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Page 20 Ti►ne"-Advocate, Norrember•26, 1997
Palliative volunteers
The Victoria Order of Nurses Palliative Care Volunteer Program celebrated. its fifth anniversary
ori Sunday afternoon at the Dashwood Lutheran, Church.' From left,. Janice, Hayter Oke. Huron
MPP Helen Johns: -Deanna Brock, Lynn McDonald- and Karen Lehnen cut the anniversary cake.
The program • s volunteers gathered for -a group photo as well. Standing from' left are: Joyce
Morgans ,Jim- Hoffman, Joyce McBeath,' Toni Brand, Rev. • Ed Laksmanis, Faye Skinner. Ann
Klungel, Theresa Bedard, Jean Fleming, Nancy Becker, Nancy Rader. Dave Brock. Rita Chan-
dlel'. Wendy .Q'Connor. Donna Hoffamn and Dr. Waters. Seated are Karen- Lehner). Maureen
Holder. -Rosemarie .Davey, 'Deanna Brock, .GladysGingerich and Janice Hayter Oke: " •
By Sarar, Vennunt
\ Renu•nlhranee Day assem-
bly was held on•Nnyenfher 11
0 was shorter than past years
as•lite guea speaker could not
attend. Since my generation
really doesn't know that much -
about the wars. gatherings like
this one are aa opportunity for
us to learn..a. well .as remelt'
1. her the people 'with nought 1,1r
• us. .
Gradtiatintt' phots. will be
taken in the first week id' De-
ecniher. All graduating sttr-
'dente will hate tt sign up
ahead of time for ,t time tor.
�tlleir 0h610. to be . taken - The
• signup sheet es ill' the mail) of -
tier. • •
The school's Comedy Night .
is approaching last This
year's. OAC drama Mass is 1
• busy preparing its. stand -
ups. songs. and ,uiyilime else
that will .get a •laugh I -or the
show. The .how will Iiave
;thou) 20 students in it and will
fast tsar shout twti hours It ,will- i.
' - take, place in the sinal gym at
the school on "I`uesJay. 1Jc-
ceniI er e)! They ;how- ha._heen'
known- to draw 'a large Jrnlvd
in • past years. livery tine' from 7,
the school and the :urrotindinti
{ community • is Welcome -to
conic out to enjoy the show.
Its ,tuarantecd to he a good
i laugh, - See- nazi :week's -col-
llhl)th tor more information
Palliative volunteer program
celebrates fifth. anniversary
More than 235 people have received care
D\i HWOOD - Five years ago.
eight women became the first grad-
uates of an eight-week palliative
care program. With all.eight worn-
en remaining on the roster"of the
Victoria Order til' Nurses Palliative
Care Volunteer Program. family
and friends celebrated the live -year
-anniversary on Sunday afternoon•at
the Dashwl,r(1 Lutheran Church. -
The event was -also the gradua-
tion ceremony tine 22 women who
recently, graduated from the PCV
program. -
Mindy - Gough, •-a 'foalsocial
worker was the guest speaker. Rev.
Ed Laksmani.. the PCVP advisory
committee chairman and former •
coordinators Janice Hayter Oke
and Deanna Brock also hroughl
greetings. -
Dutimait's• Bakery. Tasty -New
Bakery. C)tto's Bakery. Seip. Valu -
Mart and 'Ube. Flower, Shop in Zu:
rich donated io Sunday's 'an-
niversary event. •
'Being part of the PCVP .has
been a . blit.[ rewarding ex-
perience." explained Nancy Beck-
".-\s far as volunteering goes. I en-
joy ' it...1 enjoy people. 1 get a lot of
satisfaction and feel I can. help other
people and bring a - smile to their
faces for even '30 seconds out of
'their day. That makes me feel good
too." Dianne Fauber) said.
in 1991. Janice Hayter Oke- was
moved into- action when the hus-
band of a. former patient contacted
her and questioned why she didn't
continue her support after the death
of his wile. Rec-
ogmiing the need.
