HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-12-03, Page 3COMM 1 A 1 V I T
Huron Country Playhouse
facing deficit from '97 season
On the positive side, the new rehearsal hall was com-
pleted on time for the opening musical of the season.
. GRAND BEND - The Annual General Meeting of . Board members - Glenda Burrell, Peter Challen,
• Huron Country Playhouse .was held at the Hessenland Joan Cookson, Tom Crossman, Elia Douglas, Doug
Country inn. St. Joseph, Saturday, November 29. Ellison, Sheila Hurley. Spencer Jeffery. Shirley
. Huron Country Playhouse treasurer, Al Skinner, McIntyre. Wayne McLachlan, Molly Russell, Dr.
' reported a combined' capital and. operating:deficit of Linda Steele, Pat V.enton, Bruce Woodley; Honorary
5304:000 for the year ending September 30. . hoard members - Dave Bannister. Al Coo, William
The capital portion of the deficit relates to the con- Heinsohn, James Kneale, Shelley Peterson.
'struction of the 'new. rehearsal hall/wardrobe facility. • - Newly elected President of the Board of Directors.
and the -improvements to•Playhouse ii. • - Charles Baxter. thanked everyone in attendance at the
Theatre operations showed a Toss o( $142,000 due meeting for their suuPort of the theatre. • .
primarily to soft attendance numbersthat 'were well. . Baxter. stated that he "looks forward to seeing
below those of. recent years... everyone -•with our varying walks of -life— at the
The total attendance for 1997 • Mian Playhouse during the upcoming
59.150 for an average of 81.1 per year." .
cent. By comparison. the total. alien- , _ A. Frank. -Ruffo, ; First ;Vice-
. dancefor -1996 was 66,700 or 92.2 • President internal for the Canadian
per cent. •• • - - Actor's Equity Association; conclud-
Chairman of the ,meeting,. Bryan � ed the evening- as the guest. speaker.
Beattie, descrihed the 25th Season. as%" Best known to Huron Country
. satisfying in :rime, respects and ,dist• ; -'- 1 ^ _ Playhouse.audietitres as The Tirtmun
appointing in others: Beattie noted• HURON COON' ilii in the -1997 smash -hit musical "The
many ppsfnve events from 1997, 'j)T4'�,)'t SE Wizard of Oz". Buffo first -appeared
including the completion-ol the new 1 u �[ I t1JCh71: at the Playhouse in• 1981.. in
rehearsal hall in time for ttie opening " Chapter.Two". '
musical - L: Frank Baum'. ''The - Buffo .brought encouraging' Words
Wizard of Oz the Pla'yh-ouse': ' '' to his audience in that ':..theatre is
association' with the Ausahle-Bayfield Conservation unpredictable and that .you should he proud Of the,
. Authoriiy:as a:partner in a successful fundraiser: and 59.000 patrons that 'attended Huron Country
for the -first •time. being able tip provide 'our facilities Playhouse productions in -1997, especially when'the-
,(o the e<immunity as a venue' for nontheatrical atres from across_ the country are noting•drops in
events: which in, turn, led,to a number of off -Season • attendance." - . - • -
rentals taking place at the Playhouse.'''Thie Playhouse He went an to add that through his. experiences he
-can continue to he proud of its high production quali- . has. learned one simple rule the, main Stay 'of sum-
ty and the 'varus' provided 'to. its. patrons...' noted . nier theatre is entertainment.- and Huron Country
.Beaute, - . - Playhouse has developed a'solid reputatiiin across the
Beattie .vent on to say that. despite the slower tick- country for providing this ti► its patrons. "Much oils
et sales l„r the 1991,seas'on,• we should not he.dis- this reputation •is well earned because of the extreme-
, - . mayed at the. negative results: hut should instead.' ly high calibre and enterprise that goes into the hig
,dontinue tai -meet the interests of; our patrons and pro:. 'musicals that the Playhouse continues to•produce.
