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ria,, s -Advocate, December. 31, 1997
Residents enjoy tour of Christmas lights Decorating contest winners announced
ZIIRI('H - Marlene Williamson
and: husband Rev. Brian- assisted
the residents of Blue Water Rest
Home on December 15 with their
singing. In the afternoon the school
choir from Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Music Club (31 youngsters) sang
Christmas carolsunder the lead-_
ership of Betty Vantiic'and guitar-
ist Dianna ...Hardy.. The . children
were aglow with the cxciteinent of
the season and shared their after-
noon with the " residents. before
having their cookies and juice and
hoarding the hus for a -trip home.
In the.. evening. the ((rand Rend
sparks. five ,Ind. six year-olds. un-
der the leadership of Glenna Brit-
ton and Vicki Murray`. tilletl-!he ,tu-
111rrun %'illi - Christmas carol.
. 'Those participating were
Shannon. Alexis Brittany... Julia.
\•ie.ighan.. ("arab n. ;Carrington-:
r mina. Kristen and Stephanie
On December wilier S. Rev Cant 1.•i-
i,rnO .',1 f)ashwn41(I/Zurtcli,E.riiied
('hur,h. led Bible Study in. the.
Chapel In ilio evening: the Nursing'
Horne' :Singers from. the Coreman
Reformed ;Church. Exeter. sans,
Christmas. nui•;;Ic for tile4 r.'sldrnrs
ander the leadership .'f Peter
lice and ,•r'onio Stephen Poor.
lingo Annie /.,nulhergen read..'
p s'tn -Reye c1.. It. Christmas
()n Deccnther I -.Me Zurich C , m-
.rtecruin. ,rn acoustic gttrup. play el
old turns tntr.Ic tier the- resident-.
• 1.l ;\ d Ottcrhein playaid auiai said
.duhr.1 .ind sattg.'Art Hors( ,in violin.
mid 1111.a.- Eleanor Hurst Jn pranii .
and Helen Otterhein on tambourine_ Dorothy Dietrich. Esther Makin..
and rhythm played many numhek. • Kurt Gebel, and 'Janet Kleegcr en- .
• Thursday evening Max Ducharme joyed the displays that each home
and The Townliners filled ,the au, . 'had created.'•
ditorium with old • Lyme music., Fr.. Matthias Wronski held his
Andy Rau on guitar. Doug Insley on ` pre -Christmas service at the,Home
Hawaiian guitar. Claire Masse on on . Deccrnher 23. The pre -New
guitar.. Mak cin •violin and Phyllis'. Year's F.\'e Service will he held on
Deichert as pianist . kept the res- • December- 30. Rev.. Boli Peebles of
idents tapping -their toes to the ntu- Exeter:' a retired -United Church
- minister. conducted Chapel service "
Students . from Zurich Public -on the :d'tcrntiun 'of Decethher 24
School graced the auditorium with ThcYe will he no Pnge.siani sees ice
carol. of 'the Christritas season. in at the Home the New Year'. week
the afternoon Art Coker played ha." - Recognition exist he given to the
diuonal songs on the organ in the- local vocalist who •visited the
chapel for Ihc.residcnts. .. •- Hone s. tin December 11. hese
On fiscenlher 1-1. Rose' Merrier, were the students of Ki;nherly Re=
Mabel ,Kyle. Clarence Gascho and . dick's Music Studio: 'Sherry' and
Marie Cpineerrch-attended morning- • Amy Cassell.'l.aura Cooper. bin-
seryu•e . ,It •Zurich'-, Mennonite . nrque ,Ind Stephanie Gelinas. Kris-
ris-Church . On December 21. "Mahel • tic Miller. Claire and Julianne Hari-
K>:le. Vera O'Brien. C'l:Irente Gas -
c lio Roy f;meench .Elc,uriee R,i(Ier
and Marie '- •( linger c h ,iiendttd
rili'rnine service .i( Zurich. Men -
ruglike .Churgh. In 'the .,Itternoon.
nenihers JI 1..Ike\v C-ow:cryhies
li•nrionitc Church . sang Christmas
h\nuts in the :author -trim fur the res-
• On i)ec iuhrr '_ Marlene..\\ -
Ilantson..ts pianist icd ta smg-:rh)ng
ur the auditorium with a Christen is Januar 6 •
theinc,t son's and ,:Irols. In the The re.uients. 'staff anti• Board .'t
venang . residents hoarded the i Directors look for yard to the new.
