HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-31, Page 16('ars ( N" [hanks a 1 %NV , 1 h 1.111(114 01 1114. 1:1Ie 1111144' (.11111 ".'n/11 14141 h' i sptc,s 1111( ,m,itr 111,1111, 111 c'4111n4' hq then r1111C''11,114;1I s1 lll'11hs 111 1111• 111'4111'111 11111 1.11l11 '4i4.41,11 111,1,11-. 11( 4 tlt141s ti,ry Nul sine Home Pau k ,,,, 1 (1.1,1))(.11 1111 then 'pi's 1.11 ,ate .111,1 111 1114' Ext'o'l 1 colon and Ili 11.4, kr l 1111111.11 Homo• tut Men support F:1 I)F:K - Ilii howls of 111 fare Harold .1Idit \soh h•''I'''' ,In.irt' drink, 11 1.1111111 and 'ha u,ls 4'1141. shared in one .11111 411;1 ,ul`1'1.rrc.111, 114 Ito' 111„ 1(1 „111 1%.4 Cil 011' '4;., IA 414.(1(1, 1n Ito' ill, 101. nursing oad( .mil p,dlra'1e 1;3x1 %0/111, a1 le,douh l ,)111nu11u4 1L1.pmal 1) firs %hewn Judah. lobo C,011 .1101 Paul FFR1:1''4O"4 • .\plute'anon horn die Lim 14 „1 S\•11nei Fert•uson %\olds 4,41(1(1(1 espies. hou p tounhei 0111 Jli,ur: oat ,u Mans pt..p( s'. h .' "1 1-11 u, 11 111, 1iu't•t al 1101114' 111.1111, Io t'(44„lre for 1,1.0,rt1. - .,4.,I, I1441.1, d.,rl.mlon, 1'411,1 41,11. fond ht,nirhl 1• „111 home: Nye, id thanks 10 Res burn Rion n sour uu•.s.1t•e ions lied and helped .111 01 ns, I kink , again r' S,u01,i. Ifalh .Ind \1eL111.1s' fol %ow IhlueMtuln41,s . I, Ihe 1•onll,u ,\11,411,114 .1 41111 ,l1i•LIa1 •.14.11((( 1., 114 11.11 I. . thank: IIs bald t1 4•,1)14'1 10 Ldl :m,I I)an. 1 Hlippil ,mJ 1 144 kis h,.n 11114 h sou helped ds gel lhtough this time - ' \IFour lose. •I'41p:•s .101,11, n el.nl/khldreri -114':1 ,'1,-.11 :•1-01,1i1aughterY Come • • r I Re IR AP orObfp its EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP -9 30 a.m' Communion Service Sunday School for all ages 11-00 a m..Family Bible Hour e-6tud at 8 p-m..For info. contact 229-6572 . :94 Orchard Street. Exeter . Everyone Welcome January 4 11:00 a.m.-12:10 p.m. r 7 Worship Broadcast on Community Channel — - (-'arils (W 'Thanks KLF:AIKF: • I uoulJ like -I„ thank all 11 ns neighbour, hospital shill. family and lnends cur alI ill 4.1111 1u1i1n4.,s Jurlue 1114 111.1.1141' ,1.11 .mil 411141 1115 11r111n h(1un• All o1 your ianh.'looms 41,115 r1e.114 and planer, sue .111 oil% 1011411 .11.111.'. 1.1101 an11 my et *too, a t Ul 111,„114'1(• Irl,n NrIr('ANN -'41((1('4' 414.11(1, h. ,dl 4111(,1 1114.1 11,1,1' 41n4.1111aged me 4,.,1114' 1114 14'101(1 III i1r,. , 1.. ihr 441ua4111111 11111 .1 , and cal,: elseis .r Smith 1(11444( IIo,p11.J I srti i. l4. I14 1 .1111 101.1141 cull(lllllt•,( .'414 and t 1114 COI Io I .111.10 l'.1111 Iol 111s. lauh11(l , 1,11, and pL11ts. l4. my r,nwh for then 1.114 Ila( 111.1 Jay -h. Ilk \ 11\ .m,f I11.11i•4.111 111 111', goon' neighbour, 101 Men 4.11,1: Ilo%rr, 