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Times -Advocate, December 3, 1997
Haugh lire Inc.
265 Thames Rd.
Hwy. #83 East
C! 235-3752
11KKMMt u 011111111$ MOON ort vnbaTale!
1,/51 Tyke Little Hawks
November 29
Parkhill 5 at Exeter 3
•Goals: Mitchell Partridge (3)
Assists: Cole Hackett. Brendan Shapton,
Brett Warwick. kyle Vcri, Scott Overholt.
Jayden i esjardine
Goaltender: Jekse Blare
November 29
F serer 6 at Seafonh 5
Goak: Shaptun 131, Iksjardine. Partridge.
Shawn Simmons
Assists: Desjardine 121. Partridge, Simmons.
13), Jesse Blanc 12). Overholt. Kyle Ven,
• Jeff Penn, Hackett . '
• ' •Goaltender: Warwick
Next game: Dec 6.14 am In Mt, Bry'dges..
Senior Tyke .,
Forest 8 at Exeter 6
Goals: James Marsden. Marc Denomme (2).
Bryce Ha'penny (2), Colton Kerslake,
Assists: Jared Green (3). David Geoffrey.
Kerslake. Halpenny
Goaltender: Mitchell Boyle
Next game: Dec. 13. Mi Rrydges 2 at
F.xeter. 9.45 a m
Shamrock Tyke Ii
. November 29
Pxeter.6 at Ildeiton 5
Goals: Jarrett Johns (3). Brett Overholt (3)
Assists: Dustin Milts (2). Jordon Hodgins,
Micheal VanGerwed. Steen Morgan '
Gnaltender: Greg L .Ivelace
- Next game:.Dee 6. Mt. Rrydges
Shamrhck Novice Waxers
November 30
I)orchester.6 at Exeter I
Goal: Reid Ha'penny
.Assists: Troy Elder. Brett Crcrar
Shamrock.AE Novice Steelers
Novetnber 29 - .
' Forest'6 a1 Exeter 0'
Nexigame: Dec. 6: 6:311 in 'Merton
Nos maser 30
Dorchester 3 at Exeter 4
Gods: Elder. Anstett (2). Kuris Masse
Assists: Elder (2). Antill, Erik Denomme
Go/Mender: Kellen Healey
.. Exeter 2 at Lucan 3
Goals: Corey Bilcke (2)
Assists: Man Manucci, Shane MacGregor.
Dan McLeod '
Goaltender: Span Ellison
Atom AE Nabisco
November 29 ,'
Forest 1 at Exeter 5
Goals: Jordan Darling 2). Justin Stacey.
Adam Johns. Michael Cooper
Assists: Stacey. Mark Dietrich (2). Darling
12), Mark Seip. Cowper
November 30 - Palmerston tournament
Game 1 - Exeter I vs Twin Centres 5
• Goal: Stacey
Assists: parting, Dietrich
Game 2 - Exeter 4 vs. Minto 0
'Goak: Darling (3). Seip '
Assists: Dietrich 13). Cooper, Darling
Shutdut: Corey Bilcke
Game 3 -IT' championship
'Exeter 5 vs. Avepue Rd .Might' Ducks,
Toronto I '
Goals: Darling (3). Brett Hackett Johns
Assists! Dietrich (3/. Cooper, Ben Willis-
' Leake. Stacey i2)
• • M.V.P.: Bilcke
I./M'Bantam Nabisco
• November 29
Exeter 5 vs. Mt. Rrydges 2 -
Goals: Alike Kerslake di Curtis Nessa ,
J6hn Gregys ,
Assists: Daryl Weiss. Kerslake
Goaltender: Chris Iksjardine
Ndvember 30 - Exhihttion gave
, Zurich I at Exeter 9
Goak for Exeter: Mitch Overholt. Tmy
Elder,12) Scott Valley, Justin Cann. Justin
Anstett (1). Tim Bunch. Matt'Co aper
;Assists for Exeter: Overholt. Elder -12). • '
Anstett. Burtch:C oper. Damn
Denomme, Brent Johns
Goal for Zurich: Devon Bedard
L/M Novice Bombers
Novcrnher '_9
ildentin ,3 at Exeter 6.
