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ate, January 4, 1995
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Cards of Thanks
BEAVER - The family of the late Harold
Beaver wish to thank relatives, neighbours
and friends for the lovely flqwers, the dona-
tions to charities, cards and for the food
brought to the house. Thanks to Bill and
Dan at Hopper Hockey Funeral Home for
their caring assistance. Thanks also to. Rev.
Cordell Parsons and Rev. James Allsop and
also to the Ladies of the Exeter United
Church for serving us a lovely lunch.
Thanks also to the Hoffman Ambulance and
the South Huron Hospital Emergency De-
partment. Special thanks to the St. Joseph
Health Centre's Emergency Department, op-
erating team and the I.C.U. for being socar-
Audrey and Bill,
Ray and Bev,
Pat and Lome
and families
BEAVER - 1 would like to thank all those
who called and sent cards after the passing
of my brother Harold.
1 • Harry and Ruby
BOWER -1 would like to take this opportu-
nity to thank the staff of the Exeter Villa Re-
tirement Lodge. The care and concem made
the past three years very comfortable. 1 have
recently moved to Chateau Gardens Nursing
Home at 250 Tain St. Parkhill. Ontario. 1 am
hoping my relatives and friends continue to
visit me at my new address.
1 c Verna
JOHNSON • We wish to express our thanks
to our family, friends and neighbours for
cards, phone calls, visits and meals brought
in to our home as a result of our accident in
St. Marys December 16. Special thanks to
Rev. Earle Elliott and Bruce Barnes of
Grace Community Church for their visit
with us at the hospital the night of the acci-
dent and thanks from Florence especially to
Dr. Henderson and nurses of the emergency
staff of St. Marys Memorial Hospital, and
also to Dr. Arciszewski, Orthapaedic Sur-
geon of Stratford General Hospital, the
Women institute and the Woodham U.C.W.
lc Gordon and Florence
MURRAY - 1 would like to thank Kathy
Gielen, ambulance attendants, hospital staff,
and the Exeter Hawks trainer for assistance
and comfort given to me at the time of my
accident. Your care and concern was sin-
cerely appreciated.
Jason Murray,
Seaforfh Cenlenaires
GREEN - Peacefully at Kincardine and Dis-
trict General Hospital, on Thursday. Decem-
ber 29. 1994, F. Henry "Hank" Green of
Trillium Court, Kincardine, formerly of
Grand Bend, in his 91st year. Beloved hus-
band of Phyllis (Marlene) Green. Loved fa-
ther of Betty and Douglas Fletcher of Kin-
cardine. Ice and Wreathe Green of Grand
Bend. Also loved by his 4 grandchildren, 5
great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Dear brother of Burton and Marg Green of
Grand Bend, Mildred Hogearth of London,
• Ruth Joyce of Detroit, Michigan, Beatrice
and Dr. Colin McKeen of Orangeville. Pre-
deceased by his brothers, Elton Green
(WW1), Ivan Green, sisters Luella Fair -
borne. Esther Freeborne, Dora Taylor and
parents Cyrus and Mary (Zaphe) Green.
Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Fu-
neral Home, Dashwood. with visitation on
Friday, where the funeral service was held
on Saturday, December 31, 1994 at 1 p.m.,
the Rev. Robt. Peebles officiating. If de-
sired, memorial donations to the Alzheimer
Society or charity of your choice would be
appreciated. 1
HAW - Peacefully at his residence, on Tues-
day, December 27, 1994, Allan Russell
Haw, of Grand Cove Estates, Grand Bend,
formerly of Rainy River District, in his 84th
year. Beloved husband of Mary C. Sullivan
(Schroeder) Haw. Loved father of Francis
and Sarah Haw of Atikokan, Ont., Margaret
and John Brindle of Forest, Leta and Arthur
Lang of Dryden, Helen Haw of Leamington.
Dear stepfather of George and Shirfey Sulli-
van, Ralph and Daryl Sullivan, all of Hope,
B.C., Glenn and Heather Sullivan of Ottawa.
