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Times -Advocate, January 25, 1995
Faber - Arthur
Nicola Arthur and Gerald Rus-
sell Henry Faber were united
in marriage January 19, 1995
in Atigua. Nicola is the daugh-
ter of Chris and Bob Arthur,
London, Ontario. Gerald is
the son of Russell and Anita
Faber, Kippen. Congratula-
tions to you both! Open re-
ception to follow February 18,
1995 in Strathroy. The couple
will reside in Mt. Brydges.
ELW meet
By Doris Hamilton
ZURICH - The Evangelical Lu-
theran Women of Zurich met for
their January meeting with 14 la-
dies present.
The executive conducted the
business and presented the devo-
A video was shown on Lutheran
world relief relating to ELW efforts
in putting quilts together, showing
how they are packed and stripped
and their use as quilts in hospitals
The group's efforts will help to
keep someone warm on a cold
To celebrate "Hay Days '96"
ZURICH - Next year, 1996, Hay Township will be
150 years old. The year long celebration will be
known as "Hay Days '96". A steering committee has
been working on the events for over a
year now and plans are rolling along
The first endeavour of the Fund-
raising committee, headed by Bill
Munn, has been the sale of tickets
on a cash draw. There are only
500 $20 tickets being sold on a
chance on ten $100 prizes
which are being drawn two per
month from May to July6 of this year. If you win on
one of these, your ticket goes back in to try for the
main prizes which will consist of a third prize of
$500, 2nd prize $800 and grand prize $1,500.
Proceeds from this draw will go towards the
Homecoming parade which will be held next
year and a Heritage Education Project which
will be held in the local schools.
The grand prize draws will be held on
Wednesday July 12, 1995 at the "Hay
Days BBQ and Auction". There will be a
chicken BBQ and the chance to bid on
items to help raise money for next
'.ear's celebrations. Anyone wishing
to donate items or help with this event,
please call Bill Munn 263-5096 or Glen Thiel 236-
Shirley McAllister, the winner of the "Hay Days '96" Slogan contest is present with Steer-
ing Committee Chair Bud Wilson for the unveiling of the new road signs.
Zurich Girls Club prepare
soup and sandwich lunch
Money raised is ear-
marked for club activi-
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Grand Bend will be
happy to see this snow for their
Winter Carnival which runs from
February 3-12. The fashion show is
being held at the Exeter Legion on
Friday, February 3.
Girls Club
The Girls Club held a successful
soup and sandwich lunch at the
Mennonite church hall on Sunday
afternoon. Some of the 19 girls
helped their leaders make vegetable
soup on Saturday. Then their moth-
ers sent along the sandwiches for
the meal. Donations collected will
be used for club activities and to
offset the cost of a two-day retreat
the girls are planning in April.
Their next meeting will be held at
the church hall on Thursday, Febru-
ary 2.
Bowl for Millions
Sponsor sheets are going around
to raise money for the South Huron
Big Brothers/Big Sisters 15th annu-
al "Bowl for Millions" event taking
place at the Town & Country Bowl-
ing Lanes in Zurich from February
12-19 and ending with the Celebri-
ty Bowl on Sunday afternoon.
Zurich Agricultural Society
Those interested in attending the
Zurich Agricultural Society Fair
Board dinner and meeting held at
the Dominion Tavern on Thursday,
January 26 are to let Margaret
Deichert know before January 23,
236-4130. Dinner begins at 6:30
p.m. with the meeting afterwards at
8:00 Everyone welcome.
Skating party
A St. Boniface Parish Skating
Party is being held at the Zurich
Arena this Sunday, January 29
from 2-4 p.m.
Free Throw
The Knights of Columbus Free
Throw (basketball) competition is
being held at the St. Boniface
school gym on Wednesday. Janu-
ary 25 at 4:15 p.m.
Students from other schools in
the area will be participating as
Kid's Check
Don't forget about the Optimist
Club Kid's Check that will be held
at the Zurich Arena this Saturday.
January 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 2
p.m. All children are to be watts
panied by a parent or guardian.
Therese Stark, Zurich, along with
granddaughters Cynthia and Jenny
Stark, Windsor and friends from La
Salle recently returned home from
a week-long Caribbean cruise.
Toots also spent a few days in
London last week visiting with son
Steven and Marsha Stark.
