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Times -Advocate, April 19, 1995
Zurich Town &
Country Lanes
Monday Night Ladies League
Frisky Five - Susan Eckel 667, High
Five - Nell McCann 625, Alley Cats -
Donna Thiel 570, Happy Gang - Pat
Palen 608, Packers - Elaine Weido 604,
Pinpoppers - Carmel Sweeney 564,
Odds 'n' Ends - Karen Campbell 726,
Red Devils - Judy Steuer 589, H.S.
Marilyn Bengough 386, H.T. Sandra
Dickert 820, H.A. Sandra Dickert
Thursday Grand Cove Seniors
Bob Simpson 508, Lyle Solinger
497, Hilda White '446, Marla Wintle
444, Vic Dunbar 444, Mollie Worton
439. L.H.S. Mollie Worton 181,
M.H.S. Bob Simpson 209.
Thursday Golden Agers - 2 games
Elaine Weido 365, Harvey Martin
350, Jack Lillie 315, Rose Priest 291,
Bob Fickling 286, Alf Priest 276.
L.H.S. Elaine Weido 204, M.H.S. Har-
vey Martin 206.
Saturday Y.B.C. Bantams - 3
Brandon Skinner 474, Ryan Rood
414, Derek Ducharme 375, Lance Bed-
ard 361, Ashlee Littlechild 345, Corey
Ducharme 339, Tina Beaudoin 335, Ja-
son Kelders 342, Anita Klaassen 322
Kevin Ducharme 313. Timmy Hay 262
Katie Beaudoin 206.
Peewees & Smurfs - 2 games
Brent Ducharme 195.
Juniors - 3 games
Steven Munn 420, Michael Klaassen
441, Joey Hay 397, Jason Dykstra 387,
Ryan Lloyd 353, Mary Beaudoin 294.
Tuesday Men's League
Ramblers - Larry Smith 672, M[ensa]l
Boomers - Pete Bedard Jr. 773, Family
Affair - Bill Bengough 545, Market -
011ie Edwards 685, Fullarton Hogs -
Ralph Koopmans 613, Klondyke - L.
Mommersteeg 623, Highrollers - L.
Baltessen 585, Rockets - Jim Russell
665, Tea Totallers - Pat Flanagan 729,
H.S. Henry Larsen 354, H.T. 011ie Ed-
wards 861, H.A. Gary Huston 232.8.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Family Tyes - Doug SMiht 670, For
Petes Sake - Gary Huston 688, Hits &
Misses - Henry Larsen 668, Double
Pleasure - Ted Stanlake 625, H.S. T.
Rooseboom 212, B. Bengough 329,
H.T. Patty Green 757, Gary Huston
844, H.A. T. Rooseboom 311, Gary
Huston 229.
Monday Grand Bend Golden Ag-
Earl McLean 609, Jean Dann 495,
Milt Robbins 485, M.H.S. Earl McLean
Tuesday ARC Angels
David Bresette 143, Debbie Brown-
lee 7, Doug Needs 119, Don Tiedeman
129, Dan Greb 125, Ron Bryson 115,
Eileen Dekort 99, Janice Sharrow 89,
Robert Fox 89.
Wednesday Ladies
Linda Webber 641, Bea Dykstra 532,
Shirley Wright 450, Betty Sangster
556, Wanda Reynolds 556, ina Brown-
ing 429, Grace Drummond 481. H.S.
Linda Webber 273.
Lucan Bowling
April 3-9 scores
Monday Ladies
Darlene Bourne 273-683, Lynne Far-
quhar 251-665, Joyce Sovereign 241-
663, Cathy Holtzmann 229-649, Heath-
er Smith 246-647, Deb Pearce 246-628,
Pat Hodgins 239-623, Lynn Smith 244-
615, Beulah Storey 216-600, Shirley
Noyes 261, Shirley Rees 224, Janet
Ankers 216, Marj Green 212, Karen
Timmermans 207, Barb Smith 206,
Bonnie Romphf 206, Edie Burt 205,
Evelyn Smith 200.
Tuesday YBC
Kelly Wilson 203,179, Chad Rodgers
191,155, Ayden 011ivier 171,168, Va-
nessa Smith 143,129, Kristen Hickson
138,133, Mallory Dow 134,120, Joe
McNaughton 189, Ryan Jenkin 167,
Jen Wilkinson 153, Matt Pipe 137, Will
Howitt 131, Kathryn Wilson 125, Colin
Haskett 123.
