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Page 6 Times -Advocate, July 26, 1995
Forthcoming marriage -
Grace Sararas and Ross Sara-
ras and Phil and Vonnie Over-
holt are pleased to announce
the forthcoming marriage of
their children Jodi Beth and
Dwayne Gerard. The wedding
ceremony will take place on
Saturday, July 29, 1995 at
St. Boniface Church at 2:00
p.m. Open reception at the
South Huron Rec Centre in Ex-
eter at 9:00 p.m.
Tomlinson -Kerslake
Sarah Lee -Anne Kerslake and
James Frank Tomlinson were
united in marriage July 8,
1995 at Elimville United
Church, Elimville. The ceremo-
ny was officiated by Rev.
Sheila Macgregor. Sarah is
the daughter of Edwin and Joy
Kerslake of RR3 Exeter.
James is the son of Barry and
Irene Tomlinson of London.
Maid of honour was Tiffany
Tryon, friend of the bride.
Bridesmaids were Cathy
Amos and Sue Wiles, friends
of the bride and Natalie Ker-
slake, sister of the bride.
Best man was Gerry Edwards,
friend of the groom. Ushers
were Austie Currah, friend of
the groom, and Rob Tomlin-
son, brother of the groom.
The reception was held at the
Kirkton-Woodham Community
Centre. A great time followed,
and then the couple were off
to Rawley Lodge in Port Sev-
ern. James and Sarah now re-
side at 506 William St. S. Ex-
Keller - MacNelil
On May 27, 1995, the wed-
ding ceremony took place unit-
ing Keltie MacNeill, daughter
of Larry and Marilyn of Rhod-
dy's Bay to Jeff Keller, son of
George and Elaine of Dash-
wood, at St. Boniface Parish
in Zurich. Father Matthias
Wronski officated. Soloist was
Jewel Burkhart. Maid of honor
was Patricia Gill, Ottawa and
bridesmaids were Kathleen
Holmes, Guelph, Karen Max-
well, Renfrew, Lisa Rowe,
Canfield and Kim Keller,
Dashwood. Best man was Jeff
Butler, Dashwood and ushers
were Daryl Holmes, Guelph,
John MacNeill, Ottawa and
Mark and Chris Keller, Dash-
wood. Flowergirls were Ke/da
Maxwell, Renfrew and Elyse
Holmes, Guelph. After a wed-
ding trip to the Dominican Re-
public, the couple now reside
at RR1 Zurich.
Photo by Grant Martin
Get your
lucky ticket
Joan Beierling
VARNA - Varna and Goshen
combined church services will be
held in Goshen next Sunday, July
30 at 10:30 a.m. The Varna -Goshen
church picnic is planned for Sun-
day, August 6 at 11 a.m. at the
Complex pavilion in Varna. The
congregation is reminded to bring
potluck dishes, and drinks will be
There are baseball games going
on every night of the week at the
Stanley Township ball diamonds.
There are a few truck elimination
draw tickets left. This draw is spon-
sored by the Stanley Township Rec
Committee. One ticket for $100.00
entitles you to a dance and lunch
for two on September 2 plus a
chance to win a brand new truck
and other cash prizes. For tickets
contact Jim Kirton at 233-7103 or
Lowell Mount at 233-5876 immedi-
Your Views
Letters to the editor
Gnomes go missing
"We really do miss them."
Dear Editor:
One thing I really like about spring and summer is
looking at all the beautiful flower gardens around
the towns and countryside.
One thing I dislike is persons who don't enjoy
looking at them and deciding to change the way
some people have set them up. Why do they feel
this is necessary?
I am one of the people who try to make their yard
something people like to stop and look at. I have put
planters on my lawn every year in an effort to make
my home look a little nicer. This year, one (or per-
haps nine) additions to my lawn were nine cute little
fellows of various poses. My niece, who I share a
birthday with, gave me a garden gnome for my
birthday thinking it would look cute amongst my
flowers. He looked a little lonely, however, so over
the course of a month or two he made eight friends.
We discovered a couple of days ago that five are
missing, including my birthday pal. One of the miss-
ing was playing an accordion and another a fiddle,
so perhaps they decided to become travelling musi-
cians. We figure the other three may have become
groupies and went along for moral support.
We really hope that whoever provided them with
their means of transportation will see fit to see them
home after their tour is done. We really do miss
Sincerely yours,
Debbie Brock,
103 Mill St., Hensall
Fresh baking available
Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - The Catholic
Women's League of Immaculate
Heart of Mary Council met at the
Parish Hall on July 10. President
Gera Peters chaired the business.
She thanked everyone who helped
with the potluck supper on June 5,
attended by the Senior Citizens of
the parish. The seniors enjoyed the
meal and the bingo games which
The bake sales have been sched-
uled for two weekends this summer
July 15 to 16 and August 26 and 27
and all CWL members are to par-
ticipate in providing fresh baking
and vegetables and to help run the
tables after the weekend Masses.
Quilt raffle tickets have been dis-
tributed to all members and should
be returned to Toni Vandenberk
two weeks prior to the draw on Au-
gust 27.
The London Diocesan Women's
Commission is sponsorlNG a
workshop on Spirituality for To-
day's Women, on Saturday, Sep-
tember 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30
p.m. in the Ursuline Motherhouse
at Chatham. Talk to Gera Peters
about registration.
