HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-03, Page 23SCRAPPER JOH• N RECYCLING ND - WAREHOUSE DISPOSAL New and Used Building Material Wanted: Old Brick Houses, Farm Machinery, Scrap Metals Think before Tossing!! Call 235 4614iiil Res. Res. 235-1662 Tines -Advocate, December 3, 1997 CLASSIFIEDS 235-1331, Page 2.3 1 O I'1_,\ ( 1 YOUR Al) 2.3';- 1 33 1 235-0766 I \ itr 1n 1'i f .,rn Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our $11 Super Ad* Or We'II Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge * FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY • ONE ITEM PER AD * Private non-commercial ads only • All Suver Ads must be prepaid OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 173 Situations Wanted LOCAL HANDYMAN available for any job. Reasonable' rate. Call Gord 235-4410. (49,50') 4 Help Wanted DZ DRIVER OR BETTER needed for pan -time help leading to fulitime in spring. Please apply in writing to Box 81P, Exeter Times Advocate, Box 850, Exeter, ON NOM 1S6 or drop at 424 Main St. Exeter office. (49-51 c) The Times -Advocate urges our reader to use caution when sending money for business opportunity ,or employment advertise- ments. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable 'company before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if 'any adver- tisement sounds too good to be true, it is. CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals' as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone nr�jmbers or prices count as one v46rd per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words $6.00, 15c per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $11.00. 15c per word tho'reafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $11.00 each additional word50. IN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25c per lirie of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $11.00, each additional word 15C. Three insertions for Ow price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $11.00, additional words 10c each. $2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS , With picture - $25.50. GRADUATES with picture - $10.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5 x 7 $8.00 8x.10 $9.00 SEMI -DISPLAY ' FIRST INSERTION • $10.00 per cbfumn inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum -.size in this catego 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. 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STATEMENT OF POLICY TM Times -Advocate is not responsble for errors in advenisemenls not submitted in legible form, nor for more than e single incorrect insertion of that •dvemsement. ® Phone 235-1331 se your VISA or MASTER - CARD aced Save $2.00 f--- 'PRE -P.111) 1':111) IZ; V 11'4 WORD AIDS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Additional 150 charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births, Deaths, Announcements, Coming Events, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion 2 insertions $9.63 $21.40 3 insertion No Charge Additional 150 charge for each word over maximum * BASED ON $2.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Bordered & Monthly Ads Rates available on request PAYMENT Cash, Cheque (with identification), Money Order, Visa and Mastercard are accepted * PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT IT CORRECT s 0.21 aYKba s s s s NAME ADDRESS CLASSIFIEl7 OI(I)E12 FORM Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! s PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: CREDIT CARD NO. • SIGNATURE DATES TO RUN' Visa -. MasterCard Cheque Expiry 4 Help Wanted ' I 4 Help Wanted COUNTER PARTS PERSON Required for a progressive farm equipment dealer. The successful candidate must . possess the . knowledge of, farm equipment, parts counter and computer experience and the ability to deal with the public in a courteous and helpful manner. Excellent benefit and wages package. Please mail resume to: HYDE BROTHERS FARM EQUIPMENT LTD. 82 Wellington St., Hensel!, Ont. NOM 1X0 Attn: Terry Caldwell THE ZURICH HYDRO ELECTRIC AND WATER SYSTEM realms an OFFICE ASSISTANT (Employment contract position) The position is responsible for providing various receptionist and secretarial duties including typing and filing. Responsible for payrptl service. general accodnting duties relatedito accounts payable. accounts- receivable, payroll benefits and general ledger for. the Hydro and Water System. A full job description is available at the Zurich Hydro and Water Office. Oualiflcations: Typing and computer experience an asset - Must possess strong communication skills in dealing with the public -good organizational and time management skills -- Gopd of bookkeeping and payroll This is a contract position. Remuneration will be based upon qualifications of successful candidate. Qualified applicants are invited to apply in writing.' including a complete resume by December 5, 1997 at 12:00 noon. Zurich Hydro and Water Systerp 22 Main Street West, Box 280 Zurich', Ontario NOM 2T0. • Fax number: 519-236-7687 BRUCE GREY HURON PERTH GEORGIAN A TRAINING BOARD 200 McNab Street, Walkerton, Ontario NOG 2V0 Administrative Assistant Permanent Full Time Position The Bruce Grey Huron Perth Georgian Triangle Training Board is looking to fill an administrative support position. This position provides the secretarial and Clerical operations including recep- tion, document processing/filing, database management and office procedures related to accounting, purchasing, minute tak- ing and related tasks. The position is accountable to the Board (or activity initiated by the board and is a principle resource to the Administrator as well as to the Board. QUALIFICATIONS: • Excellent working knowledge of Windows 95, Office 97 and Quick Books Pro 4.5 • Post -secondary education (1-2 years) or equivalent experience • Minimum of two years' experience in an administrative environment • Demonstrated accounting capabilities related to data entry and knowledge of accounting processes' • Excellent organizational skills • Well developed written and oral communication • Ability to deal effectively and cooperatively vs ith fellow staff, Board members, sponsors and the public • Familiarity with education and training issues / needs Please fax your resume (519) 881-3661 to the Bruce Grey Huron Perth Georgian Triangle Training Board , by December 12th, 1997. 