HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-10, Page 2920 Property for Rent GRAND BEND - 06 Silber St. 2 bedroom cottage. Natural gas. Close to downtown. Large deck. new windows. Available February I. S44SJmonth • based on yearly rental. 6726386. (50 -OIs) 3_ BAM, 2 BATH - Eat -in Kitchen, large livingroom. Large 2 car garage. Newly renovated. Ca/I and leave tame and phone number. Serious callers only. 235.0608., (50,51c) EXETER • 1 bedroom . upper level of ddttptex. $325. monthly plus heat and utilities. (519) 565-5641. (SOtfc) 1 & 2 BEDROOM 11Nrrs - (lose to downtown: ideal for seniors. (lean. 235-.3.573. (SOtfn) !REDUCED RENTS! First and 24th months rent- free deal. Large 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units available in a quiet, secure community in Exeter. Join a Co-op and get .free,of landlords. Lots of extras. Call Exandarea Meadows Co-op at 235-3382. 20 Property for Rent GREAT VALUE - Large one and Iwo bedroom units available in a clean quiet building. Call Jackie262-2234. (47tfc) • EXETER -'large. one bedroom apt. Uppper level, stove and fridge supplied. S420.000 plus utilities. Call 235- 3293. •(4$tfn) • FOR RENT ON MAIN STREET,EXETFR - I bedroom apartment. Large rooms. Lci .of storage space. fridge and stove, •balcony. garage. $350.00 per month plus utilities. No children or pets. Phone 235.1891- (49,50') NEED. A RENTAL? . EXETER - large nicely decorated 1 bedroom apt. with 'loft. 5595. monthly includes appliances and utilities. EXETER - 1 bedroom apts. 8400 -- plus utilities. Free rent to:- qualified applicants. DASHWOOD • 1 & 2 bedroom apts. 5395.00 and ' $4')5.00 monthly. Includes appliances, laundry facilities available. Call RFJMAX Rluewater Realty Inc.; Marlene Parsons at 233.3777. (49tfn) DASHWOOD Small co/tubercle! shop 8300./month. Roh- Allen 241-3027. (49.500 ) 25Notice - PHOTOS FROM Y(dl :R PAST The Exeter Times- Advocate has many unclaimed pictures received -from your special occasion. Please nick OD vow photo. Notices NOTICE • TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE - Usborne Township counc)l reques? 'ne 'co-operation of the ratepayers regarding the parking of. cars and other vehicles on township roads during the period irr which snow clearing is necessary.- - • . •The township will not tee held responsible for any damage done to these vehicles. - Also the co;operation.is asked for in The -matter of pushing or dumping snow or ice out of. private driveways onto_ public roads as this practice could lead -to an accident, in the advent of which_ratepayer concerned. could be held liable under By-law #26,- 1992.. • Ken Parker • Roy:- S+:perintendent THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN NOTICE QF PUBLIC MEETING village cf Ldcan• • 161 Main St. P.O. Box 449,• •roan ;nt. NOM-2JG Date: j)ec.1 -- TArfE NOT:CE THAT AN APPLICATION HAS, BEEN MADE FOR A REZONING 3V: Mr. Glen Nevin. 134 Main St. Lucan Cnt. NCM 210 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION CF'PROPERrr - Part Lot 206 and 207 Plan 188 ,.131 Francis St. PURPOSE • to rezone the -subject property from Res,dertial-Zone 1.R1. to Residential Zone _ Exception 9 !R1-9) that will allow 'or the exoansion :f the :xistmg Commerciat activity known.asNevin Motors. - . AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the village of L scan pas aepointedlanuayY 06.19984 Lula. for the purpose of a -Public Meeting .nto this matter to oe held in -tile Munic:pat Building, 161 Main Street. Lucan. Ontano. !f you wish to be'notifted of the decision of the ii ilage'of Lucan m resoect of the oroposed rezoning, you