HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1995-02-15, Page 23K -W Winter Carnival
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At the 25th annual Kirkton Winter Carnival on the weekend, the main attraction was once
again the snowmobile poker rally, as well over 100 snowmobilers braved icy winds to collect
their poker hands along the trail. The car rally attracted a similar number of participants,
but the cross country skiing event failed to draw any interest.
The Kirkton Winter Carnival selected its 1995 Snow Queen from seven contestants on Sat-
urday evening. Seated in front are runner-up Angie Luckhart (left), and winner Andrea
French at right. Standing behind are the other contestants, with last year's Queen Carolyn
Bryan, Kelll Regier, Kathryn Miles, Lyndsay Holdsworth, Tanya Bertrand and Rosemary Da-
Lucan Bowling
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Ayden 011ivier 179,141, Kristen
Hickson 154,125, Chad Rodgers
145,136, .Colin Haskett 144018, Ryan
Jenkin 143,120, Kelly Wilson 142,132,
Aaron Holland 132,130, Vanessa Smith
125,121, Joe McNaughton 142, Trevor
Maxwell 127, Matt Pipe 124, Melissa
Baker 119, Mallory Dow 116, Kathryn
Wilson 115.
Mike Barton 219-573, Hanney De-
nOtter 249-551. Peter DenOtter 195-
504, Ted Schendera 199, Tom Barr
197, Jack Moir 192, Marilyn Smith
192, Marion Barr 191, Donna Jeffrey
189, Laura Hudson 186, marie Moir
182, Bill Bere 172, Edith Arnott 172,
Ron Hudson 171, Dave Smith 171.
Senior Citizens
Cathie Westman 248-619, Stan Roth
259-599, Pat Davis 216-577, Peter
Vandenboomen 198-502, Harry Noels
179-497, Theo Sentjens 212-483, Mari-
an Noels 170-475, Edie Burt 174-461,
Florence McRobert 210, Howard Dolan
158. Bessie Caldwell 154.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Robbie Yeo 192,140, Ashley Smith
157,116, Kerrie Davis 155,143, Alex-
andra Dawson 152,115, Jenni Holland
145,101, Neel Misra 127,84, Jennifer
Ankers 103,92, Mike Ankers 100,89,
Gordon McLeod 99,82, Cam Mitchell
80,80. John Caidler 92, Meghan
McTaggart 74, Jeremy McNaughton
73, Sandra McLeod 73.
Wednesday Mixed
Frank Smeekens 249-668, Dale Fish-
er 303-647, Karen Smeekens 245-631,
Kevin Rollings 219-619, Steve Snider
233-598, Ian Davies 214-592, Scott
Martin 260-589, Patricia Jones 227-
587, Laurie McGee 231-578, Steve
Ackworth 234-576, Al Rollings 235-
552, Doug Beaudoin 210-551, Alex
Hyde 223, Annie VanHhoydonk 202,
Dave McGee 200.
Thursday Men
Bob Taylor 251,329,259.839, Ckorge
)Lee 275,292,244,811, Don Watt 286-
794, Jack Puller 310-784, Fred Allison
309-767, Tom Bullock 283-747, John
(Jansen 255-714, Dave Smith 239-706,
Jim Sweitzer 281-697, Pete Smith 264-
697, Colin Brewer 312-693, Doug Lee
270-692, Brad Taylor 273-679, Bill
McDonald 348-677, Pat Holland 257-
672, Fred Wells 281-670. Chris Smith
254-668, Tom McLellan 288-667, Jim
Dixon 250-666, Larry Smith 228-655,
Gary Melvin 251-641, Don Clark 223- •
636. Bill Mathers 239-631.
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 322,315,221-858, Basil
Short 301-717, Wayne Smith 289-714.
Robert Heckman 247-684, Heather
Smith 234-654, Bob Smith Jr. 293-647,
Pete Smith 269-646; Chris Smith 227-
613, Russ Smith 227-612, Lynn Smith
213-608, Desmond Rodgers 282, Eve-
Clyn Smith 254, Christina Glanville 244,
onnie Webster 241, Liz Jenkin 218.
Senior Y.B.C.
Todd Goldie 235-578, David Miller
226-528, Norma Culbert 203-526, Tyl-
er Graham 214-523, Sarah Culbert 178-
460, Brad Ankers 163, Larry SMith
159, Laura Jaques 154.
'Sunday Mixed
Lloyd Rimmer 324-793, Gary Mel-
vin 321-768, Dorn Stoddart 291-646,
Brenda Morgan 244-643, Rob Riley
244611, Don Morgan 216-603, Barb
Tuxford 229, Barry Southcott 223, Tra-
cey Riley 219, Butch Riley 209, Caro-
lyn Horner 207, Cheryl lmith 208, Pat
Hodgins 206, John Jaques 205. Rob
Varley 200.
Times -Advocate, February 15, 1995 Page 23
Social evening hosted at church
Granton UCW have husbands and pie helpers as guests
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - It would seem that
Old Man Winter has been trying to
catch up during the past week as
the weather most days could be de-
scribed as cold and blustery with
Sympathy from the community to
the family of Alice Bryan.(formerly
of Granton) who died at St. Marys
Memorial Hospital February 8. The
funeral was held at the Haskett Fu-
neral Home in Lucan Friday.
