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% tfllt'� -Advocate, December 31, 1997
• .20 Property for Rent 20 Property,' for Reit[
2 I3E1)10x)M APT. - Carling St. hide'.
Fridge and stow supplied ('leaned and
painted. S495.00 Phone 2 41 1451 2. (181fn) .
APARTMENTS. from S149.00.w. Exeter.
Di- 110')..(28tfn )
1)FTI( F'N LORI= FRO\ 1 • l •ommeici.d
space lar - rent. Main St S • 1 'cowl
do )
3 811)R(x)M APAR 1MIN 1 \'cry
.Itacrou. deluxe ...:i1 I.,.,nt .q,.uintent
It Waled (IoW/{{tuna Intlud.'d i• Indge.
.tote , r C).lfl(jIlI)4)l)i I% .1( euti,umte. vs all
to wall carpet and emote. 1597. a month.
Call 235(1173.'). rt to5pit. (37uni
FXIiII R (.ROI \I) 11.(N)K 2 bednom
apt. asanl.rhie immediately ('all 263.238).
III"NSAI.I. - I irdrt'xan S376./month
induding he.u. 2. bedroom $406/month.
Available immediately. 12th month tree.
(',III 261 2380. (42(trt
10:1)R( t>M ApAR I \1L:\ C
tip.(, rod• Downtown .gann)eui. JIM n an
upper room :ganntenl. 1 (•
II IUtIid. r.d1.1)Inu:y's ,at 235-4)173. 9-6.
-(atllnr - - -
I(At'111.1 1)R APART 51I -.N 1 - . One
I><•dit>.,nr •plus barhror,nt with shower.
Include, :Mu; Ithniture: Available
ulum•drately. 121111xO a month ('all
Dinuey's 2354)174!9 6.(-13rfn)1
304 A\I)RF11' S.F. 1 bedroom
5347.14umonth. !leafed. shoe.: ledge and
pat king supplied' I'l"t' extr.i. Phone
451.2111 (41111) ._
:MALI. 1 141:1)R( N )M house avada• hle
December lit/7. ('a11 2.15-1756 after 6:00
pen). (46dn) -
COMMMERCIAI. Approx. 200(4 sq: (t: tit
' showroom plus 900 sq. 6. of shop with
overhead door. separate or combined. heat
supplied. Main St. Exeter I cation: 4'ontact
Bob at 235-08/4.(44tfn) •- '
AVAII.AI31.1: NO'V . - .()ne, I.idnxxn
apartment with dining ro,un. Heated. fridge
and stove supplied. 5374.10/innnth.I ('.dl
235-1154.1451inI ' - I
1 141.1)1“ )S1 UPPER floor apartment
available immediately. S3S0!1x)hnonth. heat
included. Laundrry lacilities. quiet location
235.1547 prior to 8:30 p.m.44.5010
.QUIFF '1'PpER 2 • 11E1)108 )M
S395./month pilus utilities. Available
December I. Responsihle.telarls can apply
in person toJoanne„ at ('roue) Hovers. 19i
Main St. Exeter. (460n)
(GRiiAT VALVE . lore one and ,two
bedroom unit, a.aalable in a clean quiet
building. Call Jackic262-2234. (47t1c). •
1:X1::11:1( - large one hedroont apt. I'tiller
level, stove and fridge. supplied. $420.(10
plus utilities. Call 235i3293. (4811,)). •
NEED A RENTAL? EXI:Tl?R - large'
nicely decorated) bedroom apt. with- loft.
-159.5. monthly includes appliances and
'utilities EXETER - .1 bedro.int ,rpt.. S4(I0t
plus utilities. Free rent ort qualified
applicants. DASJIWOOI) - 1 R 2 bedroom
S395.00 and - S495.00. monthly.
Includes appliances. laundry facilities
available. Call RE .MAX Bluewater Realty
Inc., Marlene Parsons at 235-3777. (490n)
GRAND BENZ) - #6 Iiilber St. 2 bedroom
cottage. Natural gas. ('Ince to downtown.
