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Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd.
HENSALL Ontario is remaining in business as usual -
at Hensall Ontario until further notice.
Sorting fat cattle Fridays and picking up veal calves
and cows on Saturday morning for Talbotville Livestock
Exchange Ltd., Talbotville Ontario.
Western stockers arriving daily.
Receiving fat hogs for Ontario Pork Producers'
Tuesdays - 7;00 a.m. until noon.
Buying sows and boars for export on Tuesdays.
For information call
Barry Miller 519-235-2717
Mobile 519-661-8956
Office 519-262-2831
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Community of area churches
planning a joint worship service
A half hour of music
will precede the ser-
Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Jim All-
sop was in charge of the regular
church service on Sunday morning.
The Responsive Reading was tak-
en from the service book "Thanks-
giving for harvest" Psalm 67. The'
choir sang 'A Song and a prayer"
accompanied by organist Marilyn
The children's hymn was sung,
"Father lead me day by day" and
Rev. Allsop told the children a sto-
ry about love. The scripture lesson
Acts 16:6-15 and Revelations
21:10-22, 22:5 was read by Marion
Rev. Allsop read from the Gospel
of John 14:23-29. The title of his
sermon was 'The peace that in-
The closing hymn 'h is well with
my soul' was sung.
Coming events
On Friday, May 26 at 7 p.m. at
Thames Road, Loonie Tunes will
meet for a Movie Night.
The Community of area churches
are planning a worship service at
Thames Road United at 10:30 a.m.,
Sunday, May 28. There will be a
half hour of music and sing song
from 10:30 until 11:00 a.m. Jeff
Swan of St. Marys will be the guest
On Thursday, June 1 at 9:30 a.m.
the Sunbeams summer wrap up
party will be held at Warwick's
Jersey Farm. The rain date is June
Thames Road Sunday School
children will be joining the Elim-
ville Sunday School children on on
June 4, for their M&S walk-a-thon.
On Monday, June 5 the U.C.W.
will hold their meeting with Mari-
lyn Pym, Dorothy Duncan, Mary
Rowcliffe and Helen Hodgert on
the program committee. Roll call
will be 'bring an annual for the
church's flower beds'. Lunch will
be provided by group W.
On Sunday June 18, Elimville
Sunday School will celebrate their
anniversary. Thames Road Sunday
School will celebrate their anniver-
sary on June 25.
Very glad to report Mac Hodgert
returned home this past week from
St. Joseph's Health Centre, London
after having undergone surgery.
Get well wishes are extended to
Elliott McRoberts, after falling and
injuring his back. He has under-
gone surgery at University Hospi-
tal, London.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde were Sat-
urday evening supper guests with
Lloyd and Dorothy Knight of Exet-
Lucan lawyer speaks to Granton
Women's Institute members
He spoke to the
group about power -of
attorney legislation.
Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Muriel Lewis was
the hostess for the Granton Wom-
en's Institute meeting held at the
St. Thomas' Anglican churchon
Monday evening, May 15, assisted
by Olive Hodgins.
Clandeboye W.I. members were
guests for a smorgasbord supper at
7:00. The program topic was 'Citi-
zenship and Legislation' and the
roll call was answered with a law
frequently broken.
Lucan lawyer Robert Benner
spoke on legislatior regarding pow-
er of attorney and wills, etc. The
power is the paper or document and
the attorney is the person who
needs it. A high degree of trust is
involved and the attorney should
keep possession of the paper until it
is needed. There are powers of at-
torney and alternates, one for mon-
ey and property and one for person-
al care.
Olive Hodgins read 'To the dan-
delion'. A reading 'Lilacs' was giv-
en by Velma Hodgins and Olive
concluded the program with 'Six
days make one weak.'
A report of the district annual
was given and tentative plans were
made for the next meeting on June
20 to visit Fanshawe Pioneer Vil-
lage in the afternoon.
Anglican church
There was no service at the St.
Thomas' Anglican Church on Sun-
day, May 21 because of the anni-
versary at St. Patrick's, Saintsbury,
which several from Granton attend-
ed. The Rev. Stephen Emery's
message was about the promise of
Jesus, the Comforter who hears the
cry and is ever near.
A time of fellowship followed
the service. Service time next Sun-
day in Granton is 11 a.m.
United church
At the Granton United church on
,Spnday. Pastor Normalie Voakes
entitled her sermon 'The Highways
and Byways to God'. Flowers were
placed in the church from the fu-
neral of Gary Goulding, son-in-law
of Malcolm and Margaret Spence.