.chccichair.hus 1))r :i tl'ur of Zurich -year-wwith iheritenthers of the ...nil:
1.r-1 kik .il the lights on. the horses In .tituniis who ;,Isis such an important
the .I-II1i e Clarence Cia.ch)t. \1ahe1 • r,ile in caring. t Isuinti .Ind nulklni
Kyle Vera O'Brien. Bob. Carson. • personal. nine •..onlriitni€nts „ t)ie'
Rose Briiderick. Clara. Hamilton. :r\ulem. in the pa.i year mam`lo--
:al:wizens ltave,<ionatc(1 produce.
items lite -the hohhy shop: emits.
:lathing. ,. } tc.. ,'slnnieer -driver..
-.oh-lancer' helpers and ,visitors. t'r,
;hied_ the Hinne -is most ^_rateful.
\lane focal l.' plc have proinded
endless liours .'t tree -'mere:unment
tot the senirs. , .
Man and Sarah C,itter • . -
Welceime-to, Lillian 13eeker ;al
Exeter who is .I now ;cnant ,u !flue
Water Rest Hume .\partnienl.
Best wishes g'n-: t„ Rose \lerner-
who is .4.paltent at Alexandra :\1:'
;1VIC and General- Hocoital. Gime-.
'Elie residents- resi(lents"look . toryv1til lit
'New Year'. Day with• iarmh and
trmnds and an Auxiliary visa
tSepiemher 3 ,
• • •'Hur'on P u; \Ir"lit •% tIrew 11).01)0 spe::,tailott' .ind cal\1.(1 t u yon
full of food -.1, :"r. r the ti)ia1 hank The ;Air Slow. ineltfded,,l . S Nava
• -. P+ Patrol at • it out k_2.surveillance atrrafli ttvo restored Harvard sur -
.:roti.. the C'a;..it . . 1- fres. lea Katie helicopter. and OPP .urcratl ,Toni'
with the w' rld n -. wned' Snowrir41' Because of an illness -there -were
only eight pilots Instead 1)1 nine Organvers..ire„ dready.thinknle ahead
to 'he 1')H!{ Airshow . - - -
• • Enrolment (or SHDHS tva. ttot'n_hv 1114 entj ,tl' last June. Iii:June. -
'1- the 1))1,11 -school enrolment w' -U' `i'4 '.hich is down ,!rum last
Serneinhcrs `)t)? \- tth the.prsi.'nee i<hatiine n ,1 lour year.hlth school '
diploma; numbers are expected to "beeline 'For first year students there'
-t.t rad rtliva)ns in(iudint_`a ViritriE High School-.iccc\.ihlc through
the Internet.
