Times Advocate, 1995-04-19, Page 9(,l /MM1 T T TTy Times -Advocate, April 19, 1995 Page 9 New Easter bonnets Rotary student speaks at CWL meeting Jac, and Tam! Payne wore their new Easter bonnets to Sunday morning's Easter service at Crediton United Church. Shipka community holds annual meeting By Annie Morenz SHIPKA - Several women from this area attended the Easter Ecu- menical held at Greenway United Church on April 11. Other church- es participating were St. John's Anglican, Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic, Dashwood United, Grand Bend United, Lake Huron Community church and Church of God. Shipka community members held their annual meeting Wednesday night April 12. The 1995 officers elected were: presi- dent Gary Baker, vice president, John Mueller, secretary Diane Finkbeiner, treasurer Sheona Bak- er, trustees Bob Finkbeiner, Bruce and Don Russell. In the business, it was decided to have a pork barbecue on July 26, lawn cutting done by mem- bership and euchres to start again on November 15. Sympathy of the community is expressed to Loreen Devine in the death of her husband Lorne last Thursday. Easter visitors Margaret Lane, of London, vis- ited last week with Mabel Fraser. Annie Zielman and her family attended the "Janzen" Easter gathering on Good Friday, held at the home of Erich and Kaethe Freiter in Dashwood, with about 50 in attendance. With Don and Elizabeth Ad- ams on the weekend, was their son Brock and Dianne Adams and their children, Andrew, Dean and Colin, of London. Ken and Marg Baker, Ken Jr. Carole, Bonnie, Tracey and Shel- lie, of Goderich, Sandra and Tony Regier, Chris, Heather and Jill, of Mount Clemens, Donna and Mike Yarrow, Emily and Ryan of Guelph, Don, Sharon and Jamie Baker, Sheona and Jeffrey, of Shipka, all attended a 90th birth- day party for their grandma, Emma Schilbe, on Easter Sunday at the Fellowship Hall at the Lutheran Church in Zurich. Rachael Turner visited a couple days with her grandparents, June and Earl Rader and returned home to London with her parents, Cathy and Robert, on Saturday. Ecumenical service held at Greenway Over 90 women at- tended the service By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - The women of the Greenway United Church host- ed the annual Easter Ecumenical service on Tuesday, April 11. Eloise Eagleson welcomed over 90 women who attended the service from area churches. Organist Chris- tine Thorpe provided music for the general hymns. Each attending church was asked to contribute to the program. Eve- lyn Krueger, representing the Brand Bend Church of God, read "Six Hours on Friday" that changed 2000 years of history. It was a re- flection on the events of Good Fri- day from the viewpoint of the Ro- man Centurion at the foot of the cross. Five women from the Dash- wood United Church, accompanied by pianist [della Gable, sang a hymn "I Don't Know About To- morrow". Carey Eddy, Susan McKay and Paula Taylor, of the Grand Bend United Church per- formed the hymn "I was the rea- son", accompanied by pianist Nor- man Abbott. Dorothy White, representing St. John's Anglican Church, read about "The Light of Christ" and the difference we can make in this world if we let His light shine. Immaculate Heart of Mary, the R.C. church in Grand Bend, was represented by Roberta Walker, who played a selection of Easter music on her violin, and performed an Acapella solo "I couldn't hear nobody pray." The Lakeshore Community Church provided a duet, with Anne Wilson and Muriel Snyder at the organ. There were also visitors from Crediton United and Our Lady of Mount Carmel CWL. The guest speaker was Ruth McCallum who lives on a farm near Ailsa Craig. She was a school teacher for years, mother of six, Huntettlouglas WINDOW FASHIONS 467 Mahe 61P.,1acof•r grandmother, and an active mem- ber of her Presbyterian Church. McCallum gave an interesting talk about the history of Easter rituals, customs and traditions, from old Pagan practices, to Christian be- liefs and Eastern European lore. The collection of over $200 will be donated to the Crippled Chil- dren fund. Rev. Platt, of the Grand Bend United Church, gave the ben- ediction, and commended all the participants who worked together to create a beautiful worship ser- vice. Refreshments and fellowship were enjoyed afterwards in the church basement. Correction In last week's Playhouse Guild news: Two programs from past plays at the theatre are missing from the Archives and the Huron Country Playhouse Guild still need a program for: Anne of Green Gables 1985, not 1975 as printed. The New Zealand ex- change student is staying in Canada for a year. By Roberta Walker GRAND BEND - Immaculate Heart of Mary's Council of the Catholic Women's League elected a new slate of officers for 1995 to 1997 at their meeting on March 7. The meeting was held at the Par- ish Hall after a Mass in the church. President Lia Vandenberk thanked Josey Britton and her Girl Guides for assisting the CWL in providing entertainment for the Seniors at the Blue Water Rest Home in Zurich. A motion was made to donate $50 to the Grand Bend Girl Guides. She also thanked Roberta Walk- er, who participated in the World Day of Prayer service, along with president Vandenberk, to represent the Grand Bend C.W.L. at this an- nual event. Vandenberk was pre- sented with a bouquet of flowers in a C.W.L. mug as a token of appre- ciation for a super job as C.W.L. president. The new slate of officers for 1995 to 1997 are as follows: past president Lia Vandenberk; presi- dent