FOR A mature non-smoker to care for a 1 and 3 year old in my home. Tuesdays and Thursdays. 235-3415. (35c) GRAND BEND MOTORPLEX is currently accepting applications/resumes for a food concession management position. (Year round racing is being scheduled).Mail to G.B.M. P.O. Box 418, Grand Bend, Ont. NOM ITO or drop off at the tower at GBM. (35c) MATURE WOMAN to stay overnights with elderly woman who needs company in Grand Bend. Please call for appointment. Phone238-8240. (34:35c) TRAIN TO BE A CERTIFIED HEALTH CARE AIDE An Information and Registration Seminar for the LONDON AREA CERTIFIED HEALTH CARE AIDE PROGRAM will be held Wed., Sept. 6 at MEADOW PARK NURSING HOME 1210 Southdale Rd. E. London, Ontario at the following times Seminar (A) 12:00 a.m. Seminar (B) 5:00 p.m. NEW SKILLS VOCATIONAL SCHOOL 1-905-294-5573 (Please do not call Meadow Park) GOVERNMENT APPROVED PROGRAM PHOENIX STAGE 2 HOUSING is hiring a CHILDREN'S ADVOCATE to work primarily in Clinton and Goderich providing support and advocacy to children who have witnessed abuse. This is a 20 hour a week position requiring flexible hours. Qualifications - post secondary degree in social science, experience in individual and group work with children, experience with local community, social service, medical and justice system providers. This is a contrail position until March 30, 1996. Submit resumes to: The Hiring Committee Phoenix Stage R Housing Box 211 Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Z2 By September 8, 1995. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Did you know that 1 in 4 women in Canada is abused in her lifetime and that violence affects 14,500 people in Huron County at any one time? Agencies within Huron County need your assistance in ending violence against women. If you have a feminist perspective on the issue of woman abuse, are culturally sensitive and enjoy helping others, we want to hear from you. A ten week training course Is scheduled to begin Monday September 11, 1995 at 7 p.m. at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Rural Affairs office at 100 Don Street In Clinton. For more information and to register please phone Tanya 1 Verburg at (519) 523-9677. vanalese 4 Help Wanted MATURE, RELIABLE person to work weekdays. Monday to Friday 9-4 at Exeter hair salon. Please bring resume to The Cutting Comer, 10 Wellington St. Exeter. (35c) PART TIME REQUIRED. Petro Canada Gas Bar Exeter. Apply in person with resume 7-4. (35c) RELIABLE. plant workers required. Apply in person only at Durisol Materials Ltd.. 216 St. George St. Mitchell, Ontario (34;35c) BABYSITTER REQUIRED for two children ages 7 and 4 in my horn in Huron Woods, Grand Bend. Needed for Monday and Tuesday before and after school. 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.rn. References required. Phone 238-5696. (34:35c) 5 Business Opp. RESTAURANT/COFFEE SHOP licensed with Lotto Centre and Video rental located near Stratford, Ont. Asking 140K. Established 16 years. 38K down + inventory, owner will finance the rest. 20 year lease avaialble. New equipment. Serious inquiries only. (519) 348-9420 after 6 p.m. (34:35c) NEW GIFT SHOP needs rustic country items. Please call Cheri Shauer 345-2788. (34-36c) 6 Services 1 Mindy Gough B.S.W. DASHWOOD FAMILY COUNSELLING and A GENTLE PLACE FOR GRIEVING CHILDREN PHONE 237-3892 QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St. Exeter 235-1612. (3t fn) NestesisIN1111112111111111111lfrRflflllfislsisseursls Mil Custom Round R y Baling R y 4ft. wide by35fl. bigb R y Mike Pickering R y Dasbwood R R y 519-237 3742 x RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR --Y -- Y E HAVE IHOV TOA NEW LOCATION... Kuality Kustom Boat Tops & Interiors 9855 Lakeshore Rd., 3 miles south of Grand Bend, Ont. NOM 1TO (519) 238-2662 Fax: (519) 238-5496 Let KK Top Them All Owners: Rose Marie Auge and Fern Laurin 1+PIANO LESSONS I) High school student studying Grade Nine piano at Westem Conservatory looking for piano students to begin lessons in September. For information or to schedule lessons, contact Julie Darling . 235-1302 ••eekdaus before 9 *gym. 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working. call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936 Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS • Hedge Trimming • Grass Cutting • Aerating Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 THE ANTIQUE WATCH and Clock Specialist. Want to buy old clocks? Have for sale many quality clocks. Repairs. Open chance or appointment (519) 243-1130. (28tfn) SCOTT'S CAR OILING Dashwood (519) 237-3284. No skips. Call anytime. (29-35•) 6 Services .D.J. SERVICE AVAILABLE Call for Booking* DALTON FORD RES. 229-6167 CELL. 661-9889 BAILEY'S of Hensall Ltd. Heat Air Conditioning Hwy. #4 N. 262-2020 Hensall 262-2626 Your Home Comfort People Since 1981 HAY'S AUTOMOBILE RECONDITIONING Hensall, Ontario DRIPLESS OIL Car $50 Trucks $60 PHONE 262-3342 tist/Hypnotherapist. tion, your 514.95. CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across tho Country" COMING EVENTS SALES HELP WANTED NOSTALGIA-RAMA Fall Show Septem- $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO ber 10, 1995. 