Times Advocate, 1995-02-22, Page 28Page 26 Times -Advocate, February 22, 1995
Stan -Lee
Club crowns
VARNA - The February meeting
of Stan -Lee Club met at the Com-
plex February 1 at 8 p.m. with 32
present. Anna Keys opened with a
letter from Cozy Korner. Margaret
Elliott read the January minutes
and were approved. Anna reported
on the health meeting in Goderich.
In the County of Huron volunteers
are needed for the Huron Food Ad-
vise Program and a meeting about
it will be held Wednesday, 15 at 7
p.m. at the O.M.A.F. office. The
President's message was read from
the Voice and the Convention' in
Toronto is August 14,15.
Bernice Reid was crowned Val-
entine Queen, attired with the most
red. Norene Hayter and Grace
McClinchey each showed a Valen-
tine they had received in school
Bernice Reid had a reading about
living in a small town and Charles
introduced Irvin and Grace Martin
who entertained the group with
auto harp and mouth organ and also
presented a skit. Bob and Marjorie
Stirling volunteered to help at the
March meeting.
Six tables of euchre were played
with the following winners: high
lady Gladys Peck; low lady Marjo-
rie Stirling; high man Hugh Hen-
drick; low man Hugh McBride.
Two tables of crokinole were
_--played with Margaret McClymont
winning high and Margaret Hayter,
low. Door prizes were won by Har-
vey Hayter, Mona Stephenson,
Ralph Stcpf enson, and Bruce Keys.
A tasty lunch and fellowship fol-
Granton UCW
fashion show
The group is looking
for wedding dresses to
borrow for the show.
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Allan and Carol
Wissel recently enjoyed a two-
week vacation in Mexico.
Congratulations to former Gran-
ton residents Steve and Susan
Ready of Woodstock on the birth of
a baby daughter, Emma Victoria
February 16, a granddaughter for
Jean Noon.
The Anglican parish council met
at St. Thomas Anglican church
February 15.
At St. Thomas' Anglican Church
February 19, the Rev. Stephen Em-
ery based his message on the story
of Joseph and related it to resent-
ment in the world today.
At Granton United Church Sun-
day, Pastor Normalie Voakes in-
stalled the church officers. Her ser-
mon was entitled "Please - we're at
the table" in keeping with the Sac-
rament of Communion. "
The choir sang "I lay my sins on
U.C.W. news
Unit 2 met at Heather Benner's
place February 13. Heather was
also in charge of the program when
she opened with a reading "0 Gift
of God".
The business discussion centered
around plans for the upcoming
wedding fashion show. Guest
speaker was Kathy Blackler of
Kirkton, who gave tips and point-
ers on this type of fashion show.
Anyone with wedding dresses,
etc. to loan for the show should get
in touch with Heather or other
members of the group.
The Optimist noon luncheon and
social was hosted by Becky Kin-
d= at the Masonic Hall February
17. Prizes for euchre went to Elsie
Dann and Jim Bakker and everyone
received a gift prize.
An item in last week's Granton
news should have read that Alice
Bryan died at St. Marys Memorial
Hospital February 7.
j(w Barber Parlour
394 Main St. Exeter
Open 8 a.m.
Mon. - Ties. - Thurs.
Fri. - Sat.
Closed all day Wed.
Cutting hair they way you like
St. Patrick's church planning
dessert euchre and bake sale
By H. Davis
SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
Morning Prayer service was held
at 8:30 a.tn. February 19, seventh
Sunday after Epiphany. Rev. Em-
ery spoke to the children about
the favourite son Joseph.
Sunday, February 26, St. Pat-
rick's Holy Communion service
will be held at 11:00 a.m. Scrip-
ture readings are to be Exodus
34:29-35, II Corinthians 3:12-4:2
Psalm 99, The Holy Gospel St.
Luke 9:28-36, 37-43.
Euchre and bake sale
St. Patrick's dessert euchre
and bake sale is to be held Tues-
day, March 14 at 1:00 p.m.
Hazel Davis accompanied
Ralph and Joyce Simpson on
Monday to Clio, Michigan for
the funeral of cousin, the late
George Miller.
Betty Johnson, Heather Mac-
Gillivray and Hazel Davis at-
tended the Parish Board meeting
at St. Thomas's Granton,
Wednesday evening.
Ray and Beverley Wheeler of
London were Friday dinner
guests with the Davis's. Mrs. Mi-
cheal Rumleski has been staying
with parents Bob and Alexia Tin-
dall this week. Mrs. Mary Davis
was a visitor also on Saturday.
Wayne and Linda Durnin and
Lucas of Auburn were weekend
visitors with the MacGillivray's.
Congratulations to Bill and Bet-
ty Johnson who are celebrating
their 40th wedding anniversary
from all your friends at St. Pat-
;U.C.W. count blessings
EXETER - The evening unit of
the Exeter United Church U.C.W.
met February 13 in the ladies par-
Unit leader, Norma Cockwill
welcomed everyone with a poem
"Mother Nature's Valentine".' Fol-
lowing the treasurer's report and
the secretary's report, it was an-
nounced that the World Day of
Prayer will be held at Caven Pres-
byterian Church on March 3. This
years date for the smorgasbord will
be May 4 and the Huron -Perth
Presbyterial meeting has been re-
scheduled for February 20. "Count
Your Blessings" was the theme of
devotions. Elaine Skinner and her
group of Grace Drummond, Gladys
Talbot, Noella Triebner and Shirley
Dawe told how several people
counted their blessings while every-
one sang the hymn.
Guest speaker, Norma Linden -
field of Exeter spoke on breast can-
cer. She told of the leading causes
of this dreaded disease as well as
her own personal story. A video de-
scribing breast self-examination
techniques was shown along with a
video in which Norma participated
for C.F.P.L. T.V.
She was thank2d by Barb Sharpe
and everyone gathered for a light
valentines dessert served by Grace
Ballantyne's group.
The new Ontario photo Health Card
is coming.
Before ybu can get your new card,
the Ministry of Health must have your
current address so a notice to
register can be sent to you.
If you've moved since
you got your red and
white Health Card, and haven't told
OHIP, look for Your Guide to Ontario's
Photo Health Card in your mail. You'll find
a change of address form inside. Fill it
out, and mail it to the Ministry of Health.
Then, we'll let you know when it's
your turn to register. And you can put
your smile to work
to help prevent
$65 million in
health care fraud
each year.
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