HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-31, Page 14r1 ,)/tate, December 31, 1997 Lakers tsunami sinks Jr. D Hawks By Craig Bradford T.4 Repnrter X1 II l< The F.yeter Jr. I) Hawk. hitt ke.4 trate nlil.l ha\'c though) a Hood lillrd their -hontc Karn (luring (herr 6.2 loss to the Port Sianle Lakers.in Sunda% Scoring.flir the H:o4ks .acre Ryan ...Channney and. Gres' Gorula,In \4IIh• assists h\:- left Cita\ in. " Sean \1c(' inn ,mil ('Iris \1,.!.h,nald The Hawk, line- up:..:oniiined more than ,t Ic\a untamlllar mines .Ince II) re„ulals couldn i Illi\ this' 1'i class trips or they Wore an their Icspeclne. hontelota'n5 !.sir the ho1- Idal\ Those pia% 'r5 occluded Erik :\11.1 \'i 11011. C.11110'01. Iason i)un- lap: lied(, 11141ull.11 Irf 1. f::nk)lrnt- e5-.Tim-Grahaun:Klan MacDougall, Geoff Marr. Ben McCann and i)an ray for Haw ks coach Dave Rcvingloh sand he tried to resche(Iule.the garne due to the high absentee rate. but Port Stanley G.M. \'a)Bedford and: the rc.1 of the i.akcr man- agement nixed Ihe idea. . 'Thr Bedford, arc a hunch of Exeter fared well last week while 'hosting Seaforth by Escaping with a win. !The Hawk. were down 3- I „(ling into the third period. but . scored three goads ter just aSer a three and .) half minute span in the second hall of the third t1) pull nut the two point..• Scoring for the Hawks were Mike Bowerman. McDonald. Campbell lcrk. .111(1 you 5111' "The Redford... and Seim \Mc(',Inn with. quote Inc on. dial." assistsby McDonald. Jtr\ mgton ..11111 On are a hunch of . ,„„„r• (21. Farquhar. Monday-• - • , jerks and you . Bill Hodge. Bowerman. Revinglon tried In,• can quote me - 'faylor,►nd JcffGlain. i!et Ihe league com"en ,• "I thought we were er to intervene hut the on that.' flat for the first two pe- n)o\e was .timed •' nods Revurehln said -.But the The\! lust. didn't Tonle in here • guys rallied and played: a really and heat the real team." Rev ington good third " - saud about •ihc hi -.i» the Laker... `• The Hawks are now 17- 10-r 1 .Twins. losses. ties and okertimc losses t good for 16 pilirit. and first place in the 1+ioreni Dn usion. tau-. can. 1. 1)nly Iwo piiints .behind with two game, in hand ,ind Mitchell I in Third place with 32 points.", Rc\ingtun said though f?xeter•ha. •sal ,(trip he di isiun sWndint'. fnr almiisl all of the Iasi Iwo seasons. this season has artlilfcrcnt.Ilaonr :We're a real)\ different kind of league this year.- Re\ Ingo in said Che big difference". you titin 1 .nit and heat teams you expect to heal- It's aI wen- halancd Lague -Who knows what wilt'halppen on .