• The new standard repun arta re ea.cd by Education \liilislcr John
Snohcicn. \t as loci %'1111 high praise h\• Ontario Puhlic School Boards
• '\ st,ciatton represcntatl\es. -Parents hail; had .Sri oppurtunttc- to pfoyi(le
int-an n the new 1,,-eport ,:ard which hal ,. untnbuicd do a;user tinerlyil
(• rm,u 1"!1c •lew report card t4:111 eu'cparent, stn early Indication. II their
alis: ,s ":Klin_ !'chino. -
Htir Il-13r'tce \IP Paul Siel.kJe \4.as ,)tic of three Liheral,\IP's who
travelledto.Brttish-C,)luinhia to.\vltnes: the hearing•)1 nylcled serial
murderer Clifford Olson. Olson 'was making a hid turearly release alter
;cry int! 15 years Flits action was permitted under the 'faint hope
JauscAlthough a ;Int‘t •ng numberliberals hale made dem:\ntIs_to
do away, '.i uh the law. 'he c 'r,lauon was, recently amended making a
. !mp'tssrhie for serial s Hers 'like Paul:Bernardo to apply {or -early
release.- Stecklc said his .:.'1Ieague 4.tray'. Ili d to -13 C. to show' support 141
Me tamilies..'t 1)I un cur11,
, September 11)
• `Teachers sure ;'rer:ired.litor ;he shift ;o a :'r -)once wide report eard;t'
1)c implemented 'his ,ear \liti;outh the new format fife, nui.repnn u,
elearh n . idi'•.'dual student eltilrt it definitely_, let know parents :saute -
in the year •• :item :1111(1 is falling })chrnd. '
• \umher s 't mailman.; seizures may he down slightly compared to
last year due tr .In utlscas tnalhle '.'et.:ool .print. The OPP !Jaye made
e\eral significant diseotcnes this year already ind the !rowing season
. doesn t .nd until OCroher. The OPP are higninunt to receive nulncruus
I r'. iron,.:.lrnll'n ahoui growing operations. .
• Child Find is dl>trthui ,, z .1 new poster ,,1 Misite Murray who has
beer hissing sin ie -May 1 40 The posters .)ri trially stated that Murray
was 1.ist seen May*; 1. I -t- hut the new posters ,:urrvInlimnauon about
1.licr s. hur •s or Murray in London and YOU/1)W and .160 includes- ,t •
- photograph which her nlothcr4ltipe' I, .1 hewer rcpre entaltutt.':
September 17
•-Kr:itt C,ut.lda Inc said 1G:\ hay launched ,I tree-childrens Idcilult-•
.stirs ,vent so 'ley ,.i ui do their. part in -presenting ,ynat .otild he
uie%a:sSating los.. Parents iv,rll receive ..1 tree safety passport which
int:Rido..1 :urrent ph't ..address. hair colour. eye Colour. weight. blood •
type .ind identity mg textures 01 their Auld
• Grand Bend Comical J:tfrred a in(mon , 11 io place the question ' yrs
you in ray'wr ,'t 1).n lug a permanent .it,un% :astno in Grand Bend'''. on
the nlunicq`.l .election til ballots , -
• The Rotary C'liih .•1 Ca and Bend , i.iture frail olliir.tlly opens 1.
)cptenlrsr :5,. The nature trail is a seven kilometre trail runriulg'along..
• highway 21 hetWeen Ulalid'BenJ and. Pinery Provincial Park.
• l shortie Council has earned a disposition which •state. "Lshorne
row ?Ishii` ettlinctl advises the County 01 HUrtilt Tree commissioner that :1
It '41'. .042 not to .he .toted ,(n township toed allowances.' They 1eei that
30 too( lugs rued on the soh til the road pia a threu(,nl drtvets ,u '
nicht :
- September 24
• Education Minister John Snot -vele!) introduced the Ed.ut union
Quality Improvement Act I'h. dew hill will limit class sizes, expand
the school veer and cut teacher preparation Mite in order to cul one hil-'
lion dellar..;'ut of the annual educaicin budget-. OSS'I'F Di'tnct• •3�
Huron Office) John t.'Iarke•said-if they carry through with this legisla2•
(dun we will he going on strike." .
• Lucan Darlings Foudland has liven rubbed li)r the first time In its 50
year history • London OPP say 'a man approached a till and handed ovci
a ten Jol!ar blit to pay for sonic itent.,.Hc then reached into the till and
t(x'k out a number of $20 bills. He Iled the scene in a car.
• Exeter Council has passed a mutton to charge 540 to remove a tres-
passing skunk 'Occasionally town staff have been asked to remove a
skunk that has already been captured.
