Times Advocate, 1997-12-17, Page 351 T'I1
. Times -Advocate, December 24, 1997
Page 3
Zurich Public School Christmas concert
Zurich Public School held its Christmas concert -last Tuesday, Students sang Christmas
carols to their audience getting everyone in the festive spirit. .•
Lucan takes $59,000 hit
in provincial downloadin
- By Craig Bradford •
T-.4 Reporter
- Just where ttiev'U find
559.010 in ;ovines .atter the Prov-
;nee announced is Itiw•nli,ading
n inther. has i.uc:ul :.+uncal scratch-
• ing their hv_at(s , .
It also this council. and staff ques-
tioning lust how the province ca nic
up with he. iiizuue Jutnt! tlis-
Ais.ton .11 last week.; Meeting.
ft Cr. ❑na»ictpahty witha:popida-
•inn muter 00.000 is supposed to.
_tit • -ger ;ant -31 its --own-purpose
;pending - ,,r rnnual budget i to
intake the province-. downloading
--revenue neutral."
1 that i59.000 is- truly repre-
;el1i.lt ,- t that the 011\ Ince
funis - - i:e: _ nt•..)t.l-41can ,
nuai heraun itudget is. it means
Luc;in annual hudgei would he
S l" :iullion, administrator Ron
Rey mer said in an •interitew with
the T \. Luc:m's :annual budget is
not even Jose to that high figure.
he added, •
it irks ane to 00 end." -Reyrner
.said about how the province. comes
up with their figures. .
Reeve Robert Benner called the
province', figures -.interesting ac-
cotinting !echniques." .
"Ytiu inight sae they reinvented,
arithmetic." Benner said.
To- .arrive • at the 559.000, the'
provincetook an.average of each
municipality:, operating and cap-
ital: project budgets •. er the last
five. years and decided municipal
tiles should find' 7 per cent of tete
. total in savings. With Lucan. the
province included hooking up to
the Lake_ Huron water. pipeline and
. sewage treatment • plant construc-
tion. both expensive projects were
done in -92. hut didn't include red-
eral-provincial infrastructure pro-
gram projects.- Rcymer said. While
the infrastructure programs are split t.
three. ways by 'the federal._. pro
vineial and municipal governments.. -
the :92 projects were NO per cent
funded by the province. -
The tact that London was lumped
-Ztr-wnti Middlcst.x- Cuunty-i ,
of being separated .in the down-
loading procedure as the province
said at would has further fuzz. led the.' -
picture. Rcymer_;aid.
The province said.it would• make
_tote downloading :revenue. neutral'
by giving half of the education tax
to.. - municipalities
.vhiie granting mon- "You nig
in its Special they rein
Transition .\s- - arithz
srstancc - .program.
Middlesex will -get •
SI(t.7hl.(KK) in education. taxes -
-with Lucan'"s share S30I.001): Mil
dlesex will receive' $574.0(() in the .
-transition .grant. Councillors. won't •
see the entire picture till Middlesex
County council decides. where it.
will find .the S(i3y.-(K)0 in savings.
the province has asked of it. Benner, •
said. -
"It' . like the province is putting
stuff ,tut helore it's -proof-read.•'
Revmer said taf .the way the prov-
ince is releasing information. -
Benner agreed.
"There's no logic to it at MU- he
said. "I think they were in such a
_hurry they just threw the numbers
Both Rcvmer and Benner said
they have no idea where they will
find the 559.0l0l.
"'Jhc- easy answer is to ,to .e,s
roadwork.- Rey*mer said. -Bur r that
work ha&- to he donc_tis maintain die'
infrastructure."' - -
One service that may have -to
Is winter Sidewalk clearing. Reent-
er said. adding that's just ar ex-
ample of the many items they will
have to look_at changing err ,.uttin,_.
