HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-10, Page 25Colonial Plates & Dolls
7 Water Street, St. Marys Ontario N4X 1E32
London Sr Local 284-2807 Toll Free 1-800-265-4392
OPEN Mon. - Sat. 10:30 - 5:00 Sun. 2:00 :4:00
Pay No GST or PST
(We pay the taxes)
Save up to 31% OFF
Lady Diana Plates
Thimbles, Mug, Coasters etc.
100's, of Collector Plates & Dolls 8 Wooden Frames 100's of Chenshed
Teddies 8 Boyds Bears, Precious Moments Pnnts .
• Royal Doultons. Firemen Figures - Music Boxes - Beanie Babies
• 100's Assorted Giftware - Calendars & holders.
OPEN BOXING DAY Dee. 26th & 27th 10:30 - 5:00
Preparing for Santa. The Lucan Fire Department pre-
pared for the evening's parade on Saturday by bagging -
candy- that would be handed out by jolly or St. Nick after.
. the parade. Shown here is candy -bagger Josh Kleuskens,
12 with a little help from firefighter John Kernick. •
Santa's on his way
Times -Advocate, December 10, 1997
al IT' 45
s 1 •
Page 25
Forthcoming marriage -
Carson and Brenda Proctor of
Grand Bend are thrilled to
announce the forthcoming
marriage of their daughter
• Jody Margaret to Matthew
Henry, son of Bill and
• Rosemary Ferguson of
Hensel/. The wedding will_,
take place Saturday,
December 13 at 3 p.m. at
Pinery Baptist Church,
Thedford. Matthew and Jody
will reside in Forest and con-
tinue to operate Scotty's Fish.
& Chips.
Merry Christmas everyone. Santa Claus, as always, was the
main attraction at Lucan's Santa Claus parade Saturday
Seasons greetings from Maguires Custom Farm Equipment who won first prize
in the family category.
Photos and
story by
Van Raay
Nighttime Lucan
parade hosted
decorative floats
, LUCAN - ft vasa little snowy
and a little cold, but that didn't
damper the spirits of those who
went to see the Lucan Santa Claus
parade on Saturday night.
There were numerous winners for
floats in categories of religious,
best non-profit. hest in commercial
and the family category.
The first place winner in the re-
ligious category was London and
Arca Right to Life. followed by Si
Pat's Youth Croup in second place.
The third place w inner Was Com-
munity Bible Church.
The first place winner in the non-
profit category was the UWO • •
Marching Band. The. second place
.winner were the Lucan Optimists•
and the third place winner was Lu -
'can Co -tip nursery school.
The first place winner in the com-
mercial category was Bakker Con-
struction. and in second place came
Murphy's Bits Line. In third place
was K&K Towing.
In the family category, Maguires
Farm won first prize, with Clarkes
Variety close behind in second. The
third place winner was O'Shea
Fn,r,t Fresh.
Bundled up and keeping warm during the.(_ucan Santa Claus
parade was a challenge. but,these three troopers didn't seem
to mind.
1 wanna go home.
This batonist
doesn't appear too
thrilled about .the
Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
and Mrs.., Peter De Wys and
Mr. and lairs. Ken Bearss are
pleased... to 'announce the
forthcorriing 'marriage of their
children, Lori Susan and Brian -
Kenneth. The ceremony will
take plede at St. Andrews
'United Church, Kippen on
December 20; 1997 at 3:30
p.m., Open reception to follow,
at Hensel! Community Centre.
Dancing ' -9:00 ' to 1;00.
Everyone welcome.
Your Views
Letters to the E.ditor
Burtch ; Hodgson
00 September ,6th, 1997
Angela, Hodgson and Kevin '
Burtch, were united in mar-
riage at •Centralia -1,6 nited
Church: Centialia, -Ontario.