Large • deck. new windows.. Available
February 1. S445.imonth based on yearly
rental. 672-6386. (50 -Ole)
'EXETER - 1 bedroom upper ' Ie'vcl of_
• duplex. 5325.. monthly plus heat and
uti)itres.(519) 565-5641. (50tfc)
1 '& '2 BEDROOM UNiTS - Close to
dow•obtwn. Ideal' for ' .senior.. (lean
215-3571,(SQtfn) I
i)ASHWOOD - (rouse for rent. 4 bedroom.
gas heated. $550 08Hn%onth plus mottoes
'Ca11237-3591. (5I iIn i
EXti71:k - 2 bedroom hour .isailahle
Januar) I. 1998. Detached garage (Tose to
shoppicg and schot )s. 5510 inontii . plus
utilities. First & last month,: rent.
References add •place tit employment
Phone 235-1647.151 tfn )
Puerto Plata Dominican
Republic: (wt)mb) irp Luxury
1-laivl. Sleeps 4. Ally _
.inclusive .5450.00 per
(persist) per i%'('('k. t5min.
I irurn Airport:. •
-Soma' space dv,)ildl)h• /an.; -
Feb. ,)n(! A1.Ir(
Call 235-3293
luxury. 2 bedroom apt. !ridge. sio..•
dishwasher, on suite Iauudt). tondo, es).
.designed for mature' adult. 4..:4.11l:
March I. 1998. Phone 241 2961. t`_'tlnt
2 BEDROOM 18)4'51-. tot tent in. I xetet.
News) decorated. -(las heal: knee yard. \o
pets Reference. required 215 1'01 lot
657 5128.((41ttn)
((I( \i'RY 1fOMli on paled road .oulh..l
Ktrktou - Phone 229-6274 011,-4
('1)I NTRY LIVING neat Parkhill.
Spartou. i .hedrramt. t.rhiooni 6.,lne
available immediately.. 51.14 month plug
utilities 519-294.6374. (411.4 i
( I.IiAN I.AR(;1•. 1 I3I Dkl8454 .q..uun:til
1•rvingrormr. kitchen. den. I matt ..r...
S495. Call 2270583.401.02",
23 Wanted to Rc'nt
Reasonable rent offered. ('all Fred and Beth
Cowdrey 227.4255.451.5 2.01 c I
RFGIi.R 1.114MS 411" I)AS11WU(44)
v,ould Irk; 111 nonts the t:aununnty that v,„...
are .115t.)'. um-ie.I.d in the addition til
)tinted .44)45. I.speci.dl) 1411%,- thinking of .
retiring Atom the highao' of tanning. ('all
S.1111237- 1'52 or \o011 21- 1128 0114(11)
1'H0r4)S 1'1(051 \444 k I'A'1 The
Exeter limes • Advocate 1,.t. ninny
unclaimed. prime, 1:-..C1%1.(.1 loin your
I etal.yetsion I'I.a.,jnekupyour photo
26 Legal Notices
In the Estate of '
n +
Lite, nt the 11.54111 .11- I:\clrr. u) the
('sunt) 411 ,: 60 .lead on rhe ,i701
flag of September
w I 191)(-rethtois .and
°MHei. Ignite ;lanes at'.:ll sl, !hit. above
lat. tit..uglt Haunts to theintder.avlett
ort Or berme isle lit ,Las
a .0 1.,t1,.,r..
1'118..0leri atilch doff lite r0.11'. .4ssC1,
will he di'uih0led' h,t.41171 1el2`e(( 411)1'.
Io c1a16s 411.41 ha. e [hell hcen recd. i tl
Barrister and Solicitor
417 Main Street South
Exeter, Ontario
' NOM1S6 .'
Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s)
For classifieds
Auction sales
CLLVTQ.V 482-7898
Sat., Jan. r 10 at 9. a.m. Car.
coins, antiques. furniture;
-.appliances. at •Lobb • Auction -in
Clinton. " "
of household, antiques, piano, tools, misc. etc.
Komoka Community Centre, Komoka, Ont.- •
Saturday. January 3. 11 a.m.
Automatic washers. dryers, ele. stove. side-by-side fridge. deep freeze.
portable dishwasher. kitchen table and- - chairs, nedv and slightly used
chesterfields; flat-to-wall,IR.S. Williams piano, dishes, glassware, what -
knots. quilt racks, love seats. green bakers rack. oak table and chairs.
