HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-26, Page 12Page 17 Times -Advocate; November 26, 1997 H EPpNTHERPgG Watch for this page the last week of every month Funfest '97 says thanks for donations Sarah Walker The second annual Panther Funfest '97 took place on Saturday, October 118th and raised approximately 52400.00 for the school. From early Saturday morning until late Saturday after- noon, many staff members, S.A.C. parents, and some students worked together to benefit our student body. Such success would not have been possible without the support of several local businesses, staff members, parents, and the community who donated items for our raffle and silent auction: I John Hem Dan Haugh / Wendy Long /' Karen Richards, staff / Janet Clarke, staff 13 Bob Crawford, staff / Neil McKee, staff b Reel Time ' Carey Eddy, staff /i Betty Janke, staff Oa McCann Redi Mix is Rebecca Farquhar, RMT k Cutting Comer Exeter Golf Course 13 Harold Borden, staff Seip's Valu -mart S.H.D.H.S. Auto Shop Oakwood Inn, Grand Bend Royal Bank Kay Webb so- Triangle Discount b Pizza DeIIg 4 Nabisco, Inc. to Micro Tech b Diana Winegarden Dashwood Lock & Key R.S.D. Sports Authentics / Country Trenditions 43 At Home is Times Advocate Jodie Baker, staff 2 Brintnell Construction Phys. Ed. Department Kirkton Market 03 Ranch House 13 South Huron Mechanical - b Sandra Rowe 13DoItCentre Kathy Hayter/Tiny Wells • 13 Harry Young New Orlean's Pizza b Ironwood Goff Course b Exeter Music 13 Vera Mason Exeter Flowers Country Flowers is Yearbook Staff Expressions Ginger Weber Bayview Golf Course 4) Carl Gower 4 Veal's Meat Market Pat Cornish 13 Sandy Robi,llard Bob Pavkeje Donna McElwain, staff Jenna Rowe 03 Shear Design r Mrs. Baker's English 4G field trip to Toronto (Much Music) Ens 4G field trip to Toronto By Elizabeth Kerslake On Wednesday. October 22nd. Mrs. Baker's English classes travelled to Toronto as part of their Grade 12 Media course. Chaperons for the day were Ms. Baker. Mr. Gerth, Patty Masnica. and Wendy Laing. Groups of students travelled to different areas of downtown Toronto to look at different mediums. One group went to C.B.C., another to radio station 102.1 The Edge and the last group toured City TV/MuchMusic. • When the tours ended. we boarded the buses and headed to the other side of Toronto for a taping of Camilla Scott. The topic of our show was 'Apartment Hell': The ENS classes would like to thank Mrs. Baker for organizing this trip. It was a great day and everyone enjoyed themselves. Also, thank you to our chaperons. Spotlight on the Music Dept. By Elizabeth Kerslake This school year has already heen-a busy one for the S.H. Music Department. There are four bands this year: Sr. Concert, Int. Concert. Black Jazz and Red Jazz. all under the direction'of Mr. Robilliard, and three choirs. Concert. Chamber and Triple Trio. under the direction of Ms. Claessens. • The Triple Trio started its year off by performing at the Exeter , United Church on September 20th.' On the weekend of the'Exeter Fair. the Senior Concert band played along the parade route. The Black Jazz band performed at an assembly early in the year as well as at a concert 'downtown on October 18th. At this year's Remembrance Day service, the Senior Concert band performed with Marcy Swance playing 'Last.Post'. As well. the choir , sang 'We Can Make a Difference'. • Coming up on Saturday. November. 29th is the Santa Claus Parade. The Senior Concert Band will be leading Santa through. the streets of _ Exeter. There is also a concert on Sunday. November 30th at Trivia Anglican Church at 2:00 p.m. This will feature the Community Band and Choir. If you plan to attend. a donation to the Food Bank would be appreciated. And. with the Christmas season fast approaching, plan to attend the Christmas Pops Concert on Sunday, December 7th at 2:00 p.m. at the high school in the large gym. All groups will be performing. September's Student of the Month: Justin Krziyzek Senior student Justin Krziyzek was selected by the S.A.C. as , September's Student of the Month. Other nominees were Rob Turner and Jason Phillip. Krziyek was nominated for his outstanding su )port of the Drama depart- ment, working to prepare for school shows evrnings and weekend hours, without ever taking Drama. October and November's Student of the Month will be combined. The Student of the Month is sponsored by the School Council. Winners receive a school mug and have their photo posted on a school bulletin board. Student of the Month - Rob Turner, Justin (winner) and Jason Phillip. New Library Open House Gerry Geurts An invitation is extended to parents and the general public to come and view the brand new library facilities at South Huron District -High • School. The open house will take place on December 10th during library hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to visit and view the "state of the art" library which includes many new computers., Bill Gerth, principal of South Huron. took the initiative to see if local businesses would be interested in helping the school make more computers available to the students in the library, particularly,since,the few existing computers were outdated. Computers. Pentium 200 processors with Multimedia capabilities and able to run interal:tive CD Roms, were needed. The library had an extensive collection of educational CD Roms. but no machines capable of running them. I. Principal Gerth, several members Of School'AdvisorytCouncil (S.A.C.), and several members of the local business community created a committee which acted as a liaison between the school and businesses. They created a program called "Lease a PC for the Future" which resulted in 20 computers for the library resource centre. 1 A reception has been planned to thank all who had a hand in constructing the facility and equipping it with comptkters. Special • thanks goes out to the, businesses who participated in leasing a PC for the school. and to the people who made donations to the program. Businesses leasing a PC for the future. A, Ben Gardiner Farms .6 Drs. Bill and Linda Steele • Coldwell Banker - Pat O'Rourke and M.J. Chanyi Az Exeter Lions Club ' Gary Bean Securities • Godbolt Financial Services jj Hah'erer Concrete Products b Hayter's Turkey Products a Huron Motor Products AI Jim Gregus Construction 6 Little & Associates J.W. Eedy Publications Ltd. (1xeterT.A.) e Overholt Consulting • A S.H.D.H.S. Teachers • Pinder. Taylor. McNeilly. Godkin Chartered Accountants • Wuerth Shoes b Veri Brothers Farms b Andex Metal Products Ltd. .3 Anonymous 6 Smith -Peat Roofing & Sheet Metal Ltd. b Bank of Montreal, Exeter Branch AD Dashwood Friedsburg Days AD Kyles. Garratt & Marklevitz Architects • .6 Huron Contractors inc. / Betty -Jean Talbot .6 Huron Apothecary . K. Farquhar Gail Little I Donna Overholt e Tuininga shines as September's Athlete of the Month t Grade 10 student Krista Tuininga was selected as McDonald's Athlete of the Month for the month of September. Tuininga, a previous winner, was nominated for her participation on the Junior Girls' Basketball team. Nominees for September's award were Jessica Davies, Christian Stuckless, TonNhoutharath, Dave Farquhar, Dan Snell, Shauna Rowe, and Megan Ratz. Winners receive a complementary Mcal Deal from McDonalds and have their photo displayed on the Athletic Council's bullbtin board. O.A.C. Comedy Show By Becky Case Here ye, here yc! Come one, come all! The date is December 9th, the place is South Huron District High School's small gym, the time is 7:OOpm. The cost is $0.25 or free with a canned good for the food bank, and the audience is you!! A variety of talented young comedians will enlighten and entertain you as well as makc you fall off your chair laughing. The show will run approximately 1-1/2-2 hours. Please come out, you're guaranteed a good time. Principal's Message... Mr. W. Gerth Bill 160 is an extremely important piece of legislation that will have a significant, long term impact on the education in this province. To say that it has been controversial is probably an understatement: many *people, on both sides of the debate, have demonstrated that they are deeply interested in, and have views on, this. legislation. Unfortunately, because it hits close to home to sd many people, and because these same people see the Bill through different lenses --parent. teacher, taxpayer, student, business person --it has been quite divisive. My concern is that this divisiveness will hurt the community that is South Huron. As implied by the African proverb that 'it takes a whole village to raise a child'. the education of a young person is a challenging tusk that requires the close cooperation of many people.and • organizations: parents, education workers, church and community organizations to name a few --all are required to raise a well- rounded citizen. , With this thought in mind, and with the hope of reducing community friction over this Bill. I respectfully offer two suggestions. First, spend some time becoming familiar with Bill 160.' For -good or bad. this Bill will have a long term impact on the education of young people in Exeter and district and this.fact, more than any other, should make it of interest to everyone in the community. Second. rather than being upset by the person who holds a view about Bill 160 that is different from your own, make every effort to understand this person's perspective. If nothing else, taking a "few steps in someone else's shoes", even if you do not like the fit, may reduce the hard feelingsthat often result otherwise. Ultimately, I offer these suggestions because while_I accept that we might disagree, it