HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-31, Page 10Page 10 Times -Advocate, December 31, 1997 •
July 2
• Health Minister Jim Wilson has said that anyone. in rural Ontario
with access to 24 hour emergency service will continue to receive that
care. It's the first time guidelines for health care in rural and Northern
Ontario have:been developed. The policy will allow_people•restructur-
ing health services in rural Ontario to keep services closer to home. It
guarantees 24-hour emergency care, but hospitals close to each other
will not retain.full services."
• Granton is "still waiting for word •from the 'Ministry of Health
whether they will provide funding tor.much needed sewer work: If they
will not provide the funding each homeowner will have to pay between
$10.000 - $15,000 to install a new sewer system. The new sewer sys-
tem is badly needed because the old leaky septic tanks pose a possible
health risk.
• • The Crediton Optimists will hold their first Community Festival
soon. They will be holding many events including a town wide yard
sale, line dancing:and games Iiir children.. In the evening there will he a
dance held in the pavilion at the Crediton Ball Park to wrap up the
July 9
• Sloppy accounting by county staff resulted in $73,000 of missed
.revenue: Their auditors stressed there was no wrong doing but that a
new process or responsibility for daily accounting with a lack of train-
_ ing and staff is• to blame. There was a recommendation from the auditor
that another staff person be hired for the treasury to look after the keep-
ing of the hooks. •
• The Town of Exeter will lease a parcel of land at SHDHS for a
smoking area. Council, passed -a bylaw to allow students to smoke on_
the rented school property since a provincial la.. prohibits smoking on
school property. The principal feels that ,since the law because effective
smoking has increased, rather than decreased.becausc of the high pro-
file of the smokers in front of the school.
• As of Jan. 1, 1998 Huron County will have_to look alter 94.4' km
more highway because of provincial transfers. The' transfers lrorn the
province will leave the Wingham area without -any provincial roads.
The transfer includes an unconditional payment from the.province for
32.9 million which will provide one year of maintenance.- After this
time maintenance will be funded by the municipality.
• In order to reduce recyclables going to.the Kirkton landfill site and
to extend the life of the landfill Usborne Township council will "start
charging per garbage bag in Septemher, Bluewater Recycling Agency
has already extended the life of the landfill from 12 to 20 years..
Council is concerned about loss revenue and hope that this new hag -tag
system will provide incentive for•home owners to recycle more or their
waste. The tags are tw'ir dollars each. •
• The -26th -Annual. Friedshurg Days will Abe held in Dashwood the
first weekend in August. Friedshurg Days is an annual celebration of,
German heritage:, The event attracts 2000 plus visitors to •Dashwood
and includes a.paraSie. Bavarian titer gardens, food concessions, face-
---14ainting,Flu.{utch_tournament..tuUL.tnori, Pri'or to WWI, Eck s '
.used to be the name'of Dashwood -before Canada Post told the commu-
nity that a placc.cpuldn't he named • for a nsingle :family. The'name was
then changed to Dashwood. i
SHDHS was hit by thieves two day's in a row last week. According'
to the OPP'suspects climbed onto the roof, then to a window. A shovel
was used to •split the' wood • surrounding an -air conditioner. A VCR
value at $100. was stolen and damage was listed at $40. In the second
incident thieves carne in through the same window: and took a televi-
sion but the television was dropped and left hehiod. Damage is estimat-
ed at $25.
stimatedat$25. •
• Ontario rural -municipalities, including Biddulph Township arc still
waiting for details from the province on. farm tax rebate. In Ichors they
have received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs ailed Premier
Mike Harris, neither have contained details on-how•the province is
responding to mass criticism one proposed changes to the "farpi tax
rebate. Biddulph Council sent a resolution to the province saying that
any changes would adversely affect rural Ontario municipalities. as
well as sending it to other municipalities in hopes that councillors thcrd.
would send resolutions to the province in support. •
• At a meeting. Hensall council. dealt with several items including
garbage pick-up. Residents have,:been asking staff to pick up yard
waste, shrubs and -trees which don't comply with guidelines set up by
council. The guidelines for the pickup. which is meant to keep .green
garbage out of household garbage, are that the waste be tied in bundles •
less than Ebur -feet long a'nd under 45 pounds. Council said that as long
as the,guidelines are fullotided,7theY71 pick it.up. •
July. 23 ' • -
• After only four months of production Suntastic" Hot House Inc. is
doubling in size. A new ten acre greenhouse is under construction at the
Usborne Site. Once,in operation the greenhouse will create 50 new jobs.
At peak times 33,000 lbs. of tomatoes can he harvested each wcek_day.
• Huron County Pork Producers plan to help the needy with the
Huron Pork..Hunger, Alliance which is an initiative announced at the
annual Huron County Pork Producers Association Tun Day. The coun-
ty s 900_ Pork Producers arc invited to donate a pig to the cause by drop-
ping it off it one of ten participating Huron Abattoirs. Once priitesscd
the meat will he picked up by local food hanljs.
