HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-03-15, Page 130 a 0 0 0 0 Cl O O O Page 12 Times -Advocate, March 15, 1995 i , L, Ken McIntyre wins provincial award GRAND BEND - Ken McIn- tyre of Southcott Pines is one of 25 provincial residents who was recently in Toronto to receive a Special Achievement Award for long -serving contributions to am- ateur sport. In making the presentation to McIntyre and 24 others from On- tario, Minister of Culture, Tour- ism and Recreation Anne Swar- bick said, "With these awards we recognize the continued dedica- tion of these individuals, and thousands of others across the province who have helped us create one of the best amateur sports programs in the world." Ken McIntyre's award came for his association with lawn bowls which began 38 years ago at the London Elmwood Club. His business career took most of his time until he was appointed to the association's provincial board of directors. He began the first marketing committee for lawn bowls and for a decade was tournament chairman of the most competi- tive and prestigious lawn bowl- ing tournament in Canada, held each year in London. In 1991, he was appointed to the National Team Committee for Lawn Bowls Canada and has served on that committee for the past four years evaluating players for international competi- tion. One of his latest efforts on be- half of lawn bowling, has been in organizing and administering On- tario's first player development camp. While hockey has been his first love and as a past president of the London Minor Hockey Asso- ciation, McIntyre says his in- volvement in lawn bowling, es- pecially at the administrative level gives him a chance to give something back to sports. He told the T -A this week, "With government funds reced- ing, it's important to develop marketing and ours was the first scheme of its kind in Canada." Phoenix of Huron speaker at Thames Road Arlene Timmins explained the service they run. By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - A meeting of the U.C.W. was held Monday evening, March 6, in the church basement with 24 members and one visitor present. Joan Morgan welcomed everyone and gave the Call to Worship "Look to This Day". The women sang "Morning has broken". Morgan read the scripture Matthew 6: 34' and from Ecclesiastes 3:1-9, then led in prayer and gave a reading "There is Time". She and Agnes Bray received the of- fering and Kay Hodgert offered prayer. A reading "One Day at a Time" was given by Hodgert. A reading "When 1 Think of the Chaos" was given by Margaret Stewart. Bray played a musical number on the piano "One Day at a Time" . Hodgert introduced Arlene Timmins of Bayfield who is the executive di- rector of Phoenix of Huron, Second Stage Housing for women and chil- dren who survive abuse. She gave an informative talk and answered ques- tions. Morgan thanked her and presented her with a gift. Morgan gave a humorous reading "Getting Trash to Topple". The wom- en sang "This is the Day". Stewart opened the business part of the meeting with a verse "Old Age is Sneaky." Roll call was answered by bringing a school picture. Cards of thanks were read. The minutes were read and adopted. Marilyn Pym gave the treasurer's report. Sharon Passmore gave a report about the blinds and drapes which have made a big improvement to the windows. Beatrice Dawson gave a Board of Managers retort. 1 It was decided to let the Managers decide when to have their pork barbe. cue. Good Friday church service is to be held at Thames Road and the Easter Breakfast and church service is to be at Elimville. The group sang a hymn and Stewart closed with prayer. Group C served squares and cook- ies, tea and coffee which brought an informative meeting to a close. Church service Rev. Jim Allsop was in charge of the Second Sunday of Lent church ser- vice on Sunday morning. The Responsive Reading was a paraphrase of Psalm 27:1-6. The choir sang "It's a Long Way to Freedom" accompanied by organist Agnes Bray. The congregation sang the children's hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Chil- dren" and Rev. Allsop told the children a story about "Protection". The scripture was read by Bea Dawson. Rev. Allsop's sermon was enti- tled "The Security of Devotion to God." The closing hymn was "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart". Coming events On Sunday, March 19 following the worship service there will be a con- gregational meeting at both Elimville and Thames Road. Sunday night March 19 the Senior Youth Group will meet at Elimville United Church at 7:30 p.m. On Thursday, March 23 the Junior Youth and Messengers will be