144.11, and 10 4'11.1 I ►,sh%o1d Solo flub. Ilii t •do1,rl1 I u. lire Players and Ua,huooJ - l „ „ t ('ornp,lur'n. 1114 114.1111i11 lh,ulks Gr,llclldly Mary \I, I(II1 - 1 h.1, 1..t 111.1 late 1 1c01111J M4 huh :hl yin, Mels tlpress 11111 Ih.nd s Io Itrinds ,11111 1.111111'. Ior 4.11(14. floss - cts. and shanlafilc•donations. glen during Iherr loss of a dem husband and Lnhcr '4pesa:d thank s .6, Dr Laid: the 11,1110., arc 1(11(.1, and the I-seter Villa tot making 1ou -List Ir4t' War, a 111114 01,10 10 kis ( 1 kII I'.isons 1111 Ills sim1(1nrrtng or,, .111,1-,hr4,1,1f1 al (Hoppe' Il.ckes's 1114 their ,upPou and 011(1.1114X (hank 1, on 10 the Lavie4' l'pu4 1 ('11114414 \Kohler' h1( Itie lovely (until Ls etyune',-thuughllilnc's 44111 uln ass il' rel iw:i,l.crld. . - IL - \lahcl. Sandra:Ind Hnv.ard. kaiaaliJ Joanne •Bury and Bnnme. Paul and Sharon Qt 11411': - \\i %utdll like. 11,• thank .11 -rhe 1 .110011 1-4.1, Prey. , u,tuuler, V411,) gasc s4. generously a4 (hnshn.l, 111('4. I • - ' 11.in :Intl lioh Death Notices BRO1%N • Emily -Villa .Br.isn of Ro,cm•.uh passed assay on December 19 • 1497 in her 39th _year B01,sed %tic of ilk Iaie.Rih.Ird \I Brot41 Dear mother of Harold and Alhina Brous ol Dunn\illc. Jbyce and Bill Dickey of (-cnhalta. \l4rile _ Russell of Somme. Eileen .mil ken Adams of Roicneath. Donna Bron and June .1 EXETER CHRISTIAN - REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Pastor Peter Tuininga 235-1723 January 4, 1998 10.00 a.m. Morning Service • . Sunday School for ages 3 to Grade 4 • during morning service • -Nursery Available ' 7'00 p m. Evening Service Wed.. December 31, 1997, 7 p.m. - New Year's Eve seance Thurs., January 1. 1998. 11 a.m. New Year's Day•service Everyone Welcome "'Come join us in celebrating Christmas because ofJesus” Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8:30 a m. CKNX 920 10.30 a:m - Daily T.V.• Faith 20 Global -5 30 a.m January 4 9:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. � Worship Broadcast 1 �� on Community Channel EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 18.7 Huron SI W -Exeter Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assistant_ Pastor John Boyachek 235-2661 i Sunday, January 4 Morning Worsfnp 9.30 and 11.00 Earn Sunday School 9 30 and 11 00 a m 7 00 p ni Evening Fellowship Wednesday.. 7 00 p m .Family Nlghl Everyone Welcome J � ••.+„ w 111/4 1's CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Sheet South • 235 2784 Minister Rev Daniel Roushorne Cou,lesyCar 235-1967 Youth Worker Tracey Whitson Bahro Sunday, January 4. 