A thank you letter was received
from the Grand Bend Girl Guides
for a donation.
The GB CWL council is invited
to participate in a special Rosary
Sunday on September 10 with a
Mass, rosary and procession during
a pilgrimage to the Midland Mar-
tyr's Shrine. This event is being
staged in cooperation with the
Knights of Columbus.
A card and donation was received
from the Dalton family, thanking
the CWL for the funeral luncheon
for Madelaine Dalton. CWL mem-
bers made up a special guard of
honor at the funeral Mass. A mass
will be requested for Madelaine
Legion donation
Gary NH, loft, soopta a ohpw for $1,126 from Bart DeVries, far right. Behind Legion are, from left, Murray MacDonald, Casey Zeehulsen and Geny Sessile. Me Exetetio
Canada committee presented the Stephen Township flret�hters with the y for
part In the Canada Day fireworks display coordinated with the Exeter Fire Department.
The money will go towards a new portable Positive Pressure ventilation unit that can
clear heat and smoke from a burning structure enabling firefighters to enter the building.
from the CWL.
Flowers will be sold in South Hu-
ron County to raise funds for epilep-
sy during Glad Days, sponsored by
the Huron -Perth -Bruce Epilepsy
chapter. There was some discussion
as to whether the CWL will contin-
ue to be involved in this fundraiser
in Grand Bend. If volunteers can be
organized the flowers would be de-
livered on August 10. Lia Vanden-
berk Christian Family Life, will at-
tempt to organize this event.
1995 marks the 75th Anniversary
of the Catholic Women's League in
Canada. There was considerable
discussion about possible projects
or events for the council to cele-
brate the anniversary. It was decid-
ed to stage a picnic for all the fami-
lies of the parish to be held at the
Parish Hall. Josie Britton will set up
a committee to look at getting a
roasted pig, a caterer and tickets
printed. The tentative date would
be Sunday afternoon, August 20.
Organized children's games will be
provided. Final details will appear
in the parish bulletin.
Jesse's Journey will be coming to
Grand Bend about August 4 and
the Order of Alhambra have been
asked to help host the reception.
Children who are developmentally
or physically disabled are invited
to join in Jesse's walk, by showing
up at the Port Blake Conservation
area, wearing something Red,
Jesse's favourite color. Parents
who are interested in having their
children participate in this fun
event are asked to call Roberta
Walker (238-2471) for more de-
Father Paul Beck reminded the
CWL not to forget to visit the sick
and housebound people of the par-
ish, especially those who may want
communion brought to their home.
It was suggested that the CWL
could help to organize a service es-
peciglly for the elderly of our par-
ish, perhaps to give them an oppor-
tunity to share a few of their
The next meeting of the CWL
will be held in September.
Have a news tip?
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b66 th?,8C;�3
Your support of our FLOWERS OF HOPE CAMPAIGN bas
totaled $22,300. As in the past,we confined our canvass to
the montb of May and found you responded witb your
generosity in helping us reach our goal.
A special thanks to the captains and over 250 canvassers
for your dedication and bard work Canvassers go door-to-
door in botb urban and rural areas of Soutb Huron to
raise funds so that we may continue support to people we
The support for your Association as expressed in tbese
donations truly comes as an encouragement as we
endeavor to support others in living useful and satisfying
Ifyou were missed on the canvass and would like to sbare
in this effort, please address your donation to P.O. Box 29,
Dasbwoo4 Ontario, NOM 1NO. A tax deductible receipt will
be mailed backed to you with our thanks.
John J. Gray, Executive Director
Herb J. Verbeek, President
To all L-1-1 clubs on your
80th Anniversary
our cotitrlbutl'ovrs to the community
are a real asset
Hill irs Hill
233-7908 uwno 233-3218
SuppiNrs of &..d Com, SoybMsna, Whoa!
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Save 15% 3 NO TAX DAYS
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T -Shirts from Africa Reg. 18.45 Special $14.99
Wooden Knife Block Reg. 12.00 Special $9.00
Jewellery Boxes Reg. 18.00 Special $10.00
Shell Picture FramesReg. 27.00 Special $18.00
b66 th?,8C;�3
Your support of our FLOWERS OF HOPE CAMPAIGN bas
totaled $22,300. As in the past,we confined our canvass to
the montb of May and found you responded witb your
generosity in helping us reach our goal.
A special thanks to the captains and over 250 canvassers
for your dedication and bard work Canvassers go door-to-
door in botb urban and rural areas of Soutb Huron to
raise funds so that we may continue support to people we
The support for your Association as expressed in tbese
donations truly comes as an encouragement as we
endeavor to support others in living useful and satisfying
Ifyou were missed on the canvass and would like to sbare
in this effort, please address your donation to P.O. Box 29,
Dasbwoo4 Ontario, NOM 1NO. A tax deductible receipt will
be mailed backed to you with our thanks.
John J. Gray, Executive Director
Herb J. Verbeek, President
To all L-1-1 clubs on your
80th Anniversary
our cotitrlbutl'ovrs to the community
are a real asset
Hill irs Hill
233-7908 uwno 233-3218
SuppiNrs of &..d Com, SoybMsna, Whoa!