Goals: Ren Hewitt (_'),David Markle: Justin`
Dionne. A.J. Miller. Scan Hamgan '
Assists: Hewitt. Dionne, Miller. Hamgan
(2). David baths, Jeff Weido. Ryan .
BfintnelL Bobby Cook. Kon Miller. Kyle
Bryson. Brett Oud •
Goaltender: Brad Vink
Top forward: Hewitt
Top defenceman: Bryson
Next game: Dec 6:n. Exeter at lldereon, I 1 3t1
Sharrock Broncos
.November 25
Exeter 3 u Ilderton 1
Goals: Enk Denormne'42). Nick Anstett
Assists: Travis Elder (2). Anstett. Shawn
Mprray r a
' . • Noyemher 30,- Exhibition game
• Hensall 3 res Exeter 2
Goak for Exeter: Matt Rowe. Greguc
Assists for Rxeter: Caleb Johns, Kerslake
Goaltender for Exeter,: Desjarpline
Shamrock Bantams
November 24
' ' Exeter 3 at Ilderton 6 •
Goals: Steve Rasenherg (2). Caleb J&ins
Assists: Rasenberg, Andrew Mayer (2). Jeff
Hogan '
Goaltender: grad MacDonald
Competitive rollers
'urfch's best. Zurich Town alp Country Lanes bowlers Ryan Rood, 12, Lindsey VanDamme,
13, Brandon Overholt, 14, and Nathan Kraftcheak, 15, competed in the Ontario Five -Pin
Youth. Challenge zone rolloff on Sunday. at Town and Country. Absent is Ryan Lloyd, 15.
' Rood performed well enough --to make' the mined team. while VanDamme is an alternate.
Fourty-eight bowlers aged 13-18 from Huron bowling centres competed in the rolloff.to see
who will go to the regional rolloff in January.
Stephan neer Hockey
i.im Senior Tyke
• November 29
Slratftmy III) 8 at Stephen I
Goal: Tyler Windsor
Next game: Stephen al Ildenon. Dec. 5. ,
Atom Hawks , -
. November 29
Stephen b vs. Ildgrton I
Goak: Tim Sheridan 121, Greg,Tholnpson.
Jason Thompson (2). Andy Spnngall
' Aksistse J.• Thompson , 31: G. Thompson 121.
Shendan (3). Brent Windsor. Shane Wilson,
, - Jeff Smile. Matt Marlene
Goaltender: Jeff Raker
.Atom Local •
t November 2S
Stephen •5 :1t Si Marys l
Goak: Jamie Carradine (2). Blair McCann;
. Ryan Masse. Travis O'Neil '
Assists: Carrgii)e. McCann. Masse. O'Neil.
""•"-Leamintmnvrrt 2). Corey-5con4ralhan
- November 26
Watford I at Exeter 2
r 'Goals: Rasenherg (2). ,
Assists: Jared Bourne
Goaltender: MacDonald
Intermediate Girls
November 25
Exeter 4 at Elma Logan.I
(meals: Meagan Ratz, Missy Hayter. Shawna
• Rowe. Sarah Webber
. Assists: Pres)ee Maver(2)
Goaltender: Carolyn Quinn
Next game: Dec.14 in Seafonh. 6 -p.m.
November 30
Exeter I at Lucan 0
Goal for Exeter: Hayter
Assist for Exeter: Webber
(;naltender for Exeter: Miranda Hayter
' &can Near Hockey
$intro Fyke.
November 29 .