Also loved by 10 grandchildren, 5 great-
grandchildren, 10 step -grandchildren and 13
step -great-grandchildren. Dear brother-in-
law of Violet, Alma, Ethel, Dom and Helen.
Predeceased by his first wife, Isobel May
(Haney) Haw, brothers Earl, Henry, Ken-
neth, Carman and parents William and Su-
san (Rusk) Haw. At Allan's request, there
was no visitation prior to the funeral service
which was held at the T. Harry Hoffman &
Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, on Friday.
December 30, 1994. The Rev. Earl Burr offi-
ciated. Interment Pinery Cemetery, Grand
Bend. if desired, memorial donations to
Grand Bend United Church Mzmorial Fund,
Cancer Society or charity of your choice
would be appreciated. Mr. Haw was an ele-
mentary teacher for 38 years in the Rainy
River District. 1
January 8, 1995
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Bible Class
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Everyone welcome
Wheelchair access
Comer of Gidley and Main
The Rev. Fay fijatterson
First after Epiphany
The Baptism of the Lord
January 8, 1995
11 a.m. Morning Prayer B.A.S.
Sunday School and Nursery
January 7
7:00 p.m. Saturday Evening Service
Everyone Welcome
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Pastor Dave Austin
Christian Education Director Mike Stehle
Sunday, January 8
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Kids Clubs and Youths
Home Fellowship Groups on
Wednesday and Thursday
nights at 7:00 p.m.
Nursery available for all services
'A place to meet God and a Mend'
January 8
9:30-11:00 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
88 CHURLain Street iotJlft
Rev. Dr. Rick Horst
Interim Moderator 1-284-3172
Courtesy Car: 235-1967
Sunday, January 8
11:00 a.m Worship Service
Speaker. Rev. &abrins Caldwell
Church School (Grades K-7)
Nursery available
Everyone Webome
Main St. North
Worship Services
January 8
10:00 a.m.
SundaySchool for ages 3 -grade 4
during morning service
7:00 p.m. Evening Service
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
• Daily T.V.
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m.
We may give without loving, but we
cannot love without giving.'
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8:00 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street,•Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more Infomtation please
call 229-8881
Comer of James and Andrew St.
Sunday, January 8, 1995 10:30 a.m.
Courtesy Car: Charlie, Arbil
Nursery Provided
Everyone Welcomel
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assistant Pastor John Boyachek
Sunday, January 8
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship ,
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
January 8
11:00-12:10 a.m.
Worship Broadcast
BAKER - At South Huron Hospital, Exeter,
on Sunday, January I, 1995, Edgar A. Bak-
er, of Exeter, in his 87th year. Beloved hus-
band,of Janet (Thomson) Baker. Dear father
and father-in-law of Paul and Brenda Baker
of London and Lynda of Exeter. Dear grand-
father of Shelley and Shauna; Mark and
Matthew. Dear brother of Pearl Bryan of St.
Marys. Predeceased by a son David (1980)
and a brother Mervin (1975). Friends called
at the Hopper Hockey Funeral Horne, Wil-
liam Street, Exeter on Tuesday 2-4 and 7-9
where the funeral service will be held on
Wednesday, January 4 at 11 a.tn. with Rev.
Cordell.Parsons officiating. interment Exet-
er Cemetery. Donations to the Town and
Country Homemakers would be appreciated
by the family. Ic
HAYTER - At South Huron Hospital, Exet-
er, on Thursday, December 29, 1994, Wil-
liam Mervyn Hayter, of Varna, in his 72nd
year. Beloved husband of Margaret Glenn.
Dear father of Glenn and Lois of Zurich and
Darlene and Marshall Babych of Delbume,
Alberta. Loving grandfather of Janine, Me-
ghan and Bill Hayter. Survived by brothers
Elmer of Varna, Harvey of Grand Bend and
many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by
one sister Eileen McLean. Visitation was at
the Hensall Chapel, King Street, Hensel!, on
Sunday, January 1, 1995 where the complete
funeral service was conducted on Monday at
2 p.m. Interment McTaggarts Cemetery. Me-
morial contributions to the Heart and Stroke
Foundation would be appreciated by the
family. (Michael P. O'Connor Funeral
Home, Zurich, 236-4365).