Coke sign, .Shell pieces and signs. quantity of hose, hand tools of all
kinds, drill press. grinders. dehumidifier, chain saws._ copying machine.
2 Yamaha 340 snowmobiles. new -baby's crib mattress, bells' 8. hp
Craftsman snowblower, etc. records.
This is a partial list only. Consignments still accepted for this' sale by
contacting the auctioneers.
Auctioneers: Filson & Robson Phone/Fax: 666.0833
• et**** *
,Bob Heywood 235-0874 Res. or
235-3948 Pager
This Week. Saturday. January. 3 a 0 a,mt
at South -Huron Rec Centre -
Dispersing a large offering of household and collectible items from -the -
Smith home on Duchess St, • London plus additions from Stephen
Township and -Exeter homes.
PARTIAL LISTING includes Ig. 1 pc. entertainment unit with tinted
glass doors, antique wooden kitchen table, set of 4 wooden chairs. 2
washstands, 3 drawer chest, nice 'wrought iron round patio table with 4
matching iron chairs. wicker chairs, •table and fernery. upholstered
chairs, 2 antique cupboards, old sideboard, . upholstered chairs,
chesterfield and chair, piano bench. small tables, hanging iron pot
holder, hooks, single and double beds, dehumidifier, humidifier„ chest
freezer, colored TV, antique vanity and stool, old kneeling bench from a
church, golf clubs, exercise bike and walker, propane barbecue. elec.
lawnmower, old frames, coal skuttle, 2 croquet sets. elect sewing
machine, bedding, milk can, along with a large offering of useful, and
collectible smalls incl. china and glass,'wooden boxes. Enerco oil
bottle, crocks, wheelchair along with- dozens of office tend waiting room
style padded chairs and loveseats plus 6 matching wooden storage
chests, garden tools, several old school desks and mu:;h more.
Used books needed
By Mary Peterson
• Centralia correspondent
(1..N I RAI.i:\ - The Christmas
1.NC .et\44e lor_Ccntalia and lion
%Vest t "111110 Churches wag a birth-
day p.ut). for JL..u.. complete with
cake" and pally hat:, organized h1••
minister Heather S: oft. •
. Judy - \1111. sang a solo
"S1in►e$.here a Child is Sleeping,.
The children .enjoy cd a .tor. enti-
tled "-The Little ('hi istinas
:\ni111.44 •
\linl.ter Scott Ind the sacrament
10 411111111111it)11.
On December 28. Heather and
Peter Sion .pent. time with their_
Inily and friends:
\(en►hers of the session led the
worship at /.tun West and Centralia
[lilted Chinches,
..At Centrap.4- -S :ml -Skunlerpror-
yided the sermon I"Rem-e}n (ilk:.
Bllnk. of an- Eye" prepared by
!leather Stoll. .
Best's.ishes lo Iltnitlx auid friends
'1.151110g10111:ddial arca residents Ira.
0 new year tilled rwith joy :uld'h;p-'
pine.'.. 7
- Other activities • . 1 '_
' Used hooks :u;e being collected -
tu.dun: to to 4-vcIerlHospilal. Exeter
Villa. Queen .w a\ Nursing,,Homc
and the Lucas R'etiren)ent {Ionic.]
til( you 41(5e use(i hoo4is that you
would Tike to donate. please contact
Shell.cod. 1
The hooks will he delivered in
January: '
. There will he U.C.W. meeting,
at Zion and Centralia on Januar s
All written reports for the annual
meetings should he pro.ided to
Michelle Hern by January 15. Zion
West will hold their annual meeting
January, 29 at 8 pant. The annual
meeting at Centralia will he•held
February -4 at K. p.m. '
Centralia Faith Tabernacle'.
On December- 3I. Lost and
Fouad well he cancelled. ' •
Inacad. c'1cryone -is invited to
attend the New - Year's Eve Potluck
at 9 p.m. followed by the Watch -
Night Sen i �c-at 110 PM.-
A Fun, bight will -he held at
Exeter Public School on January 2.
'Yohth For Christ is holding a
- "Talent Night'tlt Bruclefield Public
, School, on January 3 at 8 p.m.
