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Page 6 .: _ Times -Advocate, December 31, 1997
nig* 11111
came across the following by Katharine Snow, en-
titled. I Play With.God.
al point to Ponder
by Rev. Vernon Dean
Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
On a walk the other morning I learned a small,
precious lesson in faith. 1 Sawa little boy:playing ball all by -
himself. I stopped to speak to him and said that it was too bad
that he did not have another youngster to play with..
"Oh, that's okay, lady" he said: "I'm playing with.God."
"How does that work?" I asked warily:
"Simple,"he told me as though 1 were the child and he were
'the adult.
"We play together all the time. 1 throw the ball up to him
and he throws it back to me"
It reminds me of Jesus'statement, O nless you be- _
come as little children, you will have no part in.the
Kingdom of God.
Get the point? -
April2 -
• A 10 year old girl was the victim of an attempted kidnapping. near
Zurich. The girl was approached by a man in his twenties around -4:45
p.m:, after she had returned home from s choxol: •
• The. new Exeter Christian Reforined- Church on Huron Street,
-which has been under construction for almost a year. is nearly finished. •
Good Friday was the last service held at the old church: which was
located at Main Street North. -
• Residents and the police of McGillivray,Township feel its time to
improve their -neighborhood watch program. Although the township is
not suffering from a rash of crimes, they feel it's needed as a preventa- •
tive measure:They don't want residents to gel too complacent and to
.take the low crime rate for granted.
• As•a result of the recent provincial downloading to municipal gov-
• ernntents, Lucan will have to -start paying for the portion of+Highway 4
that runs through the village. The village administrator, Ron. Reynicr
say -ere may he no road work done for the next few years because of
thelhii$h coats'
April 9
• Deputy reeve Dave Orlin has reported 'that the white squirrel popu-
lation has,decrcased from over 100 to less than 15 over the. last two
years, due to trapping. He recommends making .it illegal to trap or, kill
themas well as a $5.000 fine.
Huron County Board of Education trustees were informed that due
to provincial downloading. as well as rerant 'losses, local mill rates will .
rise by live of six percent. This year's grant Has been reduced by.$2.3
• The federal PC leader. Jean Charest. spoke to more than 300 people
at the Godcrich Knights -of Columbus Centre. He spoke of the Liberals,
saying "it's not- what Jean Chretien's government has done wrong. but
how it has gone about it.'•
• The Huron -Perth District Health Council strongly endorsed a final -
draft report by the Task Force for health care restructuring. There have
been a few changes since the final draft that was released on March 4.
- April 16
• The Huron County Board•of Education has passed a 3.05'per cent
increase in the 1997 mill rate •for education. This will raise taxes on:a
home by approximately $26, •
• Hensall may he able to initiate the correction of their gas fume
problem for less than.S 1.000. if they arc legally permitted. Replaceable
expandaheads may be inserted into a catch.hasin to absorb any fuel, but
let water get through.
• Police are investigating a break, enter and theft that occurred at the
Tendcrspot Valumart on Main Street, Grand Bend. Cash. cigarettes,
film., batteries and several other items were reported stolen.
• Three local boys have won the annual Huron County Science Fair
in Clinton. i)avid Lisle. Duane Schicstel and Curtis McNeil will travel
to Regina to show •their projects against other grade seven and eight
• students at the Canada Wide Science Fair.
April 23
• Exeter reeve Bill Micklc has announced that he will not be running
in ,this fall's municipal elections. -He has been a member of council. for
17 years. 15 of them, as the reeve. as well as being Council representa-
tive to County Council. •
• About 50 people attended.a public meeting at the Biddulph Council
chambers to express opinions regarding a re -zoning proposal that •
would allow property owners to hold moto-cross races. A neighbor of:
the proposed property is opposed to the idea and has circulated a letter
voicing his concerns. A decision was not made Ili the meeting.