HOVIIIS - At Clinton Public Hospital on
Monday, December 26, 1994 Mr. Jacob
"Jake" Hovius of RR 2, Hensel! in his 73rd
year. Beloved husband of the former Kome-
liske "Kay" Van der Molen. Son of the late
Jacob Derk Hovius and Komeliske Van
Dyk. Dear father of Sadie and Rod Lisen-
chuk of Madoc, Jake and Brenda Hovius of
Woodham, Kay and Greg Bill of Rankin In-
let, Albert and Bev Hovius of Hensall, Effie
and Andy Kuipers of Hensel!, Bob Hovius
of Hensall, Mary and Peter Brand of Zurich,
and Ken Hoviu3 of Thunder Bay. Dear
brother and brother-in-law of Yvonne Wie-
renga of Bradford, Robert and Ninka Hovius
of Cottonham, Janet and Henry Steiger of
Lynden, Washington, Denise Storteboom of
Lynden, Washington, Derk and Anita Hovi-
us of Kettleby and Henry Hiemstra of Lis-
towel. Predeceased by 2 brothers Derk and
Derk Hovius, brothers-in-law Menze Wie-
renga and Tim Storteboom and sister Patsy
Hiemstra. Also surviving are 24 grandchil-
dren' Visitation was at the Hensel! Chapel,
120 King Street until Friday thence to Exet-
er Christian Reformed Church, Main Street
N., Exeter, where the funeral service was
conducted at 11 a.m. Interment followed in
Hensel! Union Cemetery. As expressions of
sympathy, donations to the Alzheimer Socie-
ty would be appreciated. (Michael P.
O'Connor Funeral Homes, 236-4365, en-
trusted with arrangements). lc
KENDA - At the Bluewater Rest Home, Zu-
rich on Thursday, December 29, 1994, Mr.
Joseph Peter Kenda Sr. formerly of Main
Street, Zurich in his 83rd year. Beloved hus-
band of the former Maria Cuferli. Dear fa-
ther of Helena and her husband John Sum-
ner of London and Joe and his wife Marilyn
Kenda of Zurich. Dear brother of Mrs. Katie
Mocilnik of Sydney, Australia. Predeceased
by one son Sylvester (December 1957), and
by 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Also surviving is
one granddaughter Amber -Leigh Kends.
Visitation was at the Zurich Chapel of the
Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 49
Goshen Street N., thence to St. Boniface Ro-
man Catholic Church, Zurich for celebration
of the funeral mass on Saturday, December
31 at 11 a.m. with Father Matthias Wronski
celebrant. interment in St. Boniface Ceme-
tery. Parish prayers were conducted in the
funeral home Fnday evening at 8:30 p.m. As
expressions of sympathy donations to the
Bluewater Rest Home Building Fund or the
SI. Boniface Church Building Fund would
be appreciated.
McNICHOL - Peacefully at her late resi-
dence in London on Tuesday, December 27,
1994, Gladys (Miller) McNichol, in her 78th
year. Beloved wife of Eldrid McNichol.
Dear mother of Robert of London. Dear
mother-in-law of Debbie Turner of London.
Dear grandmother of Melissa Predeceased
by a brother John Milkr. Rested at the Hop-
per Hockey Funeral Home, William Street,
Exeter where the fg4nerat service was held on
Thursday, r 29 at 1:30 p.m. with
Rev. Cordell Parsons officiating. intervent
Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario
Heart & Stroke Foundation would be appre-
ciated by the family. I c
NOAKES - Williamina Sarah "Minnie"
(nee Sangster), peacefully at University Hos-
pital, London, Ontario on Monday, Decem-
ber 26, 1994 of complications following aur-
gery, in the 78th year of a life dedicated to
her family and community. Beloved wife of
54 years of Leonard R. Noakes of Hensall.