9-3. 85 Dealers buying and DRAW. Make a lot of money selling selling small antiques, glassware, coins, chocolate bars NEW S2 00 PRODUCTS. old advertising posters, tins, calendars. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery postcards, old toys, dolls, coke books, 1-800-383-3589. documents, militana, sports cards, bot- KATY'S CLOSET. 100°; Canadian direct Iles, breweriana, automobilia, tools, etc. sales company featuring affordable Fairgrounds Auditorium, Woodstock. Ont. ladies' fashions. needs coordinators in Dealers inquiries 1-905-278-7363. your area. Earn 30% commission. Start BUSINESS OPPS. your business with $50 investment. No experience necessary. 1.800.563.7752. SCHNEIDER'S POPCORN PARTIES HIGH COMMISSION. Home-based actively seeking representatives to mar- employment. Full training. Full/part-time ket exciting popcorn products. 11 you are representatives required throughout interested in a home-based Ontario for identification sales. Send business/earning extra income, call 1- resumes to Search Quest. 30 Foster 800-665-6484. Street, Perth, Ontario K7H 1R7 BUSINESS SERVICES PAY TELEPHONE SERV. GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied assistance programs information avail- customers. July - 3 lottery winners. Solve able. For your new or existing business. all problems...Answers about love. Take advantage of the government money, career...$3.49/min.. Talk live 1 on grants and loans. Call 1-800-915-3615. 1...24 hrs...18+...alt calls confidential. 1- 900-451-4336. CAREER TRAINING PSYCHIC MASTERS! Genuine Canadian BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER...with our Psychics tell all. Answers on Romance, great home -study course. Call for a Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writ- and personal. 1-900-451-3778. 52.99/min ing School, 2382-38 McArthur Ave., 18+, 1 -on -1. 24 his. I.C.0 Ottawa. Ont. K1L 6R2. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR . . . with Friend of thousands. multitalented inter - our great home -study course. Call for a national psychics. Relationships. Future, FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829, The Finance, Career, Live 24 Hours, Sheffield School, 1006-38 McArthur Ave., 52.99/MIn. 18+. 1-900-451-3783. Ottawa, Ontario K1L 6R2. RARE GIFTED Psychics will guide you in QUICK/EASY TAX COURSES. Build all aspects of love, success, money, diffi- your career/earning potential by self- cult decisions. Take control of your des - study. Free brochure. 1-204-956-7161; 1• tiny! 18+. 53.99/min. Call now! 1.900- 800-219-8889; Fax 1-204-949-9429. 870-2778 Ext. 175. Jacks Institute, 902-167 Lombard UNEXPLAINED POWER! Psychic tells Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B OV3. you things you may not even want to BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX know! 1-900-870.2217 52.99 per minute. COURSES! Leam Income Tax Prepara- 18+. tion and Bookkeeping by correspon- dence. Eam your certificate now. For free REAL ESTATE brochures, no obligation. contact U & R GOT A CAMPGROUND Tax Schools, P.O. Box 6052. London, Ontario, N5W 586, 1-800-665-5144, over membership/timeshare? We'll take it! 20 years of tax training experience. America's largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1.800- 423-5967. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. Cao 24 hoursia dday ere rentals needed. NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Train. upgrade retire In a powerful new proles- STEEL BUILDINGS sion. Become a Certified Master Hypno- FOR SALE. STEEL BUILDINGS Quonset Free Information package. Alandel School 8 Clinics 1-800-& Stralghtwall. A cheap Building offersno 661.2099 Ext 250. flexibility, may even cost more. The answer, Future Steel, thousands of pen- ple can't be wrong. 1-800-668-8653. FOR SALE ALL STEEL BUILDINGS... 'ROCK BOT - WHOLESALE HOT WATER HEATING TOM PRICESI' 18x24 52,177. 20x32 Systems and Parts factory direct prepaid. $3.192. 25x40 $4,550. 30x44 58,124. Systems s. pump, a^de:,, !rst:'s 30x40 56,323. 40x48 57.643. 40x84 furnaces, etc. Free catalog. Call 512,999. Others. Ends optional. Pioneer message centre 1.800.616.4666. alter 1'800.888.5422. 5Pm. BEST BUILDING PRICES • Steel Strait BLACKJACK Wlnmore. Increase odds in wall Type - not quonset • 32x54 59,460, favour. Easy to learn Condensed 40x72 514,233, 50x90 520.443, 60x126 Guide. Legal and proven method. Just 531,314 - other sizes available - mase. Order now 1-800-774-7714. You clearance. Paragon • 24 hrs • 1.800 -263 - will win more. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 8499. • It. AlffiordabN • /tie trait • ,tit Easy • Ona Bill Dam It All • Noqrthern Ontario $63 • &We Ontario $9) • Western Ontario $162 • Central Ontano $168 • All Ontano $380 • National Packages Available • Ca I this paper for details!