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Tires -Advocate, November 26, 1997
Page 7"
Church auction
Time, Talent
and Treasure
Organizers 9f the Thames,
Road - Elimville United
Church were overwhelmed
with the success of Friday
night's, auction whicf
raised $7,200 for the
church's .oberations.
Looking over•the auction
items' at the Kirkton-
Woodham Corninunity , .1
Centre were front to back:
Peg Hunter Duvar, Rosie'
Yoh and I4etty •
History Book meeting well attended
By Muriel Lewis
Granton correspondent
.GRAN'FON- Seycoral front" Gran-
ton attended the History Book
reeling at the tuwnxhip office in
Lucan on Monday evening. Novem-
he'r:17. Flyers ,have been sem to :all
households ins Biddulph reminding
.everyone that the final date for sub=
'mining your intormatiint at the end
of Noyctnher'i'- fast approaching.
• . About 90 some people enjoyed
.the annual Granton Firemen's Ban
qui:t and; dance ;it the'lirel)all on
Saturday nigh[. November' 22 1:a-
tered ui by UCW Unit 3.. . .
George Westrnan w.is honoured
lirr 45 years in the lire department.
. the. last number of -years as lire
chief. basing -officially retired irtimf
that office as of the end of O(•tuher.
A presentation was also made to
Bill 1..unhourn honohring more
'than twenty years as a firelighter:.
'ihe new chief is John iiainen.
deputy•.chiefAndy Sharp. and the
-caf•tains areMicha, I Junes and Jim
Hardie. •
Congratulations ,to Don and Alice
Irene Wallis who were honoured on
their 25th wedding ;idniversary with
a celebration by their family at the
Kirkton l'ruted Church on Sunday
evening; November 23. Numerous
• Granton relatives and friends at-
tended. r
Some Granton arca ladies attend-
ed the bazaar and luncheon at St.
• James Anglican Church. St. Marys
on Saturday morning. Nov. 22. Get
well wishes are extended to Amelia
Jameson from the Granton commu-
nity who has been indisposed for
the past two weeks.
Al the Granton United Church on
Sunday. November 23 Pastor Nor-
malie Voakes entitled her sermon
'As seen through her eyes'. based
un lessons from 2nd Samuel 20.
and John 18. The Sunday School
class of Michael Dodds presented a
skit about the Thanksgiving tree.
Al Si. Pauls Anglican Church in
Kirkton on Sunday. Rev. Glenda
Meakin celebrated their Holy Eu-
charirt. The message in .keeping
with the Reign of Christ Sunday.
was about finding a closer relation-
ship with -God. Thc lessons were
read.hy Lindsay Cornish and the
ministbr. •
• . _ Granton WI •
• Alma Nicholson was the hostess
for -.the. Granton Womens Institute
on Tuesday' afternoon. Nov. 1.8
commencing with dessert and col=
fee 1.''11 topic w;ls Citizenship ani
Legislation vs hen the roll call was
answered by why. you appreciate
living in Canada and the motto was
'Kind words are 'short to speak hut
their echo is endless' -
Sluriel`Lewis .haired (he meet
urs. opening wuh a reading 'Once
we pass this ..1\' Florence NicRo-
bert convened the program- reading r
an excellent paper. on Citizenship.
Other .readings were ''1'o an old
friend's house'. a quote from a.Sen-
ior''s Rally. ten connnandinents on
how to get- along cyrtl► people. ins
tricky toaster. Grannies gift. grtt X11
the heart and a poem *einem-.
hrance' )vrittelt by Heather West -
She concluded with "a contest on
things the groom would weal arti-
cles were hrought for the Chil-
dren's Hospital of Western Ontario
and a donation was made' to -the r•1H
Club. Muriel gave a report of the
London arca convention and Elsie •
17an.n read a letter from Old Pints -
mouth WI in England. r .
Plans Were r n1tde for the next
meeting in December alter which
the group adjourned'.