is my belief that we need not be divided: divisiveness does not help the young people who attend our schools. To prove my point about the value of working together for the students .1 want to highlight the efforts of three groups that have had a profound impact on this school: our School Advisory Council (S.A.C.), the "Lease a PC for the Future" Committee, and the local business people who supported the latter. Tile first group. ably led by their fearless leader and chairperson, Kathy Hayter. has for the past few years quietly and effectively contributed tO South Huron. In addition to numerous projects such as providing financial assistance for the large illuminated sign at the front of the school. the S.A.C. has been able to provide excellent ongoing.advice'on many issues that impact the students at our school, The personal commitment of these parent and staff volunteers is quite remarkable and i am proud to work with them. An equally intpressive group has worked hard for the past 6 months to ensure that the library at South Huron is equal to any in the province. under the excellent leadership of George Godbolt, the 'Lease a PC for the Future" Committee has recently presented the school library with 20 new computers. Although many individuals helped with this effoh, particular thanks goes out to,K,en Pinder, Steve l-laberer, Pat O'Rourke. John Wuerth, Kate Monk, , Kathy Hayter. Linda Russell and Donna' Shaptorl for their fine work for the school. Finally, the individuals and businesses listed in the article on this page annbuncing.the open house fol` the newlihrary, are those who have made a significant financial contribution to bring these computers to South Huron and they deserve our thanks and ,gratitude. Like the S.A.C. and the "Lease a PC for the Future" Committee, this group gives real meaning to the idea that community and school working together can build a better place for our young people. As we work through the'tensions created by Bill 160, it is an idea worth remembering. Greek theatre By Kristina Cowell This year's Greek Theatre. held in October, went extremely well consider - ing the class had only a week and a half to put their scenes and mono- logues together. To take a script from over two millennium ago and make , it come alive to an audience of today ik no easy task. But it was handled_ skillfully by the S.H.D.H.S O.A. Drama students. Around 25 - 30 people crowded into the drama room to watch the performance. The comments and critiques were all positive, and in general. most people were pleased with the performance. . SHDHS participates in Math contest Rader top Gr. 10, Ramer top Senior South Huron is participating in the newly organized Huron County Senior and Junior Math Leagues. Four South Huron teams have been formed - Grade 9, 10. 11 and Senior- and contests are written every other Wednesday until late November. Individual student sores are combined to produce a school team score, and participating Huron County high schools are accordingly ranked. A playoff round will be held in early December. witkindividual and team prizes awarded at that time. South Huron's junior teams performed very well in the first Junior League contest, held October 1st. All high schools in the County partici- pated. Our Grade 10 team. led by Ben Rader. placed first in Huron. Our Grade 11 team, led my Rhonda Dougall. placed second in the county. Also, Ben Rader was top Grade 10 student in the county. South Huron's senior team performed impressively, too, in the first Senior League contest, held October 8th. Three high schools in the county participated. Our team. led by Jill Ramer, placed first. Jill Ramer tied for first place in the county. These Math League contests are designed to prepare students for national and international contests. such as those offered by the University of Waterloo, that are normally held in the Spring: Here are some sample problems taken from the October 1st and 8th contests mentiored above: Junior League, How many numbers between 10 and 200 satisfy both (i) they are prime numbers. (ii) and one lessStdu than the number is a perfect square. Answer: 4 (they are 17, 37, 101, 197.) -Senior League: What number comes next in the sequence 11,31, 41, 61, 71, 101,...? - Answer: 131, the next prime number ending in "1"•For access to math problems on-line be sure to visit South Huron's AWESOME web -site at www.huroned.edu.on.ca/SHDHS. "Tis the season for Christmas Window Painting O.A.C. and Grade 10 Art Students and Arts Council Members will again be painting windows for the Christmas Season. This year's clients arc Bank of Nova Scotia, Exeter Villa, Exeter Toyota, Donut Delite, McDonalds, Co-operators Insurance, Post Office, Pizza Delight and the Ranch House. Students will be at these places of business beginning the week of November 25.