HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-05-17, Page 16TOWNSHIP OF BIDDULPH
TAKE NOTICE THAT in accordance with paragraph 210 (111) of the Municipal Act R.S.O.
1990, the Corporation of the Township of Biddulphhas enacted a by-law to name the roads
in the municipality as outlined below
Sideroad 5 from Conc. 1 to Conc. 4 Mount Carmel Drive
Sideroad 10 from Conc. 1 to Conc. 6 Mare Drive
Sideroad 15 from Conc. Ito Conc. 8 Mororesville Drive
Sideroad 20 from Conc. 1 to Ausable River McGillivray Drive
Sideroad 20 from Conc. 4 to Conc. 12 Breen Drive
Hodgins St. from Conc. 1 to Hwy. No.4 Clandeboye Drive
St. Jam: Drive from Hwy. #4 to Ausable River St. James Drive
Siderit woe.-: /-_,. - from Corn. 3+0Catc &2 . Fallon (rive
Sideroad 25 from Conc. 13 to Conc. 14 Awmik Drive
Sideroad 30 from Conc. 1 to Lucan Boundary William Street
Sideroad 30 from Conc. 7 to Conc. 14 Observatory Drive
Sideroad 30 from Conc. 15 to Cnty. Rd. 50 Revere Drive
Sideroad 35 from Conc. 1 to Conc. 6 Airport Drive
lane on Lot 24. S.B. Conc. Belleview Lane
Hwy. No. 7 from Conc. 1 to N.B. Conc Elginfield Road
Cnty. Rd. 22 from S.B. Conc. to Hwy. No.4 Denfield Road
Conc. 2-3 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Cone. Coursey tine
Conc. 4-5 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Conc. Saintsbury line
Conc. 6-7 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. conc. Roman Line
Hwy. No.4 from S.B. Conc. toN.B. conc. Richmond Street
Nagle Drive Conc. 6, Pt. Lot 10, SLR. nagle Drive
Conc.. 8-9 from S.H. conc. to N.B.Conc. Mitchell fine
Conc. 10-11 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Conc. Stonehouse line
Cnty. Rd. 59 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Cone. Granton line
Conc. 14-15 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. conc. Clarke Road
Cnty. Rd. 50 hum S.B. conc. to N.B. Conc. Prospect Hill Road
N.B. Conc. from Hwy. No. 4 to Hwy. No.7 Whalen Line
Funher information concerning these street names changes may be obtained at the
Township of Biddulph Office, R.R. 3 Lucan ON.
Dated at the Township of Biddulph this 24th day of April, 1995.
`` Lawrence G. Hutson,
` __ _ Clerk -Treasurer
Times -Advocate, May 17, 1995
Page 15
Bake sale and tea held at Blue Water Nursing Home
ZURICH - The annual Mother's
Day Bake Sale and Tea held at the
Blue Water Rest Home on Saturday
had a good turnout.
The women residents wore flow-
er corsages, courtesy of the Auxil-
Lucky winner of the decorated
cake made by Mary -Lou Erb was
Auxiliary president Donna Klopp,
and the crib quilt made by Ina Neeb
was won by Terese Stark.
St. Boniface C.W.L. held their
monthly meeting on May 16. They
are having a bakeless bake sale to
raise money for the league. You
can put a donation in a marked en-
velop in the collection basket until
the end of May.
A special Mass will be said for
the intentions of Dennis and Geral-
dine Charrette in honour of their
60th wedding anniversary on Sun-
day, May 21 at 2:00 p.m. by their
son Father Richard Charrette. Ann
open house will follow in the Par-
ish Hall until 4 p.m. Everyone is
Dan and Karen Masse spent a
weekend up north visiting her rela-
tives and attending a confirmation.
John and Bridget Groot Sr. along
with son Dave and Sheri Groot of
Fergus, spent the previous week-
end, May 7, near Ottawa at the
home of Chris and Rhonda Groot
This notice is to advise residents of the County of Huron that
the County will be
in rural areas commencing June 5, 1995, for a period of
approximately 12-14 weeks. Pesticides to be used are
ESTAPROP, Registration No. 14803; AMITROL-T, Registration
No. 16548, and DIPHENOPROP 700, Registration No. 15707.
To be controlled are noxious weeds as per the Provincial Weed
Control Act.
This notice complies with regulation 914 of the Pesticides Act.
