HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-10, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, December 10, 1997 COMMUNITY Gingerbread project You can't catch me. Students between grades four and six were busy last weekend dec- orating gingerbread houses at the Grand Bend Youth Centre. The houses are- for .sale for $10 each with proceeds going directly to the youth centre. They can be purchased at the Grand Bend Public School concert tonight at. 7 p.m., Pizza Delight, Brights 1GA and numer- ous other participating stores. Pictures from .right are Sarah Tremain, 12, Katherine Runci- man, 12 and Kenny Knights, 12. Queensway decorated for the holidays HENSALL Queensway Volunteer Auxiliary mei Monday morning and December events were reviewed with each volunteer statingwhich events they were able io assist with. Most will he helping at the • Resident and Family Christmas Dinner on December 14. Retirement Home residents and staff held their decorating party on M. nday evening. Julie Debus, staff member. entertained•on the key- board with many Christmas selec- tions as the festive transformation took place. • . • The haking group met on Monday afternoon and produced melt -in -your -mouth shortbread cookies-. • Rev. De Craw .of Faith Tabernacle.in'Centralia led worship service on Tuesday :with a message of God's goodnes. Sharen and -Carol sang two duets. "Mansion Over the Hilltop".and -"Star of the East". Mrs. DeGraw was' volunteer pianist for the service. • Aromatherapy and massage were 'enjoyed by several residents Wednesday morning. Many find it a soothing experience. Wednesday 'afternoon. The Grand Cove Choir Organist retires from St. Boniface By Carmel Sweeney Zurich correspondent .ZURICH - An appreciation wine and Cheese social was enjoyed by all those who volunteered to help at masses throughout the year with Fr. Wronski. • A dozen red roses .were present- ed to Pat Meidinger. as she has --recenil3Lte1ke s a organi,,st _at ,St.-. ' Boniface Parish. The annual Seaforth ijfgricultural Society ,Midwestern -Ontario. Show • and Sale was held in three different buildings on. Saturday .and' Sunday. Some of the craft tables were being operated by Zurich area people. he United Plastics staff and in aagement • enjoyed " their C ristnias party at the Town. and 'Country Bowling Lanes on November 29.. which included a roast beef dinner. Over 150 people attended a - Christmai dinner and dance at the Zurich Arena Saturday night.' Jerry Rader's 'staff'served a hot buffet dinner with a salad bar and dessert. Music for the evening was supplies;_ by "Red House',, Rick Bedard's group:, . The Bank of Montreal in Zurich is open for another hour Monday to Thursday, until 3 p.m. and until 5' p.m. on Fridays. .' .. .The Zurich Women's.tnstitute held their Christmas:dinner/meet- ing at the' Township Hall on December I with 25 •members and' guests attending. • . • A hot turkey meal was prepared by 'Rini Ert>' at noon. The hall was decorated for the occasion.- Pearl Heimrich and Margaret Westlake organized a program of .singing Christmas carols. playing games and contests. •items were brought for the • Children's Christmas Bureau. Their next meeting will be held 'on January 5 at 1:30 p.m. A Penny Sale is. planned by the Parent Council at the Zurich Public School on December 15 and 16 from 9, a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on 'both days. Thc penny sale will also' be set up before the school Christmas concert on' December 16 at 7 p.m. Have a news tip? Call the Times -Advocate 235-1331 • Dress rehearsal will he at 1:15 p.m. - . Geoffrey, Zurich. Mark Finlayson. Santa Claus will he coming to Carolyn Gower. Matt Littlechild. the Zurich Co-op .store- this Zurich, Janice Hamilton: Neil- . Saturday. December 13 from' J0 'Romphf (550.each). There are still. a.m. to 12 noon. There will also be . tickets. available. There is a _refreshments and horse-drawn • Christmas draw of 5750. and a New wagon rides. You -can -bring a Year's draw of 5.500' Call Deh canned good item for the fond Regier at 236-7765 or get tickets, at hank. • 'Schilbe Pro Hardware. The Lions Club will be having Personals their Christmas. dinner/meeting and Patti -Ann and Mike Grubb (nee a . res rg ` -ar"ih -Poir immn-•- k :- rf- ,-,,, don tion , girt Tavern on December 10 -at 7 p.m. Alyssa Barbara. born November ' Their last meeting in- November ..25. Grandparents are Ron and was held at Erb's Cotint.ry Kitchen. Sandra Dickers. Exeter. The hahy is Plans arc underway for their . a great-granddaughter for. Elroy annual Santa Claus day ,at, the. Desjardine of the Maple Woods Zurich arena on December 20_ Apartments, Zurich.. beginning at 2 p.m..for'all the chit- Befit wishes fora speedy recov- dren.of the village.