HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-10, Page 27CIA SSlFIEDS iO I'I \( 1OI I; \I) - , 1 , OO 011101o0 Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM IS6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our 811 Super Ad' Or We'll Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • FOR SAS 1TEMS QNLY • ONE ITEM PER AD • Private non-commercial ads_OrllY • All Super Ads must be oreriald OFFICE HOURS-. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8�0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. WORD ADS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 $20.33 3 insertions Additional I5re charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births. Deaths. Announcements. Coming Events. Memonams. Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge • Additional 15e charge for each word over. maximum . • BASED ON S2 fn DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bordered & Monthly Ads Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash. Cheque -( with identification). Money Order. 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OUR ADVERTISING POUCY A,7Yern3fw i 0+9 'r*•s-AOvocat• 1 a.`vYpao on =tow 'sat. n r'9 snots at a yyo9rap•ca. woe r.at 00100x' at 7'• ae.sOa* g spec•. ocN- p,.0 Do M 9r'0f*vs s t m 04•1/0 Nilo OD/0 a1Wame 10, 1Q *1u'., ,r4 De •••r'. i' a ssr090Q09n 44um as a •'au• /ma sr '0 :Nage • ws re D•.vsc• ai 'ha *0501440ri "I Ira p• pari la •t 111 app•caotl ••n if. 719 904'1 J1 a 7101; apl,Da, WO, a horru.1 Joroa'x s•r.4cim al a wrong Dtto. 90009 0' 0e4 5 s 1195 101 7Y solo 500414119 s an or* 'o WO am -My 01 war'a.wn at ars •4m• Ary tows •+ant D9 sc• : ✓ Ww100990..41/4'11 99.I( Jays DI Daboia 0n the r n199-AOwcu• 'b9r••9 re 009400 or 0- ,000 or '•r•olrnp advorr4.11'r-s sw t Mood. 13 001014D10410 9r..14 "logs M ;,145�145- 14'5 a0s*•n9•m9r'I fan 4sat )100M0 .0 001- 1000 10 vi Mary a mai 110/1p00i Csn1r.ts 9'. u'4 90 oy 0cpyrgnt n•p000-10n a Ary •^.teIi. .000'7.. D.n0440.01, 54 m9 00D1'YMi $ 10(00:1111,, . 50•eres91s 4..,00ase woo* WO cVC"WO0 DM, 5a ig(4s 10 1,1 aOVMi,s14419(ts tx00tc90 b5 r'9 to saa-AOsoure „s,r.91nwo15 '79091•pn, a Dr'Dtogrlrrns •,,ars s0 '01 Dr IPA n.*IQ9p9r $10,i pone 5.0911415 y '1'e irn•SAOvQoat. 1140 •1101' a Or W. tel 50f9G4may D. •prO0 40SJ or a* sara0 9M'py1 wain Kamera at ". in,es Advo•ra 9tATEMEN1 a Pgtcv 1.19 1'100 -ado mi• • ool ••sp0n*04101 *1401► 11 •0.••n49m•r'Is nal woman('n ogee 19411, •+u b, norm VW • s""" • `.."^"'' r'..rwn,a mai 100«140w4O1 5 Phone 235-1331 Use your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save $2 00 DZ :4:V1 R (uR BE --r^12 needed for - part-time netp :eadmg to fullttme :n urng. Please apply :n wrung 10 Bot 3'?. ilxeter Times Advocate. Box 1150, Exeter. ON NOM S6 r drop at .424 Main Sr Exeter office 49-511 _ SUPERINTENDENT, SF.E D ED_ for residential property :n Exeter Must nave experience .0 . renting rem . llec oak. cleaning and . minor. maintenance. Send 'resume • ;o Ohsidtan Grol:p ;tic. 6+6i Maitland St. London. (Jk N5Y :\ Y :or :ax.,. 519-660-8486. 50c, CARPET CLEANING E.Cn?\:i :A\ for :na)or L,ndon,Humn franchise 1A ;1 'rain. ?hone 453-69'- ar tit_ -`N Fr LL -`:Mi: ?O.S;TON available an -1`.t)- Sow .`arrow 'o :inch .oerauon.