Thomas Dennis Lansbergen, son
of Jane and Tony, was baptized at
St. Boniface Church on Sunday,
January 22 by Fr. Wronski.
Mozart Gelinas Sr. returned
home last Friday after spending a
few days in Victoria Hospital last
Congratulations to Victor and
Irene Hartman who celebrated their
45th anniversary on January 21.
Happy birthday wishes to out to
Peter Mathonia; Stephanie Van-
Raay (three years old) on January
16; Scott Regier on January 23;
Robbie Mathonia, Hensel) (six year
old) on January 20; his sister Sta-
cey (four years old) on January 23;
and to Dan Eybergen on January
Several relatives from town relat-
ed to the late Leo Regier in Pem-
broke, spent the weekend there
and attended his funeral. He is a
brother of Joe, Clem and Peter Re-
gier and Lucille Masse.
Five local students recently en-
joyed going on an exciting week-
long trip to the Dominican Repyb-
lic. Mary Hartman, Loretta Regier.
Amy Wildfong, Kerri Gingerich
and Dody Sweitzer had quite an ex-
perience and saw how people live
in other parts of the world.
Welcome back to work clerk
treasurer Maureen Simmons, who
has been off for the past six months
on maternity leave. Her replace-
ment Sharon Baker did a great job
while she was away.
Congratulations to Nellie and
Dan Evans on the arrival of their
first baby, a boy, Blake Andrew,
born on January 8. Nellie is on ma-
ternity leave from the Zurich Ad-
vance paper office.
Jew g/nei
385 Main St. Exeter
Tank you for
making our opening
a complete success
Joyce Baptie of Exeter
was the winner of the
pair of dressmaker
Usborne &
Hibbert Mutual
Fire Insurance
Exeter, Ontario NOM ISI
(Established in 1876)
Provides Full Insurance
for Farm Properties
New Applications are
Larry Gardner, RR2, Staffs .345-2575
Lloyd Monition, Mltche0
348434' Y
Lome Feeney, Mitchell 346.6653
Jack Hodyert, RA1, Ktrkton 2296162
Joe Chefte, RR5 Mitchell .3484705
Michael O'Shea RR3 Granton 225.2600
Wayne Mever Exeter 2361915
John Moore, Dublin 345-2612
Joseph tJniec, MttcheN 346-9012
Head Office, Exeter 2360350
A refund Iron surplus was ds.
eland for all ply holder;
who qualify, are on record and
M good atandNng as at Decem-
ber 31, 199t
44-' taking Drapery
Certification Course
We are increasing our
knowledge to better
serve your needs
Inquire about our upcoming
hands-on decorative wall finish
(sponging lagging, etc) classes
including • Troubleshooting
11!"1Due to the tremendous amount of interest in
our experience and knowledge of decorative
wall finishes we have decided to have
afternoon and/or evening classes
Also Stencilling Classes taught by
Louise's Unique Interiors owner and
certified stencilling teacher
Remember - we carry a full line of
. Unique interiors
' ` ,< '51e, 235-4086
Benjamin Moore -Paints
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
There is a plant in Australia relied the bitlygoat
plum whose fruit has been shown to contain 5% by
weight of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), an astonishing
amount. It ;s becoming a very popular health food
product "down under".
The Kidney Foundation of Canada wants people to be aware of the
warning signs of kidney disease: high blood pressure. passage of blood
or cloudy urine, excessive foaming of the urine, puffiness of the eyes,
hands and feet. and frequent passing of urine during the night.
Kidney disease progresses silently. People at high risk are diabetics,
people with high blood pressure and close relatives of people with he-
reditary kidney disease.
Did you know that we each produce almost 1.5 litres of saliva every 24
Many people wake up in the moming with a stiff neck. It can be due to
their pillow. Most pillows force the neck vertebrae into an unnatural an-
gle. There are therapeutic pillows that keep these neck bones parallel
with the mattress and you'll wake up with no pain.
It"Your Health Care Pharmacy"
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St., Exeter
tlotth'I dd'eser 5'Jorlh Lambton 5!rtr
SpeCial Feature
"Salute to
will be published early February
This is our most popular special edition ever
The Times -Advocate is preparing our fourth annual salute
to famil -owned businesses who are an extremely
important p f ouriliCal economy. We will be listing
businesses showing when they were established and
prominently displaying their name... for as little as $49.50
AT 235-1331
NOTE; Deadline for this special feature is Fri. Feb. 3