5 Business Opp. $570/WEEKLY - Making jewelry, (bracelets, earrings, necklaces) year around at home, no exp. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Bolan Jewelry /5-4025 Dorchester Rd. Suite 126, Ext. 357 Niagara Falls, Ont. L2E 6N1. (48-51') 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute eelargemenu. Jervis Photography, Main St. Exeter235-1612. (3tfa) NU -LOOKING • PAINTING do DECORATING - Consider creative painting techniques to customize your home or business. Pree estimates. Very reasonable rates. 10% seniors discount. Please tall 228-6149.(49,50•) 6 Services OPEN WEDNESDAY, December 24: closed December 25 and 26; open December 27 at 12 noon. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to all. Wayne Otterbein's Barber Shop. 394 Main St., Exeter, 235-0559. (49- 52•) THE ANTIQUE WATCH AND CLOCK SPECIALIST - Does professional repairs to watches and clocks. Free estimates to repair grandfater clocks. Call Rudi Arnhold. 7599 Gillespie, Pett Franks. Phone 243-1130. (3otfn) PIANO 1 UNI\(; • REPAIRS • REBUILDItr • KEYS RECOVERED • DAMPP CHASERS • REGULATING • BENCHES BRUCE PULSIFER 348.9223 M Eu s s Die s rii:T 3Situations Wanted 4 Help Want 5 Business p 7 Services Opportunities Livestock 8 Farre Machine 9 Sports E O' 11 Cans 71'u kpmeni, Veh, 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television61WFPo'er�SanteaSirss Wanted s 19 Property s 20 Property For Sale I 21 For Rent for$ent r Rent 23 Wanted22 For to o Rent 24 Property Rent 25 Not Wanted ices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted Auction Sales 29 Yard and Gara$e Salsa • r -r 1 6 Services 6 Services I 8 Farm Machinery Carole's CLEANING SERVICE ')o you need a little help with your cleaning? PLEASE CALL 235-4729 Tate Bros, Custom Cabinetry Handcrafted,wood furniture of every description �.. Custom built cabinets and doors Solids and raised 235-0414 LAWN & GARDEN CARE • SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 2354062 TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS Move phones - install jacks 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE PETER McFALLS 235-0368 MORTOAOE LOANS FOR ANY PURPOSE • PURCHASES • RENOVATIONS • DEBT CONSOLIDATIONS * Difficult Situations Welcomed* CALL 668-7788 - MTM Realty Services STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SINCE 1971. IUCAN. ONT. Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 " N. C. JONES & SONS LTD.' Sand - Gravel - Stone.- Top Soil Excavating - Dozing - Trucking Driveways - Parking Lots - Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, 1 • Foundations, Silo's etc. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235-0925 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter VAN BREE Tem. DRAINAGE Farm Drainage Fence Rows Septic Tanks Water Lines Demolition Erosion Control Basements Trucking Gravel For free estimates call 828-3641, Ron or Paul FORD PLOW - Model 151, 3-16' bottoms, semi mounted, spring irip, good in corn stalks,Westfield grain auger, 7"x46', P.T.O. - drive, good condition. 349-2605 after 6 p.m. and weekends. (47-49sa) 9 Sports Equip, Veh. 1982 YAMAHA EXCEL 111 340 - Hand and thumb warmers. Electric start. 81250.00 obo. Call 519-235-3297. (47'-01 sa) 1986 YAMAHA SRV - Good condition - Approx. 6000 kms. 81700.00 o.h.o. HONDA. 200 3 wheeler - electric start. S800.00o.b.o. Phone 236-7846. (49c) 1982 MOTO-SKI FUTURA 300 Oil. injected, cover, 1600 km. excellent shape, S1800. Ca11519-284-1203. (49sa) ,1 11 Cats, Trucks WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE - Cars, trucks and scrap for wrecking Any condition. Ask for Pau! Campbell, Paul's Auto Marine, 168 Thames. Rd. W. Exeter. , 235-3922.(16tfn) 11 Cars, Trucks WANTED TO BUY • Cars and •trucks for , wrecking, free scrap car removal. Call • Advanced Auto at 234-6252. (6Ifn) TOP DOLLAR PAID for older cars, trucks, scrap, etc. Brock's Auto 228-6700 on Mt. Carmel Road. Safety inspections $35.00. Auto repairs. (14tfn) • 1986 FORT) EXP. - 124,000 km, new tires, new paint. Black. 53,000.00 certified. '235-3005.(44*-'5lsa) 1985 NISSAN MAXIMA - 4 dr., sunroof - S1500.00 after 6 p.m. 235-0357. (47 -Oise) 1985 DELTA 88 - Excellent running ordo r. Safetied 52950 or trade for snowmobile of equal value. 235.1715. (49,50c) 1986 MAZDA B200 -.cab plus with no motor, 137,000 km. S400. Call 284-4890. (49sa) FORT) 1986 ESCORT EXP 1.9L fuel inj. 5 spd, cruise, tilt. air new exhaust, brakes, clutch, throw out bearing, spd cruise sensor. Very little to safety. 51700. as is. OPO 238-5182.(49.03sa) '83 MUSTANG - 3.8L, brown with brown interior. - Auto, new gas tank, lifetime muffler, rear brakes, new battery, driven daily. Needs 11.0 238-5182 $500. obo. (49-03sa) 12 Pets PUREBRED HUSKY - 2 yrs. old, spayed female. Affectionate, loves outdoors. 8200.00.235-0207. (49*) TO GIVE AWAY - Affectionate neuder female Shephard 'cross. 235-3826 after 5 p.m. (49,50') PUPS FOR SALE - Siberian }luskies, 2 black and white, 3 red and white. All female. Reserve now. 234-6497. Ask for Jeff or Becky. (49,50c) Cie( PET GROOMING 235 -DOGS 13 Musical lnstnat encs GIIITAk .s PIANO Lessons Available. 9. ii^ger to advanced, all styles of music. Exeter Music ('entre' 235-1263. (20tfn) GUITAR LESSONS available in Zurich area on classical, acoustic or electric guitu. All ages welcome, call (519) 433-5544 on weekdays or (519) 236-4230 on weekends. Ask for or leave message for Troy. (43tfn) •