Granton •1H Club'
On Thursday., Nov. 20 the'Gran-
tun al 'Or) your own you can db it'
4H club gathered at the luune of
leader Jean McIlhargey and laugh -t
ter Mary. Alter operon with the
4H pledge. Gemtna V.andenhurg
read, the Minute. s and - upconfing '
meetings, were discussed. The roll .
call was answered by what you can
do to prepare meals for your fami-
ly. "Then the group'mutde muffins.
pizza bagels. healthy veggies and
fruit. nutritious and low fat dips .
and strawberry milkshakes. The
steps to prepare food were dis- -
cussed and finally they sampled the
food they had trade. after which
the meeting adjourned.
slelissa'Golan was rhe se:crejan
and reporter.
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Sunbeams meeting this Thursday
Rhoda Rohde
Thames Road correspondent
THAMES RAD -.Rev. Jock
Tolmay lit the Christ Candle as the
church service on Sunday morning
.at Elimville began.
The Introit was sung and Rev.
Jock.gave the welcome and the
Virginia Warwick and -the begin-
ners class recited "God is Love".
Al and Tracey McKnight hrought
their son forward for baptism while
the Sunday School members sang
-"This Little Light"of Mine" assisted
by the choir and the pianist'
Vanessa Bray. i i
Rev: Tolmay baptized' Raymond
James McKnight. son of Al ane?
Tracey McKnight. The choir sang
"Simon. Simon" accompanied by
pianist Marilyn Vandenbthscti.e.
Kristy Bray read scripture.
Thc Sunday Schyol 'members ..
presented a dramatized seihnon and
Erin Richar'ason assisted..
The offering 'was received by
Sunday School' members and gifts
were also received for the
Pride' of Huron,
Rebekah Lodge I'm Calvin Willert and Barb
Christmas Bureau.
Kathy Bray led in the benedic-
tion in unison. •
Upcoming events
On November 27 the Sunbeams
will meet at Thames Road at 9:30
a.m. Grandmothers. or special
friends are invited. Each mom is to
bring some small candies to deco-
rate candy bird houses. Note the
following change of date. On
November 26 at 8 p.m. Sunbeams'
moms are to conte to Thames Road
to prepare the bird houses..
December 7 is White Gift
On December 9 is the U.C.W.
meeting at Thames Road.
_ Group C of the U.C.W. catered
to the Exeter Firemen Christmas
Party at the Fire -Hall. Exeter.
The iUsborne Guild played at the
Exeter -Villa last .Monday evening.
Members of the Usborne Guild
'and their spouses went to
Millington's in Brucefield on
Saturday evening for supper. They
-returned to the home of Ray and
Alice Cann for the evening. -
Several people fora ,phis area
attended the reception and dance
.1 EXETER : They Pride ,of Huron
Rebekah [lodge meeting was held
un November 19 with Nohlc,Grand
Bev Campbell presiding. Gel well
'wishes go out to " Sister [ uella
. Taylor and Sister Mildred
lflmmpson. Next. Hu_ manitarian
euchre will he held in the 'Lodge
hall on Decenther 10. Tickets will
he c►Id an a draw at the Christmas
meeting to raise money for the
district. The. group agreed to help
the Oddfellows with' their' float in
' i they . Sknta .,Cl4us 'parade 1 11n,
. Novemberi29..
The, Lodge will take pan in the
United , Nations Pilgrimage for,
Youth speakoffs on:April 3. '
' NohlelGrand• Campbell's project
is selling ticketson. a beautiful
afghan with proceeds going, + tit+
rirp ru ti 3nirCeilrtus oundation. it
'was idecided that January 7 yyifl he ►
the secret pal night and that on Al
January 23 a Poor, Boy Lunch will
again be' held. 1
.Ferguson who were married at the
Rec. Centre on Saturday evening.
Kay Morley of Exeter. Rill and
'Rhoda Rohde were §unday supper
guests with Ralph and Fran Morley
of Exeter.
A$.$d Tracey McKnight enter-
tained quite a number of family and
friends at their home on Sunday
after tine baptism of their son
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