-94-6i:6 5(ltfn. CAR GIVER for i ueadas Tzhursdav and a%ery Viler Fnday. Slays. ? .csrhle '.Ise -:n Decemhet - ;.one. Call MANAGER REQi:IRED for i .amt nwldiag. . Dunes • to Include rennin . . cleamng. miner maintenance. Please :art resume o 519-i%52-3156 .Alt: Bev Pnstnon . reguitea to F_hnu' ry 1198. -50.5 i c CARING Lt)L'.N('i 3ABYS17-.R •+'amcc for ' -n nth old turn/. cart. MOndav ::o ' Fr.da1--41'_0 References -eauired. • _oc-i0.2,4 511*' AQUAFINE SALES 'HELP WANTED 'r :alar. • es :•1a- PLUS -COMMISSION 'Oa; a SELLING PROGRAM _:es :;e -•3.E ;cr2 S : _ : - -- tai- :.:'8'^5 WE EXPECT YOU TO: • Fci)cw'_G ;r 3uDpoe1 earls • ca11 ;at Io 3r exist!^g ::Stcr'rers - • 5rCw :,rosoects .r•- '~e :e'rc • -c. _ : Si donee iesire 'C :e :a'' _ ::..:cesot..,'ear -•:r 3 :era:- meter e-. :,ease :3' .re L TUCKERSMITH COMMUNICATIONS . CO-OPERATIVE UMITED - requires a CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE tb fill a maternity leave tmr--ercirg Januar, 5. 1998 Qualificat:Ons must ,cc:tide: 1._ Extensive cor'outer expererce: ' 2.'Good cornrlunication sk11ls: - 3. Knowledge of the internet. Please submit a confidential,resurre to the'urdersigned �L 4:00 p.m. on December IS. 199 - Sharon Chuter, General Manager Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited General Delivery, KIPPEN, Ontario NOM 2E0 he 'rarK ail acc��carts'rarK ail aec��carts.:tit :rig :rose :reser `Cr 3r rter•,iew wit ^e rtactet . 3 Brisiness Opp. S5'OlWEEKLY Malang-ewelry. bracelets. eamngs. necklaces, sear suuund at, burr. ou exp. 'Send a self-addressed stamped en.eiupe 1u. Bolan lewelry 15-4425 Dordiesier_Rd. Sate 126. Exl. Niagara Fall's. Ont L2E 6N1 148- 51! + 6 Services QUALITY • mutt) FINISHING and custom framing and : now 5 minute enlargements. Yervrs Photography. Main Sm Exeter 235- 1612 ttfni 6 Services, ' 9E }WI Sl. OR 01 -1 -ICE CLEANING. ge4untt •., •'e •o0 much: seal help. For vinic .ntc-r'n.0:.'n _id _'c. ":'4 Vk' SCRAPPER JOH RECYCLING ND WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL ew and Used BulldInb, Material anted: Old Brick Houses, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! Call office 235-4614 Res. 2331662 THE GIFT OF FLIGHT rive Something They Will Remember This Christmas can be something special for your friends, or family. For $60 you can send three people on an exciting 20 minute tour of the Local area. imagine the reaction when they open your gift. 1 Academy Air Services The Tower Centralia Airport Huron Park On. NOM 1Y0 (519) 2254029 TELEPHONE - TV CABLE INSTALLATIONS Ptewire houses - Repair wiring • Install lacks for phones - modems - Internet T EPt-MCFALLa 235-0368 :'iE ANTIQUE WATCH .AND CLOCK SPECIALIST - Does processional repairs id watches and clocks. Free estimates to repair •randfater': locks Ruth .-trnhola. 7599 Gillespie. Port F,-9�. ?hour 243.-i ;30. •3(ktai . FOR ?RIME ' POWER and land-bv dectncsv- at works, and-eays working, alL iometers Motor Generali[ tales, td. Reliability. since 1936. ?hone '19-655-:306 "'(kfn, LAWN& GARDEN CARE •"SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 OPEN WEDNESDAY - December 24. Closed . December 25 and 26. Open - December 27 anal 12 noon.' Merry Chnstmaf. Happy New Year to all. Wayne Ortatieto s Barber Sha, ,194 Main St. Exeter.235-05$9. -49-52" - NU -LOOK PAINTTNG & DECORATING Consider �iafive punting techniques to austomsze vosr home r ttuness. Free - estimates: Very reason.** rates. 0% semi= discount. Please call 228-6149 ,:49.50'51x) _ I!I4ORT*GAGE LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE • PURCHASES • RENOVATIONS DEBT CONSOLIDATIONS Difficult Situations Welcomed' CALL 668-7788 - MTM Realty Services S Farm .Machinery ORI) ?LOW .r Madel 15 i . - 0 'potions. - ems rnuttnteti. sprang 'np.' .00 u in ::oro raiks.Wcstriela oath 111207. x46. ar;s e. , gaol ;nndiuon. t49.2605 .titer 's n..wdweekends .4----5(Isai '. 