Euchre results •
Mary Rhamc and Gil. N(irthcy.
stere High Hand, winners in 'the
Monday afternoon euchre games at
HeryWood' . Resaurant recently.
Lune Hand Winnors were Mara'
'Wallis and Noels! George
Adams won the Special.
1 -Thank. Ito Helen MacDonald for
providing this information over tate
years. In idle, New -Year. 011ie
i sgory will let you know who the
winners are. -
n , r
November 5I ,
• Craig 1'rutdyr'..tjrp and Pion !korner and their lour children arc
happy to be alive alter 0lfiru desiruyutl'lheit 'runic 111 Bosanquet.
Damage •leas estimated M $150.000. The flrc-started in the living room,
and foul 111:1 i. n4(t Isuspccled. Although there were no injuries, thu
family lost many po!sessiIns,.including Ijtrce quarte,s'of the family
photo, and allitheir honie videos.11 I
• • A public forum was held at the Zurich Clanniunity Centre on ,the
issue, oh Bill 160. The litrunt alloyed teachers and parents. as well ,11s
r r 1 I
pubo ;tori tifin-rii4e*etbout-tile-13:14-and-to-ioxpr .�thei�
concerns. ' ' - -
• l xetcr (riul1, it has pa.Sed. if 111416041 to send a, letter to the. Huron
(eachers Federation. Council is concctned about the level of picketing
on Main Suret..an.) qs intpitct on resid.ents, merchants and shoppers.
They isy the number of teachers picketing are just tau maria and they
shoid/l be ou44•in sinallennulnhers to front of the MPPI's.oflice. Council_
insists they are not taking sides in the strike. • .
J'(-Iurun County Board of Education 1)ircctoriPaul'Carroll.says he is
not 'disappointed with the results o 4, the province -wide grade 3 and 6-
te Sty. Between 65, to, 7.5 per cenluf uron Grade 3 sty¢ents performed
at the provincial level 'on thc.test vhich.assctised reading. writing and
- math. (.'arroll-e\Itl.tinc(I the. number, were because 1.8. -per cent of stu-
dents in the WOE were receiving special education, hut were still in
normal classes. unliken,tily other school hoards, in which special cdu-
catioir.'n►dents were in selv:u,lte classes''. and exempt frotn•lhc tests.` . •
i 1. ,November 12 .
• Exeter Mayor Ben Hoogenhoom has: been re-elected. When. the
polle were rryiutted. Hoogenhoom"ca'nle- out on top by 49 voles.
Follow ing Ins v icltry. H(tivenhouin said he •w"as thankful for all the
. Support.. 1. . •
• Students and leachers are back in class after the two week strike to .
protest Bill '160. bus they say the tight is far from over. Some arca %far-.
tints have picked up the. protest, by demonstrating 'in front.of MPP
Helen Johns office. .
• 'I'lie Ministry' of Natural ReSoutces has announced that 0 sditletitent
has hcen. reached lo-t•mure Ilial Grand, Bend .now owns -What w:as
"Gibbs Beach.''111 has beeit nearly 2(1 year. since Gibbs sued Grand
: Beni(anti Ilii• Po vinee oI'Onlariu. ,ay ing Ihal the (jihhs family owned
the beach just south of NEM] Street -
• .-5 -survey of touri.nr related businesses revealed (hat luurisp) con- •
trihiucs $225 million. to the. economy' in- Huron County. According to
thf min tye /ourislit Creates close to 1650 seasonal jobs. 0110.7800 year
round jobs.: -
• November 19 • .
• In the week. since the end of the. teacher proyineial protest, the light
against Bill 16(1 has broadened. "People for Education" have launched
the ,'teen 'ribbon (arnpaIn. 5.loch is supported, by teachers. The OTF
president sliid it 1(111 1.6(4 passe:. it ".ill he challenged on legal grounds.
• • • I )tic to the threat of 0 postal strikc,.donations to the Huron United
' 55 :r. ;0e down. Huron United 51 -:Ip, eviceulivc director. KHn Bilcke said
(hr. usu,111. receive! 10 to 12 cheques by mail each day during a calif -
pain. hal the> ate ttow' 411111. tecer.1114' one or two donations each day by
mail. 'litetrio people lust won't send .4 donation this year.' .
