HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-10, Page 13Lucan's mitten lady strikes again A multitude of mittens. Fo'r the second year in a row, Carrie Kyle of Lucan has knitted more -than ,150 pairs of mittens for charity. ' 'LUCAN -.Carrie Kyle of Lucan is an expert at d'nng two things at once. The first activity is.. -knitting. while the accompanying activity • , could he watching T. watching . 'her neighbor's' garden grow or rid- ing in a car. - • .1 ' always, have, knitting. in. spy• purse." Kyle said. For the second consecutive year. Kyle has - knitted mdre . than 150 pairs of mittens to give away., This year. tpore than 60 pairs are finding . their way to Weaganow Lakelin northern Ontario for Cree ; Indian --chihiren--as7--parr.-rif-herrhurctet ,bale. , Another 60 pairs will he distrih- uted in London through Si. Paul's ,Cathedral.' A friend Who buys the wool for Kyle. will he receiving 35 ,pails for her church's mission. The mittens are all goes. ranging from baby mittens to adult.si cs.: ' "i,,wtsh t could see the looks on their faces. she said referring to the people who will henefit -from her labor'of love: :But Kyle_ said. she also benefits from her work. "I love doing it.. t -never -have a gray day." she explained. •m AccordineTto.Kyle. knitting mit- tens and -giving theawiiy is nota new activity for her.I. ., made 'mitts tioi years when. I worked in London and gave them '- .-trrttte;Sal y 7che ,tic . • .Her cun'edt•prolect is 4lace tahl-- • 4loth lir her daughter hut she ex-. •-• pects she'll have'a few, pairs of mit- .tens done by Christmas. for-inext year's charity work. Lucan meeting dissatisfied taxpayer half way on curb cut By Craig Bradford T-4 Reporter LUCAN - Lucan council decided to meet a.disgruntled taxpayer half way after .a communication hreak- ,down.ovec a curb rutting. • David and Brenda Atwood of 129 r Albert St. •requested their:curb he • cut last May so a new driveway could he paved.' Public work: su-, perintendent Doug Johnston tieldeq the call and told Brenda the work would cost about $35 per metre .but neglected to tell her the company. Piccoli Construction. charges a $100 mini-' , mum fee. Johnston. - got Piccoli to do the work- with little no- tice. • The'•work came to 2.55m that came in less . than the mini- mum fee. Upset the work cost more than expected. Atwood requested council rectify the natter by pick- ing up the hill. The old council vot- ed 4-1 to not pay the bill and force the Atwoods to. Councillor Rosc- mary Gahlinger-Beaune. defeated in the recent municipal election in her attempt to unseat Deputy .Reeve Harry Wraith, was the lone . dis- ' senting vote: - •But, last- week the ne.w council threw out the prior council's de- cision and voted 3-2 to adopt David `It's un that a c group .represe would this de despit othe seems t right t do Atwood's suggestion contained in a letter that he• and the village share the curh.cutting cost 50-50.-e • "As a contributing mcmherof•the -community.. through ,my time..en-, ergy and taxes.. t agree with courier' that my fellow villagers should not • bear costs -incurred on my behalf." Atwood said- in his letter: "On the other hand. 'without. accountability there is no impetus to cSrrect future actions. ' Expectations today are generally such that we stand behind our • word. It's unsettling that a collective group of my repre- sentatives would reach this • decision. 'despite what - oth erwise seems to. be. the right thing 'to do... . Wraith •and • in- ctimhent councillor Reg Crawford voted against going 50-50 with the Atwoods While those new to council: 'Reeve Robert Benner and councillors Perry Caskenette and Glenn Silver. voted for Atwood's idea. "Money- is money." Wraith said before the. vote. "People feel gov- ernments just throw it around." Siker disagreed. "1 feel (the Atwoods) are right • and (they) deserve the break." he said. • e . • Benner. a lawyer. said in his pro- fessional opinion the- village is "on the hook" to pay the bill. settling ollective of my ntatives reach cision, e what rwise o be the hing to the purple turtle e 20% off