1997 10 30 a m Sunday School • 11 00 a to Morning Worship. Dec 24 7 15 p 1(1 Orchestra 8 p ni Christmas Eve Communion '• Visitors ail(! trier ids Always welt one, members expected EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James aril Andrew St Sunday. January 4, 1998 • 14.34 B,ID. CRev Cordell Parsons Sunday School 1030 a m Social following Nursery Provided All welcome her tncnd,John of Delhi Predecrascd by a daughter Roberta bear srsrcr of [drill - Memo. Combs:II Murray and -Emma Told . Predeceased by brothers Milton. Mark and Bill C'lendemmng and a sister Ellen Nelson • Also'.ur'ncd by -17 gran,chlldren, 21 great- grandchildren and -1 _'reat great-grandchil- dren Funeral service /k J, held ,n Monday, t)esember 22, 1997 in ('ohour0, Ontario !mermen' Centenary Cemetery, kussetsalh. Om.441,1 - - -1 FERGUSON - At St •Joseph', Health Centre. London on, December. 24. 1997. .Wilmer J Ferguson Of Exeter and (,innerly or Hensalll in hh 77th '.car. Bclo'ed husband 4.l' Peggy ITrelfry' 1Forresl1 Ferguson and the lase Jean 1Schllhe1 Ferguson 41 977' Dear lathe' of Don and Nancy Ferguson of Manitoba. Muriel and Tont Dalrymple 01 Exeter and hen and -Donna Ferguson of London Dear ,rep -father of Deanna and i)ass Brock 111 liensall. \an, and Key in -Kale ,l:l)uh11n and 11111 ,rni; Heather Forrest - 4it Hcnsall'-Alyn ,ursscd by 15 gcuidchll-._ dren and 2 great-gr.urdAMldien pear brother and brother -in -la% of Norm and Olrsc Ferguson o_I Hay field. .140)1 and Slane Ferguson M E4 -4er and Glace Hbd_•cn 01 Mitchell Predeceased by .1 soil Jackie and a sister' \1-dhelm'ne Jaques Friend", called sit the Hopper Hocko Funeral Ilouue. EaetOr, 'hrc.thc c,mplele funeral s0111,, %a. held "n'Dccerit,cr 2x -4:1(14 Re% (i%ori Bross n -ulFlsl,lnne Interment Exeter ('0u11•Iery I)on.11ll,rl, 11 Ihe, charily 01 yoUr ch114e vomit' be appro.-Idled by 'the Ianuly ' - • Ic HF:NDRON - Alfred Sr . x 1- of PunhlgorJa• Florida. died al, hl, rc'4lcticc'ullowtog a lengthy illness on Ikccnlher 22. 1997. He %,14 horn \LIR 1 22 1914 in Cldtou. 111111,115. 44,11 01 chi Lmi \ti,hat•1 and -11111. IG.Ig 1 11iu411on I'S 01 to 111, tc11renle11l 140 % is oy4net ,1 111'uJion ('oostruil Co 111 ('1)11111(.AI %.14.111 .sol lishernlan and lined all spout, Ile ,lulu !he parol 1, %cais resid Inc 1114 ,n month, 4.t Punl.1golJll .114'41 h Illnlllh, 111 (it,1nJ 1141,1 '47111ROI., 1114.:11/dl• ,u h• Iknulhy D1t Heulron (1)csl.11Jnle d,lllghlel S,uidl.l Ilummrl IBo'd1 01 ('l1.11(,sonh Ilhnol,, suns :AItted •11.11)' Iliescrly r 11,91,11 on Jr of \lahomel and k.s 111011,1 finish- (Judy r ilen,h o4. 