•-• "Although amalgamation -talks between "South Huron -North
Lambton municipalities broke down. Exeter Mayor Ben Hoogcnboom
said he wouldn't be surprised. if the Ministry of Municipal. Affairs
imposed a merger. between North Lambton, South Huron and North
Middlesex: Hoogenhoom added that Exeter Council will participate in •
discussions hut they have agreed to leave further action on the issue up
to a new council to lie elected this, fall. Exeter withdrew from the talks
last fall after Bosanduct indicated that no Compensation would he
acceptable if a Targe share of its 'assessment N.Is lost to the South Huron
Volunteer teachers needed in Varna
By Joan Beierling
Varna correspondent
VARNA - The Stan. L'ec Club
will meet on January 6 at 12:30
noon at the Complex for- soup and
The Christmas Eve Service was
held in Goshen Church, December.
24 with the youth and young adults
in charge of' the service. Cara
Stephenson shared her gift of
singing. Carols were also enjoyed.
Church last Sunday, December 28
was in Goshen with Rev. Tracy
Crick in charge 1nl the worship.
Next Sunday, January 4. com-
bined church services will be held
in Varna. Volunteers• would be
appreciated, to teach Sunday
School. Call Tracy Crick if interest-
Crokinole club meets January 13
at 8 p.m. in the Varna Church.'
Anyone with any news about
anything exciting, please let me
know by Sunday night. Thank you
and a Happy New Ycar to All.
The Exeter Times -Advocate surveyed prominent
members in our community asking for their forecast
of 1998. Will itbe a year of development, change or
challenges? Or will it be a year of cutbacks, hard decisions or
hard work?
Paul Steckle MP, Huron -Bruce
1997 was my busiest year since first. taking
office. l am proud to say that the recent elec-
tion sparked a series of events that are des-
tined to change Canada's history. The
Calgary Declaration; the new ban on the use
of.land-inines;.the announcement that .
Canada will finally balance its hooks; and
the coming together.of world leaders for the
. Victoria APEC i.onferenct ; all provided
Canadians with tangible justification to be -proud of our accom-'
plishments'and reasons to collectively,cclebrate.
Canada now prepares to enter into 1998. Interest rates are low,
our economy i§ expanding and the federal deficit is a thing of
the,past. Unemployment is'down and consumer confidence is
up. 1998 promises to be a year of substantial recovery and pros-
perity. We can filially see the light at the end of the proverbial
economic tunnel: -.
With your help,,wc will proceed into what promises to he our
bes't'ycar cvvr. t would like to extend you my very best wishes
for a safe. healthy and prosperous N'ew Year. I look forward to
serving you in' 1998. - '
Paul Steckle
byMur-iel Lewis
GRANTON '- Sympathy is ex-
tended to. the relative's ofClaretice
Mitchell age 73 formerly of . this
comniunity who died suddenly at
',his home at RR2 Burnt' River on
Saturday•Dec.20 -
' Isorah rWissel !spent 'Christmas
, Day at'a family gathering with Jim
and Audrey Scott and family.
•'Clandchoye. • - '
Muriel Lewis and'son Larry were'
guests -with Leroy and Api-il Bryan
al a: family dinner on Christmas
Pv.. ori t y •rc'('hrictinas'Day
guests with- Roger and Margaret
.,Gardiner Loddon. -
- 'My Three Aunts' restaurant in
Granton discontinued'business last
week and iknow ckis'ed 1
On Sunday. Dec. 21i• at the Gran
ton United Church. Pastor Norma-
lie Voakes entitled her sermon, 'Af- .
ter the : Manner -then what?:. has&f
on the lesson from Matthew. 2.
Qn!Christmas Eve, Pastor Voakes
'led the service. of carols, candles
and communion at Wesley United
Church. • ' -
•At St Pauls Anglican Church in
Kirkton on Christmas Eve, ,Rev.
' Glenda Meakin celebrated the Holy
Eucharist and the message was
about God's love being reflected in
• the birth of His son Jesus Christ. -
The lessons were .read by Robert
Parkinson anti Rev.' Wm. Jones of
Kirkton and Woodham United
Churches read the Gospel and as:
'silted in- the service. • .
Special„music by the choir was
an anthem 'Peacefully Slumber'.
At St. Pauls Kirkton on Sunday.
'.Dec. 28 Rev. Glenda Meakin's'
message was about Christmas tid-
ing for tv'clve days and the Light of
Christ. continuing to grow through
the love of God. The. lessons were
read by Mary Blacker and the min-
ister. , -
Happy New Year 1998.
Stephen accepts
ownership of
County Road 36
STEPHEN - Stephen Township
accepted ownership of County
Road 36 from the county of Huron
at. its regular meeting Dec 16. but
did not accept County'Road 21 un-
the road is brought up to accept-
able standards promised by the
County Road Committee. -
While the township will not ac-
cept ownership of County Road 21,
they have agreed to continue main-
tenance on the road until•it has
been resurfaced and satisfactory up-
grades have been completed.
Have a news tip? .
Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331
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