"There will he things -we •.viol
have to dei differently." 13enner.
nits tit —xaith 1ddinti . iiun�il-wrH-likely- Teal
with finding the -559.001) shy '.t
"blend" of Its. services and a .Matt,
tax hike_. He also expects he
ince to ante up a larger transition
grant. -•\
in related news.- the province re-
leased how much Lucan :should pay
,.thins:. rite an -
ht 1'aV -nu.d s1-75.04) oris
vented .tectett •cost 's gown
•.. iroin- the tne'nat
netzc. • - shout -S2,-N).txX) aur
-S252/household from
5342) tor.county-wide Middlesex
OPP service starting fan. I.
Lucan and other municipalities
could choose to set up' their :)w n
police force or look to .t security
company, or .another law enforce-
ment service but those alternatives
are either 'too .costly. or fob. :oro -
plicated to Set up. • • -
"Therc doesn't seem to he' ,an-
other justifiable `alternative fur 'six
(other than the OPP).- Benner said.
Councillor Reg Crawford ,ue-
gested looking into how much the
Huron County OPP would` charge
Lucan for police service because
their initial quote to service •Huron
County was touch less than Mid-
dlesex County OPP's to police Lu -
can and Middlesex.
Your Views
Letterstet) for
Media helps get the word out
"...the Bureaux are distributing the
gifts received from a generous
community." -
"Dear Editor -
Thank you for your support of our community .
outreach programs this past year and. most recently.
for your promotion of the Huron County Christmas
Bureau. ' • .
\s 1 write this letter to you, the Bureaux are dis-
tributing the gilts received front;a generous commu-
nity and purchasing clothing in sizes where we have
noticeable gaps tit availability. ( Volunteers are still
registering those folks that tend to hold off from ask-
ing for help.) As I had the opportunity to view the
Bureaux first hand. I can say that twe can he very
proud of our cotnmuntites and the outpouring of
Christmas spirit that prevails throughout the County.
- Building and sustaining community awareness of
projects Tike the Huron County Christmas Bureau.
Summer Camps for, Kids. and the Kids Booster. Club.
Fund would not he possible without suhsutnbal
inedia support. '
On behalf of the staff and volunteers at the
Agency. thank you•loryour year-round work, iiylp-
rng us. and like-minded organizations,htt'tld.comntu-
nity supports for families and promoting the work tit
volunteers.and service clubs commuted to.sutatntng
healthy communities. .
.• Yours truly.
Joan Van den Brocck, Volunteer Services,
Children's Aid Society o1: Huron County
Another oil spill in Stephen
Oil emptied at wrong address -and into fuel receiving
pipe with no fuel tank --results in 440 -litre oil disaster
By Chantal, Van Raay
1 A `iepnrter '
CRF.1)ITON - :\hout.•I4() litres of
furnace oil, was delivered to the
Jong. address hast Wednesday. re-:
leased into- a Iuel receiving pipe
without a fuel tank. resulting in NO
litres of oil being released into the
natural environment: • .
\ dri er front Davis Moore Duels
was to dehycr the oil to 19 King
Street 5 in Crediton. -hut instead .
dcli..ered the oil to.19 KingSt. N.
I ht drier released 34(1 litres..
-into .a spun. wl)t:li had 'been .con-
verted from oil • to natural gas.
therefore there. was no longer an'
• fuel tank at the emit of. the pipe The
ill went 'through, .the pipe and di-
rectly into the basement. .
Senior Iinvtronmcntal • Officer.
• with the. \tlinistry of Environment.
('hos-Huti.siud the spout the hOuse-
hold used was.- receiving pipe
shack :it •,tie time.was.used for oil
He said when -the_ house converted '
io natural gas the fuel tank was IC
moved. . .