(. .rl\erf nigh( 1" • The. Hawks face sill against. Mount• Bndlgcs at horl,e .in Friday' d s•3F)•pio_-.Ind mike! to .lit. -hell on Saturday. an pan :tan .The extra effort. Exeter Jr. D Hawks forward -Ryan Chamney. right. battles his way to the ice versus his Port Stanley opponent • -eir-gar:e at theRec Centre on Sunday. Exeter lost 6-2. . Irish keep up with Hawks By Craig Bradford T-.4 Reporter: LI :CA \ \)5-1115- vie- Lu„in Jr 1) lash hockey,,luh did 11;1 !he.. .:. •..; it %vith the dryr.(4)n-leildini_• Exet_cr Hawks ' Tipping iamca,-id 6-S .II holt e on Saturday!h'- k•nce.rn nllerenty l.anlhiwrn led •trots ,homers '.vith two .with Gar: Its 11-. r1 nolchlne Clic winner with six minutes left in the 2an)e "Other .in•2les ere. ,...)red Henderson.' Neal Costello Ket til l)Illlh. it iei,'F11 \. Fhuls,m-.i,sl<iell 'in hath ,'l L.uuhourn!s IR .Is .\ell ,." adding .I helper at Hudson !rifler Other assists .4,nt to \like R.'hf \1.tr 1".11.110. Pat ( -' indl)unhar lnsh „diets f3 ! J3,.urtr said 'lieu :.r.( _oaf 'narked the ,,nl time In rhe .,n . I,, . tight .Mead ilesptle 'h; t:i,t the'. .sash,. rhe •n Biith the inlaid. and Melt ,h : \. il.rn ".,1 ' .4 i erpha: 1: 11 As :1 r' ' !;' 'title said '"\ 'e\4 ;iefl- :I? 11. ,11'lr 5-2.1 I 1 1 Behind, a. •.111. in , . n}l. 1:115.111 nut r.hrce cu. ks-hchind 1lil1n si,•r,Ts 1.11 tender 111 Ihcr 51!•:- 111! s. -rid 1r.inie and i•wt.:n the final .fila. - !i, tittle said the 'Fri .i.in. '•4ele shorn three sksners - stn.! ;hat Ihe Er sh ::Ball•. s..r: them out Hilds, n ;malty realii n_- the plaeauGlt n5- Gary Hudson ,h. \45,1 hc11 1114.!.season ,IartCit. Bourne said. : H2 "had:, slow start hut flair\ L-re;,II\ r,ICkinu the ;` '1111s 11p now. •. fie sant . 1he.'Kish are eno.i I ' -tits. losses. tie.. ,i ert'nle lltssesl.- eOod for :-1 !s, int. -.dost second Exeter . 1.6 points. Co -coach Jason Bukala as ..4cll ,I. s4,n1e 11 the Irish's key (havers.. ill be_ as. a\ ne\t .4.r:k •.n acatu,n 11111 Bourne leets the Irish are • pnrned I., haute !• r ':rsr. ,.pedally .Ince I:u..'an ha ''.4i ,_:uses :o hand oyer is \e'er H„petull. -';,e :i •n.ike .inn rye.' he said. 1'hc task".4 n 1 '•r .ut ;as\ ,uir .nth :he inst) hitting 'he roast ',15- three _.mics this -.veek...it P.Irkhii! \.:rth \hddleset yesterday-atter press. at >ral, nth 'v1 `;aturda\ hath ;Ihp in. starts, and at J..►nlheth . T n Sund.r..11 _ �L) p ai RingetteHoveasporthp? I Call 235-1331 Petite 1) .emr Gnats: h, . 1ssi.ts. : 4;'int11drr- -;i5-.. 5-r h \1 .. Ik,xi,I','' 1a.. 2.,i1:.5t.r.1 Goals: 1'• s11.' 51, ..11.1 C,ddue1! .. nn x155- - hemp 2'. Jen 1 nugennau, _,. \h,luton Hater , (:ua1lcndcr: \landee r \e,..111, /MI, . !(11,'11 I',•1111 _ . .14,.45 . ..u5- n ('1i111 .• w .,.luI,11 l orals. 14'4, •Ii1.1 _ R1.14114:1 1.5,1515 \5,1515. 11. 515111.,. 