Ontario. Loving and devoted mother of Jean
and her husband Murray Park of Mitchell.
Dr. David Noakes and his wife Pat of Hills -
burgh, Bill and his wife Pat of Stephen
Top., Linda and her husband Vern Henry of
Porest, Brenda McCormick of London, John
Noakes of Kamloops, B.C. Dr. Don Noakes
and his wife Olga of Nanaimo, B.C., Robert
Noakes of Toronto and Lorainne Noakes of
Seaforth. Cherished mam and grandma of
Angela. Kathy, Lanny, Jeff, Dennis, Sarah,
Barry, Megan, Ryan, Amy end Laura. Prede-
ceased by one grandson Michael. Beloved
sister of Marion Peebles of London, Jim
Sangster of Hensall and John Sangster of
Brucefield. Predeceased by her parents
James and Letitia (Robison) Sangster, her
sister Laura Stan, three brothers, Ivor, David
and George (Doddie) Sangster, and one
brother and one sister in infancy. Minnie
was the first woman elected to Council and
as Reeve in Hensel', and torepresent Hen-
sall on Huron County Council. She was a
long serving member of the Women's Auxil-
iary of the Royal Canadian Legion. She was
a member of Carmel Presbyterian Church in
Hensel'. A memorial service to acknowledge
the life of this remarkable woman will be
held at a later date. Grateful thanks to all her
doctors, nurses and caring attendants of the
Intensive Care Unit of University Hospital,
London. The family will establish an aca-
demic award at Remelt Public School in
Minnie's honour. Contributions to that fund
through the Huron Education Centre, 103
Albert Street, Clinton, or to the charity of
your choice would be appreciated by the
family. Ic
r r
NOBLE • Peacefully at South Huron Hospi-
tal, Exeter, on Tuesday, December 27, 1994,
Grace 1. (Patton) Noble, of Grand Bend, for-
merly of Toronto, in her 80th year. Beloved
wife of Haydn Manly Noble. Loved mother
of Jean Young of Chatham and Gord Young
of Weston. Dear Grandma of Gwenyth, Jan-
ice and Diane; Melissa and Kendal. Alio
loved by her great-grandchildren, nieces and
nephews. Dear sister of Catherine Brown
and • Marion Jean Patton both of Toronto.
Dais}, and William Roberts of Hanover.
Alex and Alice Patton of Kitchener. Prede-
ceased by her sister, Ellen Cooper and par -
eats. Oscar and Bertha (Fenn) Patton. Rested
at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral
Home, Dashwood where the funeral service
was held on Friday, December 30, 1994
with The Rev. Robt. Peebles officiating. In-
terment Exeter Cemetery. If desired, memo-
rial donations to the Alzheimer Society of
Toronto or charity of your choice would be
appreciated. 1
NORTHCQTT • Peacefully, at South Hu-
ron Hospital, Exeter, Ontario on Wednes-
day, December 28, 1994, Violet Elizabeth
(Bieber) Northcott, of RR 1, Exeter (lifelong
resident of Hay Township), in her 90th year.
Beloved wife of the late William Wesley
Northcott (1973). Dear mother of Ellis
Northcott of RR 1 Exeter, Glenn and Karen
Northcott of St. Thomas, and mother-in-law
of Mildred of RR 1 Exeter. Predeceased by
one son Gerald (1980) and one granddaugh-
randdau -
ter Jo-ann. Also survived by 10 grandchil-
dren and I1 great-grandchildren. Survived
by one brother Henry Bieber and his wife
Marjorie of RR 2 Lucan. Rested at the Din-
ney Funeral Home, Main Street, Exeter,
where the funeral and committal service was
held on Saturday, December 31 al 11 a.m.
with Rev. Fay Patterson of Trivitt Memorial
Anglican Church officiating. interment in
Exeter Cemetery. Donations to the Ontario
Hear and Stroke Foundation and the Angli-
can Church would be appreciated by the .
family, 1
A tree will be planted
as a living memorial
to Mrs. Northcott.