• • Where does Grand Bend end''. was the question at Grand Bend
•' ('punch meeting. A heated debate arose about Cutting the lawn for the
Rotary Club Bike -a -shun event to take place at the landfill site which is
'outside of Grand Bend jurisdiction. A Councillor .thought that 11 would
be appropriate to cut the lawn because there will be a lot of, tnedia cov- -
er)tge at the event.
By Cannel Sweeney " on Christmas Day. by some howling at the "fawn and .I
Zurich correspondent -tate family of. Clare and Lucille Country -Lanes on I)ecemhe.r 1.4.
.Masse had their. Christmas dinner hosted .hy- Tony and Marlene
ZURICH - A taint worship ser- .41.51. Aonrlace Parish Hal1 on Bedard:
. vice was held at the United Describer 25 Other Christmas parties held at
Church in Zurich on:Christmas... John and Bridget Groot Sr. -and the howling lanes , were for
Eve A Christmas store ':The :•their family held a Christ -mats party Macl.eans Home Hardware man -
Carpenter=s -Child" was presented. on .December • the Hensall agement, and staff of I-' &'ter ;,n -
Iollowed by a•s•an(Ilelighl-celchra: Arena. •' • "December 13: ,\„-Cheri
•,tion of the Lord'. -.Supper. Earle and Anne Flax hard held - Equipment Conipany ,tall Irian
-.The next meeting of the Ladies- their family dinner on fluxing Day Hensall on December 2(1 with .lin-
\uxlhary well he held on January at their home nee anti ,owing: the !anvils. of Bill '
(t •.I ' p m ;date Blue Water Rest I'he
ramify. of .Donna and Herb Muller slay ed :in afternoon...11
Hume Klopp held their Christmas (linner ityl I no on Deco mher _ he
• A' reinmticr, 141 thnsi• who c.tn. at their home on December 26 .Wednesday Morning 1.,uhes leant
• help: to take the Chrisun;t'. decura- • E:Iaalxth.Grainger's tantuh •gut .cul their:Christmas luncheon on
. tions ,town ,(I the Rest Hunte ,•n .:together at the Zurich .crena ,'n -. Dcicnlher 1 ": einpIuv es and
January' 5',u '1, :(1 a.nt - . Boxing Day for the Christmas din- . 1riends sari Oke Wooii'inith spent
The \Vnmen Institute .vr11 !n• ti r ,ind social. _ ' the i-ventng •'1 December Jt)Jlowt-
hnlrlin!= their next n e•cjing, .'n . - Bonnie Sclienk held Christmas 'trig and socializing...!nd many
laniary--� ,I1 I ;1► pan "at h,•. linnet for the Nech tamll\s.ii her children's hirthday,partres were
ipru.:e Villa ,.\partnlcnts rn the. home on December :S. hosted ,it ;he.t.anes Ludy_(-•'ntnton Roost School teacher Sarah \larlin. • \lcmhers-,�i. the Kions. (;elinas.
• Congratulations tit the winner: ,!lung •.v•th I ' of her.puprl..
:•1 the -Christmas dccoratrri.' ,on- emoted .true Jr( rotvn 'ase
rt -:1 in /mach First prize ,vent tai• - Tuesday. 1)cccrnher 21. singing
Fred and \'era Hahererwith-hon- Christmas ..,iii 1'. u, sldcrh ;Scopic
arable mention ginne to Ted .and .mil shut-ins. . -
leamGeottre\. Ron .Inti \larltyn Meagan Swecne\ returned c'
He'inlricIr Denn\ .Incl Rose
Oyrrlto-(i. and Ems and Delores
ichu1he ._ The Chamber ,it
Commerce sponsored :hi. •annual
event .