For further information and for the locations of the roads to be
treated, please call the Huron County Weed Inspector at 519-.
524-8394. Collect calls will be accepted.
to all persons in possession of lands in the Mu
the County of Huron as follows:
Clerk Town.
L. Andrew Clinton
J. Stewart Exeter
S. trodden Goderich
B. Knight Seaforth
J. Zimmerman Wingham
M.E. Greb
B. Shaddick
M. McClure yWaiie
N. Michie Bayfield
A. Willert Blyth
E. Wawanosh
W. Wawanosh
L. Brown
J. McLachlan
D. Kelly
S. Strang
W. Thompson
J. Armstrong
nicipalities in
M. Jefferson
E. Bell
L. McCabe
J. Crocker
B. Adams
P. Graham
J. Wheeler
D. White
L. Phair
M. Simmons
In accordance with the Weed Control Act, Statutes of Ontario,
1990, Chapter W5, Sections 3, 16 and 23, that unless noxious
weeds growing on their lands are destroyed by JUNE 5, 1995
and throughout the Season, the Municipality may enter upon
said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs
against the land in taxes, as set out in the Act. Velvet Leaf is
named as a noxious weed in most municipalities, and Giant
Cow Parsnip (Hogweed) in all County municipalities.
The co-operation of all citizens Is solicited.
Weed Inspector
County of Huron
and attended a first communion of
their daughter.
Sympathy of the community goes
to the family and relatives of the
late Avila (Bill) Ducharme, who
passed away on May 13; and to the
relatives of Myrtle (Sally) Francis,
London, who passed away on May
12. She is a sister to Gord and Kay
Hay and Erla Smale of Zurich.
A buck and doe was held for Ai-
mee Gelinas and Darren Rau at the
Community Centre on Friday night.
On Saturday night a buck and
doe was held for Paul Smith and
Melanie Bricker at the Dominion
A bridal shower was held recent-
ly at St. Boniface Parish Hall for
Melanie Bricker of Goderich. She
is the fiancee of Paul Smith, son of
Gord and Cecilia, Zurich.
The couple are planning to be
married June 3.
Happy birthday wishes to Sylvia
Mittleholtz on May 6, to Marcel
Gelinas on May 16 and Marc Geli-
nas on May 18.
Joey and Patti Groot have recent-
ly moved into the former home of
his parents, John Sr., at RR 1 Zu-
Marc and Kathy Kelly, North
Bay, spent the weekend with Mo-
zart and Julie Gelinas Jr. and at-
tended the confirmation held at St.
Boniface Church fin Saturday.
Ruth Gingerich, teller at the Bank
of Montreal, has now been trans-
ferred to Goderich. Sheila Brooks
of Grand Bend has taken her place.
The community welcomes to
town Jack and Urszula Wisniewski,
new owners of the Zurich Pharma-
A farewell goes to Jim and
Heather Keller who have moved to
Ted and Sadi Klopp's niece and
nephew from Clyde Bank, Scotland
visited them on the weekend. They
are now staying with other relatives
in Toronto before returning home.
Chris Littlechild, Lt. Governor
for the Zone of the Optimist Club,
along with husband Nick recently
attended a quarterly meeting held
in Windsor at the Ramada Inn.
They are also planning to attend the
Optimist Club Convention in Chat-
ham at the Wheels inn in Atrgtdl !!
Denise Meidinger recently spent
a week in Halifax visiting her sis-
Stephanie Erb flew to Halifax
from Toronto last week, along with
five other students from Ontario
and their coach from Cambridge to
take part in the National Junior
High School Debating Champion-
ship competition from May 11 to
On Wednesday May 17, Stepha-
nie, along with her parents, Phil
and Laurie will attend a dinner re-
ception in Toronto with the Lt.
Governor to recognize the students
on the debating team.
Vicki Rau, daughter of Clarence
and Sharon Rau, RR 2 Zurich, re-
turned home May 5 after being in
Gaspe, Quebec for the past three
months as an exchange student.
The grade seven and eight stu-
dents of St. Boniface and from St.
Peter's Parish, St. Joseph, received
the sacrament of confirmation on
Saturday, May 13 with Bishop
Sherlock and Fr. Wronski officiat-
ing. The Knights of Columbus
fourth degree members were in at-
Bus trip
There will be a bus trip May 27
to the Mennonite Relief Sale in
New Hamburg. The group will
have supper at the Stone Crock in
St. Jacobs, then do some shopping
before returning home. A four day
trip to Nashville is planned for June
30 to July 3 for line dancing and a
bus trip July 10 to 13 will go to
Pennsylvania Dutch country. Phone
Doug Erb at 236-4052 for informa-
tion on these trips.
