HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-05-17, Page 7Page 6 Times -Advocate, May 17, 1995 FAM[LY Forthcoming marriage - George and Elaine Keller and Larry and Marilyn MacNeill are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Jeff and Keltie. Wed- ding ceremony to take place on Saturday, May 27th at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church, Zurich. Wedding re- ception at Zurich Community Centre at 9 p.m. Forthcoming marriage - Dave and Deanna Brock of RR2 Staffa, Ontario wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their son, Timothy Da- vid to Lesley Katherine, daughter of Don and Margo Ford Of GLoucester, Ont. The wedding will take place in June in Ottawa, Ontario. Geraniums presented to children 'Mothers and Others' enjoyed their annual luncheon. Muriel Lewis GRANTON - Tickets were sold out for the annual Mothers and Oth- ers geranium luncheon which was enjoyed at the Granton United Church on Saturday, May 13. A short program followed when Amelia Jameson. as "Worried," Carlene Goos as "out of the Pic- ture', Edna Wallis as "Hopeless" and Doreen McRohert as "Scared" read letters about their problems to God. Madeline Hardie read each of the answers from God. The children were then called for- ward and welcomed by Doreen and were each given one of the many geraniums which decorated the ta- bles. Melissa Harding was the lucky door prize winner. Geraniums lined the steps at the entrance to the church and were lat- er offered for sale. ACW The St. Thomas' A.C.W. met at the home of Irene Roloson on Thursday evening, May 11. The co- ordinator Cathie Westman led the discussion regarding the present sit- uation at the church. Irene's great snacks sweetened up the social time which followed. At the St. Thomas' Anglican church on Sunday, May 14 the Rev. Stephen Emery led the service of morning prayer. His message was about being loved by Jesus uncon- ditionally with all one's light and darkness and making a lifelong commitment to receive the love of God. There will be no service at the church next Sunday because of the anniversary at Saintsbury. The parish bible study group met at the rectory in Kirkton on Wednesday, May 10. At the Granton United Church on Christian Family Sunday and Moth- er's Day, Pastor Normalie Voakes entitled her sermon 'The Newest Addition.' Welcomed into the church by baptism were Mitchell Ewen Ben- ner, son of Donald and Heather March for Jesus Extravagant expression of Prayer and praise EXETER - The March for Jesus is an expression of new vitality among Christians. It is an event which is capturing the hearts and minds of many people in the nations all over the World. It is a vehicle for calling God's people to take to the streets, sim- ply to exalt Jesus. Why bother with a march?? How can a Christian remain silent, when Christians throughout the rest of the world are shouting out the Love all Christians share. It is not a parade, rather it is an extravagant ex- -- - pression of Prayer and Praise and a visible procla- mation that Jesus Lives! Why bother? Rather ask; How can I not join it! In the early 1980s the first marches were held in England, that time an English musician Graham Kendrick began to write "make way marches" one familiar song is "shine Jesus Shine". The first major march was held in London, England in 1987. The or- ganizers had hoped to see 5,000 people. On May 21 1987 15,000 Chris- tians marched, for 1988, 60,000 participated. 1989 September 16, 200,000 Christians across the UK showed their unity. May 23, 1992 Christians around the world, hundreds of thousands of them, all marched for Jesus. In Canada 18,000 Christians marched in some nine centres. June 25 1994 over 173,000 Christians in Canada from 200 towns and cities from St. Johns, Newfoundland to Victoria, B.C. from Windsor, Ont. in the south to Yellowknife in the north. With only si7. months of planning, Latin America captured the hearts of almost four million Christians. Throughout the world Christians wanted to be a part of celebration. Now also the Christians in our arca want to be a part outpouring of uni- ty in their love for Jesus. A number of churches have decided to organize a march right here in Exeter. The year 1996 was chosen because not enough time was availa- ble to organize a march for this year. May 27, Saturday morning at 10:00, many Exeter Christians will be marching for Jesus in Stratford. For more info call; Harold Devries 235-0941 Mary de Boer 235 4055 Buses are hired to take you to Stratford. Please register during the fund raising evening. HOMME Meer wa.., ei.1) Tuesday, May 23 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Strathroy Legion (wheelchair accessible) 266 Metcalfe St. W., Strathroy Featuring: ROSS DAILY "Volunteers, the Secret Ingredient" Donations to Area Food Bank graciously accepted as honorarium to Mr. Daily Everyone welcome) RSVP, to VON Office before May 19/95. 