• Dashwood firefighters responded to afire at the Stephen Township
Landfill Site. When they arrived at the scene they found the garbage
wasn't the only thing on fire. Rats the size of raccoons ran out of the
garbage,. with their backs on fire. •
• The Municipal Reform Committee had its consultant present its
draft report to fellow council members al the Hay Township Municipal
office in Zurich. The committee has many unanswered questions and is
holding a series of public meetings pending the release of the draft. The -
Hetisall-Zurich-Hay-Stanley-Tuckersmith-Bayfield committee has not
,yet submitted an amalgamation -proposal to -the Ministry of Municipal
April30 -
• A group of concerned citizens presented a signed letter to members
of council regarding ownership of pitbulls or part pitbulis. They are
concerned because the dogs are known to be vicious. and there have
been several attacks on other dogs and on people from these dogs:
• The annual Ausahlc-Bayfield Conservation Foundation
Conservation Dinner was a great success. It earned $35,000 for the
local watershed. The event included a catered meal. silent auction. raf-
fle prizes and live auction of fine art: One of the highlights of the
evening was the auction of the former Olde Town Hall clock face.
• The restructuring report of the Municipal Reform Committee have.
raised doubts about whether or not amalgamation is a wise decision for
the municipalities of Hay, Hensall, Bayfield, Tuckersmith, Stanley and
Zurich. Some wonder if the savings from the amalgamation of the six
municipalities would be worth the potential loss of municipal staff
members and service levels.
• Huron County Council is moving slowly in considering whether or
not to conduct a study to determine who should control roads in the
county, local municipalities or the county government. Similar studies
in Simcoe and Hastings County have showed savings of almost $14
million over 10 years in Simcoe and $8 million over 10 years in
- May7
.• The Exeter Optimists held their annual Walkathon for Children's
Hospital of -Western Ontario. The event. previously known as the
Stephanie -Lynn Skinner Memorial Walkathon raised over. $5000. The
-hospital specializes in programs that care 1'or children in the areas of
cancer. head injuries, diabetes, transplantations and kidney disease. •
- • Exeter council has met with the other side of the pitbull controver-
sy. Three individuals, all owners of pithulls, appeared before council to
urge that no action he taken against their dogs, saying any'dog will bite
under the.right conditions, and that it's usually the owner's fault if the
dogs turn vicious. Council .will decide On a later date the issue of pit -
bull bylaw: - . .
• • The Grand Central Hotel in 'Lucan•was 'knowri as one of the oldest
watering holes in the province., and it's said the Donnelly's used.to-fre-
qucnt• the establishment. The 141 year old building was torn down after
two fires destroyed the building in recent -years. Some Luea_n residents--
esidents`feel as if they lost part of their heritage. - '
• Four men and one young offender were charged in connection -with
a break,. enter and Theft that occurred. at the Hensall Co=op. After being
called to the scene around 2:50 a.m.; they arrested one marl attempting
to Ilse by. van, and caught the four tither men with the K-9 unit attempt-
ing to flee on foot . -
May 14
• For the second time in seven months, the Stephen- Township Fire
Department responded to an oil spill:that threatened the Ausable River:
An estimated 80(} litres- of oil spilled from a basement furnace and
entered the floor drain. The residents of the home reported the spill
.immediately after.discover'ing it.. Firefighters set up a boom to contain.
the nil, and managed to prevent most•of it from entering the river. • .
- • Biddulph'Council has unanimously •turned down a request •from a
private property owner to re -cone his property so tie -would be able to
host sanctioned moto-cross •races. A local man said- that he and many
others were "overjoyed" with the decision. -
- • The -South Huron Recreation Centre Board -will soon cease to exist.
Council has approved a bylaw that will abolish the hoard that was cre-
ated in 1976 to operate and oversee the arena, rec. centre,` the hall dia-
monds, the swimrningpools. the- Soccer fields anis the playground. They
• will be replaced with a new advisory hoard which will advise council
on non -personnel matters_relating to the ree centre. • -
• A 12 year old student from Clinton Public School; Cassie Renner.
nominated her teacher. Lois Irons, for the -top teacher award in Kid's
World Magazine, and won. Renner said she nominated. her teacher.
because "she has -a fun way of teaching. and she always-trcats people_
fairly." Irons mull ,, trip -lot two to anywhere in -the world, and Renner
has.won a -$2000 TO Evergreen Registered Education Savings Plan as
well,as a computer..a id computersoliware._• ' ' -
• After three years of planning. coordinating. and fundraising, con-
struction of the nature trail in: Grand Bend has begun. The nature trail is
.a seven kilometer trail that runs along•the west side of Highway 21, and
--.will-co$nneet-Grarid-Bend-and-he-Pinefy-Pr 'inciatPark.
