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BERENDS•WILSON • Rob and Judi are
proud to announce the birth of their daughter
Clairissa Cori, 7 lbs. 4 oz., and 21" long.
She was born on January 3, 1995 at St. Jo-
seph's Health Centre. Proud grandparents
are Hielke and Jean Berends and George and
Sue Wilson. Happy great -grandpas are Tunis
Berends and Doug Insley. Watching from
heaven are great-grandparents Mrs. Berends,
Dorothy Insley and Les Wilson. Little cou-
sin for Brooke. 2•
COOK - John and Cheryl are pleased to an-
nounce the birth of their new son Steven
Robert, born December 20, 1994 weighing 7
lbs. 5 oz. at St. Joseph's Health Centre. A
baby brother for Bradley and Jenna. Proud
grandparents are Cliff and Ruth Cook of
Granton and Gerald and Irene Lynn of Lu -
can. Also, a wonderful birthday present for
great -grandma Madeline Hardie of Lucan.
Special thanks to Dr. Julie Clarke and the
third floor nurses of St. Joseph's Health
Centre. 2c
McNUTT • Mark and Cheri (Clarke) wel-
comed in the New Year with their first child.
Jeffery Dillan, weighing 6 lbs. 15 ozs. on
January I, 1995 at St. Joseph's Health Cen-
tre. Proud grandparents are Don and Betty
Clarke of Huron Park and Bill and Bonnie
McNutt of Crediton. 2•
Cards of Thanks
BAKER - We, the family of the late Edgar
Baker, wish to thank our friends, neighbours
and relatives for their support at this time,
visits, sympathy cards, flowers and dona-
tions, also food brought to us. Our thanks to
Queensway Nursing Home. South Huron
Hospital, Hoffman's Ambulance, also Rev.
Cordell Parsons and Bill and Dan of Hopper
Hockey Funeral Home for your guidance
and understanding, the U.C.W. of Exeter
United Church for serving the lunch. Every-
thing has been deeply appreciated.
2• Janet, Paul, Brenda, Lynda and families
BECKER - A sincere thank you to my
friends, family and neighbours for your
kindness and support both before and fol-
lowing my surgery.
Cards of Thanks
GiLL • My husband and I express our
thanks to South Huron Hospital, the doctor
and nurses on Emergency, and the doctors
and nurses on the main floor for their con-
stant care for me while a few days in hospi-
tal. Thank you.
2' Edith
HAYTER • The family of the late Mervyn
Hayter would like to express their sincere
appreciation to our relatives, friends and
neighbours for their flowers, visits, dona-
tions to Heart and Stroke, Varna Church,
Hospitals, and Cancer Society and to those
who brought food to our homes. Special
thanks to Marjorie Hayter for music, Barry
Cleave. Marjorie Love, the ladies of Varna
Church for the lovely lunch after the service,
Michael O'Connor Funeral Home, the pall-
bearers and flower bearers, and to Rev.
Douglas Wright and Elly Van Bergen.
20 Marg., Darlene and Marshall,
Glenn, Lois and family
HOVIUS • We would like to express our
sincere thanks and appreciation for all the
cards, flowers and donations sent by neigh-
bours, friends and family when our father,
Jacob Hovius Sr., passed away.
2• The Hovius Family
KENNEY -1 would like to thank all my rel-
atives, friends and neighbours for all treats.
cards, visits and phone calls while I was in
the hospital and since returning home. Also
a special thank you to Dr. Jadd, Dr. Sales
and nursing staff on fourth floor at St. Jo-
seph's Hospital.
2' Ron
NORTHCOTT • The family of the late Vi-
olet Northcott wish to express their deepest
gratitude to relatives, friends and neighbours
for their many thoughtful expressions of
sympathy, floral tributes, memorial dona-
tions and cards. Special thanks to Dinney
Funeral Home. Thanks to Rev. Fay Patter-
son for her comforting message and the la-
dies of Trivitt Anglican Church for provid-
ing the lunch after the service. Also, a very
special thanks to Dr. Gans of Exeter for his
care and kindness shown to our Mother over
the years. Your comforting expressions of
sympathy will always be remembered.