COULTER - Brett, Julia, Tasha and Betha-
n9 are excited about their new arrival, Heath
Bray, born at Victoria Hospital on Decem-
ber 21, 1994 at 4:30 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 7
oz. A real special thanks to Dr. Chemick and
the health professionals at Victoria Hospital.
A special thanks to Grandma Fisher for
looking after the two girls. 1 -
MAHON - Tom and Pat (Hodgert) are
pleased to announce the birth of their son
Frederick Thomas on December 20, 1994.
Proud grandparents are Ruby and Murray
Mahon, Lobo, and Mac and Helen Hodgert,
Kirkton. Many thanks are extended to the
Strathroy Hospital staff for making Fred's
first few days so comfortable. Thanks also to
Dr. Crawley. lc
BRINTNELL - in loving memory of a dear
brother-in-law Russell Brintnell, who passed
al/ay January 5, 1994.
Never more than a thought away,
Quietly remembered every day,
No need for words, except to say,
Still loved, still missed in every way.
Always remembered by Doug and Eva. 1 •
FOSTER • in loving memory of Hermon,
who died January 4, 1994 and Dorothy, who
died September 5, 1991.
We miss you both,
Exeter doesn't seem the same.
We remember all the good times we had,
And many of the pains.
The Parkinson family. lc
GRENIER - in loving memory of my dear
husband, Alphonse Grenier, who passed
away January 9, 1994.
I Itmember the day 1 met you,
And the day God made you mine.
I remember the day l lost you,
I will till the end of time.
After all the sorrow and heartache.
There is one thing that makes me glad,
You chose me to share with you,
All the happy years we had,
We made our vows together.
Until death do us part.
But the day you were taken from me,
My whole world fell apart.
I think of you today with love,
As 1 have often done,
1 feel again the bitter blow.
That never should have come.
Sometimes 1 think I'm dreaming,
For i can't believe it's true.
That l can go on living,
When 1 no longer have you.
So you, who have a husband,
Cherish him with care,
Far you'll never know the heartache.
When you look and he's not there.
Loved and missed too much to ever be for-
gotten, your wife Betty. I •
GRENiER - in memory of our dear dad,
Alphonse, who passed away 1 year ago, Jan-
uary 9, 1994.
One year ago we had to part,
With a Dad we loved with all our heart,
You slipped away without goodbye,
But the memories of you will never die.
We miss you Dad and always will,
You left a place no one can fill.
So you who have a father,
Cherish him with care,
For you'll never know the heartache,
Till you see his empty chair.
As long as we live,
We shall always be glad,
That out of this world,
You were our Dad.
Pa we miss you so much.
Lovingly remembered by daughters and
husbands Rose and Richard Rader, Cathy
and John Taylor, Carole and Larry Luther.
GRENiER - In memory of our dear Pa, Al-
phonse, who passed away 1 year ago. Janu-
sry 9, 1994.
God gave me a wonderful Cramps,
his memory will never grow old,
God fashioned his smile out of sunshine,
And molded his heart out of gold.
God needed a new stir in Heaven,
A beautiful light to shine,
So out of this world of darkness,
He chose that dear Pa of mine.
We think about you often,
We talk about you too,
We have our precious memories,
But Pa we wish we still had you.
Love from your gruidchildren Tammy and
Danny Rader, Rob and Terri -Lynn Luther,
Christopher and Jodi Taylor. I •
In Memoriams
GRENIER - To our Guardian Angel "Pa".
You are the brightest star at night,
You wear a halo big and bright,
You watch over us all day,
You listen to us while we pray,
We miss you in so many ways,
We wish you could come back and stay,
Wherever we go, whatever we do,
Remember Pa, we will always love you.
Your grandchildren Jason and Jacqueline.
GRENIER • In memory of our dear "Pa",
Alphonse Grenier.