Lucan;2 vs. Mercantil) 2
Goals: Adam Hamgan. .Matthew Mills
Goaltender: Ryan Kealy •
Shamrock Peewee
November 28 - Zunch tournament
Gate 1 - Lucan 5 vs. Embro 1 ,
Goals: Tommy McHugh 42). Pat Maguire,
• Craig Galbraith. Dan Crowley
.Assists: McHugh, Maguire. Crowley, Nick
Husking. Thomas Mills. Kyle Smith. Scutt
Riddell •
Goaltender: Choy McNaughton
Shots on goal: 'u-_ I.usan
Game MVP: Maguire
Gallie 2 -.Norwich 4 vs. Lycan 2
Goals: Crowley. Mills
Assists: Brant Barker. Matt Blanc. Mike
Ankers, Ryan Ntcklci -
Goaltender McNaughton
Shots un guar; 15.25 Norwich
Game MVP: McNaughton
Gane 3 - Lucan 3 vs. Beverly 4
Goals: Adam Finch (2), Cn)wky -
Assists: Galbraith (2), Mills, Maguire
Goaltender: McNaughton
Shuts on goal: 25.27 Beverly
Game MVP: Hosking
Gaon 4 Lucan 12 vs. Zuneh 1
Goak for Lucan: Blanc (3), Mills Il).
McHugh 42). Maguire,. 2). Hoskmg.
Galbraith. Ankers, Barker, Crowley •
Assists: Blanc (2). Mills12). McHugh 13),
Maguire i 2)`. Galbraith, Ankers,•Barker r 2).
Adam Finch (2)
Gnaltender: McNaughton
Shuts on goal: 50-20 Lucas
Game MVP: McHugh
November 29
Forest 10 at Lucan
Goak: Mills. Barker
assists: Smith: Paul Shipway. Galbraith.
Goaltender: McNaughton
Shots on goal: 40-20 Forest
November 29
Lucan 5 vs. Fotest 0
Goals: M. Noyes (3), Couture (2)
Assist: Engel, VanKasferen, G. Noyes, A.
Shutout:Korey Hess
Lucan 6 vs. Oakndge 2
Goats: Bailey VanPrnet (3). Lefebvre. Jeff
Latta, Couture
Assists: Engel (2). Couture, Fronts, Lana.
Pryce, VanPrnet
Goallender: Hess, Blau Bennett
• Ryan Janzen named to all-star team
PORT ELGIN - Ryan Janzen,
son of Wolfgang and Karen )amen,
Port Elgin and grandson of Mar-
guerite Finkbeiner, Exeter was
named to the Canadian University
(CIAU) football second all-star
Janzen wh ,plays wide receiver
for the McMaster University Ma-
rauders in Hamilton was also
named to the Ontario University
football first all star team (OUAA).
Janzen also shared first place in
the CIAU for the highest number of
yards received for the season. •
Scott , ! -
Goaltender: John Young
• November,29
Stephen 4 at Hensall 2 • ,
Goats for Stephen: Carradine (2). Masse,
V"Scott - -r -
Assists: Masse.-Cronvn (3). David
1hs)ardine.'C. Scott. Curtis Pfaff. O'Neil .
GoaRenaer: Young
L.M Peewee Bullshonters
November 24
Port Stanley AE ;l is Stephen I
Goal: Mike Carradine
,Assists; Geoff Duckworth. Jamie Bibby
Goaltender: Richard Young
November 29
Stephen 9 at Exeter 1) . -
Goals: Duckworth (4). Cory Lawton (2).
Carradine. Bibby. Reid O'Neill -
Assists: Duckworth. Justin Muller (2).
Nevin Hodgins (2). James Reschke: Wes de
Lange. Young; Kory.Van Altena
Shutout: Many Glavin '.
November 30' '
Stephen 3 at St. Marys Mighty Ducks 1
Goat: Duckworth i2), Van Allen
Assists: Lawton (2). Chns McNeil
Goaltender: Young
Shamrock Bantam Rebels
Novetnber _'8 ,
, Stephen 2 at Dorchester 2
Goals: Jeremy VanBergen. 'Lenny Pfaff
:assists: Cal de Lange. Adam Cyr. Bryan
Goaltender: Gary'Sauder
Novice Girls
November 7
Hensall 5 at Stephen 3
(;oats for Stephen: Leanne Cronyn 13)
Goals for Hensall: Katie Stewart (5)
• November 8
Stephen 2 at Elma Logan I
- Goak: Kelly Cmnyn.•Kylen VanOsch
Assist: K ('ronyn
Goattender: Lindsey Glavin .
