HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-02-22, Page 8Times -Advocate, February 22, 1995 Page 7
Shoes get laced up Food Grains Bank to hold luncheon
Exeter mayor Ben Hoogenboom got a helping hand from
Chris Telford during Sunday's South Huron Big Brothers
and Big Sisters annual Bowlathon. The annual event
raised over $4,100 of which the Stephen Township Fire
Department contributed $400. Anyone wishing to make
donations to the organization can send them to Box 113,
Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1S6.
Rebekah Lodge hear
speaker on Alzheimers
EXETER - Mrs. Ann Morrice
spoke about the "Alzheimer Day
away Program" which is being
planned for people suffering from
Alzheimer's in the community.
Program to be held at Exeter Villa
every Friday.
The oldest member, Sister Frei-
da Bierling passed away February
14 in her 105th year. Sister Olive
Hicks is in South Huron Hospital
and Sister Bea Bowman is con-
fined to her home with a broken
Next euchre will be held March
8 at 8 p.m.
A donation to the Big Brothers/
Big Sisters organization was made
when Sister Gloria McFalls partic-
ipated in the Bowlathon at Zurich
as a representative of the lodge.
Pot luck supper
A pot luck supper will be held
March 10 at 6:30 p.m. when the
Subordinate Lodge their wives and
husbands of Rebekahs are guests.
Entertainment to follow the meal.
Brother Rebekahs are invited to
Ilderton April 24 and to Dorches-
ter March 20 to participate in the
DDP Sister Jean Hodgert will
make an official visit to the lodge
April 5. There will be a pot luck
supper at 6:30 before the meeting.
Some other lodges are being invit-
ed to this event.
On April 19, A.W. Sister Diane
Cole will pay an official visit to
the District. A banquet in her hon-
our is being planned at the Exeter
United Church at 6:30 p.m. The
meal will cost $11.50.
The meeting following the meal
will also be held at the church with
the hope that the members who
cannot climb stairs will he able to
come that night.
Speak off
The U. N. Pilgrimage for Youth
speak -off will be held in Clinton
Public School March 3 at 8 p.m.
All are welcome to come hear
these young people speak. The
winner of the competition will be
awarded a trip to New York to vis-
it the United Nations and other
points of interest.
Instead of a Dessert Euchre this
year, we plan to have a bake sale
May 13. More about this at a later
Plans for pancake supper
at Centralia going well
By Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - On Sunday,
February 19, Heather Smith lead
the service at Centralia United
Church. The childrens story was
about Joseph and his coat of
many col0ours. It was Mikayla
Skinner's 7th birthday and Hap-
py Birthday was sung.
The scripture was read by Cre-
lene Duck from Genesis 45, and
told the story of Joseph's forgive-
ness to his brothers. This was
also the theme for Heather's ser-
mon, "What Goes Around
Comes Around."
The "Minute for Mission", read
by Judy Mills, was entitled "A
Pancake Banquet". The message
told how M & S funds help sup-
port churches in communities in
Plans are going well for the
pancake supper and worship ser-
vice to mark the beginning of
Lent. Pancakes and sausages will
be served from 5:45 p.m. to 7
p.m., and the service will follow.
Tickets are available from the
Stewards at Zion and Centralia.
If you'd like more information
about the Canadian Foodgrains
Bank project, contact Margaret
Hern or Brent Caslick. Along
with Alan Powe, they're on the
Committee from Thames Road,
Elmville, Centralia and Zion
West. We have about 40 acres of
land to plant and nine urban
churches are being asked for
their support both hands-on and
financially. This is a very excit-
ing and challenging venture.
Please consider how you may be
able to participate by helping
provide labour or in fund raising.
University courses at this time
of year are especially demanding.
Heather will be at the library
studying this week as much as
possible, but she will be pleased
to return your calls if you leave a
Rev. Clare Geddes will return
on Sunday February 26 to con-
duct the worship and commun-
ion. Thanks to Clare for helping,
as Heather studies for her exam.