We wish so much that life could be,
Just as it was before.
That you could be in your favourite chair,
When we come through the door.
Your friendly fate, we see no more,
Or feel your tender touch,
And how we miss the stories,
That you loved to tell so much.
What we would give if we could say,
"Hello Pa" in the same old way.
To hear your voice, to see you smile,
To just sit and chat for awhile.
So when our thoughts go back,
As they often do,
We can only cherish the memories,
That's all we have of you.
Pa, we will always love you and never for-
get you."
Joanne and Joe Bengough. lc
HERBERT - In loving memory of our son,
Michael Andrew, who (eft us suddenly Janu-
ary 9, 1994.
No farewell was spoken,
No time to say good-bye,
You were gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.
A golden heart stopped beating.
Two working hands at rest,
We miss your smiles. our frequent talks,
The love you always shared,
Your love of life, your warm hellos.
And just knowing that you cared.
We know you are in a perfect place,
But we still keep asking why,
The reason is hidden somewhere,
in the pattern God has planned.
We must believe and trust in Him,
And some day we'll understand,
Beautiful memories are all we have left,
Of a son we love and will never forget,
Just as you were, you will always be,
Treasured forever in our hearts and memory.
Dearly loved and greatly missed, Morn and
Dad. 1 c
HERBERT • in loving memory of our
brother and uncle, Michael Herbert. who left
so suddenly one year ago, January 9, 1994.
We had a brother and uncle who was oh so
In times of need he was alwaysthere.
There was always a smile and a tender
Asking for little, but giving so much.
He shared my hopes, my joys, my sorrows,
And taught me always to look to tomorrow,
He was loving and caring with a heart of
pure gold,
What wonderful memories we will treasure
and hold,
So, Lord, when you see Michael in your gar-
den above,
Please tell him we are sending our love.
Dearly loved and greatly missed but never
forgotten, Teresa, Cathy, lain, Dave, Gordie
and Tyler. lc
KELLER - In loving memory of our mother
Lucinda, January 5, 1992 and our father
Adolph, March 22, 1981.
The depths of sorrow we cannot tell,
Of the loss of ones we loved so well,
And while they sleep a peaceful sleep.
Their memory we shall always keep.
Lovingly remembered by sadly missed by
son and daughters and their families. lc
McFALLS - In loving memory of our dear
parents and grandparents, Mother, Vera
McFalls, who passed away January 4, 1981;
and Dad, George McFalls, who passed away
April 13, 1968.
We wish so much that life could be,
Just as it was before,
That you could be in your favourite chairs,
When we came through the door.
But since those special dreams of ours.
Can never now come true,
We will be grateful for the years we had,
Dear Mom and Dad with you.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by
Ross. Haul, Joyce and families. Ix
MORLEY - In fond memory of our dear
Grandma (Florence) Morley, who has gone
to heaven, January 3, 1994.
Precious forever are memories of you,
Today, tomorrow and all our lives through,
Wherever we go, whatever we do,
Grandma, wc shall always love and remern-
ber you.
Forever loved and remembered by Michael
and Marc. I c
MORLEY • In loving memory of a dear
mother, Florence Morley, who passed away
suddenly one year ago, January 3, 1994.
There was no time to say goodbye,
The day you went away,
Your passing was so sudden,
One year ago today.
Remembenng you is easy,
We do it every day,
We think of you in silence,
We always speak your name,
For all we have are memories.
And your picture in a frame.
They say there is a reason,
They say that time wilt heal,
But neither time nor reason,
Help the emptiness we feel,
For no one knows the heartache,
That our smiles try to hide,
No one knows how many times,
We have broken down and cried.
We want to tell you something,
So there won't be any doubt,
You're so wonderful to think of,
But so hard to he without.
Sadly missed and loved by Brian and
Elaine. lc
Coming event
ferred at Exeter Oddfellows Hall on
Tuesday. January 10, 1995. Mel-
bourne Lodge will he in attendant .