- (-ash ,alt•nd:-r •A -rimers troll'
I)ecemlier 21 to ,vcrc' Betty - Orleans. Ottawa. ion .\aron Beer
Jr:egle/(inch ,517)1), Rand .4n(I -'• rite<d his .2randrne• l.allian n
Vane: Regius /.oruti. Norma Nensall and.relabyes,ind i. spend-
Gratneer. Z.urich...Cliff Snaith. .ng :his week 'in \Vlndsor. with his
lrreuiy . Bt,'kers. l)ashtv;34;r1. )(alter 1):ttc Beer
,Andrew R,ii :/ur.cit l.. -n- 13arh and P:u O'('..nnnr.'rum
Sweeney and E. hergen
wend ice skating of the /jolt 11
.arena on Boxing i).t
Helene Dueh:irtne spent len
dm....'%1.r Christmas rating with
her daughter Tracy .end \V:n tie
Oakville tiler December 2\ walla _ 1.0. kh,trt .Ind :hildre-n ;n
her sister Carrie ' .Ind. 1)iin Sherwood Park. \Ihcrta
hereen and their girls. ;it spend , The ,.unity of t;.i•en 1e Kellar
:nne hiihdas. and New _Year. _ had heir..inniia 111 rr.Imas ,dinner
Neil .Sita. Melissa (''r,in,:s old yet -together .It rhe \lapis
returned home .40 Suuidat i,' \V 'oJ. \partntents' Common
Room -on Ueccmhi r 20. while :he
•;irn l i t .'t (411)11 .loll Geraldine
t ;;htlio yield their (_hrisunas .:ct-
gether at the Maple Woods on
December -
ncerese.Stark spent Christmas -
I-...ke Bluff. l'}ir 1.g(,. are presently , flay -:vith her fanitl\ in London.
,shins` with `ler mother !perry ;hen !losing I)t% in \Vin(horat the
Kano ;or the holidays - - -Moine ot ;un Daye and ('arolyn-.
(-,'neralulations to Beth • Stark. along. with relatu\es in both
Sweeney and Joe Boyle ,tho were
.Cn(,lged ,tt Chrustin:h.. - -
`)!:ine Kiupp, .ind her nre::e.
Heidi .ire •.'.inline' ,4.1111 ,a(se
"friends :p New;York t',ty rhes
al:ui ,o go 15, Fine,..l(tuart` 'ccr
\1)'w 1'ear. isye.
Happy -he laced- hirti Sal ..',:hes '
go tci Kevin-. Jeffrey 'n I)ecemher
1')ietnch. !)a.hwuod SZtl ",•ash I
1 hope"that 2tertonc flat( i sic;
'Christrna.'.tithiheir tameness
The ':(milt .'t C,trrnel .inti
ler4461e Styccne\ ,ntoyeid .i-`urkey
droner .tit Dec: ;Whet at the
h'Inc It- Heather.. End Paul. Klaptp..
\Itcrward. presents •.veru •'fenetl
at the -Sweetie\ . hoitte: •
.7y ,1 fa71111t"-_1.r- toge'the'r in ;1112
evCntng .0 the !tonne• 'r -parents and
grandparents )i1oiart Ind Marie
empty cal 1)y all .(long ;Yoh ..aro!
singing.• 0
• The -:irnlly of Ce .;lea .1nd, -
)yii Farwell :elehrated'
aristinastogether at 1helr'horne•
The family of Ilan anti \large
Merdineer held Christmas at 'Stet
imine , in December: 25
The tainrly . of font Rau
lennwe(1 ,i turkey ,inner tioflowed
•+. 1 r
sides ,11 the family
\nneuc Stephan`, ilei 'Reeler
.irriced trout Sinn_' Kung n nine
i sperid Christmas .vithr,tmr-
i' and parcel. Kari snit Mar.