Peter DenOtter 235-647, Ted Shen-
dera 201-557, Laura Hudson 276-554,
Tom Barr 236-549, Len Poole 198-546,
Dot McKinlay 215-513, Grace Rush
189, Paula Weir 183, Ron Hudson 183,
Willard Smibert 175, Ken Weir 175,
Jean Poole 174.
Wednesday mixed
Laurie McGee 276-715, Frank
Smeekens 228-639, Rudy VanHooy-
Got a sports lead? Call the
Times Advocate at 235-1331
Exeter Hawks
of the OHA Junior
Development League are
inviting interested parties
who wish to let their name
stand for nomination to
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tive to advise any member of
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meeting to be held on
May 24, 1995.
Also, in accordance with
team bylaws, the Hawks are
accepting applications for
parties interested in serving
as team officials, General
Manager, Coach, or assis-
tants. Applications must be
submitted in writing to P.O.
Box 1675 Exeter, Ont. NOM
1S7 and received by May 1,
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Exeter Minor Hockey
AwmnYt Uedy
April 23, 2 - 4 p.m.
South Huron flee Centre
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All are welcome
dunk 205-597, Kevin Haw 210-577,
Ann Marie Beaudoin 244.571, AAl Rol-
lings 231-571, Cord Fisher 203-563,
Pat Jones 214-554, Casey VahHooy-
donk 210, Kim Bice 206.
Wednesday YBC
Gordon McLeod 169,99, Ashley
Smith 139,125, Robbie Yeo 129,128,
Alexandra Dawson 128,122, Kerrie Da-
vis 126,101, Cam Mitchell 115,114,
Jenni Holla„ J 169, Meghan McTaggart
136, Jennifer Ankers 130, Mike Ankers
129, Ryan Cousineau 123, John Caidler
91, Jeremy McNaughton 90. Sandra
McLeod 81.
Senior Citizens
Pat Davis 221-582, Charlie Grieve
203-568, Aubrey Butler 198-550, Ca-
thie Westman 220-538, Milt Robbins
224-530, Myrtle Maguire 204-497,
Marion Thomson 179-488, Mary Scott
167-468, Peter Vandenboomen 190-
456, Stan Roth 192-452, Harry Noels
182, Florence McRobert 161.
Thursday Men
Gary Merin 199,325,326-850, Brad
Taylor 330,255,243,828, Fred Allison
269,279,261-809, Ken Rempel 280-
797, Jack Fuller 313-796, Chris Smith
281-790, Bob Smith 323-769, Larry
Gibson 282-768, Don Watt 261-749,
Andy McIntyre 263-735, Rod Willert
249-716, Bill Mather 244-715, Bill
McDonald 318-710, Tom Bullock 260-
692, Dave Smith 243-682, Jeff Allison
267-680, Laurie McGee 235-675, Bob
Pipe 282-669, Vic Neil 240-654.
Crest Centre
Rick Allison 210,185, Dave Gordon
201,197, Bob Montag 185,173, Eddie
Hastilow 179,155, Armand Branton
160,142, Conrad Zimmerman 159,140•
Ron Churchill 146,127, Mary Jane Dy-
son 139,138, Doug Atkins 134.130, Ed
Charles 1230,1 12, Helen Moore
127,121, Chris Prince 121,108.
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 273-762, Wayne Smith
257-681, Evelyn Smith 281-647,
Heather Smith 245-637, Helen Rodgers
253, Lynn Smith 252, Patty Smith 225,
Russ Smith 224, Rhonda Estman 222,
Bob Smith Jr. 222, Edie Burt 209, De-
smond Rodgers 208, Marlyn Smith
Senior YBC
Brad Ankers 246-603, Sarah Culbert
225-573, Todd Goldie 249-559, Laura
Jaques 198-546, Jennifer Heague 184-
505, Norma Culbert 165, Ryler Graham
Sunday Mixed
Don Morgan 258-737, Pat Hodgins
270-725, Gary Melvin 270-703, Rob
Riley 242-661, John Jaques 247-634,
Butch Riley 236-630, Mike Brunzlow
231-629, Noreen Hill 235-621, Rob
Varley 250, Cheryl Smith 237, Doug
Hockey 233, Barry Southcott 230, Gar-
ry Gibson 224, Kevin Dunlop 217,
Brenda Morgan 210, Mike Tuxford
209, Sandra Glover 207.
