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4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
Dairy Queen
ice Cream
Servin• Exeter :inti area since 1873
4 Sr 83 Exeter 235-0262
Dec. 12
Scout -Guide
Food Drive
Sales slow at
Exeter beer
and liquor
See page 3
prepare for
21st century
See second front
Hawks `D'
doing it
See page 20
Lucan and
Hensall liquor
open Sundays
See page 26
Members of Exeter
council appointed
- to committees
EXETER - Members •of Exeter.
awncil serve on several • com-
mittees as - part- tit their re-
sponsibilities. Community mem-
bers also serve on Exeter
committees. The following com-
mittee appointments were -approved
at last Monday • s council meeting.
Exeter and Area : Fire
Wednesday Decemher 10. 1197
Christmas -Pops Concert
Reeve Roy Triehner. Councillors
Robert Drummond. Joe Hogan and
George Robertson
• .Parks and Recreation Committee:
Mayor Ben Hoogenboom. Deputy -
.Reeve Dave [Jrlin -and i Pete Ann-
..- strong..
Exeter Business Association:
• Pete Armstrong •
Bluewater Recycling -Associa
tion: George. Robertson
Employee Relations Committee:
Dave. Crlin and Joe Hogan
Occupational Health and Safety_
Committee: George Robertson -
Police Services Board: Ben Hoo-
genboom.-Dan Mcidinger and -Ger-
ry Downie
Community Policing Committee:
Harold Snoddy
•• Heritage Foundation: Joe Hogan.
Val Gould.. Bob' Heywood. Olga.
- Davis and Joanne Bowen
Ad' Hoc Committee .for the_ De-
. volvcrnent of -Morrison Dam: Pete
.Armstrong. f<ioy Triebner and Dave
Exeter and Morris Township
Landfill Sites Joint Committee:
Ben • Hoogenboom. Roy Triebner.
Robert Drummond. Joe Hogan and
George Roberson
Exeter requests
Highway 4 paving
EXETER - At last Monday's
council meeting. Reeve Roy Trieh-
nercoinmented County Road 83
will be resurfaced in 1998 in prep-
aration for the 1999 International
•Plowing Match near Dashwood.
Council passed a motion for the
Town of Exeter to send a letter to
Huron County Council asking the
county to approach the Ministry of
Transportation to upgrade Highway
$4 south of Exeter. The motion
stated the actions would benefit all
municipalities in Huron and may. be
helpful in regards to the [PM.
The South Huron District High
School Pops Concert filled the
large gym on Dec.. 7 with parents.
friends and fans of the schools
bands .and choir. The school was
also filled with music from the In-
Concert Band. the
Red Jazz Band. the Black Ja2z
Band and. the -Senior Concert
• Band all conducted by Robert Ro- -
billiard. There was also music
from the Chamber Choir, the.
Triple Trio and the Concert Choir.
conducted.by-R. Claessens.
Top: Clarinet members of the In-
terrrrediate Concert Band. from
left. Edward Barty, Ben Hoogen-
boom, Kristine:Pryde a Kat y
• • Ann Keskinen.
Middle; Members of the Chamber
Choir are from left Crystalyn Cow-
. ell: Laura "Cooper. Sherry Cassell
and Matt Verhoog.
Bottom: Red Jazz Band saxo-..
phonists Jennie DeBlock and Dan
Child care expense
forms now available
TORONTO - Application forms
are now' available for the special
payment to parents and, gpardiafts
whose families: were disrupted .h;
the two-week teachers' protest of
Bill 160: The deadline tor sub-
mitting applications is Jan. 16.
• A family can receive- a payment
of up to S40 per day for each day
schools were closed because of the
teachers' protest.
Parents or guardians ..of. school
children 13 years of age Or. young-,.
er: children in child care facilities
or day nurseries located in schools.
that -were closed: or special -needs
students in secondary schools can
submit an appfication..One pay:
ment is -allowed per -family re-
gardless of how many children- arc
eligible and no receipts are re-
quired. .•
• The payment is part -of Bill 161.
the Fairness for Parents and Em-
ployees Art (Teachers'.Withdrawal
of Service). /997.
• The act contains three parts:•
• 1 a payment of up to S40 per day
to parents irr guardians .of school-
age children who were unable to at-
tend a publicly -funded school:
' 2. protection from dismissal or
discipline for employees who were
unable to work beeauie of child
care --'responsibilities during the
strike: and -
3. protection from reprisals by
teachers' unions against teachers
who refused toparticipate 'in kir
support the province:wide strike.
Application forms for the pay-
ment arc available from: school
hoards. schools and the Ministry:of
Education - and Training Web -site at
Huron -Perth receives
$160,000 for diabetes
education -services.