- Res•le r.: .Ind
S:cnd% )icptian silo :,inti%
liu.hantl Mart, -.'til famine
.- iinetle 'fere ,,bout 'he ;niddlel-ll
,ranuary to s end sante time t'su-
'ne with his 'a,n It The ...'uple
hate been 'working n Hung Kung
-ince :am July. \Vhrle 'hey •e hecn
Sway.-\nnetfe', sitter Colleen and
Paw )vcrholl :tad .1 %nil. lirt •
October 1 - - -
• Pint \tidy \lacl;regi)r tram London ;eturnctl ,: h, itephenl.Firettail hank the 'cam '1 :Ifetie!hters and .ambulance attendants %n„
saved ins :its .`+ months a,410. He las .4 audent'pltot :)ra„king night rake• ';'ts Ind •andin_, when tis•plane clipped .1 -res .(nit rashes east it
did airport: His )nstruciur-walked •hrough my() kilometres . If :iet.i. ',) :ct lett ,.( ,'
•• 1,shornc Council has adv !sun 'hat `► i-1..slinposts.tl:us been :rc_:ca..11thoulh no.. all otithcm have name, •'n. )kilns ill hays 1veen;
installed ,het• w111 not have he : in,il names-,•hoscn until after :1 county _onunutee tomes to an agreement. • 1
• • Bruce Sliaw has entered the . ,ccnun'race fur Mayor with incumbent 131.11 Huog_enhou►n. Hoogenhoom techs the . ouncil lid \•ry .vc11 n
light ,o pru'mcial'cuthacks. while Shaw 'er!s hat here ;room for :rnprmement.
' • lite, ?forth Middlesex. Recreation \;,so,t,'t1 411 `las ,kmatet ,,20.(0(1 worth ,i disputer :uruhmentrro McGillivray Central. Sjcrcd Heart.
East William, and Parkhill Elementary schi'ots \\ night( 1hts•donauon It would he-cinhkel\ •'hat ••he schools would be able to .tlford them. '
4 )ctoher'i
' • Students of-S1DHS Iteld .l ,I'cmunstratrotl lo inform sash ,Sher .that •.vouid happen n :1)c event .i) 1.1 teacher. strike. The .[:idents then
rook their, demunstr.niun outside in front •'1 the ;Shaul ,there they protested the government and Bill
• 6.000 Yalloni ,rl manure were rcleapcd,trorn an internal storage tank in Stephen, Township. Council ,discussed liui
igen and how to ,upend the rianure throes ht -law -o that ;his •toe,n 1 happen again. Ilse by-law should Ite .emended by '
• ro !tclp finance the sewage system expansion the rows alt iixctcr has proposed -a sewcr•surcharec that will he 15,1
[lie increase wall see the rate rise from 1- t2 lo )_21.')1 per household per month.• .
Me Huron County Boatrd til Education lace, a •?.(, unillion tunding '.hurtlall in Jtn(ni.,\s part tit educationrelorm t
year to ;Hatch the school. The shortfall is cxpected'dunne January to •\ugust .% hen the ,bane's is being nnptementcd.
to deal With this proh-,
next meeting. • '
Percent the water rate.
he provinces the. fiscal
' October. l
• At Exeter Council nteuirnz. 1' ,uuctlltir Thant Hughes cihi•ed.ilie . niteern ,0 !Exeter residents and huslnlsscs oyer the _ulIec(lun•ot rel.'', -
,.Iahles. They !eel- that 131uswater Reciclinz \esu,:atic'n IS here__ too--Irict on what 'bey nick up •and 'ahat they lea\e behind. Connell deetded
. 10 take up the issue wnh ''lie Bp:0404441 131uetvate) RCL " -1111,V• - - - . • ( :
r. Robson Scrap \mai. St \iarys .'.crit up 111dirties, The eausc ,s still under :nye,ug:uu,n. 1)xy,gen ,vlindcr..lnd ;+ropanc and gasoline
inside ihe building ,aused"tu 11(1. -k -spread. - - •• 1 .
• • The Emergency Plan til \it. ur(h Public Schaaf %.(s our 'u the tei .fur •( translorner installed the previous day ntallunctluned,ani had
the potential to :hatter windows and cause ideating canoes. The kids h;id to he sent !untie .lid within 22 minutes ')N percent of the kids had
been taken care til. \II M. them had an adult w.uung tor -them -. ' . . •r.
