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Page 12 Times -Advocate, April 26. 1995 cci4A4 U IT1 '
Places in top three
Meaghan Straw Exeter Public School placed in the top three in the physical sciences cat-
egory at the Huron County Science Fair in Goderich. Colin Grasdahl, Stephen Central
placed in the top three in the computer technology.
Crimes o
the week
Theft of fishing equipment
A vehicle was parked on the
south side of the mouth of the river
at Port Albert. The owner had left
for a while and when he returned
the rear window on the topper of
the truck had been broken into and
the fishing equipment had been sto-
len. The theft occurred on April 5,
1995 at approximately 3:30 p.m.
Theft of truck, Blyth
Sometime between 10 p.m., April
10 and 7 a.m., April 11, unknown
persons stole a pickup truck from
G.L. Hubbard Ltd., Dinsley Street,
Blyth. The truck was later recov-
ered on April 11 in a field on con-
cession 10, Turnberry Township.
Mischief, Exeter
On March 19, 1995, culprits did
damage to the Exeter high school.
Green paint was used to do some
graffiti on the windows, doors, the
brick wall, and a trailer sitting to
the southeast of the gym. Two sus-
pects approximately 15 years old
were seen around the school when
the damage may have happened.
Theft, Hensall
A scale was stolen from a trailer
at Cooks Mill in Hensall. The scale
is used to obtain the correct weight
samples of grain being hauled. The
theft occurred sometime after
March 14, 1995.
Veteran attends service Adult Drop-in
Art Bell travels to
visit the graves of
Canadian WW2 soldiers
By Ingrid Nielsen
T -A Staff
As the water washed up on the
shores of Holland on May 8, 1945,
it brought with it the overwhelming
news that Holland had been liber-
Arthur Bell, a war veteran living
in Lucan will have the chance to
re -live that memory one more time.
In a project co-ordinated by the
Canadian and Dutch governments,
Canadian war veterans, current
members of the armed services,
and politicians are invited to visit
the cemeteries and war memorials
where Canadian soldiers from
World War Two are buried. This
event is to commemorate the 50th
anniversary of the Holland celebra-
Over 5,000 Canadian 'soldiers are
buried in Holland and by the Ger-
man border. Bell is excited and
deeply honoured to have been cho-
sen as one of the 200 Canadian del-
egates to visit these graves.
Bell was a member of the First
Canadian Armoury Personnel Car-
rier Regiment, and he was chosen
to represent them on this trip.
"We carried the infantry in.
Someone came up with the idea
that we needed more protection for
the troops, so they took a few of
the tanks and took the insides right
out of them, and put heavier plat-
ing on the sides. Eleven men could
get inside, away from shrapnel and
you can travel much faster. It saved
a lot of lives," says Bell.
The name for this regiment that
took the infantry into battle was
"the Kangaroos", in the same way
as a mother kangaroo carries her
young in her pouch.
Bell served at the tactical head-
quarters for this regiment, with the
I.O. officer. In total, he served six
years from 1940 to 1946.
Fifty years later, Bell is on his
way back to Holland. He will be
picked up at his house on April 30,
and taken to London. He will then
be taken to Toronto, and will fly to
Amsterdam with the delegation on
May 2. The trip is fully paid for and
scheduled by the Canadian and
Dutch governments.
The group will visit locations
such as the Holten War Cemetery,
and the Groesbeak Cemetery where
2338 Canadians are buried. Shortly
after, the group will travel to Nij-
verdal for the National Liberation
Day ceremony.
"I'm really looking forward to
that," says Bell.
"What stands out in my mind the
most," says Bell, "are the people
who had the least; the Dutch people.
They had so little back then, and
they gave us so much, and this is
another example. They were so
good to us."
Art Bell is on his way overseas, to honour the Canadian
soldiers who were killed in World War Two, and buried in
When asked how he would like
young people to remember the war,
he quickly says, "I never want to
see it again."
Bell also says that maybe the best
thing in the world for young people
today would be to serve'for a year
or two in the Armed Forces. Don't
send them to war, he says, but give
them a sense of confidence and pur-
pose that will help them the rest of
their lives.
