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Lucan Minor Hockey t.
Page 18 Times -Advocate, February 22, 1995 _SPORTS
Local bowling scores
Lucan Bowling
Monday Ladies
Joyce Sovereign 300-671, Pat Hod-
gins 234-664, Bonnie Romphf 224-632,
Shirley Noyes 307-624, Helen Rodgers
215-622, L. Mosurinjohn 222-620,
Lynn Smith 239-619, Deb Pearce 216-
618, Janet Ankers 216, Heather Smith
209, Marj Green 205, Marg Elson 202,
Joanne Hodge 201.
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Chad Rodgers 249,154, Ayden O1Iiv-
ier 209,146, Ryan Jenkin 207,139, Va-
nessa Smith 189,142, Aaron Holland
173,131, Kelly Wilson 169,141, Colin
Haskett 142,123, Trevor Maxwell 192,
Jen Wilkinson 167, Melissa Baker 157,
Joe McNaughton 143, Kathryn Wilson
140, Kristen Hickson 136.
Len Poole 278-657, Jack Moir 216-
580, Jack Arnott 212-544, Jean Poole
233-537, Bob Jeffrey 176-508, Shirley
Bosley 175,507, Bill Bere 213, Jim
Hastings 190, Marion Bere 186, Andy
Vanderweil 184, Myrtle Hastings 183,
Ken Weir 182, Donna Jeffrey 175,
Marg Carmichael 173, Paula Weir 173.
Senior Citizens
Jean Dann 241-670, Ron Dann 256-
660, Cathie Westman 229-583, Harry
Noels 197-526, Marian Noels 191-520,
Stan Roth 192-491, Theo Sentjens 19!-
483, Florence McRobert 168-476, Peter
VanDenboomen 197-473, Myrtle Ma-
guire 206-463, Howard Dolan 222-458,
Edie Burt 171, Don Maguire 151.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Robbie Yeo 179,122, Jenni Holland
157,102, Neel Misra 146,125, Kerrie
Davis 140,132, Mike Ankers 133,132.
Jeremy McNaughton 132,114, Ashley
Smith 105,101, Alexandra Dawson
146, Jennifer Ankers 114, Sandra
McLeod 105, John Caidler 103, Ryan
Cousineau 100, Gordon McLeod 96,
Cam Mitchell 94, Meghan McTaggart
Wednesday Mixed
Rudy VanHooydonk 255-654, Doug
Smith 263-641. Frank Smeekens 268-
637, Laurie McGee 242-613, Kevin
Rollings 275-607, Doug Beaudoin 227-
605, Scott Martin 278-593, Dale Fisher
210-582, Casey VanHooydonk 256-
575, Deb Kelders 213-572, Steve Snid-
er 229-564, Al Rollings 219, Glynn
McGee 205, Pat Jones 201, Karen
Smeekens 201.
Minor hockey
Pre -tykes
February 18
Stephen 5 vs. St. Marys 9
Goals: J.T. Knee (4), Leanne Cronyn
Assists: Knee, Leanne Cronyn (2). Jordan
Goaltender: Brent Dixon
Atom Ice Hawks
February 18
Stephen 8 vs. Be!grave 3
Goals: Roman Wilson (4), Mark Laye Jr
(2), Scott Davies, Ben Parsons
Assists: Davies (3), Jamie Sandwith, Wilson
Goaltender: Dane Michielsen
Next game: Feb. 20 in Zurich at 6:00 p.m.
February 18
Stephen 11 vs. Brussels 2
Goals: Frazer MacDonald (2). Sandwith (2),
Roman Wilson (2), Cal Delange (2), Laye,
Adam Cyr. Parsons
Assists: Delange (2), MacDonald (2).