• Tin'. r: ,tic fourth Vear that the Huron County Health Unit has been int mg Hcpatrtu 13 :hots to grade ' students in Huron 'County. In the'
past the Vaccnie -las 1111% t '.0 to high risk roiq,s. hut slue to ,tit nitreasc :0 case, t:\crsone now has ,access 10 (1)c. Vaccine. I( is still too early
. to tell d the nunthe' 11 .a,cs .tic decreasing .,r at Icasi iabrllimg.. ' -
October 22
• Ilio South Hu►on 'u'1han !umniaze sale Is ,i lone sian(Itrrg.traduron 'ht is 'seen! hehd 'hr. wick. fits sale, which Is held ,It the South
Huron Recreation Centre. ;, the hugest money raiser fur the .\u.xrlrary 1..1.1 .c:l.:he spring anti tall sales each raised '91000. idle mune'
raiscd'i\ used Ior patient -.tic. including equipment -such as ,l head massae ,shtt.h the hospital couldn1 .fiord.
• The province heard ,tltcnratnes teachers have to oiler to itnprow education in Untarw. Education Minister Dose Johnson •aril ho; %vas
'disheartened '.stili the re'ufts ,If .he meeting. Huron MPP surd she Is ,onccrncd that ,l teacher strike will harm the children and not ,tecinn-
plish anything positive. .
Hutson' Lighting. (;rand Bend will he' closing fs duan alter. 311 tear.. The husintss.ruti hs. Margaret Turnbull wits !011.4. been a propane
business and ,l hardw:ue .titre. It has also overcome ,1 lire. destroying cserything that the store piissqsed. Her Mother started the•husrness Ih
the enr1'. 1`)70',, Turnbull bus decoded lu.retired and cntoy her new granddaughter. .
• On October 1'. 'Per (11 students -tram South Huron•Drstrrct High Srhu(1I set out for the first Panther Power Walk. The fundraising walk
was a 1') Fant trek to ihe' Kirkton• Woodham Community. Centre. Upon reaching the centre students were treated to lunch and activities. Tic
went raucd'S 1 _,(NN) with 1(1 percent going to the United Way. - - -
• frees were. planted at Marrt,un Datn Conservation Areit in memory of roam people t' ho passed away from the ;irca. 'fres,, were also for
' - Diana. Princess id Wales. and'Minher Theresa.
. October 29
i With talks underway' between Education \Boiler Dave Johnson and Ontario Teachers' Unions. 650 Huron County teachers twined
1_23.00 other teachers in the province Itit the streets as a nr(itest ,against Bill 160. According to President of District 45 of the Ontario
Selcondary Schools Teachers'. Federation, Mary Arm Crurkshlnk: "'Huron County teachers are standing up to protect quality public funded
• Cducat11)11 In Ontario. '
• This r,.ihc beginning til Waste Reduction Week. and the Bluewatcr Recycling Association is encouraging pcuplc to "think outside the
box.' This iciers to moving beyond blue hox recycling, and in our homes towards reduction, reuse and recycling in all .meas of our lives.
r Students in area schools got a refresher course in the Block Parent Program. Lis Godbolt art Exeter and OPP constable K.U. Pnckctt
toured the .ehools to talk about the number one child safety program in Canada. "Ilse Block Parent Program educates children on how to pro-
" lcci Ihemsclves,.and to go to a Block-Parenthutne if they are hurt or in danger.
• l'he Town til- Exeter Committee of the Whole has recommended. to Exeter Council that the portion of Thames Road and Highway 4 with-
in the town limits he turned over to Huron County. Under this agreement. the County would assume 100 percent of the maintenance costs of
the two roads. As well; the County, would cower the capital ci►sts of Thames Road as well as any capital costs not coveted by the county.