1t '4,olds'tlh hnoslePdau,•hlct l ,tsar LO,,e OI I'.ukfull '''1' ,11(, (4'o 1'411,,1111 Dc,t.ushnr 1,1 \anus, ,Ind 1)1,1142 111.111.1 Shtpp.uJ ,.1 (.round ilin,l Is gourd children and x great gt.uld,hildien In ad,h 1111.1,' hi, puenh. ,\I 45.15 prrJr.cad 1 1' hl, I1(N 44114 Irene %Line 1 Iau,,1 HiuJ11n 14(,'(14.1 2dl,Irn. ,end I (11.ui,ts1141,1 Funcial ,111,iugcmcnls chlllu,lcsl 10 the Knapp I imei II Ilouii 111 ('111111( IIIImus 11 x15' 4,'1 '1 ' 4 1 on, ,., 1, 1,1 1 k .einb4r 29 .11 1(1 ton 111 1,11, 11 114)1)1.17 - \I S,1u111 11111111 1104.11.11. EyetOr ,a1 1 h-4rnilR•1 22- 19'17, \1' 1 none-Ikidge of 1 1, 1, 111 hs 10(11 11.11 • Be1o44111 1411.14.11111 411 4.1.1„ 11 , I10p 1 Hodge 01 (.1 %cal, Deal .I IU,ei of R.hell and MJllecn 11idge 01 011, 1 .mJ'41u(1ay and Jan Hodge of Rik 2 /11,.4 '.1 Joseph, Deal grandtdihei of Koh. 1t (soughs 1104.1gc 511 ('algal y' Deal 1>kortk•1 11 \1. w ,mJ Flury Fissile,: .1I kk 1 11 ! buts I Ilen4, tailed ,r !he Huppcl No114'1 I uncial Honk (4''.04'41, where the (1111.141( 1s,4, held on Ikayultla•I 24 %1111 Res ('11,1111 1',.1110(11 ollltlalillg Im1c 11114'111 kuklun 1'1111,11 ( 41(1'1041, 1nkhnl Is PF.NIIALF: - II,ur, kC,ik harm lhhlhl•I 19 I91'• ,11 1 St -10 ( )Ill,ull died peacclull% JI hour• 111 l'alk'1111r 11.1. Ik•ccwh•1 IK ' 1'19) 110 %.1, pictIv.i.scd 111 19'14 M Ms %Ile 01 SS 51,us 1.dila 111'tlghll. ,Isle( Hs lin. 1 010111 Uu1.uu' and htolh''i- ISM 14,lel . (1111ano 11,1115 15 ,unneJ 1•1 his luldten 414((01(4( \I,uil)ll 011 son, l led I(.e1,11Jm4'1. 111111,41 (n'41ge, B(' and Ih•ug Il •11111 Salt Spring Island Jean i Ilrnn0luu. 1.41111 -()Marisa Shula'y t 11(1+1. •\u,ttalla. Mother, lain. 114411414. 1141(.1n„ 51% gran(khddren and seven stem Brandt hilirei Na (uncial by request ( 1culauun %4.h i ncnnent a1 1he E\etei COnrclery In lieu 01 1111ners, oksnantrns ora) hr 1(11,14 It a charily of your 'Assist' I'el1,55111e 1'unerdl (hdpcl,'4.1111411.141. and l lenral11110411 CMru,lell %soh arrangements ,'sll 2.1 -1644, , - 11 Bitch Announcements In M e m o r i a ms 1111 J►�, \1a/'DONA1.1) - (oho and Sharon .u4' proud 111 ann(mine the birth of Oleo first er,uol in) (iarrcll John Farquhar. un- '41•01111.14 Noccnlhcr 11. 1')97 .11 Vti 6,na I Ii'sprl.J Laindon WcItnming (iarreti 1411111.1.11e par. enc, Jeff and. lchntlet and Inc ,role( 1.1(101. (iarrcll weighed 111 a1 7 lb, S 112 04', 11 P1/.7.. -ATO (KI•EMKF1 • 1;.1). 1(h M1y 114 another -boy"Brendon. k•an11. h.,l.oh ,mil Joel thank Goll 10, Junalh.irr 1),1(10 Joel . luoaih:111 1.4.14. 110(11 011'1 re, ember 211 1997'.1 7 2x a in .11'41 Jou'jph : Hospital uetehm_• X lb. s ie. .and 211 long (.r.uulp.1lrnls .141. Helen Kleinks. and the Lar l'.n11'Kl'ink,- and 1tis u1 autil 1'111h ('arillo (.44.11 gr,mhparenl. are 1>4 11(41114 .11111 I elm 11,11 .i .111,1. Margaret Prrnnl Jonathan is A.11nd) rest i ' l b) ,111 cpel;1,41 Ih.mk, to 1.111411) and 111.11(,1, for their turitlllll 1114. Ih1t1Lhts and prayer, fh:mk )4.0 1 411 tor our beautiful Christina. Or P,.Ilnl, I IX In Memoriams CONSITF • In losing n1cm1 r, I Lon ...n and hrilhe) 1.es ('.111,111. .t 1.. .s1. January 1, 1942 Nc%ir more Than Jthsughl ass a, - Quietly reinemwrcdesery Jay. No nerd Jur 44'r(ls. esccpi n, „n Con I,yed. dill rnrs,ed In every %a'. Lo%angly rcnMuhhcrell and sadly mussel by MOnr.md 1)al and family I M11.1.SON - In 11/1 In? *nrclrory '•t a dear husband. tither •184'1 pi'ppa (,er:ld kohrrl %h1 -passed .1w:1'. ant• yc,lr .leo.Januar' 1 11) 111111 y4lu nen.. ,Trhng tired. And .1 - ure '.as fl,lI 1. 1),.' '4, lie %rapped Ills anus .lruund , :1; \1(d whispered "( unx 111(14 \k . :\ gulden heart'blpped heaung Your gentle hands at rest. (itxt broke our hearts to prose t„ u, Ile miry takes the hest : So keep your arms anoint! hili Lonl. An(,'1(c hon sp'li.II ;,,re. Make up t ,r all he ,uticrei1. . But seems l4. us 11nIahl Sadly missed'and dearly toned h s,.ur Ude. Florence. daughter Jkhhlc. and gr:ul,t shddren Leona and -.Larry,. Vlark-and \tang - Ic • \1Ok1-F:\' - In loving,ntcniory of 'a dear mother ,md'grandmolhcr. Flurense. uho asset act ay :Inuary We demi forget the Pay ,he sailed: The things she Used to say - Thc many Ihmes she 41141 air us. In.hcro4fl losing %,» The Ihoughis s e 14:1(4 fr,nl day 1,, day. N11 length 01 time can ever lake away: For In our Ihoughi . sheirs,Hays ntiar. dearly hoed and'.ery Jcar -, \\1114 1141 Faajmie. Brian. \lichail a11d. -Marc lc MO141.El' - In loving menktfy ol'a dear 1((0114.14. mulher-rn-lau -and grandmother Florence. ho passed assay -January : 1 99-1- Neser more than a ihuught :1%:I). Quietly Ientcnthcred e ery day: No need for 10.0141S.eacep' n„ay. S111I !Metl-11111 1111.401 111 c; cry was • - Lo'.ingh rentrnlbered by Linda. Gcrr44c. .Tanuuy :Ind Jennifer PAYNE - 11( luymg onelnor% 01 a dear %Ifo. mother and grandmother a ho passed assn I year ago. December 1i. 1996 In out hearts your mcntory'Irn4crs. Ssseeily tender, t:md-and true, 714444 is not .I day that s'C don't think 01 ,.411 Sad's missed bs sour husband Hill. 6 was. 2 d.ughlers, si'n.-in:law and daughters. -1:1 • lass and grandchildren •.• PAYNE- -in. los mg memory ,'l'a.le,rr moth - el and grandmother. Lois Pa_%ne,'%ho p:used a%s . 1 4,0,1( ago. Ihemb0r c 11: 1'106 It's lonely here :without' eon -\101(1 Ansi Gnna. . \}cra11Ji11.. you note. each Jas. - For 1410 1: not the sa110 114 us, Since 1,111 stoic ,ailed so tar Ana' 1-o4. %yolked ,o mauls year.: N Ith lust one thought 1(t mind.. . . - Fo help your children -.end grandchldlren they g4u- I hi hest of ale to lied N1'41 Mien 'as %e'41 miss 4,:u those %olds \see: plos4111ur '4„ 111% schen 110uhla• %,'111'* U, • 11 4' 4,111111( I111/11' 