must make:a written request tc Council. • 1 a person'or public body that files an appeal of a decision. of the.'oillage at scan m respect of the proposed rezoning does not make written submKsion to Council before 4 gives. or refuses to grant the rezoning, the Ontario Municipal Board may 'dismiss the appeal. • Signed written submissions regarding the application will be accepted Dv 'f e Clerk prior ho or dunng the meeting. - . This is a Public Meeting and If you are aware -of any person interested or affected by this application who has. not received copy of this Notice, :t would be appreciated if you Auld so inform that person. . • . Additional information relating to this oroposed rezoning ,s available for•,nspection at my office during regular business hours. Mr. Ron ). ReymerAMCT - Clerk, Administrator - .., + r -,•a:'5-•--- 11 ,,--A 6 -+ L vs Isa N :wa. II tossols,4 4y, r� •••- 11 N THE CORPORATION OF THE PILLAGE OF LUCAN LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • village of Lucan 161 Main St. P.O. Box 449.' Lucan. Ont. NOM 21 Date: pec. 10/97 - Application Na. 8.4/97 • TAKE NOTICE THAT AN APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE FOR SEVERANCE BY• Mr. Glen Nevin, 134 Main St. Lucan Ont, NOM 2)0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Part Lot 206 on Plan 188 (131 Francis St.). EQB CONSENT - to sever parcel measuring 15' it 136' hem !Cit 206 on Plan 188 and add it to Part Lot 207 on Plan 188. This application is to be heard concurrently with the, rezoning application for Part lot 206 and 207.. ANO FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the Village of Lucan Land Division Committee has appointed )aim 04.1998 a 715 pa. for the purpose of Public Hearing into this matter to be hell in the Municipal Building, 161 Main Street, Lucan, Ontano. 11 you wish to be notified of the decision of the Vintage of Lucan Land Division Committee in respect of the proposed consent, you must make written request to the Committee. If a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the Village of Lucan Land Division Committee in respect of the proposed consent does not make written submission to the Land Division Committee before it gives or refuses to give a provisional consent, the Ontario .Municipal Board may dismiss the appeal. Signed written submissions regarding Ute application will be accepted by the Clerk prior to Of dunng the Thistis TPublic Hearing and If you are aware of any person interested or affected by this application who has. not received a copy of this Notice, it would be appreciated If you would so inform that person. Mr. Ron 1, Reymer AMCT Clerk, Administrator 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN the Estate of VINCENT JOSEPH RYAN Late of the T(Zwnship of McGillivray in the County of Middlesex and Province • of Ontario, Accountant. CREDITORS AND OTHERS having claims against the above Estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un- dersigned on or before the 3rd day of January, 1998, after which date the Es- tates assets will he distributed having ' regard only to the claims that have then . been received. DATED at Thedford. Ontario. this 8th day of December. 1997 J. PHILIP WALDEN, O.C. . - Barrister and Solicitor P.O. Box 121 Thedford, Ontario NOM 2N0 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee with a Will. For class!" cull 235-1331 i Reminder: Drive safely during the holiday season RF/MAK LANDMARK REALTY INC 215 Piccadilly St. Suite 207 London. Ont. k. NEW LISTINGS GREENWAY - One floor ranch. ensuite. oak cabinets. --finished _ from top to .