'The marriage ceremony was
officiated by. Heather Scott.,
Angela is the daughter of Wes
and Christine Hodgson - df •
Ailsa Craig, Ontario and Kevin .
is the son "of Beverly Burtch
of °Mlle. Ontario and the; late
Eleanor Davidson. Honour
attendants were' Jennifer
Hodgson and Cory Burtch.
The bride's attendant§'we(
Sandra Burtch. Nanc'v
.Sb'hmitt, ' Sheri ?Bollen and ,
,Shannon ,Hodgson. The
groom's , attendants were
Jerry- Bur,tch; ,Rob Atchison,
Mike Apfelbaun and JasOn
Hodgson.' Flowergirls were '
Megan Hodgson., Sarah
urtch• and Sara Rooney:;
Ringbearers were Tim Burtch
and Shawn Burtch.. Kevin and
Angela are now residing in
Lucan. Ontario. We wish to
send :a ' heartful thanks' to
Wes and Christine Hodgson
for', everything they provided
for the wedding and .through-
out life. A specials thanks to
our families, friends and
neighbours, who shared ,our
joyful and memorable event.
Nabisco is thriving
"We.mantlfacture quality products , .edge with the pea and corn markets abroad rely on
and operate _a. world-class'p/ant. "
• •Di_!ar Editor •
• in last week's paper.. an article appeared about
• Exeter's Nalascu plant. "From Peas -and Corn to,
Soups." As I read the article 1 was oscrcome with the
feeling of _!loom and doom.'`•
. I. ,'rk at Nahts�o and hat -e for Many sears. it is a
ci nipany.sith a soltd•lilundation. a gooti manage
ment team. a,gricultural suppcirt staff and a strong
hast of knowledgeable.. dediLatcd employees. We • •,
manufacture.qualits products and operate a world-
class plant.
In the summer. during ,t qualm audit by one of
Our European customers. the Nabisco. Exeter opera-
-poll was rated as one of the two best corn producing
plants in the wiirld. a fact ssti are all proud of. This
year wa.s a reciird year at N,ihisco; the most peas
cycr packaged and a record corn crop. . '
in 1997. we started to produce condehsed soup and
this fall read'. -to-.erre soup. A lot ol'the competitive
the value of the Canadian vs. U..S. dollar. and the •
amount we export is high The possibility of a•
volatile market is evident. It. was a wise management
deeisiun to diversify and manufacture soup.,and it is
- a good quality soup. • • • .
f. think the comments Mr. Bourne made were.
taken. out of context when writing the article. and i
thought it necessary to reassure myself 4nd other
employees that the future looks promising for
Nabisco at Exeter. We gii through the layoff merry-
go-round each year. and each year more and more
arc working instead of recess ing their layoff notices.
'We have. in my opinion..a good tr:un at Nabisco.
with foresight. spirit and a desire to he here for a
long time. (By the way we also manufacture Ntagic
Baking Powder. and Cream of Tartar here in Exeter.
• Sincerely.
John Bicrline.
United Foix! & Commercial Workers:
• - Local 617P Chairman
Charter schools
A response to "two-tiered system
• by Roberta Walker," carried in the
• TA last November...
Dear Editor:
Walker states "Parents with more money will set
up 'Charter Schools' or private schools... Frum and
Leishman:...praises of charter (privately funded)
Firstly, l don't believe. Bill 160 has reference to
private schools fdr children with parents .. more
money. •
Secondly. her suggestion that these parents with
money will establish charter schools. Where does •
Walker obtain her information concerning charter
The charter school system that is being proposed
is Public`.
I quote from a booklet.. Charter Schools in Onta-
rio... by the Coalition for Education Reform. "Char-
ter schools
- must be legally authorized by government just
like other public schools.
- use pooled public funds and spend,the sante per
pupil as regular public schools;
Cannot charge tuition. must be nonsectarian. and
may not discriminate on the basis of race. religion
or ability.'
' - must satisfy government with their curriculum
and educational results;
- must be fully accountable fur managing the pub-
lic funds they receive.
What a charter school does is autonomy of man-
agement by teachers,, parents and community.
. • Bruce Perry.