It. was :t 'tact rcct'ivine :tine
tie tune..v• sed.. said
lit rh' -nsl�' the:. , n t fuel
tank ,soden :ath They the fuel
`oiiinarry ;tut :he .+tl, n •ihe•sj)put
tail it. .tent •tIIe.-tly !nti) fife h.iSe-•.
nenl. r ,iia
'There .,is i-.4) `ores • tf. oil- re-
t•aset1 into the •i.scment. - stated-
,•nhcn i i.twnshp Fire ( 12irh:
r( P rtsrht •
:Some. • +t : he"'al :ante out 4- the
Iraingc totes - he said. adding the
ire -tenartrnent _041(x1 not recover.
IHt ner.�cnt .rt hetoil.
`'.:\bout '_0 to titres got ivy. the
,+titan anent inalerial- and .time tf..
he +,it hitt .ender he ice. There was
•io vas sve ,'tglhl alels recover the
td. We had :o think. )! what was
worse.. risking someone s lite or re-
covering 20 litres of oil?" The re-
training 6x0 litres of oil went into
the soil and eould not he. recovered.
Pcrischy added while. 20 litres of
oil in the river "is not good", it is
still. Netter than risking the lite of
someone to recover the oil under,
the ice. • .
-ihe f -A contacted the hotne-
ow.ners but they wished not .tit com-
nient or have their names published.`
The Huron County Health Unit
was contacted by the municipality •
of Stephen as well .IS the Ministry.
ot. Environment .and the Spills -Ac-
tion Centre. : • . •
Peihy explained this • isn't , the
-lir.( time there has been an oil spill
in Stephen. Township. In tact:
"Were setting used to dealing with
(his."' he said.. referring to the num-
ber 41 oil spills in • the past fwo
,;ears.. .
In September. 1996. a- furnace
tank hmke spilling about 900 litres.
and in May. 1997. the -legs broke
off tan oil tank and when the tank
hit the ground the valve broke
dumping about 9(X) litres. Pertschy
said both times the fire department
was able to recover about Mt K) litres
of the ;pilled oil .. •
When asked: why he thinks oil
spills have occurred so olten in the
past two years. he replied. "I think
what's happening is the oil equip-
ment . Is . etting till. it's over 30
years • incl and it's not being kept
up.. -
He addedihe situation :11; 19 King
St. ''I..is slightly different then the
previous spills.
"The reason there was an oil leak
there was h cause of, the Conver-
sion from til lo natural gas." he
Closed St. James Dr•
to be p p ut on the block
BIDDVI.PH T\VP Biddulph Township council put the 'for sale sign
on the closed portion-ot.St. lames Dr. at last :week- council Meeting. -
:Council voted -to Declare the land surplus property .and .administrator
I ..irryt Hotson wil_fdraft a4 bylaw to seta once for the chunk ot.roadway:
The -stretch will he offered to adjoining 'andowners first. 1-lotsrin 'aid,
as snapped out by the Municipal Act. -
Council also •appointed these people'to sir on the various council or
council -related commrttecs..md township posts: commntec otadjustmcnt:
,lohn Stevens. Frank Hardy- and Bob Rushton: Biddulph-Blanshard Fire
Board -Reeve- Ear) French and -councillor-- Doug Anderson: Lucan-
Biddulph Etre, trc..BitardAnderson:-coaincillors (;corgi Marr '.and • Lerov Maguire and
Dat itl (;ntidard; (;rarbon Rec.Committee-French..\nderson. Mike tones
ant( Dale'Wheeler: Fence Viewers-Mike)•Shea_and frank Hardy: Lac -an
('ommunias Memorial .('entre hoard -Marr, Pa.i. Hodgins .anti
Kasteren:-- \forth Middlesex District Building Ssiem-Maguire: .i estock
Saluators-O'Shea :and Hardy: auditirr-(;orlon Hardcastle:. su'hcnors-
Perna .and Associates: -dog tax collector -Patricia ('aiitphell: tow nshii,
weed inspector -John Trott: Bluew:uer Resisting -Deputy Reeve Pant War'
Dec. 27=Jarn.3
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