K of C
The K. of C. of St. Boniface had
a communion breakfast on Sunday,
May 14 in the Parish Hall after the
two masses. Their monthly meeting
was held on Monday with speaker
Janice Hayter -Oke, a VON nursing
Cubs need leaders
The Zurich Cubs need some more
leaders. If you can help out in any
way, phone Theresa Ver Hoog at
Have a news tip?
all the Tfrnes-Advoc
The Bean Sprouts Nursery
School will be having an open
house on Tuesday, May 23 and Fri-
day,•May 26 from 9:00 a.m. to
11:00 a.m. with registration held on
May 26 from 4 to 8 p.m.
For more information phone Car-
olyn Mathonia at 236-4388.
The 4-H achievement night was
held at the home of leader Sylvia
Neeb, May 8 with the girls' moth-
ers attending and one grandmother.
The girls showed their mothers
what they had learned in the six
week sewing course, and displayed
the articles they had made, such as
pillow cases, vests, scissor cases,
pothglders, cloth purses, skirts,
hand puppets and pillows.
The girls received 4-H plaques
for their attendance.
Sylvia and Margaret Deichert
were the leaders.
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers celebrated
their 20th anniversary May 8 at the
Township Hall with a supper. For-
mer members were guests.
Lutheran Women
Nineteen members of the Evan-
gelical Lutheran Women met on
May 9, at the Fellowship Hall, to
hear guest speakers Gena Calay--of---
Belgium and Claudia Guerrere of
Dominican Republic.
The girls, aged 18 and 19, are ex-
change students living in this area.
Each spoke on their own country,
giving a brief tour, with the aid of
pictures, books slides, and their
own life experience as a student
away from home. Both will be glad
to return home to their families, but
will miss the friends they have
made here in Canada.
Hay Days draw
The first draw of the "Hay Days
'96 Cash Draw" was held Wednes-
day, May 10 at the Zurich Branch
of the Hensall Co-op. Lucky win-
ners of $100 each were Paulette
Taylor of RR 1 Grand Bend, Franc-
es Ayotte of RR I Hay. The next
draw will be May 24.
Senior Diners
A Mother's Day dinner was
served to 50 Senior Diners
Wednesday, May 10 at the Com-
munity Centre. Pink and white was
olour.thaune for the occasion.
ammy Antaya welcomed the
• diners. Sheldon Wein was the 50/
50 winner. A poem 'A mother's
love is always there' was given by
Gertie Fleischauer. Door prizes
were won by Vera Haberer, Dolly
Jeffrey, Elsie Stewart, Ross Horner
and Tony Denomme.
Tammy Antaya read a poem
'When God created mothers'. En-
tertainment was provided by the
Zurich Line Dancers. Solo and.eu-
chre games were enjoyed.
Preparing for Co-op Fair
Co-op students at SHDHS are preparing their presentations
for the Co-op Fair on May 18, for their employers, other stu-
dents, and the public. The students will be explaining what
they have learned at their job placements, and how it can
benefit other students. From front to back: Jodie Glavin,
placement at Pinery Provincial Park; Rebekah Tuck, Exeter
Public School; and Karen Lovie, Exeter Public School.
la Fifth generation Huron County
Married for 36 years to wife
Proud father of 5 adult children,
and grandfather of soon to be 7
la Long-standing and active member
of the Londesboro United Church
Former Boy Scout leader
John Jewitt's greatest source of pride Is that both he and five generations of his
family are firmly rooted In the soil of Huron County.
"The County of Huron has some very fine families and the Jewitt name Is one of
them. John Jewltt's dedication to his community Is an extension of his humble
upbringing and a tribute to the family institution. John will go to Queen's Park and set
an example because of his Huron County roots."
Jack Riddell, former M.P.P. and Minister of Agrlculture, Stephen
John Jewitt believes that family values have lost their place In society, and that
these ideals need to be reinforced in the Legislature of Ontario by somebody who
represents them In his own life.
For more information or a ride to the polls on June 8 call
23 Victoria Street Clinton (519) 482-1220
Exeter Committee Room, 415 Main Street (519) 235-4451