hav- ing a swimming party at Kicks Aquatic Centre at 7:00 p.m. Members are reminded to bring a loonie. The Board of managers will be canvassing for money for the church in the next few weeks. Ken McIntyre Hensall Legion donates to several charities They are also planning a dessert and euchre for seniors. By Liz Sangster HENSALL - Wednesday evening, March 8, the Hensall Legion held their regular meeting. Motions were made and passed to make donations toward cancer re- search, epilepsy, ,Alzheimers and the Town and Country Homemakers. A donation will also be made toward the fountain which is being erected as a tribute to Canadian soldiers in the "Dutch Libertation Memorial Park", in Goderich, which is being dedicated in May. Plans were made to hold a Seniors Daffodil Dessert and euchre on April 12, beginning at 1 p.m. at the Legion. The Huron -Perth -Bruce Chapter of Epilepsy Ontario will be holding their Coffee Capers, March 17. Bob Erb's Snack Bar will be participating in Hensall. . PCW The Carmel Presbyterian Church Women will be holding their Spring Luncheon, April 11 at Carmel Presbyterian Church. Tickets are now available from members. United Church Rev. Henry Annen conducted services at Hensall United Church, this past Sunday. The ushers were Garry Alderdice and John Thomson. The greeters were Eric and Eleanor Mansfield. Rev. Annen's message was "Messies Anonymous". The children's story was "Can You See?" The Property Committee will be hosting a fellowship hour after the ser- vice, this Sunday. Bible Study will be held March 14 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. The Official Board meet March 15. All members are urged to attend. Drop -In The Hensall Drop -In will be held March 16. Call Marg Cole for reser- vations, 262-2304. March break March Break Bible School will be held March 20-24, from 9 to 11:45 a.m., at the' Hensall United Church. For more information call Joanne at 263-2580 or 263-5683. Photo contest The 1995 Hensall Economic Development Committee Photo Contest Couple returns from Mission Local residents cele- brate birthdays with family and friends. By Hazel Davis SAINTSBURY - A good crowd attended Morning Prayer at St. Pat- rick's on the beautiful spring like morning Sunday March 12, Lent 2, to welcome Ms. Anne Marie Bee- dle who led the service. Her mes- sage was based on the Scripture Reading St. Luke 13: 31-35 "Trust- ing in the Lord" and that He will never let us be tested beyond our strength. A social time followed in the Par- ish Hall with all enjoying the coffee and goodies and the time together. Sunday March 19, Lent 3 St. Pat- rick's Morning Prayer Service will be held at 8:30 a.m. Scripture read- ings to be Exodus 3: 1-15, 1 Corin- thians 10: 1-13, Psalm 103: 1-13. The Holy Gospel, Luke 13: 1-19. St. Patrick's ACW was cancelled due to sickness, will be set for later this month. PersonaLs Margaret Carroll attended the Volunteers Program of the O.N.H.A. Concurrent Convention which took place at the Westin Har- bour Castle Hotel, Toronto on March I. Ron and Margaret Carroll cele- brated Ron's birthday with Brenda, Terry and family on Sunday,. Best wishes from St. Patrick's. Happy birthday wishes go out to Harry Carroll this week who is cel- ebrating his birthday at Craig Nurs- ing Home from relatives at Saints - bury. Mrs. Mary Davis accompanied Mrs. Agnes Hotson last week to visit good friend Florence Stanley in Cherry Hill Apartments in Lon- don.Mrs. Linda Durnin and Lucas of Auburn were Saturday visitors with the MacGillivray's. Ralph and Joyce Simpson were Sunday evening visitors with the Davis's. The Michael Davis family have entertained family, friends and school buddies to lots of fun on their farm from summer dirt bike riding to snowmobiliing and tobog- ganing and last week it was all transformed into a giant skating rink with lots taking advantage of the skating on the weekend, but milder weather is taking its toll. As part of a volunteer team with the Bequia Mission of the West In- dies, Fred Jr. and Patricia Dobbs have returned from a Caribbean tour where they visited many is- lands and stayed on the islands of St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Tobago, Be- quia and Nevis. • O 0 11 a 0 11 0 0 ll 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 EVERYTHING MIDST AGO! Our Year Ends March 31/95 °'° to 70 OFF Brand Name Carpet and Vinyl Remnants Y SALE s WE DEU SALE BEGINS WED. MARCH 8 O 467 Main St. S. Exeter • 235.0173 00000000000®®000000000 O 0 0 0 0 l7 0 0 0 a El 0 0 O a O 0 0 0 O 0 l7 a 0 0 El a El 0 El O a El 0 11 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 0 O O 0 O O O O O 0 O w