• • Lucan and arca service'clubs,.the fire department. local husincs'ses
and numerous individuals are .coming together to organise -a benefit
auction to raise funds for flood relief in The Red River_ Valley. Jeff
Roestenhurg brought the idea up to council. and since then the planning
snowbalted'asothers volunteered to help. -
• Every winter. students front McCurd. Mount Carmel and Stephen
Central schools entuy free skating at the Stetihen Tiiwnship Arena. Due
10 funding cuts h. tiie Stephen T'ownshill Council, this prograrn will be
severely affected, and the program will no longer run next year. unless
the arena decides to offer the ice time -10r school use. •
'• Aimee Rau of Zurich is trying to revive. thC' Zurich playground pro-
gram. She says'she remembers having fun at the program as a child,
:and .feels there has to he a program -in the summertime tu give kids
something to do. Although council has: -not yet agreed to the idea. they
arc optimistic about it.
May28 -
• Morc•than 250 Huron secondary and public school teachers will
participate in a vote to protest the provincial governments handling of
education issues, including funding cutbacks, allowing boards to reduce
programs, -secondary education reform without.a curriculum plan and
"misused" test results. '
• This Spring's cold wet weather resulted in a three week delay in the •
planting season. Area farmers are taking advantage of the more scason-
al weather forecasted for June to get. their crops in and growing. -This
has been such a poor year so far that corn planted at the end of April
still hasn't germinated yet.
• The owner of Coco's Bar and Grill in Grand Bend has been focus of
local radii) and newspaper reports lately that claim that he has opened at
topless bar sending a whirlwind of rumors across the village. In actual
-fact it is his patio that is topless. since it doesn't have a ceiling or tarp
covering it.
•Members of Exeter Courted will take the first steps towards leasing
an area from the High School following a recommendation from princi-
pal Bill Gerth. He feels that 'moving the smoking arca to its original
location will allow students to he super )sed more closely and reduce
the intimidation that guests havelelt by being forced to walk through a
-group of more than 150 smoking students. He also feels that the image
of the school will improve due to a lawn clear of cigarette huffs.
Evening of music
planned in GB
GRAND. BENE) - December. 21
• was thc.fourth Sunday of Advent at
Grand Bend United Church. During
the children's time, Rev. Putman
talked about the .Jesse Trcc as they
added more figures to it. The chil-
dren helped Rev. Putman -relight
the candles of Hope. Peace and Joy
and then the candle representing
-The sermon topic wa's entitled
"Expectations". Scriptures passages
were read by Glena Horner. The
choir's anthem was "Hark the Glad
Sound." '
"June in January" will be held at
Grand Bend United Church on
January 31 at 7:30 p.m'. 1t will be
an evening of Show and Salon
music and singalong.,
"Growing and Becoming" was
the theme of worship at Grand
Bend United Church on December
28. A carol sing with Norm Abbott
at the organ preceded the service.
Scriptures were read by Barry
Nicholls. Choir music was a solo
"The Holy Child" by Edward
Avcy. Rev. R. Putman talked to the
children and congregation with
conversation on the theme.
Communion was served at the
Christmas eve service at 8 p.m.
Christmas Services at Hensall
Carols were sung,
.and the call to Wor-
ship was given....
• By Liz Sangster
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL - If you are missinga
sot ot•keys, please visit the lost ,and
-found department at Hensall Post •
Sunday. December 28 .at' Hensall
United .church Pat Veal gave the -
welcome and announcements. Car-
ols. were- sung, and the call to Wor-
ship was given by Linda Traquair.
The Prayer of Approach was fol-
lowed by the hymn- ''.Growing in•
God's Way". The scripture reading
was -from the Book of Samuel. The
responsive reading was followed by
the epistle. and. 'gospel reading.