Children's Clothing 10% off Toys, Books & Accessories Exeter 235-1500 Christmas Hours: Mon. -FM. 9:30-6:30 Sat. 9:304:30, Sun. Noon -S:00 CQMM UNITY Tiny raises possible 4. �etave tke Times -Advocate,- December 10; 1997• Page 13 LUCAN - Lucan Hydro workers may get tiny raises over the next two years if a Lucan Hydro Com- . mission recommendation is okayed by Lucan council. The commission recommends Hydro's three employees get a one per cent raise to the pay grid in '98 .and a two per cent raise in '99. The recommendation came nut of the commission's November meeting and will be discussed at a future Lucan council meeting.' Hydro manager Randy Kraul said the increases. will up his sal- • ary , range - from: $19.08.-$24.36/ hour this year to 519.27-$24.60 in '98 and $19.66-$25.09 in '99: •Kraul said the increases are con- sidered normal grid adjustments and •similar ones have been in- stituted in recent contracts. . et4:1L6 to u s! Ws ere yysw lull-lervi ee Specialty , Advertising Prroad! Supplier! WITH EVERYTMNG YOU COULD MEED TO PRGIMOTF, AOPRECWE, MOTIVATE Ott CBfIRAJF FROM CLOTHING & MUGS ro PLAGUES & fLASMJGHTSI .Coll Now for DteMlls... 4-U S SO REDEEM nes AD WITH MIR NEXT ORDER & RECIEVF nfE SET-UP C I ARSOLUIRY FREE! 'maximum to a $5, 1 3S IRWIN ST., UN T 4i, 5I94S2kr:› 4 Christmas can be the loneliest time of the year When many families -are in the comfort of their homes with warmth and plenty of food. it is hard to believe that there -are still families today that live with less than enough resources to see them through this festive time of the year. On December 25th, when mostof-usrwill. be sitting down to a turkey dinner opening up numerous presents that we give to our friends and family. there will be those whoscrape together what they can and maybe recycle, some gifts from previous years. There is no harm in that yet welive ira-a country where there is so mnch given to us and so much that we obtain so. many material possessions around us; it is hard to believe that there are those that can not supply 'their family with the basic necessities. At Christmas our heartg go nut to those•who find, themselves less:fortunate..than we, and it is at Christmas time that we can show the great love arid give thanks for the -many things that we, do have, by sharing,it with others. Our work at the Salvation' Army goes beyond the.parartleters of Christmas and reaches out"to the full twelve months of the year. Nearly 60 families a month -come to us rot help of food, clothing, sometimes shelter and medical needs. Wouldn't it - be nice'if you could give a gift this Christmas, a gift that would -last beyond just the date of December 25th? A gift that would last throughout this .next year. We ask that you help us meet the needs of those less- fortunate. Why not take the time and some of your resources and give to the.Salvation Army'Christmas Appeal.. Mail your donation to the address below and in doing that, you help make someone's Christmas bright for this. year: Help "us meet .the need. Give generously and share the gift of Christmas this. year. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas. Captain Bram Reid r Serid Receipt To: ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF: THE SALVATION ARMY- - " P.O. Boz 29 • St. Marys, Ontario N4X 1A9 - , ❑ No receipt Requested L'or drop off at the Thrift Shop in St. Marys or any Kettle location. ElReceipt Requested J %*I'vaP Ford of Canada and the Ontario Ford & Mercury Dealers present the Vegenez' Zero ?ercezU **frzt z* Make your best deal and get 0%, 48 -month financing on all 1998 WINDSTARS The only Minivan to earn 5 stars in front-end crash tests' On a '98 Windstar GL you could save s4,295 in interest compered to 8% financing** 1998 F -SERIES Canada's best-selling. full-siie pick up.' and most '97 models including: 1991 Aspire, Escort, Mustang, Probe, Contour, tAystique, Taurus, Sable, Thunderbird, Cougar, Crown victona, Grand Marquis, Ranger, Villager, Explorer, Windstar, Aerostar and F -Series. Buy now for best selection. 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