HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-10, Page 10Page 10 Times -Advocate, December 10, 1997. COi1,9MLI1V 1TY Potluck supper and mini show enjoyed by Granton members By Muriel Lewis Granton correspondent • GRANTON Congratulations to Walter Jones who was honoured on his 89th birthday at Kitlgsway Lodge, St. Marys on Nov. 24 when • friends and relatives attended. Numerous Grunion members en- joyed the Kirkton Horticultural So- ciety's pot luck supper and Boughs and Blooms mini show at the Com- munity Centre on -Tuesday evening; Dcceinher 2: Betty Bodcnhan of Suinetown Flowers demonstrated several . festive Iloral designs and _the annual. meeting followed. At the Granton United Church on 'White Gift Sunday Dec. 7 Pas- tor Norma -lie Voakes led the ser- vice on the theme The Shepherd's Child, • Ron Hardie lit the Advent Candle for Peace and Doreen McRobert read the scripture ' lessons. Mary Ruth Waters gave the Minute for Mission and'•also • explained the Shepherd's Child logo on the front of the service leaflet.. . At St. Pauls'Anglican.Church in Kirkton Rev. Glenda Meakin's .,message was about being open to God in all aspects. Thc children took .part , in' the -lighting of the Advent Candle for Panther :Profile By Sarah Vermunt Operation Christmas Child has-been completed for 1997. It was a charity. event for students to help needy children in Central and South America. Students filled shoe poxes with small toys. hygiene items and school supplies and they were • wrapped and sent away to their fi- nal destination. Thank -you to everyone who participated and made one child's life brighter. this Christmas! A school assembly was held last week on the theme of giving. The Christmas Bureau is in 'great need -of christihas gifts for children this year: A group within the school called "Student Impact" look it upon themselves to help solve the problem. A big cardboard Christmas tree was made and .about 380 tags -with children's names and ages were hung on it. -During the assembly dents were were asked to -get up and take one of those tags and.buy a gift trr-that child.. Most ofthe tags were picked upthat very minute and the rest of them were taken shortly -after. Gifts must be brought in by December 12 and can be dropped of at the music room. Thanks to Student Impact and all the people who took a tag and Nought a gift. Small acts Of kindness like this make -a hie difference to the children who's lives are touched: A canned lived drive is taking place in homerooms. Please bring any canned items to homeroom dur- ing the next two weeks..The,can's will be collected and sent •to -the Christmas Bureau.. An assembly was held in. remembrance of -the I4ontreal massacre that took place at Ecole Polytechnique on December6. 1989. The vi- olent crime that took the lives of'the fourteen young women was dis- cussed and candles were lit and roses were given in honour of: their -tragic death. The guest speaker was Mr. Chris Pereira -who spoke of how the Media and .society changes- humans into objects and this is • hy violence happens. Therefore. before .any real -change can occur: - we must see each person as a human being and not an object._ . The S.H. D.H.S. music program put on a Christmas/Pops Concert on . Sunday. December 7: The concert was an hour and abaft' full of num- tiers from the hands choirs. • 'tri bands involved w Lr --the Red and Black Jaid hands and -Mt -In- • 1 termediate and Senior Concert Bands. •Performances were also done by 'thc,Chamher Choir. Concert Choir, and Triple Trio. The concert Sacked a full house. in the Targe gym at the school. Congratulationsto ( the musicians who performed. it was a great show! - The school is starting to look a little more festive thanks .to a corn - petition called "Festive Frenzy'`. Homerooms are competing to see who can decorate their door the hest. During hoineroom students have • been busy taping up wrapping paper; tinsel. lights, and other decora- tions, Doors will be judged on Wednesday; so get your door decora- tions up! .This is a reminder b, students and former students that there are still 1996/1997 1997 yearbooks on -sale. Calf the school to reserye yours or go down to room 97 and pick one up. The price is $25.- • 'students who have graduated. there pre still diplomas .that haven't bec;.n.pickcd up. Get your diploma in the main office at the school.' .. • The anhual school ,Christmas assembly will be held on • December 19... Any students are welcome to:sign. op for a. performance.- bur it must have a Christmas theme.. Ideas_ be in by, Wednesday. De- cernher 10 and rehearsed and ready to go by Friday. December 12. ' • - Upturning events ..