• 1le11,.411 (,•diel, has been examining cat by laws from utter munici-
p,ahues since (he topic was raised .111 the summer. They now have a.
4111111 (proposal. which includes acceptable identification ntetltods,
Inctu.iing :t regi.t'alloll'1,)!..clerlllarim' tattuu; implanted ntictuchip. or
.t photograph of the cat wh4rh the . rllage clerk would keep in a. cat reg-
istry. 'lite draft also outlines consequences fin nuisance eats. and for.
sick or injured cads..
• Hensall Council is supporting a resolution by (he City ttf Stratlord
asking the provincial government to fulfill their promise of "revenue
ne'ulrahry". Although the province pronused-the downloading +tt4 ser-
vices .will not increase, the financial burden on municipalities. Huron
County predicts a dramatic increase in local taxes to pay for download-
ing responsibilities. •
November 26 -
Nearly •40(1,Sf:EDI iS students walked out of class to protest Bill '160.
They said they feel they are being lett in the dark about the Bill. and
alkcd:dow44 to MPP Helen John's ollice in an attempt to get some
answers. and to show Ihe1 cared about w hat is happening.lo the educa-
111111'\'aellt. ,
• Exeter Council held their annual appreciation banquet to thank the
.'tluntecrs who help around the town. Mayor Ben Hoogenhoom also
presented plaques to retiring councillor. for their service.
• Stephen Township had a recount of the votes for deputy -reeve The
iccounf confirmed Tont Tories won the race, hut Robert Pertscliy was
only 3tne vote away.,.'the recount al.il decreased the margin of victory
of, Harvey Rat over:incumhcnl reeve Bill Weber. -
• itis they anniversary, (I'thc.Palliauvc Volunteer -Program. Five years
ago. eight .bitten. graduated from a palliative care program. "these
women yolentccrcd their time' to provide care for the terminally ill.
Since then, the group has grown to more than 40 volunteers who have
helped 235 people by spendi • 'time with them.
Bowling scores
Lucan Bowling Lanes
Sunday 1'B('
Boy.• llrgh ;atrragc' - 'ry ire Geula,, 1'))). Brad Ankers 186. ('had Rodger. 151. Hugh triple -
Tylci Graham 679. Brad Anker. 619. I on'. Isaac 582. 111gh .melt - Tyler Graham 262. Brad
Ankers 247. ('had Rodgers 216 Gill, II A. - Nunua ((ober( 183. Donna Beaudoin17(1.
Kelly wd.ou 1(.5. HT Donna Beaudoin 679. Norma 4 ulben 056. Kelly Wilstnt 565; H.S.
Donna Beaudoin 265. Kelly w ikon 258. Ayden ()Hotel 252
Sunday Mixed
Ren: ILA - Gary Nielsui 216. Lloyd Rimmer 214. Don Morgan 204: ITT - Gary -Melvin
sag. Rob Varlet' 1412. Borth Riley 739;11.S Busch Rile% 141. Gary Melvin .114. Rob Valley
302. Ladies 11 A ('hc,s1 .Snurh 198. Pat Mtaclkniald 189. Sarah Culbert .188:.11 T Cheryl
Sundt 692. Brenda \lorgait biz. Matte Jaques 0.10:11 S Tina -Riley 2x2. Sue Sahounn.268.
Marie Jaques 267 a
Monday Ladies
H.A Heather Smith 203. Joyce Somc,eign 199. 1:.41511 Swish 1)19. Shirlej Ree. 188 HT
Janet Anker. 742.•Shules Rees 7111). Heather Snurh 689. Joyce•Sooer)Ign 689 11 S Lynn
Smith 305. Janet Anker. in 1, Shirley Rees 291 - -
- N4111 smoking . '-•
Men 11,A 'Robert .ITeckuur201. \hes Gaidneu 200. Gerry Swidenki 1111: H T •Robert
Heckman( 770. \Ilk: Gardner 681..\Idr Robbins 640, 44 S Robert Hc.kin:ui 29 t. \lake
Gardner 2291.AIM Robbins 281: Ladies 11 A Ocilla Hosier 205. Pamela ILmun 170) Brenda
Isaac 174: 11 T Glrnc{ Homer 761..J,an Su rder.kr bpd• Bie•rrda haat Nut, 11 S Gioia Horner
339. Paincla ilauuu 203. Ilien,lO•ls:ru 248 '
• til ' Citizens •
Sten tl A ikon -Dann 2ts \lilt Rgbhut. 179. Ted roomier.. 177: i1 T Ruri Dann 750.