November 14
Parkhill n at Stephen 5
(:oak: Skse Pfaff: Steph McCann 121. -
�3mdv Inson. Nicole Muller
• . Assist: McCann
Goaltender: K. ('ronyn'
Elma'L;>gan 5 at.Stephcn 5 ,
Goats: Tanya Slucklecs 1 T t, Vanl )s}h.
Amanda Steeper. K. Cmnvn
.Assists: McCann: Muller,,Holli do Lange.
Tanya. Stuckle . ,
Novrlmher 29
• Sarnia 4 at Stephen
Ri ngette
l � ce
\'meinher lel • llratt,ud W 2 ,a kxelcr
(;rats: Kristin Ferguson. 42 i. Michelle' '
I ks(ardmc
Assists: Knsiyn Reeler 12 t, Knsty Hlanc.
Lindsay Blanc:. Janine Harr. Lauren Tavl,,r
Goaltender: Sbauna Skinner.
• Next game: lkcrniher 2 In'4rathnit
• Exeter
November 24
6 game winners
Dave Woodward .
Gert Eagleson
Hugh, McKay
Isabel Rogerson
Haiel McEwen -
• Jean Fleming
Doris Hamilton
Pearl McKnight
. 5 game winner
Evelyn Venner
Golden blades
Nnvernber (l - Gish:net) 6 5,4 Eseier (' ;
' Goals: ('hrtautaSomerville .21 Frames
'an1)ss. ('Jssandra Mm
- .\ssists: Somerville. Iintinev foster- :;11.111
\V;tts6n, nceresa Gallnehcr
n . Goaltender:.lIolly Herr
Goals: McCann'12). Steeper . Shols•on goat: Oodcnch 2,3. Exeter 20 .
ami:Ike. 7 in Si Glans
Assists: Steeper. VanOsch 12) gt.
i)vrnl •� "9�'t:xcrer 1 i at ]iratkxd 4
Junior Girls
November 25
Parkhill I at Stephen 5
Ghats: Krista Hodge (2). Michelle •
Somer-'Ille'l?) i
Assk(s1 Hodge. Somerville. Jody Rarsgns
42Y Sarah Parsons.Megllan Gainer
Novemher 28. •
. Elma Logan _'.at Stephen 8
Goals:,Somerville 43). !lodge 42). Gamer,
- Tanya Stuckless. Came Dixon
Assists: Somen•ilkt3), Dixon:1111hyl
McCann (2), Cecda Corbett (2). Mari
• • Gregus. Jody Parsjons
November 29 -
Stephen 5 as Lucan 2
Goats, Somerville (4), Hodge
• Assists: Somerville. Hodge t2)
•- November 30.
• Stephen 3 at Goidench t
' Goak: Hodge. (falser. Somerville
Assists: Hodge_). Gauer iomcrss' -2 ,
,.(;ice-„ -
Senior (:iris
Hensall 1 at S:, -, r 9 •
.' Goak: Jessica Davies (3). Michelle
Surnen•dle(3). Tracy Wilson (2), Kane
. Piekenng •
Assists: Wilson, Pickenng12), Sara .
Somerville 13). Jo Ike Regier (2). Sarah
Tilley 42)..Jessie Dineen12). Lindsay
Parsons (2) i
-•- Sarnia 6 at Stephen h-
Goak: Davies(4), Somerville,(')
Assists: &I. Somerville. Dineen (2). S.'-'
Somerville. Crelene Duck, Parsons. Tilley
November 30
Stephen 2 at Hayfield 1
Goats: Pickenng, Regier
. Assists: Duck; Parsons. Dineen
%Exeter and District Ringette would like to th
support in making our annual townie a
M Home
AAA Restaurant
Art's Auto
Bakelaar Jewellers
Bank -of Montreal
Becker Farm Equipment
Colour Your World
Country Health Foods
Country Trenditions
Credit Union
Cuts Plus '
& D Stock Farm •
Davis Moore Fuels
U & D Glass and Mirror
Designers for Him &Her
Donut'Delight "
Eclipse -Hair.