EXH.TLR - Hospitals. in Exeter.
Si. Marys, Seaforth. Clinton. Wing-.
ham. Goderich- and Listowel
receive S160.000 in new funding to
enhance the education seryices.cur-
This funding represents Huron-
.Perth Diabetes Network's_ 1997-9K
share of the • Diabetes Complica-
tions Prcventioq Strategy. a• three-
year. S5.8,million strategy to com:-
hat diabetes.
The.funds will he used to conduct
diabetes education clinics.. in all
hospitals in Huron and Perth
counties. •
"The expanded progr.•uns will
provide funding for -each hospital to
provide quicker. and. Netter access." -
said - Dawn McGutfin-Town. the
dietician at South Huron Hospital.
. "With no ,cure for diabetes. al-
ucation is essential to .controlling
it." Helen Johns'. Member of Pro-
vincial .Parliament firr 1-turon
County said when_ she announced
the funding. •
This money will go: to. hospitals
and health agencies to deliver im-
proved education programs in their.
communities and surrounding -.ar-
eas-" she said.
In Ontario. - it- is estimated di -
4+ Continued on page 2
Shoplifting hurting Exeter
businesses and consumers
By Kate Monk
T -A Reporter
EXETER - "If i could. f would
close the store from . 1 1:30 to 1
p.m. each week day." .Stedman's
owner Bob Gehan said last Thurs-•
Shoplifting • IS costing Gehan
considerable money — . enough
for- him to include shoplifting as a
line item in his store's' balance
'There's heat..there's lights and
there's shoplifting." he said.
It's difficult to catch people
and they know' the rules." he ex-
plained. "The high school kids are
a major problem at lunch time.
That's my biggest headache:"
He estimates eight out of every
10 shoplifters he catches are be-
tween 9 and 13 years old:
"These kids know the raw. They
know if they get caught nothing's
going to happen to thein." he said.
adding, "If it's a lirst-bine offence
they only get probation. '
Gehan said he -phones the police
every time hu catches someone
stealing merchandise from the
store and will presscharges.
School supplies are the most
frequently stolen items .followed
by lingerie. beauty aids and toys.
These items are srnall but have a
relatively high value. -
"As an owner of a store. I can
•han them from the store and 1 do
that on occasion but i have to he
damn -sure.- he said.,
At the • Exeter Canadian Tire
Store: -manager Ruth. Miller said
shoplifting is on the - decrease.
mostly because of diligent staff.
security cameras and changes; to
the - way •
items are dis-
played on the
had ever -
thing stolen
from pnwcr
tools to huh-
hlegurn." -
Millcr.said. adding the more easi-
ly an item can he resold on the
street. the more frequently it is
stolen from a store.
According to Miller. two t,,
three years ago. the Exeter Ca-
nadian Tire had a rash of power
tool thefts. Some were recovered
in a police raid in London but
more than '85 per cent of the tools
had their cords cut. making. thein
. unsuitable for re -sale.
Miller said there has been .a lot
of expensive hockey tape .stolen
"At one point it was SO had. we
had floor walkers who would
catch an average of one shoplifter
a day." she said. •
• The most common way Ca -
radian Tirc employees 'discover an
item has peen stolen is that an emp-
ty. package will he tucked behind
Other items.
"We now have a security system
including carneras which deters
quite a hit. Miller said. .
Miller- said shoplifting is a hazard
Of doing business, which
is .ultimately reflected in
the • cost of • items con-, .
_ sumers pay. • • •
Gehan. and Miller said
they know the • .the, revel of- shoplifting-
rules."•stays consistent through-
out the year and doesn't
increase at Christmas: .
"It's Mit like stealing a
loaf of bread_ to iced your family."
she explained..
. if" a•husiness. catches a shoplifter.
a call to the police is the next step.
"it's up to husinesses whether
they want charges laid or not. i
know personally. we lay charges in
most cases. They would he charged
with theft if they're caught." Con-
stable • Bob Gilmore of the Exeter--
xeterDetachment of the Ontario Pro-
vincial Police said. -
Although businesses find it dif-
ficult to catch .shoplifters. Gilmore
said there are consequences for
thieves found guilty. The first of-
fence usually results in fines and an
order to make pay restitution to the
store. Repeat offenders usually
serve time in jail
"Its difficult to.
catch people and
Walking power tools. Exeter Canadian Tire store manager
Ruth Miller holds two power tools that were popular items
for thieves a few years ago. Miller said the store has in-
creased set:urity and put tools behind lock and key to dis-
courage shoplifting.
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Look for more details on page 5
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