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Hensall council reviews
tourism membership
Does Hensall get its money's
worth for $4 77.96? •
By Heather Vincent
T -A staff
HENSALL - Sandra Chabot of
the Southwestern Ontario Travel
Association was present at Monday
evening's meeting to inform the
council about the activities of
SWOTA. The organization was es-
tablished by the provincial govern-
ment to promote tourism and rec-
reation in Ontario. SWOTA
encourages municipalities to be-
come members as a way to receive
support and enhancement to local
promotional efforts. Hensall is cur-
rently a member of SWOTA, they
are considering renewal for 1995.
The annual membership fee for
SWOTA is $477.96 for the Village
of Hensall. Huron County and ap-
proximately six other Huron mu-
nicipalities are also a members.
Alex Irvine reported on the bylaw
enforcement. He has received sev-
eral complaints about parking tick-
ets served in November. No ticket
were given in December and ten
tickets have been issued to date this
month. Some people have ad-
dressed Reeve Cecil Pepper about
concerns that there is selective tick-
eting of vehicles. The parking lot
in question at General Coach was
• confirmed to have plenty of space'
for all the vehicles. Irvine also re-
ported that the problem of dogs
roaming in the streets is well on its
way to being resolved.
The noise bylaw of Exeter was
circulated by Dick Packham as a
New chair
for Exeter
Tom Seip will
head up a new
slate of directors
for 1995
EXETER - A new chairper-
son has stepped up to take the
helm of the Exeter Business
Association (BIA) in 1995.
Tom Seip, of Seip's Valu
Mart, was nominated as chair
of the organization for the
next three years at the BIA's
January meeting last Wednes-
day evening. Don Romphf,
said he had been pleased to
serve as chair for nearly six
years, and wished Seip luck
for the coming term.
BIA secretary Adrian Harte
was re-elected to the position,
and will also serve as vice -
chairperson in Seip's absence.
Don Thompson also returned
to his position as treasurer for
the new term.
A new slate of directors
was also welcomed at the in-
augural meeting: Peter An-
taya, Shelley Grant, David
Holtzmann, Ben Hoo-
genboom, Anne Lindenfield,
Helen Miller, Shari Rob-
inson, Terry Schwart-
zentruber, Cathy Seip, and
Ron Bogart will serve as di-
rectors until 1998. Bob
Spears was re -appointed by
town council to serve as their
A committee of council, the
BIA has two main areas of
focus to improve Exeter's
business community - beau-
tification and promotion. Re-
cent beautification projects
include banners, street fur-
niture and flowers for the
town, as well as the purchase
of a garden in the Lions Sce-
nic Gardens project. Pro-
motions include the Santa
Claus Parade, the Exeter
Bucks program, and the sum-
mer Sidewalk -bales Days.
One of the first tasks for
the BIA for 1995 is to set a
new budget. The 1994 bud-
get was 547,212.
tr *gm
A New
Spirit of
A national pntgram 10 en.nurgle Rimy)
and volureeenng
hers of the Parks and Community
Centre Committee, received its
third reading and was passed by
council. This bylaw ensures that
there is never a whole new com-
sample for Hensall to follow. Jeff mittee yet still allowing for new
Reaburn expressed concern about members.
how enforceable a bylaw such' as Bylaw No. 002-95, with respect
this might be. "Lets use the ex- to the sewage service rate increase
ample of snowmobiles traveling on received its final reading and was
the highway, they (the OPP) were passed. The sewage rate, charged
not willing to deal with that." Fur- on the water bill for residential is
ther investigation is to follow. $6.00 per month, for small com-
In response to a request by Us- mercial is $7.85, for commercial is
borne Township, a motion was $25.85 and $64.35 for industrial
made to present a suggestion to is- properties.
sue permits for entrance into the Bylaw No. 003-95 was passed by
landfill site. The scheduled drop- council and enters into an agree -
offs are proposed to be twice per ment with five other municipalities
year during regular hours in the to form a committee for joint build -
spring and fall. The acceptable ing inspection. Steve Towle will
items would include large house- be the representative at the meet -
hold items such as appliances. No ings to be held in the administrating
agricultural waste would be accept- municipality of Seaforth. The re -
able. Hoffman suggested that this maining municipalities include;
year be used as a test and perhaps Tuckersmith, Stanley, Usborne and
reduce the drop-off to once a year Bayfield.
in the future. • A motion was carried that the
The bylaw No. 001-95, giving the striking committee will be involved
corporation of the Village of Hen- in job description and evaluation as
call the authority to appoint mem- part of the pay equity process.
Co-operators marks 50 years
In Exeter for 16 years, the
company started by changing
insurance rules in the 1940s
EXETER - One of Exeter's insurance companies
took part in a nation-wide 50th anniversary celebra-
tion of its parent company. The Exeter office of the
Co-operators insurance [narked the event with the
cutting of a cake.
Town mayor Ben Hoogenboom,
MP Paul Steckle, and MPP Paul
Klopp were invited to help cel-
ebrate the event, but it was Klopp
who had perhaps the most per-
sonal connection with the an-
Klopp said he could remsmber
when his grandfather sold policies
for what was then a fledgling com-
pany re -writing the rules of the in-
surance game.
The company got its roots in the
1940s in the rural areas of Sas-
katchewan and Ontario. Klopp
said it was formed when farmers
became concerned about the high
cost of insurance on farm vehicles
at that time. By the time he could
remember his grandfather selling
Co-operators Insurance Associa-
tions of Guelph policies in the
1960s, Klopp said the company had saved farmers
millions of dollars over the years.
"It was mainly for farmers," said Klopp.
Since that time, however, the company has grown
to include 350 offices across Canada, and now sells
just about every kind of policy, said agent Glenda
The co-operative spirit is still alive, however, as
all policy holders are also automatically share-
holders in the company.
Huron MP Paul Klopp cuts a cake in honour of the Co-
operators Insurance national 50th anniversary. Klopp's
grandfather sold pollicies for the company from its early
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