Hayter Okc • •• re-
sponded and the
'PCVP, a visiting vol-
unteer program that
provides "that extra
touch" was launched.
A very respected
volunteer and one of .
the , original gradu- ,
aces, Deanna Bruck, became the co-
ordinator in 1995. She oversaw the
enhancement of services with the
addition of bereavement suppun
visits for families and encouraging
hx:al long -term -care facilities to ac-
cept volunteers.
The " Snowllakc Ball" .is the .
name' <if ails - year~ semi- ,
jlnnal. The Snowtiakc•,Ball
will he on• i'hurstlay. Deceln
her 1.1 •]-i.kels are 5111)111 ,i
t'(inlhlc with .i donation of., int..
i::pinc(1-good each. Tickets will
-. he 110 sale (turnip Junch hours
on the tvevk .11 ` the sero:
tiarnr,al -.o ,ask your .;wren)-
inion' - - - -
Upcoming -events - -
' Wrehir'scatc. Wernher (,
.Vlidtcnil reports ctime.,wt .
• • .Vot'enther _'X. 2(J ..
' 9.H.D.H.S..senior hogs. basket- -
1 flail tournament •
Gradiatmun . photos . I sign up - i•
al)ead ,il; lithe in the main ',d.
litcl ::r•- - i tC 7 .
.' Trtr'.rrluv. December ' • Jan-
-tor- and senior tris Huron-
• Perth \II Stair basketball
game atSt.:Mike, , . 1
tvednesday. Dere, dor, _3 -
Buvs hasketball rocs to.Cerl-
i trill Huron ' V ;
May 29 OSAII) •\s,sernhly:'' '
tilr Grades 11. and 12: • -
Jane l Outdoor
Concert. Everyone. welcome . '
Bring a lawn chair.. - .' ''
Jane 2 - Concert Baird :mar
Choir 1o,C{mad:)'.i Wonder-
Dianne Fauhert, Donna Hoffman.
Wendy O'Cppnor. Nancy Rader...
Dolores 'Tighe and Bette Tufts are
also members of the original gradu-
ating class. •
More than 235 people have re-
ceived the benefits of, the galls of
time and sharing by more than 40
'trained volunteers til the South Hu-
ron and Grand Bend areas.
Over the past live years. local in-
dividuals and service clubs in-
cluding the Huron
United Way and the
Grand Bend Rotary ,
Club provided ti
nancial support.
Ninety per cent of the
program's funding
comes irom local do-
nations with the Min-
istry of Heald) kick
ing in the rCtllatl uI
ng part of
PCVP has
n a most
10 per cent.
"In the past' live. years. i've had ,i
nuutber.of clients who are no lung-
er here but who have touched my
life in a way 1 will never forget,"
Becker said to summarise the an-
Clown speaks at Kippen WI meeting
KIPPt- r - Marlene Bell and
Helen MacLean hosted the Kippen
East W.I. meeting at Bell's home
on November 18 at 2 pain.
President Grace Drummond read
a puetn written by a grade seven
girl entitled "l Dunt Remember".
'Eleven members answered the
roll call by saying how they con-
tributed to the food grains hank.
Hilda Payne reported on the Fall
District board meeting and Grace
Drummond reported on the Area
Lil McLellan introduced speaker
Knobby the Clown. She told the
group how she always wanted to be
a clown and when the opportunity
came to go to school. she went.