The United Church is holding a
yard sale at the park on Saturday,
May 27, from 9:00 a.m. to 12
Beaming for her parents
Christy Hartman demonstrates her beam routine for parents
invited to the last meeting of Hensall gymnastics for this
group. Kelly -Lynn Smith and Michelle Kinsman help her keep
her balance. The children from three years to ten years old,
have been practicing for 20 weeks in Hensall Public School.
Horticultural Society
Several people from Granton at-
tended the Kirkton ' Horticultural
Society meeting at the K -W Com-
munity Centre on Wednesday
night, May 17.
Becky Kindree convened the Op-
timist luncheon and euchre at the
Masonic Hall on Friday, May 19.
Nora Wissel and Glen Blake had
the high scores and everyone else
received consolation prizes.
Norah Wissel and Muriel Lewis
spent a few days Last week on a bus
trip to Tulip Time in Ottawa.
Times -Advocate,
Auction Sales
Gertie Fleischauer
ZURICH - Zurich Senior Diners
met Wednesday May 17 with a
good attendance. Each table was
centred with red and white tulips.
Tammy Antaya welcomed every-
one and guest Marilyn Marriott of
South River Ontario, daughter of
Gwen McKeller.
Margaret Hess was the 50/50
winner. A poem 'Tulip Time' was
read by Gwen McKeller. Idella
Gabel treated the diners to beauti-
ful piano solo.
Four tables of solo and euchre
was enjoyed.
Popular paperbacks available:
C5 The Workman Collection:
What to expect
when you're expecting
What to expect The 1st Year
What to Expect The Toddler
U The Canadian Parents
O 10,000 Popular
Baby Names
D Johnson & Johnson:
From Baby to Toddler
Exeter • 235-1331
on location in the village of Crediton
For Mrs. Gerry Smith who has moved to Exeter.
PROPERTY: An immaculate residence known as 39 Victoria St.
Crediton, known municipally as W. Pt Lot 18, E Pt Lot 19, Plan 211,
Stephen Twp. An extremely well kept -home featuring 3 bedrooms up
and 1 down, eat in kitchen, dining and living rooms, 4 pc. bath, newer
cupboards, open stairway in front hall, nearly all new windows, stained
glass, hi -efficiency gas furnace, municipal water, 4 appliances, incl.
nice open porch on front and closed sun porch on back. 2 bay detached
garage in beautiful backyard with privacy hedge. For viewing contact the
auctioneer. Terms: $5,000 down sale day, balance in 30 days, subject
to reserve. Full list of antiques and furnishings In next weeks paper.
Auctioneer: Bob Heywood Res. 235-0874 Bus. 235-4469
Thurs Ipy �vegqlrt>ot.��l1A1Iav 2�a�
gt Bob Heywood a Auction Crtn. 586 Maj St. Exeter
From the Stephen Twp. century home of Mrs. E. Krueger plus additions
from Mrs. McIver of London.
HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES: 5 pc. Victorian parlour set incl. settee
and rocking and stationary chairs, walnut dining table and 6 chairs,
maple dining table and 4 chairs (good), 2-3 pc. bedroom suites, several
chests of drawers and dressers, china cabinets, glider rocker,
chesterfield and chairs, 2 corner what-nots, several wicker ferneries
and chair, blanket boxes, coffee and end tables, old antique tables, 2
door filing cabinet, 2 colour TVs and VCR, Inglis appliances - like new -
30" elec. range, washer and dryer, dishwasher, spin washer -dryer, 1
unique low back arm chair, china and glass, nic nacs, many collectible
smalls incl. graniteware, enamelware, woodenware, several crocks and
baskets, milk cans, wagon wheels, old wooden boxes - advertising,
Enterprise sausage press and old butcher boxes, linens - dollies,
hooked mats, picture frames, lamps, chest freezer, 2 antique wooden
arm chairs, hand and garden tools, wheelbarrow, bicycle, oak plant
table, set of shower doors, good air conditioner, apt. size chest freezer,
and hundreds of useful and collectible items.
AUCTION NOTE: Thursday evening June 1 at 5 p.m. at Bob Heywood's
Auction Centre Complete liquidation of Critters Corner Pet Store plus
household items for Mrs. D. Jones of Ailsa Craig and several antiques
from a Lucan area home. Pet store items to sell at 5 p.m.
