HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-03, Page 26Page 26 Times -Advocate, December 3, 1997 COA4A4LLJ!TY.. -- CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the following in our Current "Best Gifts - Best Prices' flyer. Page 19 GE cordless telephone. 69- 8055-0, does NOT feature 10 -number memory. Also... We wish to draw your attention to the following in our Current "Scrooge Savings Guide" Ryer. Page 8. Cordless wet/dry hand vac, 43-6330-6. Copy reads: Reg. 39.99, Sale 34.99, Save 5.00. Should read: Great Buy 34.99. Page 14: Item 2. 74L Totelocker, 42-3067-4. Copy should read: Save 37%, NOT 50%. Page 49: Item 1. Wide-angle binoculars, 76-1033-6. Copy should read: 7X35 rum lens, NOT 7x5Omm. Page 60. The illustrations for Lego Whirling Time Warner or Sting Ray Explorer sets, 50-4878-8 and Lego Alien Avenger or Deep Reef Refuge sets. 50-4879-6 should he transposed. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. enote 348/349-97 zones: 0 1 QUALITY TYPESETTING "Set" to your specification Flyers • Resumes • • Programs• Brochures • &midets • and morel For more information please phone Deb Lord at • .CLASSIFIED MARKETPLACE "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" AGRICULTURE • WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS Prompt payment for hardwood logs, prepayment for limber stands. Veneer log vices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Spe- cial care taken in harvesting. Pannell Veneer Co. Ltd. est 1927, 340 Louisa St., Kitchener (519)742-5887. BUSINESS OPPS. GOVERNMENTtUNOS. Government assistance programs information available. For yodr new or existing business. Take advantage of the govern- ment grants and loans. Call 1-800-915.3615 . CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Huge earning poles• tial servicing the explosive Christian market with today's technology. Home based. Full training and support. Call 1-800.663-7326. INTERNET EXPLOSION' $186 .BILLION by 2000! Revolutionary 'system. Seize Q! Apply now for the world's fastest growing INTERNET Fran- chise. Investment required. 1-888-678.7588. FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION BRO- KER. Canada's fastest grpwing franchise No inventory. No staff. Low overhead. Computer generates income 24' hours per day. 1-888.889- 1010. THE FUTURE has arrived in Canada! Sun the .. Internet from your TV. Jon this prosperous busi- ness. This is rodr chance to be Financially Free! 1-800.988-7600 or 1-360-992-0868 collect. COLLECT CASH. Coke:, Pepsi,, Hostess, M&M, Cadbury. etc. Restock established unique ven- dor's in your area. No selling, full -tine, part-time. Minimum investment $13,980. 1-800-546-2799 (24 hours). Member B.B.B. • GREAT CANADIAN Dollar Store franchise oppor- ' tunity. 565,000. - 570,000. investment (including stock). P.O. Box 825,,Duncan, BC, V9L 3Y2. 250-748-1090. Fax 250-748.5096. Mr. Ouches - nay: Ontano/Ouebec phone 1-888.829-0521. :',.CAF�EER'TRAIIUNG ;::T:`^ i LOOKING FOR KEY PEOPLE TO EXPAND our Financial Services business. Experience not nec- essary. We will train. Fax resumes to: Nicholas Schidowka, Personal Financial Analyst (519)652- 3705. CHOOSE YOUR CAREER/start your own busi- ness. usyness. Earn an international diploma/A.I.N.S. offers aver 100 home study programs. Alternative hearth, counselling, self-improvement, nutrition, new age, business, sportf, Beauty, writing. Free Prospectus 1.8)38.516.1212. (z).http:l/www. lains.com. We have a career for you! BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES! Leam Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspondence. Earn your certificate now. For FREE brochures, no obligation. U 8 R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg; Manito- ba, R3T 286. 1-800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training experience. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. MASSAGE THERAPY COLLEGE OF MANITO- BA. Misericordia General Hospital, 691 Wolseley Avenue, Winnipeg offers a 2 year - 2200 hour tuff time program and a 3 year - 2200 how pad lime program for the training of Massage therapists. Pan time program begins March ira98 where stu- dents welt attend classes one weekend per month r• 10 months each of the 3 years and two weeks tu,l time each summer. Please call us at 1-204- .77? ,.999 for detailed information. ' FOR SALE SAWMILL 54895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks, beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800.566- 6899, Norwood Sawmills, R.R 2. Kilworthy, Ontario POE 1GO. $ATTENTION STUDENTSS Make a lot of money selling Christmas chocolate bars. New products available. Nothing 10 pay in advance: Fast deliv- ery 1.800.383-3589. r HELP •WANTED • MILLWRIGHTS. WELDER/FITTERS, SUPERVI- SORS (Experienced) Required for full time posi- tions.-Good.wages, medical/dental benefits. 20 minutes west of Toronto Airport. Please fax resume to: 519.853.5707. . >,,LEgAL:8ERYICEB LEGAL ADVICE, ONTARIO LAWYER, 1-900- 561-5888, S50. for 15 minutes maximum. Hours: Tuesday -Saturday, Spm -12 Midnight, Tuesday . special $50 for 30 minutes. Assault victims com- pensation, Evictions, Child Support, Court docu- ments. STEEL BUILDINGS...Final Clearance. Construc- tion and Leasing available. 20 x 14 x 30 53,688.00. 25 x 14 x 30 53,988.00. 30 x 14 x 40 55,944.00. 40 x 60 59.688.00. 40 x 80 512,244.00. 50 x 100 521,566.00. 60 x 120 528,900 a0. Others. Pioneer 1-800468.5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. Factory Direct Fall Liquidation on all Models. Save 25-30% off regu- lar prices. Call today for a free estimate. 