• Wethresday. December 10 -•Boys' basketball goes td.Goderich - Thursday. Dere►xher 1.1.' Children's theatre (put on by Gr: 11 dra- ft -la students)_ goes to elementary schools; McCurdy. and -Stephen Cen- -.tral - . Mhndciv; December /5. - Boys' hasketball hosts St: Annes Wednesday. December 17 -Boys' basketball hosts Madill • • JOHN DEERE 11 A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FOR THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE! 21C Line Trimmer tat v. 320 • :3Z0.00 Pliest ST 21C Line Trimmer A Air-cooled, 2 -cycle, single -cylinder 21.2cc engine A Priming bulb for fast start A Adjustable metal carburetor for smoother running and longer life • A Large -capacity muffler and air intake for quieter operatioonNothing -''„�. � lJ' la it4j Lli;Tijl tractor & Lawn Equipment Exet,•r (519):.15-1115 Blyth (519) `,7.1-4711 rharne,tord ,1''t) 785 .ii1•15 Peace and Mary Blackler read the lessons.. The Christmas Eve service is scheduled for 9.p.m. UCW Unit' one met at noon for a pot- luck lunch at Doreen McRobert's hon e on Thursday Dec: 4. e meeting was opened with the h n Joy to the World and the ident McRobert gave the medi- n on 'A simple Assignment'. siness included plans for some upcoming project's in January and plate 's were made up for the shut - The Missions and Services. was discussed and where it • ,The .Th prey tali( Bu ins. Fund goes. - Unit 2 members had sipper at the • Westover Inn, St. Marys on Mon- day. Dec. 1 in place of a meeting. Unit 3 met at Ruth Cook's horn e on Tuesday evening. December 2 when Joan Hayden and April Bryan presented the program on .Hopes and Expectations of Christinas. - Then each one expressed their hopes and feelings_ about Christ - I mas. President Elitaheth Garrett led the business when final arrange- ments were made for the Christmas supper and }program on Dec. 9 -to be - convened by Unit 3. Refreshments Were served by Bryan and Hayden assisted by the hostess. Unit 5 dined at Damen's•reslau- rant at .norm on Thursday Novem- her 27 and their meeting followed at the home of Eileen Crawford. St. Marys. •The president Margaret Spence opened with the scripture reading from Matthew. Everybody took part in the pro- gram when Ina Harlton read 'The story E Hong -due' and a poem 'lust look • at this',. Mary Wallis read 'Simple Stories and Pearl Bryan a poem 'Christmas Day'. Verneta baker read an 'Old:country. Church': Alma Nicholson 'Tis the Season', Florence Bryan 'Christ- mas arrived -all right'. Eileen Craw-- ford raw-ford 'Childhood Memories', Flor ence McRobert 'Take me home for Christmas' and Margaret Spence a. poem 'Christmas'. • After a short business meeting there was an exchange of gifts and the hostess served another dessert and beverage. ' 411 Achievement • The Granton 4H Club Achieve- ment Night for the projecr'On your own, you can do it' was held at the Firehall on Thursday evening, De- cember 4 with parents, friends and WI members as guests. Leader '! Margaret Bryan welcomed every- one and introduced leader • Jean Mcllhargey and Youth 'leader Len- ny Vandenhrr . , • , • The president Jodi Pronchuk con- ducted a short'mceting when Scott - Harlton read the minutes of the last • meeting. The 'roll call was -an- swered hy naming one' phone num- her or other piece of information you `should have posted hy your phone in ease of an emergency. . 'AO 11� ttttttt Christmas is Coming... , Massage Therapy - - Rebecca tBeccil'Farquhar Registered Massage Therapist This year surprise your family and friends with a gift certificate! ' Give the gift of good health and relaxation,.. a great' gifeespecially for that HARD TO BUY FOR •erson Rif on your Christmas list. $20 per half flour $40 one hour Call 235-4587 502 Main St. S. (Rear) Faze 'r Special -Offer Buy two one hpur gift certificates and receive one half hou R 00 3 • 4 .The president of the Middlesex .4H Club Association Jean Johnson ' of Thorndale gave an update of in- formation in 4H club .walk. Fire chief John Damen was the guest • - speaker.. assisted'hy Deputy Chief Andy Sharp and Captain- Jim Har- die- .who ardie-.who showed a video on the . • • power of fire, and told how the fire- fighters proceed on arrival at a fire and some information an 911. • Melissa Golan had The best pro- - ject manual .and ;Gemma Vanden- berg was the runner up. Krystal Harrigan. received an award.for six-- projects: - - . -Leader Jean Mcllhargey conduct- ed . two, -contests' and.. Margaret Bryan had set -up a.display. Lenny • - Vandenhurg was the secretary for the -meeting.••. - ' Everyone •enjoyed the. -lunch of nutritious : snacks served by the members. Make someone Reel happy this Christm.s season. Monies. Miisie & More . 518 Main St. Exeter 1519) 2354877 1 o O tthOfferis valid with coupon only( Movie & CD Purchases It's Time t Send Your Christmas Greeting All you have to do is complete the handy coupon below and make sure it reaches us. - 1 Mail to: Times Advocate 1 Box 850, 1 Exeter, Ont. 1 NOM1S6' 11 1.1 Name. 11. elm im am mi int sm EN me I1 1 Address: 11 I1 I1 1 ❑00000000000000❑ Card No. ❑ Visa 0 Mastercard -I 1 1 I 1 ❑ Cheque Enclosed up to 25 words $7.49 (GST included) (• Additional words 10¢ each), 1 1 ❑Dec. 17 edition ElBoth editions $9.63 (GST included) ❑ Dec. 24 edition ' 1 ver".:: is — — — — — — — — — b1�r.P 5tl Ptd L My Christmas Greeting is.... USE YOUR CREDIT CARD mu EN um Ea p� NOTE: ALL GREETINGS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MONDAY, DEC. 15 et over -1.6,000 readers see your Christmas Greeting