Gera Peters; president elect Josy Britton; second vice president Margrit Breuer; recording secretary Anne Grootjens; corresponding secretary Cathy Vrolyk; treasurer Riek Vandenburght. Past president Lia Vandenberk presented new president Gera Pe- ters with a CWL pin and gave all of her past executive a gift of a pin with the International Year of the Family log. At the first meeting of the new executive, held at the home of Riek Vandenburght, the new conveners were appointed: spiritual convener Thea Stokkermans; parish activities Toni Vandenberk; communications and public relations Roberta Walk- er; Christian Family Life Lia Van- denberk; historian Cathy Vrolyk; membership Margrit Breuer; funer- al lunches and flower list (for altar) Jean Mommersteeg. President Gera Peters and presi- dent-elect Josy Britton will be at- tending the CWL London Diocesan Convention to be held in Sarnia on April 25, 26. June is Senior's Month, so it was decided to honour seniors in the parish with a special potluck dinner and bingo, and in- vite husbands too. The new meet- ing date will be the second Monday of each month. The bake sales are scheduled for July 15, 16 and Au- gust 26, 27, with the quilt raffle tickets to be drawn' on August 27. Nelly Baltessen will be in charge of sending cards to the sick of the parish. The Immaculate Heart of Mary Council of the CWL met on April 3 at the Parish Hall in Grand Bend, with president Gera Peters presid- ing. Invitations were received for the CWL council to attend the Easter Ecumenical service at Greenway United Church on April 11 at 7:30 p.m. and to attend a Day of Recollection, also on April 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., hosted by the CWL of ParkhillBoornish at Sacred Heart Church. Over 70 memberships have been paid, and the rest are asked to remit their membership fees as soon as possi- ble, the 1995-96 membership cards will be available at the CWL dis- play at the back of the church. Lia Vandenberk, Christian Fami- ly Life convener, pointed out sever- al important articles in the pro life 'periodical "Life Link", emphasiz- ing that there were about 45,000 abortions in Ontario in 1994. She also read a letter about preserving your mental and physical health. Cards will he sent to parishioners John Waller. and Madelaine Dalton, who arc both ill, and a special Mass said for Dalton, who was the CWL's first president. President Peters thanked Tillie Vanleeuwen for organizing Meals on Wheels in March. About six CWL members assisted in deliver- ing between four to seven meals to seniors each week. Thea Stokker- mans and her crew, including sev- eral husbands, did a great job of or- ganizing and serving the annual Pancake Breakfast to over 150 pa- rishioners. Roberta Walker led the discus- sion on four resolutions which were approved for delegates to vote "yes" at the CWL convention in Sarnia. The council supported reso- lutions: 1. to set a budget for the National CWL Breast Cancer Fund for research into prevention and ed- ucation; 2. to support year-round police sobriety checks with an ade- quate provincial budget to help cut down on drunk drivers; 3. to peti- tion the federal government to ban the use of rbST injections used to stimulate milk production in cows, and to require labels on all out -of - country products which us rbST; 4. to request better coordinated cancer treatment centres in the province, with a shorter waiting period for this treatment, and more trained doctors/technicians available. The prizes for the summer raffle will be: first prize - a wedding ring double quilt handcrafted by CWL members; second - afghan; third - two pillows, all hand made. A spe- cial CWL Mass will be celebrated on Mother's Day, May 14, to Our Lady of Good Council, at which the new CWL executive will be formally installed. Father Paul Beck was very pleased that over 60 people attend- ed the volunteer appreciation night at the parish Hall on March 23, all those parishioners who assist in the liturgy: choir members, readers, al- tar servers, ushers, collection coun- ters and communign servers. He encouraged everyone to participate in the ritual celebrations of Holy Week, on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. The next meeting will be May 8. Refreshments were served, then everyone enjoyed hearing a special guest speaker, Karen Mansfield, a Rotary Club exchange student from New Zealand. She arrived on Janu- ary 20, and will be here for one year, staying at the homes of four Rotarians, three months each, all in the Grand Bend area. She is pres- ently living at the home of Gord and Josey Britton, and is attending school at North Lambton Secon- dary in Forest. She passed around photos of her home area in New Zealand, Paraparaumy . Beach, which is north of Wellington. Man - field gave a lively and interesting presentation of New Zealand, an agricultural nation of 3 1/2 million people and 60 million sheep. At the end of April she'll be moving to the home of Brad and Janice Oke. • The Dashwood Fire Department and volunteers are helping to clean up our highways. Pic- tured above from !eft to right are Brent Hoffman, Jeremy Becker, Janet Traquair and Erik Soren- son. SEE For a limited time, we are offering you 50% off our popular Celebrity custom made mini blinds Vertical Blinds 50% off 41 Offer ends April 29, 1995 [Milegg Fine Furniture, and Window Fashions Hunter Douglas goes all out to bring you the greatest ratings on I' custom mini blinds. 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