Knobby is a caring down and to
bring smiles to children's faces is
very rewarding. She said hugs
should be a big part of everyone's
Grace Eyre and Lil McLellan
served lunch.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. •
Applications =invited from interested citizens in:
Bianshard Township
. Town of Exeter
Usbome Township
Any person residing in Usbome Township, Exeter or South
Perth, who is interested . in . serving • as a joint
Representative to the Ausable Bayfield Conservation
Authority. Applicants are requested to phone or submit
applications to the Selection' Committee by Monday,
December 15, 1997 at.12:00 noon.: -
The joint representative will be " expected to attend
meetings of-the-Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority
Board and report to the three Councils on a -regular
basis. The appointment commences February 19, 1998 ,
'with the Annual Meeting. - • -
Applicants are asked -to reply to the " Selection Committee
-at the a address below:." -
Selection Committee -
Sandra Strang, Clerk
• . Township of tJsborne
R,R. 113 •
. EXETER, Ontario -NOM 1S5
Alternatively phone - Usborne - 235-2900
Exeter - 235-0310
• Perth -South - 229-8707 -
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
TUCKERSMITH - • TARE NOTICE NOTICE that the Council of tire Corporation of the County -of
Huron will hold a public meeting on Tuesday. December 16, 1897 at
8100 p.m. in the Townshipbf mckersmitti Municipal Office in yanastra
totonsider;a inoposed Official Plap Aniendrnent under Seaton t-7 of the
Planning act.
The proposed offictal-plan amendment would amend flection -5. 3. 1..4,
Ishrrplus-severance policies) in the Township of uckersinith Secondary
Plan by the replacement.of Section 5..3, 1. Lill.
The amendment would replace the existing section 5. 3..1. •1 tri. which
states as follows: Thatthere has been no other residence or has been no-
- preolous separation to the original lot as described in Registered Plan f of
Tuelars,nttli f/tnunship." •
• -lite replacement Ober would state as )ollowS: .
-Teat there has been no prectou.s fequi severance in the snhjert propene
• stnee 19711.'. , • i
This .amendment is being considered 1e address'recent situations -where.
surplus resldences,have not .been eligible for severance due to previous
historical -separation. from the •nripinal lot: these separations may have,
occutrr tl many years- prior to severances being issued by Al , County
119701. -In these situations. old school. cemetery or historic settlement
lots made the severance IA -a surplus agricultural residence not in
contormmy with the plan policy. This amendment is intended to addres3
those situations-. This would apply. to. all lands designated 'Agriculture"
in the Township of Tuckersmith:
ANY PERSON may `;ittend the public ineeting •.md/or make written or
verbal representation either in support. or opposition to the proposed
official plan amendment. Written. sntimssions may be forwarded to J.A.
Murray laddress below,. -
If a person or public body tiles a notice of appeal of a decision in respect
-of -off . t • �t (a mens to the Qntario Municipal Board
and does not make oral submissions at a pus c mee n• or titres-not-
tnake written submissions before the proposed otficial.plan amendment.
is .adopted. the Ontario Municipal Hoard may dismiss all or 'part of the
:appeal. •1. . 1 - •
- .
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION,inctuding-the proposed .official pian
atpendment ;and background material is available for inspection during
regular office hours at the office oftile ituron County Planning and
Development. Department, Court House Square. Godericti. between 8:30
:and. -1.:30 p.m.:inforz information, is also available at. the rucketsmith
Totvrdsrilp office; ` .
If you wish to he notified of the adoption of the -proposed oifetal plan
amendment. you trust make written request to the address noted
Dated at the TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH this 24th day. of
November. 1097.-
997.-J.A. Murray. Clerk-Admintstrator
County of Huron
Court House
Goderich, Ontario
Telephone: 524-8394 (Clerk) 5242188 (Planing)
New Brownies. Twelve first year Brownies were enrolled into the Exeter Brownies last week
at the Exeter Lions Youth Centre. Front left: Chelsey Jeffery, Christina Zehetner; second row
left: Stacy Campbell, Kaitlyn Brand, Mirjam Veldman; third row left: Amy Eveland, Stephanie
McVeeney, Brittany Stacey, Lisa Nom, Sandra Gregus; back left: Kelsey Hem and Morgan
Godwin. Brown Owl Brenda Morrisey said her troupe has 21 members this year all aged 7-8,
Exeter Brownies, Girl Guides, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers will be helping the Exet-
er Fire Department with their door-to-door food drive on Dec. 12 from 6:30 p.m. -8 p.m. The
various scouting groups arta asking the public to save a couple non-perishable food items by
their doors for them.