April 10-16 scores
Monday Ladies
Lynne Farquhar 344-778, Darlene
Bourne 253-683, Lynn Smith 242-625,
Janet Ankers 262-623, Evelyn Smith
223-619, Pat Davis 222-613, Deb
Pearce 228-603, Cathy Holtzmann 248,
Patti Gebel 237, Bonnie Romphf 230,
Joanne Hodge 226, Kathy Hill 222, Pat
Hodgins 214, Heather Smith 209.
Tuesday YBC
Vanessa Smith 213,130, Kristen
Hickson 167,127, Aaron Holland
164,158, Ayden 011ivier 164,122, Chad
Rodgers 157,1 14, Mallory Dow
135,123, Will Howitt 141, matt Pipe
131, Trevor Maxwell 128, Colin Has-
kett 128, Joe McNaughton 118, Jenni-
fer Wilkinson 112, Melissa Baker 109.
Paula Weir 223-563, Donna Jeffrey
219-561, Len Poole 210-544, Jean
Poole 212-538, Ted Shendera 208-532,
Arnie Vanderweil 203-527, Myrt Has-
tings 177-507, Bill Bere 193, Loretta
Needham 171, Marion Bere 168, Ken
Weir 166, Jim Hastings 161, Bob Jef-
frey 161.
Senior Citizens
Pat Davis 219-601, Marion Thomson
223-585, Marian Noels 213-512, Cathie
Westman 204-502, Harry Noels 173-
497, Stan Roth 184-494, Charlie Grieve
189-455, Mac MacCormack 159, Peter
Vandenboomen 166, Marj Mills 152.
Myrtle Maguire 142.
Wednesday YBC
Mike Ankers 145,122, Robbie Yeo
144,113, Jenni Holland 136,107, Ash-
ley Smith 129,110, Kerrie Davis
108,100, Gordon McLeod 103,85, Me-
ghan McTaggart 99,92, Jeremy
McNaughton 91,79, Jennifer Ankers
99, Cam Mitchell 92, Alexandra Daw-
son 92, Ryan Cousineau 79.
Your Views
Letters to the editor
Wednesday Mixed
Ian Davies 277-682, Dale Fisher 271-
673, Laurie McGee 232-654, Alex
Hyde 270-611, Rudy VanHooydonk
218-604, Doug Beaudoin 248-602,
Frank Smeekens 233-596, Larry Bice
209-585, Karen Smeekens 224-583, Pat
Jones 212-582, Marty Kelders 239-579,
Debbie Kelders 233, Steve Ackworth
225, Doug Smith 221, Scott Mania
• Thursday Men
Ken Rempel 339-1381, Dan Rodgers
342-1307, Tom Bullock 295-1299, Earl
Allison 337-1279, Bob Smith 350-
1264, Scott SMith 316-1234, Jim Smith
298-1217, Dave Smith 330-1190, Jim
Dixon 312-1177, Pete Smith 290-1163,
John Jansen 318-1112, Bill McDonald
238-1108, Fred Allison 262-1102,
Chris SMith 299-1086, Brad Taylor
262-1075, Pat Holland 243-1049,
Wayne Smith 256-1040, Jeff Allison
249-1032, Dave Glendinning 234-
1016, Laurie McGee 232-1013, Jeff
VanHaarlem 241-1007.
Thank you for the coverage
"Your paper provides minor
hockey teams with the
opportunity for the young
athletes to read their team's
results and to see their
names in the local paper."
Dear Editor:
On behalf of the executive and coaching staff of
Stephen Minor Hockey, I would like to thank our
local paper for all your coverage.
Your newspaper provides minor hockey with the
opportunity for the young athletes to read their
team's results and to see their names in the local
Overall, Stephen Township Minor Hockey has
had a very successful season. This is not to say
everything has been perfect; but I'm not sure if that
is even possible with 175 boys and girls along with
their parents involved in running the organization.
Decisions have to be made. Whether it's a snap de-
cision made by a coach in the heat of a game, or an
executive decision made with available facts and
figures. These decisions are always made with the
best interest of the children involved with minor
hockey in mind. - -- -------
It is impossible to understand the many factors in-
volved in running an organization of this size. It all
comes together with the combined efforts of dedi-
cated executive members, coaches, trainers, manag-
ers, players, parents, arena staff, referees and their
On behalf of all involved with Stephen Township
Minor hockey, I thank everyone who has done their
part for the 1994/95 successful season, and let's all
start towards another successful season in the future.
Yours in minor sports,
Dick Lord,
President Stephen Township Minor Hockey
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