Ellison Travel
Enc Campbell
European Addition
Exeter I How Photo
Exeter Chryskr
Exeter Collision
Exeter Decor
Exeter Flowers
Exeter Golf Club
Exeter Optimist
s, dieter Times Adv,xalc
Exeter Toyota •
Expressions Hair Design
Four Seasons Jewellery
. Gaiser Kneale Insurance
Gerry & Etda Riehl
Gifted Hands Studio
Godbolt Insurance
Greeting Card World
Hensall Co-op
Holtzmann IGA •
Pinder, Taylor McNeilly
& Godkin. •
Huron Apothecary Ltd.
Huron Motor Products
, Huron Produce
Huron Tractor. •
Hyde Bros:
Ironwood Golf Club
lack Glavin Sandblasting
Jarvis Photo
1MR Ekctnc
MacLean source 1(r
Mary (ay. Peggy
Ethenngton •
McCann Redi Mix.
McDonaids .
MET arts
Melba Tlteker
\ttllerwood Prdu its
MTS Farm Supply
hank the following for
great success.
Murphy's Pub and Eatery
National Trust
New Orleans Piva
.Pizza Delight
Purple Tunis
Reel Time --
Reflections Boutique
Rick Ethenngton -
Ron's Health Centre
Royal Rallis
RSD Sports Den
Rumors Hair Designs
Jeff Borland
Seip's valu-man
'Shoppers Drug Man
Smyth's Shoe Store Ltd.
Snow -Con Excavating
Stan Rayne General i
Store .
Take TWo Hair Design
The Bayberry Cafe
The Cutting Corner
The Mane Event
Thomas H.
Tam Honon's
Veal's Meat Market
WG Thompson
World Finest Chocolate
Wuerth Shoes
1;0a11 Kaicc,. Stewart
Assists: Amber Prevcator. Lea Mudge
November 29 - Exeter - i' 5,.3 Se:ttorth 3
Goats: Stewart 14t, :Amber (''1WweIl.
Prezzcator. ('ielsey Monimerstcce, Kasten'
Reschke -
• Assists: Pres/chair Mdmnter'reer, Danielle
Ritchie I2) Jenna Phillips. Brittany
Schroeder'' i, Shannon Baer
Goaltender Mudge
November iO - SI. Mars s'5 at Exeter - \' t -
Goat£: I'revi&ator' 2). Stewart (2).
Mornrersteec. Roane (2). Schroeder
Assists: Sewall i 21. Ritchie r O, Schnieder
1 '11 Caldwell .
Goaltender: Mudge
November 29 - Waterloo s s Huron Perth
Goals: I3oersma , 4 ); Bradley. (30o.:442. I.
t (lrcnchuk. Ritchie -
Assists: Bradley''). (iihsrm. (roach. Miners
• 42). Moican. (-)rrne,huk :-J -
November 25 - Fors••-..a!Exeter r)porus,
Goals: Kcm Fulton 12)
assist: rem Itegier
- t;oaltender: KcIIi Nuhon
November ill - 1-undon 5 :u Exeter -)
Goals: Rotwn .thennglon, ('iithennc'
fterglnan o _). Sarah I1nd'e '
AssisLs: Jen Mntelhddt,. hcrrr Fulton
Goallender: Maces ' u, •..
Fine -finish. Zurich Figure
Skating Club's SaraIl-Rae Lb-
- vie earned ,a'gold medal in'
the Gold Ladies Free Skate at
the 'recent Mooretown In-'
vitational competition.
From shoebox to
a1 ■
Starts Dec. 7,'
2 p.m. :Ages 7-15
Membership Fees
GST Included
Golf Passes and Gilt Certificates availabl
Exeter Golf Club
RR 1 Centralia Ont. NOM 1K0
Call 236-1517