1..44.l1.01. \1rI::.I1L a R11. 111, Ik.:emhet 21 Flun•11(-:4141 • • 1611 . (;Vale: 13,41'4111. 111.011es 4 41 ,•u l hens nun lssut,: 11005111a. 141,1.11.. 1...al, h. 1:111141. 115-5.:5.1, 1 R11:1114: Ihceinh,t 21 • Hun+n Peuh 1 I'aA,hn; (:rah: 13o,•rsnl.1 Goa, h, R11, fnr \stet\: F31"1.111.1. ('.114111511 A:Ill ito, Carpet bowling. December 29 3 game winners Marshall Dearing Bob Patterson • 2 game winners Wilinar Wein John Batten- John DeWeerd Ray Hodgson Alai Ion Dearing Wilma Davis I ons :Armstrong Stain Roth! ,• 27 27 4 26 sb 25 Minor hockey scoreboard Haugh lire Inc. 265 Thames Rd Hwy. #83 East Exeter CaII 235-3752 T rand; BECAUSE SO 1/IIC11 IS AMONG ON VOW r,/Fs t1 x. r. Minor Hockey Senior 'Tyke tie, ember 211 1: 4-ier 1 :I1 1uC:m 2 - (:pals: Hn,c H.Ilpenny. HlairParson. Jared 1 liven '...,u 1h04.1kln - \ssists: 1'ar..'n-. S.on I't:Iii 4I.dpenn, ' I )4‘.1.1 (;eAire.. \1.11,: 1 /own -11m.• - Goaltender: (.tine. \i.w..1 n • • t k•..mla•r F.1le, - .n SIeOhen Twp i Goals: (1o•,11 i ;, 4I.ild)tnirv.4221. Geolfre\. k'.Ir„nx \%cuts: I'.,r..,n, r 2. Blair ('.,aper 11,lpenn. 'r Knaen Hctle\. (1.:.1km • : •• (:oaliender I),uirt 1.1.1441f. •. ream record: 14 1, 1. , • 1 Next game: tarn. 1. 1',rkhll1 .0 1 -...ren ' Tn 1,/\1 Novice I3ornbers - 1.•.rmlk•r _'. • F.\IH41,,,u-nanienl ,n - '1.•5 -„all l{„•r e;U,-nth 1. ” (.stat, , `.1 .5-r 1"rent 1:..Ivr (;nattender: Hratl \',nk fop forward: Lebo I panne - fop defencentan: \ 1 \Ulla - I.sek•r 1 • 41,11,1 (:11211: 11.41111, lscist-: K, •r•.\ hner ,.•11 '.4. • 1 • •(:oallender: h .1, Tap forward: H. n I4,., 1' -Top defeneeman: It •..,ii Ise 11114,1: Nest game: lam last,,.0 s,eph..;. •4-'4 4) Nabisco .%tom ,\E 1 )..xeni .•r 1..eier 1 • I Parkhill 1.1\1 Htiron Tractor Peewee • 1/et .mh•r _ Udefton al I:srlrr Gnats: fncrctllMutt _, ue4„\1.n,•n Assisi: Ste.e Leal Janie.Kasenht-i r I ).•cenih,•r sr:ilrnh , :ii Iaca•r oast: \I:i,.ni Irr.•n .na11' • (photo/Chantal) Van Ra vJ LUcan Minor Hockey Novice Lasers 1 h•4•5-, 1is, r 7.7 Stephen Minor Hockey • L/\I Senior Tyke. :I)e,ri,her _n Stephen 1 at Forest r 11) I ualc 1 Irr'.4mdYir,_4. Kis hard line. 1ssisl: Kerrt..nn Re„hke Goaltender: K\Ie Masse De.eroher 27 E ,eIer - ..i Stephen Goals: maul Korvin... I/Innne.. Wlnd..r. ' :\ssisl:I)Inne. Ik�cmt.er ::c Forest 11) I.0 Stephen 2 •Goals: Ihnne . Wmdaur Assists: Sam (-hri ale (:nattender: \1a,.e \cxigame: 1,in a Str:ahri s '! • - .\larauders Novice Rep Januar4 1- .res,hedukd'zainel F.:- • : ' ,1 itephcn Guaici Fin. a r., Kurt Van(Isch. Josh I-,rrnelI,.en Assists: Cale Duenk. J -r Knee .oaltender: \dant Wanch.)rd 1)r,eniner 22 Hhnsall r,,urnalrn[n1 Game 1 E:Inna Lagan ; .