"Once in Royal David's City" vdas
-sung before the (ffering. was taken.
"Praise God _Front Whom - all
Blessings Flow" followed. Prayers
of the: People. and the singing Of
' "Joy to the -World.' were followed ,
by the Commissioning and Belie-
. diction and the Choral Amen. A
candle was lit fair .the Baby Jesus..
The church office 'will be closed
until January 5 while -.Nancy Fraser
is visiting family in Nova Scotia.
- At the Christmas Eve service at
Hensall 'United ' Church • -Gordy
•Hamilton. Tracey McIntosh and
Deborah lit the 'candle. The reader
was Tara Campbell. -The narrator
-was -Kathy Mann. The responsive
was given by Erin Campbell. Pat
Campbell narrated: • "The. Holy
F:unily" was perfornied by Brad;
. Sue , and Jonathon Mann. Kyle
Mann was the sheep. The innkeeper
was performed hy• Wayne Camp;
• hell. The sheptierds were Mau and-
Tim Campbell and..Doug Mann.
. The saxophone- player was Kim
Taylor. Communion was served by
Ross Kercher, Lloyd Ferguson',
Shirley McAllister; and . Lillian'
Beer. The communion prayer was
repeated. "Joy to the World" was. -
sung followed by commissioning
andln;iredic.tinn. -
Carmel Presbyterian - '
The -Christmas) Eve Service ,at
Cannel- Presbyterian Church was
conducted by Gwen Brown. The
church was -illuminated by candles
and Christmas lights. Those taking
part in the service were Marlene
Bell, John. Baker and Marg Baker
Jackie jaylor had: prepared treats
for the children. . •
Rev. Kevin Steeper was the min-
ister at Carmel Presbyterian
:..Church. Rev. Steeper's message
Was "What is a Family For". Joyce
Pepper was the organist. 'Al Hog-
garth and Harry Smith received the
offering. The church was decorated •
with poinsettias for this special ser-
vice.. -•-
. Personals
-Janet Mowat is home for thehol-
idays from New York..Pam Sang-
ster of Tweed • and Sheila. Terry •
and Stacey Davenport of Thornhill _
.spent Christmas with their - family
in Hensall..
• The sympathy of the community-
ommunityis extended to the family of the late
Wilmer Ferguson: -a former village
resident' ' - •
Hensall residents -are reminded
that Christmas trees will he collect-
ed on Monday, January 5.- Trees
Must be he free of all decorations. tin--
sel, plastic and tree bags., Trees
should be- to the curb by 7 a:m. to
ensure pickup. - -
Users of the Hensall Landfill arc
reminded ofthechange in the
hours of operation. Effective tanu-
ary I,.-ihe landfill . will be open
Mondays. - 1-2 p.m.. and. Wednes-
days. - 1-3 p.m. A current Hensall
landfill site pass is required for ac
cess. Passes are available at the -
Hensall Municipal Office.
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Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello -
There seems to be a hormonal. link between women
and asthma. There is evidence that .women -.are .four
times more likely to have an asthma attack -a few days.
before menstruation. This is the time that estrogen lev-
els drop sharply: Female asthmatics are advised to use.
their peak -flow meters about three days before and dur-
ing menstruation to detect signs of worsening asthma.
It's important to check with your doctor if you notice blood in your stool.. it
could be due to hemorrhoids or excessive straining but -it could also signify
colon cancer. As with most cancers. early detection increases survival rates.
Smokers consider' stopping the addiction at this .time of year. Here's some
motivation. A two -pack-a-day.smoker will spend over $72.000 in 20 years.
Add .that loss of money to loss of health. you'll find that now really is the
time to stop. . .
This time of year can be lonely and depressing for some people. If you are
aware of someone in this situation. why not reach out and bring him or her
into your home for a dinner or an evening. Sometime being with people can
help banish the blues. . .
This is our final column for 1997. We hope that 1.997 was a good year for
you and yOurs and that .1998 will be even better.'Have a happy and safe
New Year. - It -
Phone 235-1982 440 Main St.. Exeter
"Your Health Care Pharmacy"
wishes everyone a very
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