All Brothers welcome. Lunch will be
served. 52,1 •
In Memoriams
MORLEY • In loving memory of a dear
mother and grandmother Florence, who
passed away one year ago, January 3, 1994.
You tell asleep without goodbye.
But our nnensories of you will never die,
We miss you more than anyone knows,
As each day passes, our emptiness grows.
As long as we live we'll cherish your nanne,
In memory we'll see you ever the same,
No one knows the grief we bear,
When our family meets and you are not
You left so suddenly, your thoughts un-
But you left us memories we are proud to
Always remembered and sadly missed by
daughter Linda, George. Tammy and Jenni-
fer. I c
RICHARDSON • In loving memory of a
dear mother, Muriel, who passed away Janu-
ary 1, 1994.
They say that time heals everything,
We know that isn't so.
Because it hurts as much today,
As it did I year ago.
You suffered much in silence,
Your spirit did not bend,
You faced yodr pain with courage,
Until the very end.
You tried so hard to stay with us,
Your fight was all in vain,
God took you to His loving home.
And freed you from the pain.
1f tears could build a stairway.
And memories build a lane,
We would climb all the way to heaven,
To bring you home again.
Lovingly remembered by Doug and Carole
and Ken and Shirley and families. I •
WURM - In loving memory of a very dear
husband, Edgar Louis. who passed away
five years ago, January 6, 1990.
Dear Ed:
The empty place in my heart has an ache
never to be healed. 1 hear a song and remem-
ber the two of us listening. i see another
couple walking together and long to feel
your hand in mine. i drive down the street
and a fresh memory of us passing this way
together flashes before me. On and on and
on - then when I'm hurting the most a calm-
ness comes over me. and I know you are
close, still taking tare of me.
Till we meet again, all my love forever,
Grace. 1 •
WURM - In loving memory of my special
Dad. Edgar L. Wurm, who was taken sud-
denly five years ago, January 6,1490.
1 always knew how much you cared,
And in my heart you are always there,
With tender love and deep regret,
We who loved you will never forget.
[never knew a greater gift,
Than the years I spent with you,
You had a smile for everyone,
And a heart of pure gold,
You left the sweetest memories,
This world could ever hold.
Always many thoughts and tears for a fa-
ther 1 dearly miss and love, never to be for-
gotten by daughter Shirley. I •
WURM • In memory of our loving grandfa-
ther, Edgar L. (Bub), who passed away Janu-
ary 6, 1990.
To the world yoti'Weit juste titan.
But to us you were the world.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by
Craig and Crystal. I •
WURM - in loving memory of a dear broth-
er-in-law and uncle, Ed, who passed away
January 6. 1990.
There is a special kind of feeling,
When we think about you Ed,
A feeling full of memories,
Of happy times we've had,
A smile or tear, a thought sincere.
How often wc wish,
That you were here.
Sadly missed by Reta, Roy and Joanne. lc
Precious Blood Cash Calendar
Dec. 11, 850, Derek Bakeiaar; 12. 850.
Klaus Hermann, 13, 850. Donald Dearing,
14. 850. Lynne Gregus, 15, 850. S. Muller,
16, 850. Judy Kyle; 17, 8100. Marilyn
McCann. 18. 850. Kim Blicke, 19, 850.
Marg Holmes, 20, 850. Jennifer Barnes,
21. 850. Larry Eveland, 22, 850. Ron
Elliott, 23, 850. Peter & Barb Tracz, 24,
8100. Kay Nixon. 25. 850. Bill Stebbins,
26, 850. Geo. Simpson, 27, 850. E.
McAllister, 28, 850. Roy Ryan, 29. 850.
Ken Ogden, 30, 850. Lawrence Stevens,
31, 82500. Andy Megens
April 3-10,1995
Featuring Beaver Creek Ranch
$875 p.p. Includes:
- Deluxe Coach -
Accommodation - Mcais
- 4 Shows - Plus More
Doug Olson
311 Main St,,
Exeter 238.2000
Tall Free
E300K 13Y FEB. 1. .1995