2• Ellis Northcott,
Glenn and Karen Northcott,
Mildred Northcott
a*$7 H hiRCH
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, January 15
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8:00 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
call 229-8881
January 15
9:30-11:00 a.m,
Worship Broadcast
Comer of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, January 15, 1995 10:304m.
Second Sunday after Epiphany
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Courtesy Car: Charlie Atthirl
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcome!
870 Main St. 8.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, January 15
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
In gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Kids Clubs and Youths
Home Fellowship Groups on
Wednesday and Thursday
nights at 7:00 p.m.
Nursery available for all services
A place to meet Ood and a friend'
Main St. North
Worship Services
January 15
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
January 15
11:00-12:10 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
'We may give without loving, but we
cannot love without giving.'
Comer of Gidley and Main
The Rev. Fay M. Patterson
Second after Epiphany
January 15, 1995
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist B.A.S.
Children's and Family Service
January 14
7:00 p.m. Saturday Evening Service
Everyone Welcome
January 15, 1995
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Everyone welcome
Wheelchair access
68 Main Street South
Rev. Dr. Rick Horst
Interim Moderator 1-284-3172
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday, January 15
11:00 a.m Worship Service
Mr. Murray Mitchell will speak on
Project Nicaragua
Church School (Grades K-7)
Nursery available
Everyone Welcome
Cards of Thanks
SIMS • We wish to thank our families,
friends and neighbours for all the support,
flowers and cards extended to us during the
loss of a dear wife and mother, Georgic
Sims. Your kindness will not be forgotten.
2• Fred, Bonnie and Lloyd Mathcrs
TREVITHICK - The family of the late
William John (Jack) Trevithick wish to
thank neighbours friends and relatives for
their many thoughtful expressions of sympa-
thy, floral tributes. memorial donations, food
and cards. Special thanks to the Ailsa Craig
Masonic Lodge 0574 for their service.
Thanks to Rev. Kenneth Taylor for his com-
forting message, to Pat and Bruce Fraser of
the T. Stephenson & Son Funeral Home. the
pallbearers and the ladies of Brinsley United
Church for the luncheon. Your kindness wilt,
always be remembered.
2• Grace, Ruth, Neil, Marcia and families
BOWEN • Suddenly at South Huron Hospi-
tal Exeter on Saturday, January 7, 1995.
Alice Matilda (Higgins) Bowen of Exeter in
her 80th year. Loved wife of Albert Bowen.
Dearmother of Wayne and Sharon Bowen
of Camlachie. Dear grandmother of Kelly of
Guelph and Tammy of Camlachie. Dear sis-
ter of Mrs. Viola Sweitzer of Exeter and
Mrs. Irma Knight of Frankcnmuth, Michi-
gan. Predeceased by 2 sisters and 3 brothers.
Rested at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, William Street, Exeter on Monday 2-
4 and 7-9 p.m. where the complete funeral
service was held on Tuesday. January 10 at
2 p.m. with Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating.
Interment Exeter Cemetery. A Rebekah
Lodge Memorial Service was held in the fu-
neral home Monday evening at 6:45 p.m.
Donations to the Ontario Heart and Stroke
Foundation or the Huron County Homemak-
ers would be appreciated by the family. 2c
GUENTHER • At Peel Memorial Hospital.
Brampton. on Tuesday, January 3, 1995, Lil-
lian Mary (Walker) Guenther of Brampton.
formerly of Exeter, in her 81st year. Beloved
wife of the late John "Jack" Guenther
(1983). Loved mother of Ron Guenther and
Frieda of Brampton, Hobbs and Marilyn
Guenther of Englewood, Florida. Dear
grandma of 6 grandchildren and 4 great-
grandchildren. Loved sister of Marion and
William Keys,Mavis Chapman, Dorothy
and Norman Wold, Douglas and Edna Walk-
er, all of Winnipeg. Loved by her nieces and
nephews. Cremation with interment Exeter
Cemetery. A memorial funeral service was
held at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Futter.
al Home, Dashwood (519-237-3532) on Sat-
urday, January 7, 1995. The Rev. Fay M.