1 111.111404 and gr,uidnoilh.'r .t0 soy spacial _'Il', 4 )1(e 1.:'u think ss JF alums Slay. 1111 nescr-thunk the day %sill some \l hen they 44 ill go assay' ' - I/cep Iu.1)- Ik'ep in out thoughts \1,'111 and (t,uisul,t. 0111 nlenl,'n0s .114 kept. \1(J the/ .1141 OUP, 11-, cuul 'Illliel. \S hon others 111 yet '41411% 1111„441 .11141 liiies • m our heali, I os mg's, Iinn'inln'Icd hi %ow sh11J1en hon and 1 mune and et,lu,s hddien'4.411. Auni •, Resor and 14,anJon R(K)REI, -• In meow' , .I \n on R,n het, ahoy (.14,11. Januar, 1',1. 1 here 1, a sees 1'.d logo r 1111(4 hearts W.. -keep 11 nisi hot yon- \, I.,nO a, 1414 .mil 1(1(.11(.149 1;1,1, - \\r 111 atuass,thrnk 01 sou With 14.1.4. \1,,,, \l.,I,r Anil 1)on,and Lulu t4. I' • S•11.9ON - In (.14(1(e memory sol ,r dear 1111'4 r Renee ',annum uho poi„ed .I%a) i yea'. ,Igo I k•1.4nhi•r 11 19'15 - '4111111.11(e 1'r 111.'rl,ht'r, ,ilulcone .1 .14', Y1(11 1(;1111.1 1, 0. 11111131A 111 1114 1)1.14144 A .mile ,1 rho0!hr ,1:14:11 sln'ere tin •,nen . 11i .141111 sill near I.d41 g.Ws on .mil .0.114 411 114 111/1 11101/011s )4',u u111)ic,erthe 1 ilvngl} remembered by her :Onto linnme 1as,, and Joanne. 14,r 1111,: I's faun Ge4a4d .mil 1144.1.111• .mil ..,111 .111 K.nrn \.hies 1,- Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary BINGO NOTICE Next Bingo Jan. 15 Jackpot Guaranteed Full card $500. 130-150 Persons $750 • Over 150 $1000. • -'NEW” Air purifiers .No one under 18. admitted LIc #M405944 Dance Hall Dti. 13.31. 349-2678' -1(Q Dancers Welcome Fri., Jan. 2 Country Boys Sat., Jan. 3 Ridin.' High Sun., Jan. 4 Old Time Fiddlers Jambouree (2 p.m. ?)• izza * Panzarotti Angelo's Exeter Open Thurs. to Sat, 4:30.10:30 p.m. it lt it HAPPY 40" il BIRTHDAY DAD i • Jan. 2, 1998 it ift, (Garry It R - Love, '1S Shauna! & JillianaaXO .rt i l � �-rt "It 1 1T COMMUNIIY C N N N C N Sun.. Jan. -1 11 a el Rev. Gordon Symons Nia(rrer•ing Sperm/ tnnbippiaq {lure ream %"uylreetillq al - r41(•1R1' 1 *Sinn (In RI H 91S. WOOD rnifurtber,nfn rnnlnrt PROUT - D• ave and Robtr iv'< -r to announce . t, safe ar- ,al of . _Their dal_-. Emr a Nicole Liu P- Dorn Changsha. C- -a on 3epr ember 23, 1396. Proud r'1 you arec 1 sucscribing to -`'e' Imes -Advocate. aouremissing _t.I I rise the ::'upon belciv and• -,.,scribe today 1 Name: _ ' Address Jy ' Prov , 1 °ostal Code I ' SU@SCRIPTIQNAATES •CANADA 1 ',ear i:. 4'y rem4'8}-,. 1 • •- our: QE CANADA ' 1 1 1 1 USE YOUR CRED[LS1ABQ 1 1 1 JJJJJJJJ Card Ne Expiry Date • ' J Visa :.i Master Card J Cheque enclosed I _Return to,_ TIMES ADVOCATE I 4 Main'St Exeter. Ont :NOM IStV. Lr_r_UOMBW.