"They will never be able to give
orders, if they don't know how to
take them."
Bell is a past president of the Le-
gion in Lucan, a life member of the
Optimist club, and past president of
the Lucan Business Men's Associa-
tion. a�i...
April 24
Carpet bowling
3 games played
Bob Patterson 3 w, score 37
Marsh Dearing 2 w, 1 t, score 35
Henry Drachenberg
2 w, 1 t, score 31
Wilmar Wein 2 w, score 38
Doris Hackney 2 w, score 39
Marion Dearing
John DeWeerd
Ray Hodgson
Ray Smith
Doris Hamilton
1 w, 2 t, score 27
1 w, 1 t, score 32
1 w, 1 t, score 30
1 w, 1 t, score 29
1 w, 1 t, score 34
There was a smaller than usual
turnout for the last poor -boy lunch-
eon of the season. However they
had a good meal - chili followed by
homemade pie. Bowling begins
again the first Monday in October.
Request for Public Opinion
on the Proposed
Nursing Home Annual
Licence Renewal of
• Exeter Villa, Exeter
In accordance with the Nursing Homes Act, public opinion is being
requested prior to a final decision being made on the above.
If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention
of the Ministry of Health, you may submit them in writing by addressing
them to: Director, Residential Services Branch
Ontario Ministry of Health
5700 Yonge Street, 7th Floor
North York, Ontario M2M 4K5
(416) 327-7357, by May 29, 1995
Please include the name of the nursing home and quote Project #013.96
on all written submissions.
The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision.
0 Ontario
Your generosity ran make a big difference to romeone'r life.
The homeless soul searching for a haven. The lonely heart seeking compassion.
The child crying out for comfort. There are the people for whom the
Salvation Army provides help, and then hope, rhe people who need it most.
We ask for them that you give. As much as you can.
Major Donald J. Hollingsworth
Assistant Public Relations Secretary, The Salvation Army,
P.O. Box 4021, Station A, Toronto, OMarlo MSW 2B1
Enclosed please find $_____
I would like someone to call ❑ Phone No
If you'd like more information about us
Province: Postal Code:
Thep, Clinton
Thieves stole a computer monitor
and portable telephone from the
technology 21 centre at the Clinton
high school. The theft took place
on April 4, 1995, sometime after 4
If you have information about
these or any other crimes, call
Crime Stoppers of Huron County,
1-800-265-1777 and you could re-
ceive a reward of up to $1,000.00.
Remember crime doesn't pay,
Crime Stoppers does.
Have a news tip?
Call the Times -Advocate
EFILE your return...
and : et our re nd ast!
I illll ulll 111)%1.II
u l.ul trlNI IISI( Idol{,
476 Main St.S., Exeter
Exeter Business Centre 235-1153
Open Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sat. at 10 a.m.
TAKE NOTICE THAT in accordance with paragraph 210 (111) of the Municipal Act R.S.O.