• bottom. Price $1205- HENSALL - HAY TWP-.-- 15-0 acre cash crop farm. with new none. . .as . BLANCHARD TWP. - 200 acre :ash Cron farm. LUCAN - New one floor ranch, 2 ar garage. great for retiring farmer GIBSON CRES.. LUCAN - 8 new model- homes starting {O be built. • Prices -from $124:900 to $150.999. Going fast. NEW LISTINGS CREDITON - 2 large tots, with gas. water, cable. 129' x 250'. LUCAN Langford Or. - large 4 level sidesplit on landscaped large lot. 'shop. gas air.$2,000 cash rebate. PRICE $120s. Member of Re/Max Platinum - Club Ron O'Brien Assoc. Broker at l 439-1400 L 1 LaLa G.K. L 284 Main oil' (519) E ". Realty and Insurance Inc tt- St. Exeter Ontario Li 235-2.420 10 IS le •s NEW LISTING - Immaculate 3 bedroom bungalow. 2 baths, main floor laundry. laden. Finished rec room w/wood slove.'18' x 38' shop:' Asking 8119.000.00. Call Dwayne Tinney.' La ' 0NE.OF A KIND - exceptional 4,800 sq. u Z''l, raised ranch On 1 acre landscaped lot. i Paved road, edge of Hensall. Gas heat and fireplace, oak kitchen. low E windows. Many extras. Call Dwayne Tinney.' BRICK RANCH • on 1 t/2 acre tot, paved road. near. Exeter. Oak kitchen. 3 baths, Iireplace. Finished. lower level *ground level walk -out. Double garage. Call Dwayne Tinney NEWER RAISED RANCH • Oak kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished both Ievels. Family room wiwoodstove. Gas heat, central vac. Large fenced yard. attached garage. Asking 8149,900. Call Dwayne Turney' NEAR SCHOOLS 1 1/2 storey, 3 ie bedroom brick in `move -in' condition. $%'Newer oak kitchen and replacement windows. Gas heat. Attached garage and workshop. Asking S139•900. Call Dwayne Tinney.' Sales Representatly Dwayne TInney 235-3889 Tines -Advocate, December 10, 1997 Page 29 COLDWELL BMsmzuR A LL—POINTS R EA LTY SERV [CES EXETER OFFICE - 147 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. Pat O'Rourke CALL OUR EXETER OFFICE TOLL FREE FROM M.J. Chanyl 235-1.449 ty� (nes) 237-3762 (nes) 235-1077 malt porourkeOhay.net GRAND BEND & ZURICH AT 237-3182 VISIT r)UR WEBSITE AT www_mis_ca TO VIEW ALL OF OUR LISTINGS AT YOUR LEISURE 111 Jerry Zehr (RES) 236-4712 e-mail: zehr®hay.net direct line toll free 1-800-342-7217 ZURICH OFFICE - 16 VICTORIA ST. ZURICH, ONT. 236-4712 Days & Evenings \'Fly I Isrltic WELL MAINTAIN -ED 4 ACRE. COUNTRY PROPERTY Iarge..ountry kitchen. Newer furnace and updated hydro panel Shed. workshop and a ham for your horses 'Vice attractive lot With mature -trees Honked to municipal water S123'900 1'. O'Rourke Sales Re 3 BEDROOM ZURICH HOME on a huge 195' deep lot backing .into treed area. Hardwood floors and ongtnal tom Large side deck' with southern exposure. Older bam at rear for storage. Pat ('Rourke Sales Rep EXC • 3 BEDROOM STARTER HOME in Zurich Great laxation close to St. Boniface Schorir rind church Newly installed gas furnace and water heater. Mostly drvwalled, insulated and newer. windows. Priced at 373,900.and ready for immediatepossession. Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep !'I 1-\ 11 OF ROO\1 IN THiS ATTRACTIVE a BEDROOM EXETER HOME - nicely decorated intenor Huge totally fenced rear lot. Large wrap around rear deck. Full basement An ideal (aindv Christmas gift .,it mlv 544.900. Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep: Ruth Zlaiman-Zehr (RES) 231-4712 e -mall: zahrOhay,not COUNTRY SIZE LOTS ON THE EDGE OF DASHWOOD • 1/2 acre in size - Backing onto open fields. Municipal water, natural gas, T.V. cable. Paved road. Starting at only 529.900. Call Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep for details. - Ceti rHE SEASON YOU WILL BE VERY MERRY in this 3 bedroom home In prime •subdivision Bright' open oak. kitchen. - fireplace in separate family room,`targe and spacious double garage. Asking 3159.900. Call M.1 Chanvi Sales R .. . IS THIS THE TIME TO SELL YOUR FARM? PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN HiGHER. CALL PAT O'ROURKE SALES REP AT 235-1449 FOR A CONFIDENTIAL AND KNOWLEDGEABLE FREE EVALUATION OF YOUR FARM TODAY. \I.L ON ONE FLOOR 1 BEDROOMS, gas heat: new windows. gunroom. attached. garage and large unfinished area. Great starter with newer flooring thmuphout. 4skmg 594,000. call M.J. Chanel. \ PERFECT BEGINNER HOME r CUTE IMMACULATE HOME AT 177 .ANNE ST. W. EXETER laving mom gas fireplace. Hardwood floors. Nice bnght updated bathroom. Pnvate poet area of town. With as tittle .s down and payments as low as 5544 t;3 per month, Payments less than most rents. Pat c i•Rourke',ales Re Bi(LCEIIEI-D BLILUi\G LOT LOCATED ON THE HIGHWAY , Iarg• building tot. Asking 325.000 Call M.t. Chanvi Sales Rep. ROO\I FOR [NILO\ "t�-3irL� FOUR BEDROOM 1-1; storm. home to Hensall. Large country .kitchen, huge master bedroom on main floor. new bathroom, main floor laundry, gas heat. :Asking 599.900. Call -54.i. Chanvi Sales Re - FOR THIS RECENTLY RENOVATED 3 BEDROOM MOBILE H0'.iF v addition and rear deck: t;. kitchen 'cupboards. Read% • or Immediate possession. An vass • . a . own ydur first home. Great , at1a n slid _ km. west of Exeter. Pat tY it. ' - Sales Rep unl:vCLJ..1J1 vLIvIR:sfORE' LIKE NEW T is attractive 1 room Eketer home features huge morns, an oak kitchen with patio doors to rear deck, efficient gas heat, central air, central vac, 2 baths, doublearage and paved ,hive Priced at 31,9011 Pat O'Rourke Sales Rep I:AE runt DRiVE BY THiS ATTRAC * 3 BEDROOM RANCH and then call for your personal viewing. Huge kitchen rat- io area plus separate dining room. Living room tireplace. 2 bathrooms. Main floor laundry. Huge lower level read) for your finishing_ touches (;as heat Only S129.900. Pat t YRourke Sales Rep ImMidir JVER 33 ACRES WEST OF HENSALL Eleven acres workable, the rest is woodlot ThH is not a building lot: Asking 539,900. (:all M i Chanvi Sales Rep FOR PAYMENTS ON THiS GREAT 3 BEDROOM DASHWOOD HOME. This home has been re -insulated dn-wailed and siding, doors and windows. replaced over the last 10 years. Newer furnace Nice ;Jeep lot on quiet private sacci.' .Ven• economical bring at less than rent Pat a YRourke Sales Rep $$FARMERS • FARMERS • FARMERS$$ - 1 have just "SOLD" four farms in the last 60 days (3 to European buyers) . if you need to sell your farm. it doesn't cost any more to list with a reactor who has a proven sales record. 1 have a cash buyer that wants to purchase 2 more farms before December 31, 1997_ If you want your farm "SOLD" call: JERRY ZEHR, Direct Line TOLL FREE (1-800) 342-7217_ days or evenings JUST LISTED • FARM Je' . Presently operating as trucking business,. 99 acres, chicken barn, shop, 3 bedroom house. Located on paved road. JERRY ZEHR Direct Line 1519) 236-1712. days or even • 1 TRY HOME MUST SEi.L • 599,000 - A rare find Three acres, sired/warkshup wiconcrete flour. bank barn, 3 bedroum house features. New window, and furnace JERRY ZEHR Duro Line 1519) 236-4712. days or evenings. CALL JEW OR MITH OMECT UNE TOLL ME (1.800) 34227217 POR INFOIrMATION ON ANY OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIES. CALL 1100) 3424217 FOR A FREE E%6WATION OF YOUR FARM, HOME OR COTTAGE EACH OFFICE IS AN INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED MEMBER BROKER OF COLDWELL BANKER AFFILIATES OF CANADA