� 1 You've lived your life together ...don't plan your Janeral alone. Call us today about our funeral panning ,7,;1- Ito o 4 . ,' 4' •' 1 -v 1 unera! Planning for those lose love Inc.hJ inne Funeral -Home c 471 Maul Street Exeter �• 235-3510 1)I RI C' FOILS: William Denney • Robert Duiney • Johlt Fiendn(I. PlilI Il�pl t4t�Mir from pr4 -grandparents ,are- Marg and Glerin Prlour: , Exeter and Maureen and Ted Hazelwood. London `rev,/ great grard daugrt�- • Eileen Pogsoo. London, Edwards- Oke The marriage of Tracey (oar •Oke. daughter of John and -loan Oke, RR3 Exeter. . -to wars. son of Mike .and. Lynn Edwards. St. Clements. was celebrated on June 14. 1997 )n E,Yerer United Church. The couple is row residing in Kitchener, - Coming events 4 )FFEE BRE.\K. • actin_, Januar•. .. ,o, •UI Tae,d.n nomurg, 'I. .1'11 .11 [IV Eseicr ('ail+111,(4' Itch:tined : 111; -411x'. -114141: •IC% :'3111.: p111 in an inierr.uth t;)1410 -Jl,.+s,4' ro e•: n - ••1(0 '=rel. .:hullcarr ''.44144 Lutic Lambs ,Ind ilor•, Hour Children • 411•,•_raite :1 ears (,114:,1 ,pe -u._• Ilarb lcks'Spoon,'.DIreenir.'1Cainp\leriesctum.: •..]4'4,X1.-411! 'se'vc.:r„n_ ),utu:ry bun 'Fn•ln Buller the. r4. Eagfc4 ' F,u.rnnre mti,rrnan,,n -,III ('hr's 2 F:xETER ODDFE1.1.O55'4 .s:II `i. et 'o ieatunh Lodge one .1..... u' 144111411_ (1.4444' P4::n4 It. Il .10 1(1.111(44. 111 "•4 it Id and EXETER, `.(iKICI 1.rt'K.\l. SO1 1l rZ \nttyail \ice 1: f •).o 1111114. i'leter l: nucJ•l'::.. .I. liminess •1(04.11 ' •s ,• Latish , ,'4'11 s, • THANK You \t the recent Bazaar . ltd Penny Sale held at the Huron duet Day Centre, the (,d(.'µ11( dlmated items we're won 444 . . . . - Donated by Katy Slurtcon. Clinton - Won '^y - Dorothy Ptdtt, Exeter: Painting - Donated by Lu Le_g. C;rdertch - \1,'n Phyill. Tyndall. Chinon ' [loll Set - Donated. h' Ben% Salsbury..Se:11,lrth \ on by 'hlrle\ Ralston. London I 111)'. 'll,u to. all w\tilo supported 1'114 etti,rts•ln'an. '4t'uld,n,1i he able to ..(,1(1(1(114 to hr('vlde this, 4lIuahle sial'. ICI to our clients. Without tundralSIng. protects such .1s l horse 1+f witho1)4 the ongoing' and gent4r•1'u.. support residents throughput the •l's'unly Merry Christmas to .\ II ,Ind Health. Happiness and Peace 1(i the Now Y.ar - Sincerely - Rosemary - rrtl.lrrin_ - '1]\eeullve Director flur4v) \dull D: % C,ntre. Chinon If you're planning rt wedding don't miss... • London Bridal Expo '98 SAT., JANUARY 3 12 noon - N p.m. SUN., JANUARY 4 4? 12noon -5p.m. Meet reps from fashion houses, previewing their 1998 fashions Fashion Shows Sat. 1:30, 4:00 & 7:00 Sun. 1:00 & 3:00 (4lga Raher ;5111 679-18t0 \Anis a 1 R1 1 \\441411"1; t .11%, 1s di14.1 1..14 Is 1 ,r-.111,lli '111114, ✓ Free Parking ✓ Thousands of $$ In pnLe. • Free Gilt to Every Bnde Caen. AdrnlSslon: $6.00 Canada BIdt. Vi I'.S I I'•R\ 1' kIR(iROt \1)S