A group from Zion and Cen-
tralia will take in the musical
"Jesus Christ Superstar" on Sat-
urday evening, February 25 at
Talbot College at Western in
London. Tickets are $15, and can
be obtained by calling the Grand
Theatre box office.
Jean Rook and June Essery at-
tended the workshop on the Min-
istry and Personnel committee at
Exeter United Church on Febru-
ary 15. They found the workshop
very helpful in understanding the
functions and purposed of the
The United Church Women
will lead the worship on Sunday,
March 5 at 7 p.m. on March 2,
there will be a choir practice for
this special occasion, and all la-
dies are invited to participate. All
ladies at Centralia are members
of the UCW.
Twelve tables of euchre were
enjoyed at Larry's Town and
Country Restaurant in Crediton
on February 13.
Grace Wurm and Percy Noels
won the lone hands. High hands
were won by Mary McCann and
Allen Johns, and Doreen Light-
foot and Allen Berry won the
Ione hands. Although the restau-
rant has been sold, euchre will
continue on Monday afternoons
hi -weekly.
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - The Afternoon Ladies Group met at Hensall United
Church, February 2. Elva Forrest's poem "He loves You", was followed
by the hymn "Love Divine" with Hilda Payne as pianist. Sadie Craig gave
the devotion on "Love", using scripture, followed by prayer. Craig read a
poem "God is Real". The group sang the hymn "O Love that will not let
me go". The offering was given and dedicated by Forrest.
The minutes of the January meeting were read and the roll call taken.
Thirty-six visits were made. Mary Roobol sent four cards. The hymn "Je-
sus Shall Reign" was sung.
Payne gave a reading "A Diet for Gaining - Happiness". Evelyn
McBeath used material from the mandate for her study about the Long -
house Building in Central Vancouver. The Longhouse is used for native
people in various programs to meet their practical and spiritual needs. Bar-
ry Morris works halftime overseeing the Longhouse. He works with street
people and the displaced. The number of people who worship at Long -
house varies.
After the Benediction, Fredo Boa and Audrey Christie served lunch and
the group watched the last part of the musical "Showboat".
Guest minister
Rev. Sabrina Caldwell of London was the guest minister at Carmel Pres-
byterian Church, this past Sunday. Her sermon was "The Stillness in the
Storm". The children were asked to come to the front while Rev. Caldwell
told them an interesting story about how a candle could help them if they
were caught in a storm.
Communion will be celebrated on March 23 with Rev. Caldwell. Flow-
ers in memory of Wendy Campbell were placed in the church by her fami-
ly. The annual Mariner's Service will be held at Knox Church in Gode-
rich, February 26 at 7:30 p.m.
United Church news
Rev. Henry Annen conducted services at Hensall United Church, this
past Sunday. Doug Klopp was the organist. The greeters were Leila and
Brenda Hay and the ushers were Jeff Butson and Raye Jacobe. Rev. An-
nen's message was "Love Your Enemies". The children's story was
"Love". Flowers were placed in the church in memory of Wendy Camp-
bell and Bona Clark.
Canada Food Grains Bank lunch will be held at the church, February 23,
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The cost is $6, tickets are available from Ian
McAllister (236-4034).
Church services will begin at 10 a.m., starting March 5. Donations for
the carpet fund may be placed in an envelope on the collection plate.
The annual beef supper wilt be held April 26. The World's Day of
Prayer will be March 3 at Hensall United Church.
The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late
Wendy Campbell.
Bus service
Hensall and Area residents should be advised that daily bus service to
London has resumed. This is a flag stop only. The bus can be met on
Highway #4 at 9:50 a.m., Monday to Saturday; at 3:20 p.m. on Sunday.
The bus will leave London each day at 5:45 p.m., for arrival in Hensall at
6:50 p.m. The service is for passengers and packages. Further information
is available at 1-800-361-0393.
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