Auctioneer: Bob Heywood Res. 235-0874 Bus. 2354469
Large Auction Bale
To be held at Richard Lobb's Auction Building In Clinton for
several consigners Including 6 bicycles for Clinton Police.
day May 27 at 9 a m.
Horse drawn buggy and fancy high racing cutter, Snapper riding
lawnmower, JD 25A 6 1/2 ft. 3 PT hitch, flail finishing mower,
single axle trailer 6 1/2 ft. x 10 1/2 ft. with ramp tail gate, 410
single barrel shotgun, 6 bicycles, 22 rifle, push gas lawnmower, 5
inch vice, Makita cutoff saw, Orbit HD bench model drill press,
bench grinder, TV towers, 68 ft., 44 ft., 52 ft., all self supporting,
40 h. lag on tower, 12 volt boat winch nearly new, bolt bin with
stainless steel bolts, 3 section of scaffolding, wheel barrow,
some hand topls, 2 step ladders, etc.
FURNITURE, APPLIANCES: Upright piano bench (looks good),
Casio electronic keyboard, upright freezer, fridge both good, 2
floor model colour TVs, portable TV, dehumidifier, 2 air
conditioners, Lazy Boy recliner 1 yr. old, antique top hat, wicker
arm chair, large trunk, antique high chair, oil lamps, 3 rocking
chairs, oak office desk, good one, computer table, 6 chesta beds,
chesterfield, upholstered swivel rockers, camp stoves, garden
tools, large offering of dishes, glassware and interesting small
Items etc. etc.
Terms: Cash or cheque with proper ID.
Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton
Thurs. June 1 at 5 p.m. - Allis 185 tractor, JD 2130, JD 1830
tractors, 2 forage wagons, farm maehlnery, some small items for
Fr- Potter and Adam Wilson.
Of household furnishings,
antiques, shrubs, vehicles,
tools (old and new) misc. etc.
Ilderton Masonic Hall,
Ilderton, Ont. A few miles N.W.
of London
Fri. everting, May 26, 6 p.m.
HOUSEHOLD: Side by side
fridge with ice maker, deep
freezers, other fridges, tables
and chairs, microwaves,
chests of drawers, French
Provincial chesterfield and
chair (real good), excellent buf-
fet and serving table, beds,
dressers, Clare Jewell cook
stove, natural gas space heat-
er, wood stove, stereos, floor
and table lamps, baby furni-
ture, desk and chair, air condi-
tioner, sewing machine, knick-
knacks of all kinds, good and
everyday dishes, pots and
pans, small appliances, odd
chairs, filing cabinets, linens,
bedding, pictures, fans, leath-
er sofa set, rugs and underlay,
lawn chairs, books etc.
ANTIQUES: Carpenters chest
and old tools, hall tree, iron
kettle, Rosewood table, old
chests, various collector
plates, old steel crochet
hooks, collection of 1985
Harley Davison beer cans,
large green bottle in basket,
MISC: Cannon electric type-
AP110 with tapes, com-
puters - Tandy TTL -5, key-
disc storage modules,
switching power supply,
screens etc., hand and garden
tools, car stands, hydraulic
jacks, floor jacks, grinder, etc.
SHRUBS: Will be sold at 7
p.m. 200 assorted such as
Globe cedars, spreading and
upright Junipers, flowering
bushes, etc.
Suzi motorcycle, Volkswagen 3
wheel trike (one of a kind),
Ford 75 riding lawnmower and
other mowers, bikes. Sold at
7:30 p.m.
The above is from several
estates from London, Ailsa
Craig and Ilderton, Komoka.
This is a partial list only, plan
to attend. We do not charge a
buyers premium at our
TERMS: Cash sale night or
approved cheque. Lunch
Filson & Robson
Phone/Fax: 686-0833
• • •
May 24, 1995 Page 25
For Mr. Orval Sleepers, Lot 25,
con. 12, Blanchard Twp., on
townline just North of Prospect
Hill and east of Granton or 6
mi. west of St. Marys. From
*7 Hwy. take County Rd. 50
north (Watch for signs)
Saturday May 27 -12 noon
HOUSEHOLD: Admiral fridge
and electric stove matching
gold, Maytag automatic wash-
er and dryer (like new), buffet,
table and chairs, large
Spanish style bedroom suite
with large chest and dresser
with double mirrors, chester-
fields, love seat, coffee and
end tables, odd chairs,
Gerhard Hientzman piano and
bench, lamps, VCR and speak-
ers, fireplace set, rockers, vel-
vet chair, everyday dishes,
glassware, stereo's, pictures,
Westinghouse deep freeze,
BBQ, baby cribs, manual type-
writer, rug, Atri game, etc. Full
length leathet coat size 7/8.