\ Stephen ! ` - (:oats: Knee , 21. Da td Rc,, hke • 2i K 1 ant 1.sh , ;1 `Lk Jettre). .:i. 1-.,rnclr,sen. (' Jklenk., ;i . \ssisLS: Kes:hke. Va1Osch.:i Jct Frc'..41: (, rrnelr 5,11 • _ 1. (' Ihrehk , i, J3ren,In - \:hOsch4_I - G naltcnder: 131an, hard ;ape 2 Stephen.; -,. r4sih ('enrr4- Gnats: 'Knee • _;. C L)uenk. Jettre'. \ssistc Knee. C I)uenk. Jordan.(ri•n,n. K \anl)s,h 5-:l: Res,hke Goaltender. Hf in,hard \ final Swpklen ' . \lihenon ,a .- 1 ;oats: f;:::c •'{s sick, Jetfrc•...E'i)uenk Assists: l3. \"aril ):,h. n n. K :\'.InOs4:h. Knee. Res,hk4 ' (:naltender: filan,hard ;nal.: 1(•:•••••,k, lsslsl::' . rn•:I•s4,14 Ihienk h.' I l,:,-. Gnaltender: !trent 1)14,'11 :\tom Hawks 1 )rirn,4',•r 2 1, khn•tall 1yurnameni- (;awe i.r..,n rh„ir.1,e,-0 •: r 4.n,1. irnns,U1 5-;n'+ ;1: .', IIs n 1,: \hrrGt.ln- • \ha.nr '4.,!., 41 ' \..tits: G t Ilrr,n,l•11 , '.: .hen4an , _ • rli,nr.:, n S;41n.2,111 Jell S:•la1•• \cot \I,h4•1.4a1 \leu, \Inner.. Goaltender: 1,44 3,I/.r "i talo,, 2 ,:5-r tern • .4.'s4 (;rials: 1 ' F , s, . . 'r Lin sir. ill \sells: I; I nlr•• n , :•) tall. . Go-altender: ,1.4.(1' .'1.4! :4)'her. 5 .l 4..,•+.111 1.0a11: lett • .inHereen . :1••o.p.4,411`. Assists: Srr,alc •.r `.Lirtrr. .:•,'5-1+.11: • Goaltedder: 1).1•,,- nrr ..T 1;IP :.: a:r , • yl,rt::, Assists: 1 fh.•,r.r,.'r I , ,r; _ I \41'4141 ,herld411' `-n • sas Goallender: duke, I./\t Peewee Bull Shooters tkceinh•r (:(tats: Sie41r ' b , 5-n . .. . . Justin \1 . Assists: H,•,;_5- , = l- : 'hits \I. .. , Shutout: '.1 ,;• r. . 4.0.11,: \111s1,1: '-1 ..:. (;oaltertder 5-4.4 1, .11' ;nada- '1,11'4'1 :n Vr ,5-1 :. \Ir. Gari \r•. r, •'.111 t •. Ali .4 Nick Engel ('hail • ;5-•_+,.r+ 1 hhtln \k l agg.irt ).1. 10 1"--• \a,)ill 1- .,lis • \s.rst,' ”• Engel. j,, 4',11111re _ .,Iii :IIi"•a•I,'I,rl: •;.),ye.,_7 ('gin:s ,nK.l,trr•r. _. `.1-ra.gan. Pr\ce Intl ..111.1- i.5- Frh•�r. .nattender: •sl.ur Bennett ! )c,:en+her _ .:a +, . 5-r,, 1 ..• ... thi< 2 .pals: \1 15 .'.111tire :'1 1. rlt_ \csistc•: -11 i'n-r . , 1 :u1Priv; ,_:,\1 ;..•.: ,: ', 1111._,5lefen 4:141114-1 1 , 11101•• - (Jo:dtender: 1 L1.; \1..1),'na1,1 I.,\l .Atom Eliminators 1)e,ember Lac:ut 2 at Piukhill 1 (Maki Myles 1- xl.:,o. \ndn•u ,.tor \SSiSLS: r hnin:,s 4 .lrrn-h0lel \tan) \ Shutnitr. '..in 1) km, J44e11111t•r _ - rrrest _.a k.,.,._d11. Hemel Minor Hockey Atom 1• t /.urt.h I;nals: 1•", :n t ..,..-1-1••••:. • )1:11.11.4. 'i5- . :11 •1.1..11 a utk, .Ust.v .(nlr4 ,•: ::.n,..n ImkS link • .••••,:-..