-Mac('orncack 612. Milt k.d'hun 598:11S: Ron Dann 114. Theo Sengcns 271. Milt Robb)'.
257' Lathes 11 A Jean 1 ).mit 191. Pat Davis 182, Evelyn South 178. ITT. Pat'Daus 727.
Manan •1'lltuilson 675. Jean Daun'657: 11S Pat Davis 314)• Jean Damn .tut. Mar Thomson
284.. •
" 'Wednesday )(BC
Buys: HLA Robbie Yeo -156. Josh Anderson 141).1)erek Icautam122:11.1) Robbie Yet) 356, .
Derek Hiauian 346. Josh Anderson 461 II S. Derck Neaman 234. Josh Anderson -231.
Robbie Yet, 111. Girls 41 A Krystr Allen 99. Jennifer Ankers 92. C:Illln Hill 89: HO. .
K1s.0 Allen 24, 1. ( .ulln 11,11 2211. Jcnnller Ankcrs 2,118: N S. Krysti Allen 1414. Jennifer
Ankers 424 v.011,0.11111 1 ' 1. ' ' ••
Wednesday Mixed'
Men IIA Sidi Allen 235. I -:run's \1.Gee 216. Doug Beaudoin 212: 11 T, Sleve.Allen.814.
Laurie \I.Gee 78x. Doug Beaudoin 765. Don ('unnur_h;un 765, ITS At Rolling. 184: Steve
Allen 382. (auric McGee 111, 1.adte. 11;\ 4).dc Flshcr181. Anney 1'anhou.donk 17x:
Linda \1e Kdlop 175: 11 r \uney V.uahoo.d0114, 662. Linda McKillop 621. Dale Fisher 620.
1i.S Annoy \':uthoni(1hnk 260. Hcathct .\unn.258. Pat June. 257, '
'I hursdav \len -
H .\ Tom Bullock 238. Bob Smith 215. Dun Wm' 232, Scor Smith 2'.lf. Frank Paden 229.
Earl Allison 225. if T- Scutt Smith -90-7. Hob Smith 848. Tum Bullock 827. Bdl \kth,nald
x27. \her Apps en7: 11 S Ruil w'Ineit 179, Fraitk Palen 371. Roger Remiewies 359. Laurie
McGee 3.(.. Mese Stud, I '1511. -
Friday M1rtixed . • •
Mem 11 .1 Paul tii,iuh .' r4. 1)an Rodger. 2111, ('hit. Smith 24N,, 11 T '11'ayne Smith 4494..Paul
Smith 1450. JIM Smith ' 't, 11 S Jou Smith 174, Wayne Smith 448. Paul Smith 335. Ladies
H.A. Ile:alio•Smut, 1'+r, I yilo Smith 185: 'idea Ktldgcrs 47'2: IIT. Heather Sntifh 74)2.
Lynn Smith 642, Delo, 149dgcus 589: 1LS Heather Smith 271. Lynn Smith 247. Helen
Rodgers 247. i . '
'.December 3
• Many hanks and stores in the Ewer -Grand Bend'area are display
ing "giving hues" during the Christmas :season Where people can donate.
clothes. -and toys for others who -are less fortunate. The trees are the next
initiativoby'flit) Hurun•County Christmas.Burc:Jti i's helping•ne dy chit- -
dren. 1
• A Goderich•ratan was hospit:(liicd lollowing an accident when his
- mut utliTty iTItiCFc shmitrtF'-iiittrllte baeli-roHrsOnio)-but heeknis.'-of
black ice. There were only .fii'e students on the bus. who were taken to
the hospital `to he' treated for minor injuries and released. - ,' .