Shawn Thompson (2). Wilson (2). Chris Ar-
nold (2). Laye, Parsons (2). Sandwith, Shane
Goaltender: Michielsen
Next game: February 20 in Zurich, 6:00
Peewee Rebels
February 15
Stephen 7 vs. Wallace 1
Goals: Adam Wilson, Jeff Finkbeiner (2),
Jeremy VanBergen, Dan Mosurinjohn,
Shawn Stuckless, Shawn Sherwood
Assists: Finkbeiner (3), Sherwood, Wilson,
J.R. Davies, S. Stuckless
Goaltender: BJ Thco
February 18
Stephen 8 vs. Wallace 6
Goals: Finkbeiner (4), Sherwood (2), Wil-
son, S. Stuckless
Assists: Wilson (2), Mosurinjohn, Van Ber-
gen (2), S. Stuckless (2), Finkbeiner. Jamie
Goaltender: Theo
L/M Atom
February 18 - Exhibition game
St. Marys Flames 4 at Lucan 1
Goal: Phillip Currah
Assists: Brad Cornish, Tqm Griffith
OMHA Playdowns - 6 pt. series
February 14 - Game 1
Lucan 2 at Port Stanley 3
Goals: Josh Appleman, Mike Bowerman
Assists: Kurt Hardy, Kris Hanlon, Daryl Bo -
February 16 - Game 2
Port Stanley 3 at Lucan 2 in overtime
Goals: Mike Wragg, Hardy
Assists: Adam Duskocy, Eric Kowakhuk
Port Stanley scored 2 quick goals in third to
lie the game and scored the *inning goal
with four seconds left in overtime,
February 18 • Game 3
Lucan 3 at Port Stanley 0
Goals: Appleman (2), Trevor Leenders
Assists: Hardy (2), Hanlon. Boshart
Ken Carter earned the shutout in net.
February 19 - Game 4
Port Stanley 7 at Lucan 3
Goals: Hanlon, Hardy, Chad Greenke
Assists: Appleman, Hanlon, Ryan Herbert.
Port Stanley wins 6 pts. to 2.
Thursday Men
John Kohut 295-769, Tom Bullock
260-735, Jeff Allison 370-734, Bob
Smith 293-734, Don Watt 249-704,
Ken Rempel 277-700, Rod Willert 275-
694, Brad Taylor 258-693, Fred Allison
253-690, Jim Sweitzer 256-684, Laurie
McGee 293-681, Vic Neil 261-679, Ja-
mie Bond 236-678, Pete Nmith 255-
676, Gary Melvin 251-676, Jack Fuller
248-674, Murray Yeo 248-670, Bob
Pipe 235-665, Dave Smith 290-663,
Wayne Smith 236-656, Bill McDonald
Crest Centre
Rick Allison 189,164, Conrad Zim-
merman 161,122, Mary Jane Dyson
144,126, Helen Moore 126,121, Bob
Montag 139,120, Nelson Bender 114,
Edward Charles 108.
Friday Mixed
Evelyn Smith 244-694, Basil Short
295-647, Larry Smith 247-641, Heather
Smith 226;610, John Kernick 247,
Chris Smith 243, Bob Smith Jr. 236,
George Caidler 216, John Carvell 211,
Connie Webster 209. Dan Rogers 208,
Fran Dow 205, Cord Jenkin 203.
Ladies Inter -town
Lucan 12.5 vs. Clinton 14.5. Lynn
SMith 267-671, Pat Hodgins 242-656,
Heather Smith 240-607.
Mens Inter -town
Lucan 31 vs. Molesworth 14. Frank
Palen 302-1246, Scott Berger 305-
1161, Don Watt 282-1124, Orval Rinn
Senior Y.B.C.
Todd Goldie 224-623, Jennifer
Heague 162-470. Laura Jaques 207-
469, Brad Ankers 182-456, Sarah Cul-
bert 158, Dave Miller 148, Tyler Gra-
ham 148, Norma Culbert 147.
Sunday Mixed
Lloyd Rimmer 302-796, Gary Mel-
vin 290-748, Doug Hockey 253-694,
Don Morgan 253-679, Pat Hodgins
292.676, Marie Jaques 258-663, Al
Rollings 252-658, Butch Riley 243-
637, Rob Riley 250-626, Cheryl Smith
256-624, Garry Gibson 264-622, Rob
Riley 228-614, Pat Rimmer 214-608,
Tracey Riley 257, Floyd Riley 234.
Zurich Town &
Count Lanes
Monday Night Ladies League
High Five - Vesta Miller 531, Alley
Cats - Tracy Luther 497. Happy GAng
- Sherrie Edwards 630, Pinpoppers -
Carmel Sweeney 523, Odds 'n' Ends -
Shelley Hay 620, Red Devils - Sandra
Dickert 669, H.S. Sandra Dickert 336,
H.T. Sandra Dickert 820, H.A. Sandra
Dickert 229.