U.C.W. Unit 3 hosted a social
evening at the church February 7 in
place of a regular meeting, when
husbands and pie helpers were
guests. April and Margaret Bryan
convened the occasion when court
whist was enjoyed by the 18 people
in attendance.
Prizes were awarded for high
scores to Harold and Verna Mills;
low scores to Marion Thomson and
Stan Malcolm; half way prize
(score closest to 121) Isabel Mard-
lin; birthday closest to February 14,
Tom Harlton.
President April Bryan announced
the re -scheduled annual church
meeting and also the Presbyterial
meeting being held on Thursday,
February 16.
At St. Thomas' Anglican Church
Sunday, February 12, Rev. Stephen
Emery led the service of morning
prayer. His message was about
'Trusting in God' with a fertile re-
lationship like a tree planted beside
a stream and one's life plan will un-
fold as it should.
At Granton United Church Sun-
day, Pastor Normalie Voakes' ser-
mon was about 'the Things of God'
based on the lessons from Jeremiah
17, 1st Corinthians 15 and Luke 6.
Flowers were placed in the
church from the funerals of Alice
Bryan and Harry Hughes (husband
of Reta Cook).
Unit 2 is planning a Wedding
Fashion Show in late March and
would be pleased if anyone who
has any wedding fashions to loan,
would let their members know.
The Granton United Church an-
nual meeting was held Sunday,
Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Thurs., Feb. 16
7:00 p.m.
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February 12 following the service,
having been rescheduled from Feb-
ruary 6 due to the weather.
Pastor Normalie Voakes chaired
the meeting and Marilyn Hum-
phrey was the secretary.
In regard to the session, Robert
Garrett, Wilfred Garrett and Lloyd
Mardlin agreed to continue for an-
other term.
Heather Benner was appointed to
the board of trustees and Allan
McRobert and Mary Waters will be
members for another term of four
years on the Board of Stewards.
Madeline Hardie r5signed from
the Cradle Roll after many years of
a job well done. Also the treasurer,
Pam Hayes, resigned as of the end
of February.
Service time next Sunday is 8
a.m. The Anglican parish bible
study was held at the rectory Feb-
ruary 1 and February 8.
At Granton United Church on
Sunday, February 5, Murray Duf-
ton took charge of the service and
his sermon was about 'the Dangers
of Fishing with Jesus.'
Unit one met at Amelia Jame -
son's place February 2.
The hymn The Wise may bring
their learning' was sung and in the
absence of the president, Carlene
Goos gave the lesson thoughts
about Blooming in the winter. Ar-
rangements were made for the next
meeting on March 9 and upcoming
events discussed were the Sunrise
service and breakfast April 16, the
Drop In
Centre news
February 13
Carpet bowling
3 games played
Ray Hodgson 3 wins, score 37
Marsh Dearing 3 wins, score 36
3 wins, score 27
2 wins, score 33
2 wins, score 31
2 wins, score 25
2 wins, score 24
John Batten
Ray Smith
John DeWeerd
Pete McFalls
Myrtle Maguire
.Henry Drachenberg
2 wins, score 23
Coming events
Square dancing every Monday af-
Euchrama, Friday, February 24,
10 a.m.;
Poor boy luncheon, pancakes and
sausages, Monday, February 27,
11:45 a.m.
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
34,2678 Line dancers
Fri., Feb. 17
Country Justice
Sat., Feb. 18
Country Versailles
Mothers and Others luncheon May
Carlene read a story about a gift
from the woman in white and
Madeline Hardie wound up the
program with a quiz. Unit 4 met at
Nora Wissel's home February 1.
Leader Marilyn Humphrey read the
scripture lesson and gave a devo-
tional on Chords of Love followed
by prayer.
Upcoming events were discussed
and Betty Dann continued the pro-
gram with a story from the Observ-
er about a lady with cancer entitled
'Serenity, Service and Making Mu-
sic'. Marilyn read about Butternut
Wisdom and a poem Fairy Frost.
The St. Thomas' A.C.W. met at
Cathie Westman's home for a pot-
luck dinner February 3.
As co-ordinator Cathie opened
the meeting with a meditation and
Rev. Stephen Emery gave the
scripture reading Olive P. Hodgins
read a story about Neighbourliness
and Jean Noon read poems about
'Ground Hog Day' and 'Just for
Business discussion included the
A.C.W. annual in April.
February 7
5 game winners
Pat Davis
Isabelle Rogerson
John Pepper
Jim Davie
Russel Ferguson
February 8
5 game winners
Howard Johns
Ann Northey
011ie Essery
Gil Northey
4 game winners
Marjorie Hodgen
John Deweerd
Joe Gosar
Tom Williams
3 game winners
Doris Denham
Ina Williams
Gordon Hoggarth
Allen Johns
February 9
4 game winners
Lloyd Lovell
Marjorie Hodgert
011ie Essery
Doris Miller
3 game winners
Howard Johns
Tom Williams
Ted Wright
Eldon Heywood
Centralia Huron Park Lions
Super Bowl winners:
1st quarter, Tammy Biddle
1/2 time: Alex Mickle
3rd quarter: Barry Mills
Final score winner; A. LeGoff
Seller of winning ticket,
Tim Sheridan
We want your
favourite recipes
With the great response to our Times Advocate
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