• - ery arc extended to 'Margaret Hes. MemheTs..if the Lions Club Will tvho fell and Broke her hip: to Irvin treat the children to•movics. choco- Martin who is in.the'hospitat: and late milk' and Santa will be handing to Percy Bedard Sr. who, is home out candy bags. • " recuperating from surgery. . St..Boniface School Christmas • The family of Bill and lean Burr concert will be held twci nights this held their Christmas dinner at .the year. Kindergarten to grade three Maple. Woods Apartments on will perform their„ plays on , November 30, December 9 at 7:30 p.m. while the The -family of Theresa Hartmann grades four to eight will entertain had their pre -Christmas dinner and s their families on December 10at get-together on November 30 at St. 7:30 p.m. • • Boniface Parish Hall. Dress rehearsals will ,be •at 1:30 •Friendsof Adam Masse. son of p.m. on both days. Bring along a Karen and Rick, helped him to cel canned good item -for the Blessings ebrate his seventh birthday on Unlimited fired drive. - •Friday with supper and bowline The. Youth Club from 'St. His actual birthdate is December Boniface Parish and St. Peter's, St. 10 ' • Joseph. will be paying the residents Rosie Rothenberg has been a visit at the Rest Home on spending the last week in London December 11 and will be putting on • with her mother. Sharon Silverstein a program to entertain them. while Keva is a patient in St. Winners of the cash calendar for • Joseph's Hospital. December. -7 to 13 :were: 'John Congratulations to Colleen and Hayter. Dashwood (5100), Jean Paul Overholt. Exeter on the arrival Froll4P4Pilvo'4140%ivPil Exeter Massage Therapy Clinic 476 Main St. Lori Burt RMT 235-3722 Chnstmas is `right S4round the Corner Buy that special someone a gift certificate .._� Please call ahead rl CAROLING AND FOOD DRIVE FRIDAY DEC. 12, 6:30 - 8:00 P.M. Support your local Beavers Sparks, Cubs, Brownies, Scouts, Girl Guides, Venturers, Pathfinders and the Exeter & Area Firefighters BROUGHT TO YOU BY THE EXETER BUSINESS ASSOCIATION of their church child, a girl. Lauryn Elizabeth. horn Decernher 5. She is another granddaughter ler Karl.and Mary Regier and Willy and Martha Overholt. both of Zurich. • Avon representatives Jean Armstrong and Carmel Sweeney enjoyed their Christmas meeting in Brussels on December 8. which fol-' lowed a potluck meal at noon. held at the Anglican Church Hall there. tMI.A,`1�ll !l1t =11147 ffilliZnand L# -6415 RR,* s�rariton Hara(4vai ferrHydex • :Ark • IMk. k • FruMvam • *Inc • Saik • . now:. Linos • iknrs.•'lees • Pnrho • -'; rings • Rsntrng • 1e• iIxries • Fin.•rrtacc of Grand Cove Estates, Grand Bend. visited and treated residents to a concert of Christmas music. Thursday afternoon, Christmas cards were painted by some resi- dents while others watched the video "Christy". Several mentioned having read the book in their youth. Clare. Masse and Andrew Rau provided a .rollicking evening of entertainment in the retirement home lounge Friday evening. Corning events December 11, 6 p.m., Senior Diners; 7 p.m. Birthday party with Fellowship Singers; December 14, Family. and resi- dents Christmas dinner. "Call 262- 2830 for tickets; . December 15, 7 p.m. Girl Guides program; . December 19. ' 7:30 p.m. Friendship Friday, Gary Boyle entertains. Country Bakery 367 Main St. S. Exeter 235-2525 Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Dec. Sandwich Special Ranchers Pastrami + beverage $4.35 plus tax, Pecan Rings 1.95 Portuguese Bread .99 Rose Buns 12/1.29 70614irk114P174'-`'IVerVVITIVrIggriI4rI441-1'1,4 GAIL BAKER 1. PROFESSIONAL ESTHETICS 282 Andrew St. Exeter Phone: * 235-0835 * By Appointment {t Gbristmas dpQc/al NOW - Until - Dec. 24 14 10% SAVINGS ON EVERYTHING 4' (Except already discoun ed Full Day Spa) - %i Facial Treatments .