ANTIQUES: Buffet with mirror,
picture frames, dresser, small
tables, quilting rack, buck saw,
coal oil lamp, small butter
churn, 2 French doors with
beveled glass, pcs. of beveled
glass, etc.
Sterling silver ingets set in dis-
play case, 17 flags of Canada,
plus other collector items.
MISC. Cockshutt 550 gas trac-
tor, 3 pt. h. snowblower,
chains, Oliver 3 pt.h. 3 fur.
Kplow, 8' & 10' 3 pt.h. cultiva-
tors, harrows, side rake, 3.5
(hp roto tiller, McCullough 18"
(chainsaw, cast iron sewer
I(pipe, 200 gal. fuel tank, fur-
nace fan, picnic table, ski-
Cboose, lawn fert and seed
spreader, dog house, wire
cage, cedar posts, logging
chains, bike, Santa Claus, alu-
Cminum ladder, wheelbarrow,
section for 108" garage door
Cwith windows, firewood, 22
single shot gun, barb wire,
steel posts, lumber, wheels,
farm tile, kitchen exhaust fan,
all kinds of tools both garden
and power etc., nails, tar
paper, ping pong table, lawn
roller, etc. etc.
LAWNMOWER: 12 hp 125 Cub
'Cadet with Cobler engine with
42" mower, also power
We do not charge a buyers
premium at our auction.
(519) 225-2365.
TERMS: Cash sale day or
approved cheque with I.D.
Lunch booth.
Flison & Robson
Phone/Fax: 666-0833
Saturday, June 3 at 10:30 a.m.
For the estate of the late Karl Heideman
PARCEL 1: Plan 321, Lot 15 and north part lot 24 in the village of Zu-
rich. Located at 48 Goshen St. North, Zurich. The property has a large
frame house with livingroom, dining room, kitchen, sunroom, 3 + 1
bedrooms, 3 piece bathroom steel roof, oil heat and hardwood floors
on a Targe lot with a small garage. Zoned R2.
PARCEL 2: Plan 323 lot H in the village of Zurich consists of approxi-
mately 3.75 acres. Lot is cleart with a 66 ft. approach to the lot from
John Street. Located on the Northwest edge of Zurich. Zoned FD.
Terms 10% down with balance due in 30 days.
Properties sell at 1 p.m. subject to a modest reserve bld.
HOUSEHOLD: Round oak dining room table with 6 chairs, bow glass
china cabinet, sideboard with mirror, drop leaf table, 6 wood chairs,
parlour tables, wood rocking chair, dresser with mirror, fern stands,
mantel clock, wood bed with dresser, pine dresser, blanket box, cedar
chest, two 3 mirror dressers, two cane seat stools, wood bed with bow
shaped baseboard, headboard, washstand with towel rack, brass bed,
iron bed, lamps, chesterfield and matching chair, old picture frames,
paintings, two 6 gal. crocks, cuckoo clock, copper boiler, quilts, blan-
kets, hooked and new weaved mats, linens, feather pillows, mirrors,
fine china, ten cups and saucers, dishes, silverware, English, German,
carnival and depressiol 'randy dishes, cream and sugars, plates, plat-
ters, silver tea set, 19L . Coronation plate, salt and peppers, wood
chest and 12 piece community plate silverware, small butter churn and
many other collectibles. Maytag refrigerator, Hardwick propane stove,
Inglis wringer washer, small electric appliances, Simplicity spin washer,
singer sewing machine.
MACHINERY: Ford 3,000 gas tractor (like new), 3 pt. hitch blade, roto -
,y mower, 2 furrow Deering plows, 1980 Oldsmobile, loaded, 4 door,
selling as is, horse cutter, 2 buggies, sulky, two wheel trailer, McCor-
mick -Deering drop head hay loader, 800 Ib. Lety fert. spreader, trial
disc, plows, cultivator, fanning mill, snowblower, land packer, 11-4 42
combine, flat rack, 2 iH seed drills, harrows, dump rake, many hand
tools, Targe amount of scrap iron.
Plan to attend this large offering of two generations.
Tenni: Cash. Lunch booth.
To view these properties please call