1990, the Corporation of the Township of Biddulphhas enacted a by-law to name the roads
sumiin the municipality as outlined below
Sideroad 5 from Cone 110 Conc. 4 Mount Cannel Drove
Sideroad 10 from Conc. 1 to Conc. 6 Adare Drive
Sideroad 15 from Conc. 1 to Conc. 8 Mororesville Drive
Sideroad 20from Cone. 1 to Ausable River McGillivray Drive
Sideroad 20 from Conc. 4 to Conc. 12 Breen Drive
Hodgins St,from Conc. 1 to Hwy. No.4 Clandeboye Drive
St. James Drive from Hwy. #4 to Ausable River St. James Drive
Sideroad 25 from Conc. 3 to Conc. 12 Fallon Drive
Sideroad 25 from Conc. 13 to Conc. 14 Awmik Drive
Sideroad 30 from Conc. 1 to Lucan Boundary ltiam Street
Sideroad 30 from Conc. 7 to Conc. 14 Observatory Drive
Sideroad 30 from Conc. 15 to Cnty. Rd. 50 Revere Drive
Sideroad 35 from Conc.1 to Conc. 6 Airport Drive
lane on Lot 24. S.B. Conc. Belleview Lane
Hwy. No. 7from Conc. l to N.B. Conc Elginfield Road
Cnty. Rd. 22 from S.B. Conc. to Hwy. No.4 field
Conc. 2-3 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Conc. CDenoursey lineRoad
Conc. 4 5 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Conc. Sain[sb nv line
Conc. 6-7 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. conc. Roman line
Hwy. No.4 from S.B. Conc. toN.B. conc. Richmond Street
NagleDrneConc. 6, Pt. Lot 10,4.LR nagle Drive
Conc.. 8-9 from S.B. conc. to N.B.Conc. Mitchell Line
Conc. 10-11 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Conc. Stonehouse line
Cnty. Rd. 59 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. Conc. Granton line
Conc. 14-15 from S.B. Conc. to N.B. conc. Clarke Road
Cnty. ltd. 50 from S.B. cone. to N.B. Conc. Prospect Hill Road
N.B. Conc. from Hwy. No. 4 to Hwy. No.7 Whalen line
Further information conceming these street names changes may be obtained ac the
Township of Biddulph Office, R.R. 3 Lucan ON.
Dated at the Township of Biddulph this 24th day of April, 1995.
Lawrence G. Hooson,
'- fieri-TreasurerAP
TAKE NOTICE THAT in accordance with paragraph 210 (111) of the
Municipal Act R.S.O. 1990, the Corporation of the Township of
McGillivray has enacted a by-law to name the roads in the
The Council of the Township of McGillivray held a public meeting
on January 26, 1995, to hear in person or by counsel or agent, any
person who claimed to be adversely affected by the proposed name
The following road names are in accordance with the County of
Middlesex Municipal Addressing Program Guidelines to prepare for
the implementation of the Enhanced 9-1-1 System in 1996.
East West Roads (Drive)
North Boundary -E of Hwy. 81 Mt. Carmel
Lot 1, Conc. 1 Tasko
Sdr. 5-6 Adare
Sdr. 10-11 Mooresville
Cty. Rd. 24 McGillivray
Sdr. 20-21 Clandeboye
Sdr. 25-26 William St.
Sdr. 29-30 Maple Lodge
Con. Rd. 8 (E. of Lieury) Ausable
Conc. Rd. 8 (W of Hwy 81) Mark Settlement
Con. Rd. 6-7 West Corner
S. Boundary (Cty. Rd. 18) Parkhill
S. Boundary (Twp.) McGuffin Hills
County Rd. 5-W of Hwy. 81 Greenway
Con. 21 Lot 11-12 Moray
Sdr. 10-11 ECR to Hwy. 4 Elginfield Rd.
North South Roads
Clandeboye to Hwy. 7
Hwy. 4 (Mt. Carmel Rd. to Clandeboye)
Con. Rd. 4-9
Con. Rd. 2-3
Con. Rd. 10-11
Con. Rd. 12-13
Con. R. 14-15
Con. Rd. 16-17
Con. Rd. 18-19
Con. Rd. 20-21
Hwy. 81 (Parkhill to Mt. Carmel Rd)
Con. Rd. 22-23 (just off Hwy. 81)
Con. Rd. 24-25
Con. Rd. 26-27
Sdr. 25 ECR, Con. 7-8
Con. Rd. 25-26, Con. 5-6
Short Rd in front of Windsor's
Sdr. 15-16 ECR
Sdr. 10-11 ECR
Sdr. c.6 ECR
Richmond St.
Cedar Swamp
Grand Bend
Centre Road Centre
Sdr. 10-11 WCR Harmony
Sdr. 15-16 WCR McInnis
Sdr. 20-21 WCR Prance
Con. 28 Adjacent to River Hagmier
Aux. Sable Conc. (off Cty. Rd. 18) Tow
Further information concerning these names may be obtained from
the Clerk of the Township of McGillivray, at 293-3686.
Dated at the Township of McGillivray, this 5th day of February,
Shirley Scott, A.M.C.T.
Clerk -Treasurer
Township of McGillivray