• '.1, 1,:11..s011'._ \I!k, Lar , ,1 .I l• ;nal. -Legion Peewee air 2I . :, . ., !INrIati Shuffleboard Hensall December 2? Dare \,,n'}Jward Com \V!lham. . Isabel Ro'_erstn 3,11 (-olernan. r- ina \V11h11ms \1 s. Dom! lnsjey ' Pearl \kKnight \11.c. Chief Ward and - Easun to lead Bluewater in Ontario Open • BY Ron Dann L_L RiCH •Listowcl's Chad Ward ,intl' Mitchell's Castle Easun \.1.111 lead Bluewater•:\4- oe)atlun's Lone f 1'.1 nteinhcr ,onungent to Inc Ontario Five Pin •Bowlers' :\a>uciation 41)I'PI3 4.1 Pro%lnetal Open 5 -Pin Chatmpulnships for the Sidney L..\'lorrt> :Awards :April `{ to 1 1 at Hamilton. • Both won the Bluewatersingles title by winning their div kiln 111 a 21 game tiital pintail rolloff :rnn-. pleted at Clinton recently • Ward sc;lred1.4 2.5.32 1 -0 -.game pntt.all-Decemher ' at .Molesworth and then added 2.14)6 tit the final 10 at Clinton to win the.nten's division \44th .i 4,Ot)8 21)-gi me total to bolsi 1 comfortable 248 pins ahead of Lucknow.'s Eric Taylor at 4.750. Scalorth's Neil Bcurrtnatt with 4.-45 and third spot will loin Ward and.fa\lor i- Blucwatcr's competi- tors fir the 20 nine OFPBA Open Singles championship.. Easun, Who holds the Provincial Open rceorJ 44.5 high single score. n •os again captured the Bluewater- ladies division singles title' with a 4.86( total pinfall and ,t narrow 33 pin edge over Molesworth .'Leslie 'Groot. 'fiord place finisher. Zurich :\soclation'Jeno Glacier. will Join Easun and Groot in the- 'OFPBA Ontarlo.ladies singles cjt;tmptonships. •- rhc .Bluew'ater men ,s team in the •;Open will include \lolcsworth'.s Cor Groot (4.678). Mount Forest':. Claws Rave (4.654i and. vh,Iesworth'..Glen Fcagan 14.623) along with Ward. T., 'hir • and Bcuerman. 'Bluewalcr's.ladies tcam- wdI include Mount Forest's Kim Cup,kev (4?96) and Karen "Rave (4.392). LIstlwel's; Colleen Gardner (4.070) plus Easun, Groot and Zurich .•\sso4:1auuq'. Glacier. • Bluewater's mixei team will include Moleswtrth's Ernie Dude (4.563), Listowel'. Stephen Cregan 14.44 1 ). Clinton's Gary. Ruston (4.425). Goderlch's 'Dennis Schmidt :.1144,. \loic.wvorth. , Doris Matheson .-;.(.1211t. Luo; f) .\soet:uron': fbtt'Rirniner and Llstuacl'' \lillle Parks BIue%4ater's Level fwo National ,crtttIed loathes .4111 be Zurich \s.o,r,uion s t)Ilit Edwards of Dashwood. Clinton's :\rt, (bin' and Howie Baker ,;1 [-(.tow c Cregan :111(1 Briggs in Zurich rnlloIT •, .. 111e )eats til l:scter's Bcv•Crc:.tn andHensall's. Frautk, Briggs troth the Thursda. \iixeil Teague. won the Zurich \ao,:anon High -Low Double. .title !)4 ,onihinrne for 57 pins over their average !n ,l' three' game -pin, over average rlllloff ,tt town .tnd C',wntr\. Lane.. They now,tllvanee to the o'FPBA Provincial High -Low 'Doubles Chatntpionshths Fehrllar\ 2S in Harnilton..rhe Wednesday Ladles team u5- Zurich .Association se,cre- tarn Laurie Hanilton and Martha . McCarthy fImxhcd second with SI pins over their ,omhmed average. Wingham Sportsmens Horsesoe h Scores \ cateRon. 