• The Huroit Country Playhouse 4(45"8 tiel'icit'this yeytr of over
$300.000 This is due lO renovations to the Playhouse. and ticket sales
that were .w ell, below those of recent year. TIic,Thcatre Board mem-.
hers- :1rc not disniayed at th4 negative 'results, but feel attendance 'will,
improve if they provide patrons with shows they Want to see. ' • •
• Exeter and Morrie Township Councils met to. deyclop'propOsalp3
that would see their landfill sites tised by other Huron County-thunici-
palities.-This is part of the final phases of a Huron County waste man-
--agement plan. •
. December 10 .
• Hospitals in Exeter. St. Marys. Scaforth, Clinton, Wingham,'
Godcrich and Listowel will receive. $ I60.000 to enhance diabetes edu-
cation services currently provided. 'E'I1c funding represents Huron-Pt:1, h
Diabetes Nctwk)rk's ,1997-98 share of the Diabetes Complications
Prevention Strategy to combat diabetes. -
• Although Exciters herr and. liquor stores were open this Sunday
.ince the Ontario government approved. year-round .Sunday opening..
few• shoppers took advantage of (he opportunity. The managers Of (he
two stores say many people didn't know about the stores opening on
Sunday.' - - .
SHDt-1&hcld an assembly. ao•renienlhcr the 14- women killed in the
'Montreal' Massacre' til Ecole Polylechnique on• Decetilhcr 6, 1989. The
students .lit.a candle breach woman, as' well as 14.roses. The assembly
also addressed the issue of male violence against women.
December E7 '
•• The 1.01100n Community Foundation has donated $4(00 to the
Ailsa Craig and Area Food Bank. Thi. 1s enough money to hist the liiod
hank thrtipgli the entire ycar. The donation was made, because- the.
London Community Fe1undation feels• that. though many .people need
help during Christina.. the asaslancc-necdcd year round is over looked.
I • Exeter OPi' 10.1I11 Brennan is hoping to hring a.COP (C'itizens on
Patrol) program to -Exeter. The iprogram lets ordinary citizens do sonle-
r thing about ,crime h. having two .oluntcer..patrol thcit community at
night:dui report .t ..uspiciinis cars. activity or people lb the OPP.
• Reports from Environment Canada ,..tate that the. water level of
• Lake Huron is down 25 cur from- its peak in July. The decline was.
- greater than average because of less than normal,rainlalls. although
Lake Huron. and Lake Si. Clair remain S0 crit above average, which
means there is still potential for-Ilooding during high winds froni fall
and winter.
•• An estimated 4(8) families .i11 Huron County cannot afford to hay,. a
Christmas dinner this ycar. A group of Volunteers have collaborated
their efforts to provr(le Christnias• dirincr'for needy families. The com-
plimentary dinner will take place.at The Ranch House Restaurant and
Inn in Exeter. II is expected that 1(884 people will attend. .
• Decembir 24 •
• :Suritastic Greenhouse Inc. wants to expand to 50 acres alter nearly
a year of production. Before they o!an expanil. they need a secure source
of clean water. Algin Exeter Council meeting, Eric Kints-and Gerhard
Metzger of Sumastiyt-requested 750.000 litres of water per day from
March to .October in order to service the additional 30 acres of green-
huuscs they would like to build.. Mayor Ben Hoogenhoom said council
will study the request in January. -
t • The Town of Exeter is facing $7 1.000 in downloading costs from
the provincial government. Exeter's chief adnlinistrati.e officer, Rick
• Hundey. feels the news is positive. saying that Exeter should he able to
deal with the: $71,0(x) from thc.changes already. made through internal'
restructuring. Reeve Roy Triehner was not as optimistic, saying the rear
problems may come in the next few years. t
• About 440 litres of furnace oil were delivered to the wrong address,
'releasing oil into a fuel receiving pipe without a fuel tank. The oil went
from the pipe directly into the basement. Of the 440 litres, 20 to 25
litres got by the containment material and some of the oil got under-
neath the ice. There was no way to safely recover that:oil without risk-
ing somcones life. Around 60 litres of oil went into the soil and could
not be recovered. -•
• The home of Doug and Darlene Finkbcincr was destroyed follow-
ing a mid-day blaze on Monday. Their disabled son, Jeff: and his home
Care worker were in the home, but made it out unhurt. Firefighters man-
aged to salvage a fcw ilcros from the home, including the Christmas
presents. The main floor of the home was complete' . destroyed, and
the rest of the home received extensive fire, smoke and water damage.