245-3856 or 1-800-265-7058 v+wen.n .t°w"iw.. (Bilyea) Benner; Garret Ryan Heming, son of James and Carol (McFalls) Heming; and Mynta Anne Wessman, Carly Louise, Wessman and Maxwell David Douglas Wessman, children of Da- vid Wessman and Anne Mercer. Courtney, Ashley and Whitney Benner helped prepare the water for the baptism. Religion in Life badges were pre- sented to Matthew McRobert and Christopher Hayes by Pastor. Voakes. A pink hydrangea was placed in the church in memory of Margaret Near by her daughter Marsha and Bill and Mary Jones. Mary Waters did the reading of the psalm and the choir sang the 'Family of God'. • UCW Twenty members and guests of Unit three met for a tour of 'Interi- ors' on Tuesday, May 9 at 7:00 which is being held this year at for- mer Premier David Peterson's home in north London. It has been decorated after consultations with the present owners Mr. and Mrs. Leitch and daughters. The group then returned to Mar- guerite Garrett's home for their meeting. President April Bryan welcomed everyone and read a short story about being good stewards of God's world and a reading about gardening. The program for the General U.C.W. in June was discussed when Anne Pincombe will be the speaker and some upcoming cater- ing was announced. Joan Hayden, April and Marguer- ite served fruit cups and cookies. Unit 4 met at Nora Wissel's place on Tuesday night, May 9 when leader Marilyn Humphrey opened the devotional with the bible reading from Genesis and the meditation on hope and humour. The yard sale and other future events were discussed and then Betty Dunn continued the program by breading 'On Wings of Spring'. Marilyn also read 'Do it yourself Mayhem' and 'The Kitchen had Character". After closing with the benediction and grace, Nora and Betty came up with some great hospitality. WI Annual Granton W.I. members Elsie Dann and Muriel Lewis attended the 92nd North Middlesex District Women's Institute Annual hosted by Beechwood W.I. at St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church in Beechwood on Thursday evening, March 11. President Glenna Ladell com- mented on the theme 'Family Com- munication" and concluded her re- marks by saying that one of the most influential things in a child's life is conversation in the home. 4-H The Granton 4-H Beauty Queen held their Achievement Night for the "Here's looking at you" course at the Granton United Church on Wednesday, May 10 when parents and W.I. members were guests. A highlight of the program was a fashion show when the girls mod- elled outfits form Debbie Thom - son's Weekenders Collection. The leader Margaret Bryan re- viewed the aspects of the course and, the books were on display. Mary Mcllhargey had the best book and Susan Bryan and Krystal Harrigan tied for second. New member awards were received by Gemma Vandenberg and Krystal Harrigan. Marian Reith, 4-H Director for the Middlesex 4-H Association was present and commented on various parts of the 4-H program in which members can take part. Barbara Moore was the winner of the door prize. Merry Rags A buoyant collection of unique arid affordable fashions Open 7 days a week 238-2818 1 1/4 miles S. of Grand Bend Come in and check out our BEST SELLER NOVELS 424 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-1331 1 THURSDAY, MAV 18 ONLY 85.00 NHICHANDISE VOUCHER TO THE FIRST 50 PURCHASING CUSTOMERS AT OUR EXETER STORE ONLY. REDEEMABLE IN THE MONTH OF JUNE. 50% OFF With web belt and elastic waistband, 100% cotton Sizes S.M.L REG. 816.99 $8.48 55% OFF BOYS' T-SHIRTS .Rugby striped cotton T's feature screen print, Sizes S,M.L. REO. 86.99 83.99 50% OFF GIRLS' WAFFLE WEAVE T-SHIRTS Assorted colours, Sizes 4-6X.REG. 85.99 52.88 Sizes 2-3X REG. 84.99 $2.48 1/3 OFF MEN'S SUEDE SANDALS Rugged and durable. ideal for an active Summer! Saes 7-12 REG. 817.99 FRIDAY, MAY 19 ONLY FREE LOTTO TICKET TO THE FIRST 50 PURCHASING CUSTOMERS AT OUR EXETER STORE ONLY. 50% OFF BOYS' amen SHORTS Plaid cotton shorts in sizes S,M,L REG. 89.99 54.99 25% OFF War CAMS WORKOUT SHOES 5 -eyelet style shoes with soft terry lining' Sizes 5-11. REG. 87.99 40% OFF LADES' SSS T SHIRTS With mock neck, Soft poly/cotton jersey blend Sizes S,M,L REG. 89.99 $5.99 1/3 OFF MEN'S, LADIES', BOYS' 81 GIRLS' SPORT SANDALS With multi -coloured straps, Assorted sizes REG. 88.99 8 89.99 $5. :,; $11i .49 it 13 ram SATURDAY, MAV 20 ONLY FREE GIFT TO THE FIRST 50 PURCHASING CUSTOMERS AT OUR EXETER STORE ONLY. 50% OFF LITTLE BOYS' T-SHIRTS Choose from a variety of solid colours' Sizes 4-6X. REG. 83.99 50% OFF `CANNON' BATH TOWELS 100% cotton Slight irregulars. REG. 85.99 SAA N Canada's Family Clothing Store EXETER -185 Main Street South PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL MAY 20, 1995. ITEMS AVAILABLE ONLY WHILE OUANTITIES LAST •r, 50% OFF UTILE BOYS' TWILL SHORTS With drawstring waist, Assorted Colours to choose from, Sizes 4-6X REG. 85.99 50% OFF LADES' T-SHIRTS N SIZES 38-44 Embroidered for added style' REG. $17.99 $8•99 A GENIIS COMPANY • II