1 round. 411 point game - Place 'came and town . 1 Peter Hiih. E7lmlfa 41 2 tam \Itrrras .•E:1nlI, l 4I) Raul \hrec Heigra,e 41 1 Ken l;ultrie F ('1111141 14 Glen l.asenh%. anlhridge \4a)rn 1)., a,, Chcsk) i7 Joann -'olid.. ('hesla) 11 Hemi, HHawserKndkr Jr Huser 26 Eine Wulsionholrne. Kin 25 George Gibbon.. Sauhk H Q. Hank C',INCr. LN Ingham ' ' ^g Don Middleton. Owen So IN 6 Dan Stacey, wIngham '16 Hob thompu,n, Wingh4m J(4 h 14 .altgor. . 1 round.. t(1 point game - I 1 'scat tournament: I.un,.lrs 140, I 1 .4 5-n (mats: -r;us, n 1;44-114-.\k\Iorl.uul 144(54: 1.41.4'.. 11-x1,(5 y • k•cciitt'er 1' , 4- , ''1"•..411 =_It It nis.eI. , ;4,41s: 5. .,•1 4)Icklns .:i i, 1111 14.44445 - „1 Ferri,. e.,:1114 .tmi)hril \ ••r:usTil. a<,.1V':' k-cei 14 er'_3 ,,T.•5 -•I',1 ' ,, .11 Hensall Goals!Ic,,1n, . rni)s,m,:r 1.11- \sststS: l )I.:Ata, ” 1 , Iter tis n 5- - '• 1111 • l-hrrrsr I Lin Fer.mu.n._ K4 -s'1 1-.•4 . 1).m \1.115-',:: .5- 4Maltender• d;; : \1._1'.4ggar Nest game: :.In • . LI r n H •r- 0111101P110111101P11• T114 CORRECTION NOTICE a .' We 'sh •- 1 . )rter•rcr - •otidwin,.' seas' `!ver - Pap)e 3 !:_„. ;. (' , o. :.'es NOT il•e :op. Ind . correct •insert page 4 •'.i (D,•du ii u Jett stereo 1(241-_ cop), p), houndad S1-_,. ,as4ette v -1.-.5-11NOT dual We sincerely 'egret any 'frcon,enrerce ave may )'Ove Caused you. enote 352-97 zones: ALL IMPORTANT NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF STEPHEN TOWNSHIP ' Commencing January 1. 1998 Garbage Pick up will be weekly Bluebox Pick-up will remain Bi -weekly. until April 1998 Name and town 14 1. I'/u% t. Hots Donaldson. London ' i1, t )tin Holton. w.Ilkerhn 1 I1 Pert.) 'iraigho 4 /wen Sound , 1 to Hemte Hendet sr Ifanuser , 16. 1 t fol skip Rogers w,llkenon If. 2 i iri.S \htton \\right. !fanoser . 11) 1 1 :1 Duane Lase nh\'('amhndgC 21 " u 6 111 (Ain Parsons. Klppen 16 5 2 t1" Laune Gas rr111ck. Waterloo 1 1 s 2 I 'HobGasrelu<k. Wingham 11 4 n 71 t'°ug Ewles. Sauble Heath ' 211 ' t 1 "h Slese •\berle. Elmira 14 t 4 v'. Graham Hall. Gram! Bend 1a' 1 1 '1 Mark O'Brien. Exeter - -_ t 4 ..a MERRy C• IiRISTMAS NUE, HAppiNEss tN(I Good Hialrit! - L' horn township Council and staff mend their 'Best '61'tshes for a joyful Chrwtmas and a 'Happy; .Healthy Ikeu),tiea'r2 Bluewater Recycling Association and Usborne Township FREE Christmas tree chipping program - at the Kirkton Landfill Site and the Town of Exeter Works Bluewater Recycling Blue Box Collection - changed J from Thurs., Jan. 1. 1998 to Sat.. Jan. 3, 1998 Osborne Township administration office will be closed from Noon on Dec. 24 to Jan. 2, 1998 Department shed - up to January 10, 1998. r , at 8:30 a.m.