1-800- 668-8653 ext. 536. i, ;...:.vi';• : ,,VACATION/TRAVEL • _ ', GULF -FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Panama City Beach, Florida. Luxurious 1,2,3 bedrpom suites, indoor heated pool, tennis and more. Snowbird activities, extended stay discounts. 1- 800-874-8823. ' CLUB PARADISE. North America's largest cloth- ing oplionatnudist report at Paradise Lake just North of Tampa. Condos. hotel. rooms/suites, pools, bars, etc. 800-237-2226 www.paradise- lakes.com • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $76 • Eastern Ontario $138 • Westem Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $134 • All Ontario $390 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for detailsl Queensway residents look forward to Christmas entertainment HENSALL - Bingo with the Bethel Reformed Women started the week at Queensway. Rev. Williamson of Bayfield Community Church led Worship Service Tuesday with "The Importance of Prayer" as his topic. Mrs. Williamson was volunteer pianist. Winnie Hutton, Pastoral Care Volunteer provided personal visitation Wednesday afternoon, followed by the Bible Study using the guide Senior Saints, growing older in Gods family. November birthday greetings to Evelyn Fletcher, Helen Ferrigno, Frances Upshall, Vera Parker, Judy Sambridge, and Arthur Tarling. Everyone helped them celebrate Thursday at the party with Gladys Van Egmond and the. Merry Makers. Gladys was the first entertainer to use the new piano and she pronounced it excellent. The Senior Diners, Thursday evening joined residents for a card party and games night in the Retirement Home lounge. Edna Stewart won a Christmas Cactus for being the Scrabble Champion. Shirley Stone was tops at "31" and received a Cherub ornament for her efforts and Isobel Rodgerson along with Marg Cole won a Christmas Cactus and potpourri in the draw held for -euchre winners. Resident council and operations group held their meetings on Friday. Everyone is looking forward to the numerous special groups visiting us to entertain in December and also the • Family Christmas Dinner on December 14. Coming events December 3, 2 p.m. Grand Cove December 5, 7:30 p.m. Friendship Friday with Clare and Andrew December 8, • 7 p.m. Exeter Community Choir December 11, 6 p.m. Senior Diners 7 p.m. Birthday party with the Fellowship Singers IFor a, tasty y Ill J1 lea s,-, , Christmas Munchies! How much we all enjoy sitting by the fire or in a cozy family room playing games and eating munchies. Homemade party mix is a real treat. The following recipe comes from Randy's Aunt and we have enjoyed it for many years -- in fact the recipe really needs to be recopied as it has seen the better of years of seasonings! (I am one of those people who has a clear ' recipe stand sitting on my counter but never use it for its intended purpose - so my recipes tend to get a bit splashed! Party Mix 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 1/4 tsp. seasoned salt - 4 1/2 tsp. Worcestershire' sauce 2 cup Corn Bran cereal 2 crap Life cereal 2 Crispix cereal 2 cups Bugles - original flavor 1/2 cup peanuts 1/2 cup pretzel sticks Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. In a large roasting pan melt butter in oven. Remove. Stir in seasoned salt and WordeStershire sauce. Add cereals and nuts and pretzels and bugles. Mix well. Heat iii oven 1 hour stirring every 15 minutes. Spread on absorbent'Daper towel to cool. Tip: It works to substitute other cereals such as Shreddies or Bran Chex or Rice Chex. This particular combination used in this recipe happens to be our personal favorite. Enjoy! Debby Wagier A NOTICE VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD To facilitate snow removal operations "NO PARKING" on village streets will be permitted between the hours of 3 a.m. and 8 a.m. The village will not be held liable for any damages that may occur. Christmas can -be the loneliest time of the year When many families are in the comfort of their homes with warmth and plenty of food, it is hard to believe that there are still families today that live with less than • enough resources to see them through this festive time of the year. On December 25th, when most of us will be sltting,down to a turkey dinner opening up numerous presents that we give to our friends and family, there will be those who scrape together what they can and maybe recycle some gifts from previous years. There is no harm in.that- yet we live in a country where there is so much given to us and so much that we obtain so many material possessions arourfd, us, it is hard to believe that there are those that , can not supply 'their family with the basic necessities. At Christmas our hearts go out to those who find themselves less fortunate than we, and it is at Christmas time that we can Show the great love and giv,e thanks for the 'many things that we do'have by sharing it with others. Our work at the Salvation Army goes beyond the parameters of Christmas and reaches' out to the full twelve months of the year. Nearly 60 families a month come to us for help of food, clothing, sometimes shelter and medical needs. Wouldn't it be nice if you could give a gift this Christmas, a gift that would last beyond just the date of December 25th? A gift that would last throughout this next year. We ask that you help us meet the needs of those less fortunate. Why not take the time and some of your resources and give to the Salvation Army Christmas Appeal. Mail your donation to the address below and in doing that, you help make someone's Christmas bright for