-vide,them with 'the shows they want to see, in tirder 'Km only is Huron Country Rlayhouse• a place of
' - • to reg:un ttie theatre's enviable -attendance level's: showmanship for the patrons. it an inspiration for
The election, -of officers for, the Board of Directors all those who work there.”
was proposed hy. Noinihation Committee Member. Th'e Huron -Country Playhouse Board of Directors
.JaL•k Shuthcott. 'The new- Board of Directors for and staff would. like to say thank you -to everyone
- Huron-Counifv' Playhouse was elected as follows:who supported the theatre in •1997. The 1998.Season '
Charles �Baeter - l reside nt:•iBryan Beattie -. Past - Bre Bvq Birdie, Steel Magnolias. One Jor r/te Poi.
president David--Narsh •-- First .vice "president: Dona The Prisoner of Secnnd',tvenue. 42nd -Ser (qui
Stewardson - Second vice-president: Bryan Beattie = :Vun.yense : has. already garnered -the- interest- and
Treasurer: Mary ,Burdon - Secretary: 1,9e, Wooden. , enthusiasm; of ntany_patrons and corporate sprinsorj.
, •FUndfTii-N-mg-il.,,ettrr,. Jack S5nuhlLuit -• - EXBLunnVe.'-- --
• direct.: -1
Tinges -Advocate, December 3, 1997
Snowplows off roads at 11 p.m.
HURON' CTY. - This •winter. the
• county 'snowplows -will -not be on
the roads from 11 p.m.' until 4 a.m.
each night.
For the last •twti years, -the plows
have parked from midnight until..5
_a.m. as a cost-saving Ineasure for
. the•ciwnty. This year. their sched-
.•ule is being moved hack one hour
to improve morning service. ,
• Bin -the change could hurt service
-in the Wingham arca; as the, plows
are off the mad an hour earlier. at
11 .p.m. . when Wescast Industries
has a new shill arriving.
- At the Nov. '27 meeting of Huron -
County Council, County engineer
Sandra Lawson Said starting to
plow an '.hour earlier will allow
enough time in the:morning to ade-
quately clear roads hefore school
-• httses, 'milk trucks and commuters
hit the roads each day. •
"This is how we (sae hest service
the people in the morning,"-. she
-said. -
Lawson said there has- hecn.. no
complaints the. last two years' re-
•garding the lack of nighttime ser-
vice. and the -decision to hegm earli-
er each flay it due in pan to • the
mileage added .to the -county road
system .as a result of provincial
• downloading of Highways n: s I
and 86 to Huron Comity -Nun Jan. 1.
Colborne Township Reeve Bill
Vanstone disagreed with the idea ,,t
.keeping the plows sill die .road at
night. ,•.
Despite die tact the elimination
f nighttime service may save mon-
ey.- Vanstone_thinks .rate. pavers
' want to. sec :the plows. on the road
because. -'This is the - only - Waco
they can . sec ,there tax •• �hillars .,t
He said he can't andcrstand hov
ctimplamts never readied L.i -on-s
office last year ---he heard- plenty.
He said last year. people from his
;tree. often complained because: they
• were' forced. to use .rountlabout mu-
nieipal roads 10 itviird shove -
blocked county' roads: -
'It1s4a-datrt--goed-•thing(-Fitt +kl+vri--
ship plows; were Out.", said Von
stone adding `'It due; h't look good
for the viounty)."
• Howick Township Reeve Nor-
man Fairies said he doesn't sec.any
problem with•the switch to 4' a.m.
service -- his township already he -
gins its plowing at that hour. -
"We have to remember people
want to get, to work," said Fiirles.
Turnherry Township Reeve Brian
McBurney said that ,may he true,
but he 101(1 Fairles the. snowplowing
hours .arc .not in synchronisation
with the working hours of 'the
.higgest employcr•in his -arca.
McBurney noted Wescast Indus-
tries in Wingham works a shift
which hegins at • 1 I p.m.
"They're going to- work when
.we're taking the plows tiff," he
said. • , .
McBurney also asked if the limit.
ed 'snowplow hours will apply to
,provincial Highway 4 -- the major
link to the north of the county. He
said without 24-hour service the
north of the county will be cut off
in. the event of a snowstorm.
Lawson confirmed the new hours
would apply to all county roads, in-
cluding Highway 4.
Lawson said it costs about 5100
per hour to keep a truck on the
road. hut she didn't have exact fig
ures regarding the savings accrued
_ over the last two years. She said
she will get the information and re-
• port hack to councul.
In related news, the prov'rfcial
highways transferred' to the county
will have their- .speed limits in-
creased from 110 kilometres per
• hour to 90 kin -hr effective May 1.
1998 to make -them consistent with
the majority of other county roads.
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