Patterson officiated. If desired, memorial do-
nations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation
or charity of your choice would be appre-
ciated. 2c
LAVE • Suddenly at South Huron Hospital,
Exeter, on Saturday, January 7, 1995, James
G. Laye of RR 3 Dashwood in his 67th year.
Beloved husband of Betty (Sims) Laye.
Dear father of Robert and Barb Laye and
Terry Laye all of Exeter. Larry and Tammy
Laye of Lambeth. Mary Laye and Eugene
Becker of RR 3 Dashwood, and Mark and
Sharon Laye of Crediton. Dear grandfather
of Rianne, Vannessa and Alicia; Mandy,
Luke and Lamy Jr.; Mark Jr., Corey and
Zakery. Dear brother of Jack and Wilfred,
both of Parkhill, Robert, Clifford and Doro-
thy Ashman all of London. Predeceased by a
sister Mary Graham. Rested at the Hopper
Hockey Funeral home, William Street. Exet-
er, Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. where the fu-
neral service was held on Tuesday. January
10 at 11 a.m. with Rev. Ed Laksmanis offi-
ciating. Interment Exeter Cemetery. Dona-
tions to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foun-
dation or the Cerebral Palsy Foundation
would be appreciated by the family. 2c
SANDERS • At Kitchener -Waterloo Hospi-
tal. Kitchener, Ontario on Monday. January
2, 1995, Marion Ruth (Gladman) Sanders of
Waterloo, formerly of Exeter. in her 76th
year. Beloved wife of the late Warren Sand-
ers (1985). Dear mother of Marnie, Marga-
ret. Ted, Mary Jane, Bob, Liz and Jim. Also
survived by II grandchildren. A private
family service was held at the R.C. Dinney
Funeral Home, Main Street. Exeter Wednes-
day, January 4 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Robert
DeGraw officiating. Cremation. Interment in
Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Heart
and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated
by the family. 2c
A tree will be planted
as a living memorial
to Mrs. Sanders.
In Memoriams
BODENHAM - In loving memory of our
good friend and neighbour Fred Bodenham.
who entered into rest one year ago, January
We have an endless hope,
Not a hopeless end. Titus 1:2
Always remembered by Vern and Shirley
Postili and family. 2•
BRINTNELL - In loving memory of a dear
father, father-in-law, grandfather and great-
grandfather, Russell, who passed away one
year ago, January 5, 1994.
God looked around His garden,
And found an empty place.
He then looked down upon this earth,
And saw your tired face.
He knew that you would never get well,
Upon this earth again,
So He put His arms around you,
And lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He only takes the best.
Sadly missed by Bob and Marie. Ed and
Cheryl. Don and Dorothy, Fred and Cindy
COOPER - In loving memory of a (kat
wife and mother. Corinne, who passed away
January 12. 1994.
Little did we know that morning.
The sorrow the day would bring.
The call was sudden. the shock severe,
To part with one we loved so dear.
You didn't have time to say farewell.
Or for us to say good-bye.
You had gone before we realized.
And only God knows why.
We think of you in silence,
And often speak your name,
And all we have are memories,
And your picture in a frame.
Our hearts still ache with sadness,
Our silent tears still flow,
For what it meant 10 lose you,
No one will ever know.
Lovingly 1 remembered by Dune. Doug, ('a
role and family. 2'
In Memoriams
DAVIS • in loving memory of a dear hus-
band, Dad, Grandpa, R.F. (Dick), who
passed away January 11, 1992.
Gone from our Iives,
But forever lives in our hearts.
Greatly missed by wife Jean, childre.i Ca-
role, Steve, Norma, Sherrie, Debbie and
their families. 2c
HERBERT • At one point I thought love
was great.
He tried to kap me out so late,
Even though it has its ups and downs,
( know that he was the best around.
When he left so late that night.
I knew I'd lost him, it gave me such a fright.
When God took my love away,
I (fought I was supposed to pay.
1 was in pain and sadness for so long.
( tried to listen to his favourite songs.
Even though he was taken away.
I still have his love anyway.
1 try so hard to keep it all inside,
My friends tell me just to cry.
Now I think of where he rests,
1 know he is in the fest place a man can get.
When I visit him where he lays.
1 find myself still in pain,
I love him still so much.
"In loving memory of Mike Herbert."