this year. Help us meet the need. Give generously and share the gift of Christmas this year. God bless you and have a Merry Christmas. Captain Bram Reid r Send Receipt To: ENCLOSED IS MY GIFT OF: THE SALVATION ARMY P.O. Box 29 St. Marys, Ontario N4X 1A9 ...or drop off at the Thrift Shop In SL Marys or any Kettle location. ❑ No Receipt Requested 0 Receipt Requested A Snowflakes for all They're not bazaar. Marguerite McRoberts and Jean Hod- gins hold a butter cookie Christmas Tree made by Greta Gibson, just one of the many items that was for sale during the Lucan United Church Snowflake Bazaar on Saturday. Ausable Bayfield C.A. provides Osborne with two proposals By Chantall Van Raay T -A Reporter USBORNE - The Ausable Bay- field Conservation Authority (ABCA) provided Ushorne Town- ship with a proposal toprovide-mu- nicipalities with technical in- formation and advice on environmental issues relating to natural environmental areas, water quality'quantity and natural hazard issues such as flooding and erosion. 'I -hese services would he paid for -by members of municipalities out of the general levy and by the pub- lic through user fees. Council recommended that repre- sentatives from the ABCA attend the Dee. '1- council meeting to fur- ther discuss this proposal. The ABCA also approached council regarding private - sewage disposal. forest management and environmental plan review ser- vices. The ABCA, in cooperation with other conservation authorities, cur- rently, delivers a private sewage dis- posal - progrint in Middlesex County. Traditionally, conservation au- thorities have provided an environ- mental r, view oh planning -related documents. As of March 1998. responsibility for the delivery of this program he transferred to lower tier mu- nicipalities. The ABCA proposed to continue reviews for municipal initiatives, such as the new official plan and zoning bylaws. This -service would he funded from the general levy paid to the conservation authority. and user fees would he applied to all publicly initiated requests. Council recommended that a del- egation from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority he sched- uled.for early in the new year. Fire Chiefs' concern with 9-1-1 signs _... The Exeter and Area Fire Chiefs' Association approached Ushorne Council about their concern that 9- 1-1 signs are not being plosted on vacant lands. The Association re- quested that all signs he installed on every property within the mu- nicipality. Council did not support the As- soeiations' request because the 9-1- 1 system was designed to allow in- filling of property signs that can be installed on an as -needed basis. The 9-1-1 project committee also reviewed a proposal from the Vit= rage of Dashwood Trustees to re- name "Thanes Road" to "Dash- wood Road" west of Exeter. The committee wished to re -name the road "Dashwood -Thames Road" for . the entire length of County Road 83. - Council said since historically Highway #83 has been called Thames Road. Ushorne Township will continue using this name. • Local Education Improvement Committee announces locations for four Community Education Centres MIDDLESEX . - The Local Education improvement Committee (LEIC) for District School Board No. 11 . have released its recommendation locations for the new District Board's Community Education Centres during the first phase of the amalgamation process. These recommendations have been -forwarded to the Education improvement Commission and will he subject to ratification by District 11 trustees. The District 11 School Board will corse into effect oil January 1. 1998. with the merger of the Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford County $oards of Education and the Board of Education for .the City of London. "During the amalgamation. first phase of we feel it. is important to continue the focus on serving the needs of the local communities." said Heather Wice and Donna Mcilmoyle, Co -chairpersons Of the LEIC. "We believe a continued, physical presence in the arca to be served by the new Board has several advantages. it would allow the new Board to serve students, parents and staff in the - communities in the best way possible. support the notion of equitable • opportunity for all, support our local communities by allowing them local access and timely responses to their questions and concerns, all while nnplcnienting efficient ways of operating • across a huge . geographical area covering more than 7,00) square kilometres," they explained. The recommendations of the LEIC will he forwarded to the newly -elected District 11 School Board for its approval. and to the 't0' provincial Education Improvement Commission. The LEIC recommended previously that four Community Education Centres he set up in the central, western, eastern and southern areas of the new Board, The LEiC now 'is recommending that • the central Community Education Centre he located in the current offices of the London Board of Education, on Dundas Street. it also recommends that the other three Community Education Centres remain in the current Elgin, Middlesex and Oxford Board offices on an interim basis, until an extensive review can be completed. The current locations which will - continue on an interim basis are on Sunset Drive in St. Thomas for the south Community Education Centre (currently Elgin Board offices). Hyde Park Road in London for the West Community Education Centre (currently Middlesex Board offices) and Graham Street in Woodstock for the cast Community -Education Centre (currently Oxford Board offices).