9 Sports Equip, Leh. '382 \MAHA EXCEL !II 340 - Hand - tnd..numb warmers. Electric - start. 51150.10 ,bo. - .Cail 519,235-3291. 4' i)lsa.1 .'382 M()Tr)-sKi Ft:�1:RA 300t Oil niectea. cover. :600 km. excellent shape.' i1800. CAI 5:9-284- 203. ' 49- 50sa 1 uu4 .AR :"C CAT E.Fl. Excellent .'nmtx'n. 565-2-2N 50tfn ) 11 Cars, Trucks N \\TED DEAD OR. ALIVE Cas, rucks .usd strap fur wrecking. -.Any •.,ndsuvn. Ask to Paui 'Campbell. Paul's - \uw Mame. 168 Tloimes Rd. W. Exeter. 2_15- 16t>tst. 985 NISSAN MAXIMA 4,4r . ,unroof 51500.(10 liter 6 p:m. 2354357. 4'-01sal :u1)3 BUICK REGAL LTD Excellent ,undiuup, leather interior. loaded keyless 'ntry. .' 312..)00.00 certified. Phone : J -2S4- 294, ''Isar - .985 DEL r:A i8 - Excellent running Girder. Saleued 32950 .s trade to snowmobile of equal value 235-;'15 49.50c) FUR1 1986 ESCORT EXP I.9L fuel inj. 5 spd• muse. ult. au new exhaust. brakes. dutch, throw out beano& spd cause sensor. Very little: iv safety. 53'00. as ra. UBO 238.5182.(49.03sa) • 33 MUSTA.`:G - 3.8L, htown with brow interior. .Auto. new gas tank. hfeume muffler. rear,btakes, new battery. driven July. Npods TLC 238.5182 5500: ob0. ;49-035*) - IOP DOLLAR PAID for older -cars. trucks, scrap, etc. • Brock s Auto 228-6700 ,JD Mt. Carmel Road. Safety tae pect•oas 535.00. Autorepout. (14rfn) 12 Pets ;ef Fur maw 235 -DOGS 12 Pets 12 Pets LAB -CROSS 'AC -K RUSSELL - 4 ••veeks old. Call 25- 318. 50sa GREYHOUND AiDOPTON • save -00ni 1n your heart and your, home to .aye he Ile it a .;etlres 'acing .reyhcund. 12: lave ust arrive troth ,'S .`racks Anil desperately need homes. Atfecuonate fatmiy - ,nes. =or niormauon' 519-241.6875::.: ave messatre.: `( 13 Musical Ins-bwrtents ;ii'IT:AR s ?!ANO :.,•ssoru A'atianle. 3egtnaer 'o .scvancea. .ill ac les 't :nuslc. - .zeter Mtutc Centre :35,- : :63 .:(Rin I ' (it'IT.AR- :-ESSONS available .n Lan:^ .ilea !'n ..aSslcal. acoustic or 'iconic ,twtar Ail :ages welcome. ,ail 5190 43:-5544 in --weskdaya r 5_191 2-16210 xi'weejcepus. - ,' HAMSTERS - Baby Teddy 3epr Hamsters. :ust in time tor Clhrtslrrtas. 35.00 each. 235-4535. , 50•. 15SAr ?I: PS FOR SALE . - Sibenan Hushes. black And white. t red and white. All ` 'etrsale. Rdserve low. 2334-649"' Ask t -'r ieffor Becky. 49.50c) • Ask for 'f:eaye-;nessagr'or 14 Appliances, Television :_:KE NEW; 10 vbx foot .Rest tree,ter. n -xceilent shape -inure.- energy atficienr. 3350.00 or beat coffer. Finite with treerer n :odd shape. :deal for second tndge. 3;(0.,r -est offer. Call :R4 4: '1 , 15 Personal !It r EXETER COMMI'NiTY '-O0)) :LANK with 24 hr. Food Drop it :9t Man Beside" Noan S Ark:. G yen • 3- :2 '113' Tuesday • ;hursday. ?hone 745.41(34 '-25tfx) ' ' ,LOCAL PERSON WiL' 7R:\ r= _,ur'.ar to Ronda.. Non >molter. .ill ;, 235-4410:'49,50!1 CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" AGRICULTURE WAITED:-+AROWCCD LOGS. Aram payment 'or larew000 Ogs. preeaymera'a Inter star e • veneer, •og notes. ''ovsnctauy 'sensed 'vee markers Ano wnwred •Khoritenern operators. pA- :tap sae 'awn n harvesting. Dannel Dene; '3a.., -10. est. '927 340 _ou,sa 3t... Kitchener• 519)742.5887. 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'.-800- 688-8163au. 536.' ' • ICs Affordable • lis Fat • R's Easy • One 8111 Dow It All • Northern Onreno $76 • Eastern Ordeno S136 • (Mattern Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • Al! Ontarr, 1$390 • Nalionel Package. Available • Call this paper 10/ detaNs1