I wrote this song for you. 1 hope you love it
because 1 will always love you.
From your loving girlfriend: Jen Pfaff and
My family, Kevin, Sherry. Dean and Shane.
HERN • In loving memory of a dear broth-
er, Ross, whoaway one year ago,
January 18. 1993.
There is a bridge of memories,
From here to heaven above,
That keeps you very close to us,
It's called the 'Bridge of Love'.
Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by
Lauren and Hazel- 2•
RESTEMAYER • In loving memory of a
dear husband, father and grandfather Melvin
(Mep,who passed away four years ago. Jan-
uary 28. 1991.
A family has a special bond,
Its love that forms the tie.
And even in the darkest/tours.
Love will never die.
It's what we draw our strength upon,
in sadness and despair.
Our comfort win the worst of times,
Because it's always there.
And when a loved one is taken,
Although we have to part,
We keep them in a special place,
That's deep inside our hearts.
Lovingly remembered by Dot; Jane and
Euke: Sandra, Randy and Sarah; Susan. John
and Kaitlin. 2•
TREViTHICK - In loving memory of a
dear mother, grandmother and great
grandmother, Evelyn, who passed away Jan-
uary 6. 1990.
You are always in our mind,
No matter what we do,
All the time within our hearts.
There are thoughts of you.
Sadly missed and forever in our hearts.
Lo•.e Grace, Ruth, Neil, Marcia and fami-
lies 2•
Angelo's Pizza
Now Open in Exeter
Wed. to Sun.
12 noon - 10 p.m.
on Jan. 8
Aunt Di
core Cody
Ages 3.16 years
Dashwood Community Centre
Sat., Jan. 14, 1995
For more information contact
Jennffer Weigand 2373418
Mon., Jan. 9./95
Game #1: Sonya Lawrence,
$50; Game #2: Ann Hirpzel
$50; Game #3: Evelyn
MacDonald, Sandra Fields,
$25. ea. ; Game #4: Teresa
Foster, Vicki Lovelace, $38.
ea.; Game #5 Ted Wright,
$100. Game #6, Sharon
Campbell $100. consolation
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Hr.itl Otote
111 N,ulcrha,'trees. (,nuh'n
19 I
Thompson - Doug and
Marilyn wish to thank
friends and neighbours
for the help and offers of
assistance 'following the
barn fire and special
thanks to the Lucan and
Granton Volunteer Fire
Exeter Sports
Card Show
Exeter Legion Hall
Sat., Jan. 14
10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Admission $1.00. For
information 485-4133
Parkhill Silver Blades
Ages 3 to 5, at Parkhill Arena
Starts Jan. 12, 4 p.m.
Registration at 3 p.m.
on Jan. 12
For more information contac ►
Sue Brown 294-0449 or
Mary Walker 232-4822
March 12 -16 F am, go Hilton
April 14 - 17 Imperial Palace
$ 389 U.S. pp + tax
311 Main St.,
Exeter 235.2000
Toll Free
Doug Moon
rain DANCE
349.2678 9 - a.m.
Lineine dancers
• • welcome
Fri., Jan. 13
End -O -The -Line
• Sat., Jan. 14
South Huron
Racquet and
Fitness Club
Sat., January 14
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Located at the 190 Thames Rd.
(East) Business Centre
For details phone
Jamie Dougall 235-0448
Manua 0
235-2773 _ tff2
Buy one medium pizza 4nuet 10 wings FREE
Other menu hot spots, home stlib 6 oz. burgers, English 1
style fish & chips. Eat in or take out r
cl r.....l. cf......./.J.✓....!.!././.l. !.,/..rlJ
Milr RMS.
To reach the correspondent in your area:
Centralia Mary Peterson 228-6992
Granton Muriel Lewis 225-2578
Saintsbyry H. Davis 227-4153
Staffa Roberta Templeman 345-2346
Thames Road Rhoda Rohde 235-0327
Varna Joan Beierling 233-7443
Cartmel Sweeney 236-4702
Liz Sangster 262-2715
424 Mehl St. Exeter
Centralia International
cordially inv>j
ou to attend their
Thurs. January 10, Loo p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Tours and Course Information Available
,, Light refreshments will be served