- Body Treatments 1 Make-up Application Manicures Make-up Lesson , Waxing _ Gift Certificates Pedicures For appointment call: 235-0835 Located at :.282 Andrew St. Exeter S Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 18" SATELLZ�9VES .,. • ..,• it'r.carr Echo Stan, Soni RCA_ Hughes. Haachi & iinider. For a free home demonstration Cali A-1 ENTERPRISES 1.800.293-2378 Grand Bend/ THE HOME OF "i l -IF 1\'EEK... HOME IMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS •J 4111.4 eitn FLOORING • Vinyl • Carpet • Ceramics • Hardwood Encetkent selection of carpet an ' ' vinyl remnants . Professional Installation 457 Main St.. Exeter 235.440] cross from Canadian The TOWN & COUNTRY HOME COMFORT TYNAN DESIGN LTD. f Fireplaces, Gas & Propane. H gh Efficiency Furnaces. Oil • Gas .Propane , Air Conditioning Hot hater Heater Rentals • 011 • Gas '4 Poi" Pound tee doer 5emce 359 Main St Exeter ( 5191 235-2032 ar NO. ..-996 1919 SQ.FT. 'wow c,[. :, :� �O. •r ' FOUR BEDROOM FAMILY HOME UNDER 2000 SQ. FT, A stucco and board and batten siding exterior combined with a traditional covered; verandah and a roof design with gables creates a neo -heritage style fast becoming popular in today's subdivisions. • A unique curved staircase offers a stylish introduction to a fashionable'fayout. Columns frame the entrance, to the dining room which can be closed off from the kitchen by a French door. The kitchen boasts an efficient layout wIPch includes a walk-in pantry arid a breakfast bar open to the family room. Windows all along the rear provide plenty of natural light. The family room offers a spacious area for entertaining withpplenty of room to. arrange furnishings. Upstairs, the front bedroom features a boxed out window seat. and the one beside it corner windows. The master, like those in larger homes, has a.walk-in closet,"a four piece ensuite, and a covered verandah. . - An unfinished basement awaits your own 'creative touch. - Plans for U•998 maybe obtained for $415.00 for a package of five complete.sets of working prints and $35.00 for each additional set of the same plan. Allow $15.00 extra to cover the cost of postage and handling (B.C. residents add applicable sales tax to plan total) (All Canadian residents add 7% GST to plan total Oa postage and Itarit`dlirtg). This is one of our new designs.. Many innovative plans are now available in our NEW catalogue: Two storey Homes Under 2000 sq. R., which:is available for $8.51 including postage and handling and 7% GST. Please make all cheques, money orders, and Visa and MasterCard authorizations payable to: Tynan Design Inc. c/o Exeter Times Advocate Plan of the 1tt+ek. 13659 - 108th Avenue, Surrey B.0"'V3T 21(4. - Home Improvement Specialists advertise here 235-1331 I\'111IZ II?II NI Is\ It Tree 6 Steal Rem000d Res., Corm • fully insured • ,r.r 25 sn. ccperxnce • Dump truck • ce ' Stump wm,dtrig Coil Dm Taylor x(519)13&5451 1, .,i isidENSALL, STRICT L. .:p!ere tine of Building Materials TOOLS • LUMBER - CEMENT DOORS - WINDOW' . HARDWARE PRESSURE TR TD \MOD RENTALS- ELECTRICAL PLUMBING & HEATiNG SUPPLIES 236-4393 235-2081 Zurich Exeter GORDON DANN Pump Sales & Service Ltd. RR 2 Denfield, Om. NOM IPO Water Pump Specialist ' suOmersibie let & piston • sump & sewage Water Treatment Speaaast 4ovatek water softeners. iron filters ano drinlu g water systems ' dry pellet ctrornates 'Over 35 years experience' 225-2234 1.800-328.0392 1 GLAVIN EAVESTROUGHING R.R R. it. Centata, Crit NON VC aANO SINCH � Swim Mamas Wei Leal Saeen Sldtq • WS • Fascia wM • FArrwra sriiittes NOM • Simi Awing 40' Seem Truck Free Edemas Gerry (519) 228.6295 Largs quantloe 4l Wallpaper, also 500 sample books to choose from Paint • Sundries • (Mtwara Exeter Decor Centre 15 Oid/ey St. Exeter 235-1010 behind Bank of Nova Scoua A.B. Case liodatlriel•(nennerrial•Residential Plumbing & Heating ''"S 'farms 91 Victoria St. W. R.R. 13 Eitel*, OM. NOM 135 RON BILCKE (519) 22946264 1 Exeter, Ont. NOM 1,92 (519) 2354404 Sheet metal. propane and natural gas. heating and air condrbontng, air conditioning