Tuesday Mens League
Ramblers - Larry Smith 641, Hensall
Boomers - Don Kirk 766, Family Af-
fair - Henry Larson 706, Market - 011ie
Edwards 861, Fullarton Hogs - Ralph
Koopman 697, Klondyke - Luke Mom-
mersteeg 679, Highrollers - Paul Rood
631, Rockets - Gary Huston 706, Tea-
Totallers - Randy Bedard 628, H.S.
Carl Zimmer 348, H.T. Henry Larsen
843, H.A. Gary Huston 233.
Wednesday Night Ladies
What! A Bowler`' - Joyce Hillman
663, Come Backers - Betty Datars 601,
Rolling Stones - Laurie Stanlake 640,
Alley Rollers - Hilda Vanderhoek 702,
Kook Kats - Marge Roberts 681. Ma-
randers - Janice McClennan 583, H.S.
Marge Roberts 282, H.T. Sheona Baker
712, H.A. Joyce Hillman 201.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Family Tyes - Leroy Meloche 645,
For Fetes Sake - Gary Huston 747, Hits
& Misses - T. Rooseboom 620, Double
Pleasure - L. Stanlake 633, H.S. T.
Rooseboom 311, Howie Green 313;
H.T. Patty Green 757, Gary Huston
844; H.A. T. Rooseboom 312, Gary
Huston 227.
Men's Intertown
Zurich 25 pts. vs. Molesworth 20 pts.
Gary Huston 1250, Luke Mommersteeg
1156, Tony Bedard 1123.
Ladies Intertown
Zurich 1 12 pts. vs. STratford 15 pts.
Laurie Stanlake 674, Marlene Bedard
645. Zurich II 17 pts. vs. Seaforth 10
pts. H.S. Donna Webster 347, H.T.
719; H.S. Betty Datars 237, H.T. 652.
Sunday Y.B.C. Jr. and Sr.
Nathan Zimmerman 590, Heath Pal-
en 548, Becky Kirk 454. Ryan Morri-
son 458, Dwayne McNab 626, Mathew
Hayter 474, Tyler Markham 427, Jim
Denomme 582, Jeff Kirk 516. H.A. A.
Schroeder 172, Jim Denomme 186.
Monday Grand Bend Golden Ag-
Bert Barry 621, Clayton Lovie 500,
Earl McLean 498, Audrey Barry 483,
H.S. Bert Barry 291,726, Earl McLean
231, Clayton Lovie 209, ' on nn
Tuesday ARC Angel
Dennis Dann 141, Dan Greb 138,
Sim Steckle 129, Don Tiedeman 123,
Doug Needs 109, Robert Fox 74, Penny
Caza 69, Debbie Brownlee 59.
Wednesday Ladies
Bev Dykstra 417, Linda Webber 542,
Betty Sangster 546, Gert Beaver 520,
Maxine Sereda 543, Theresa McCann
506, H.T. Gert Beaver 209, Maxine Se-
reda 218.
Thursday Grand Cove Seniors
Vic Dunbar 563, Lyle Solinger 558,
Norm Wilde 535, Vee Wilde 509. Mar-
ilyn Solinger 494, Al Hargreaves 487,
H.S. Vee Wilde 192, Lyle Solinger
Thursday Golden Agers - 2 games
Jack Lillie 400, Bob Fickling 298.
Harvey Martin 288. Laird Jacobe 271,
Mary Fickling 266, Gani Lazaro 265,
H.S. Jack Lillie 206, Laird Jacobe 167.
Saturday Y.B.C. Bantams - 3
Ryan Rood 534 (256), Derek Du-
charme 411. Ashlee Littlechild 399
(196), Lindsey Van Damme 376, Bran-
don Skinner 351. Lance Bedqd 347,
Corey Ducharme 342, Jason Kelders
335, Jonathon Kelders 318, Tina Beau-
doin 290, Timmy Hay 278, Cameron
Quick 261, Katie Beaudoin 235.
Peewees & Smurfs - 2 games
Kevin Ducharme 193. Joshua Thom-
son 165, Bobbie Lynn Grenier 119,
JEsse Thomson 170, Brent Ducharme
Juniors - 3 games
Anna Marie Bedard 482, Adam Bed-
ard 458, Laura Shanks 444, Steven
Munn 430, Jason Dykstra 415, Stefanie
Groot 400, Ryan Lloyd 365. Joey Hay
355, Mary Beaudoin 335.
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