HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-26, Page 1Under half of student bod
erre classes to demand answers
Hey hot South Huron High School students. Dawn Redmond, Shari Becker, Lynett LeGoff, Melissa Horner, Bobbie -Jo Case, Laura Shergold and Natalie Broom were just a few of the students
who protested outside of Helen Johns' office last Tuesday demanding answers to Bill 160.
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
Chicken Meal
Santa's coming
to Exeter Sat.
Serving Exeter anti sea since 1873
pa;;t ,
4 & 83 Exeter 235-0262
NORTH POLE- A press release
. delivered to the Times -Advocate
this•mornint is a reminder that
Santa Claus will he appearing in
Exeter on Saturday,. Nov. 29.
He will .he the featured guest at
the annual parade. sponsored by the
Lions Club and the Exeter Busi-
ness Association.
. Parade chairman kin Dinncy said
• the parade will begin at noon with
floats lining up on Huron St. East -
prior to the start.:Dinney said any-
` one who wants to have a float in
the parade just has to show up,
"There's no need to register."hc
said cash prizes will he
awarded for floats in three catego-
• - ries: Best overall: best school float
and hest religious theme.
. Four hands will be showing oft
their talents: SHDHS hand: The
Mitchell Legion Band: Seaforth
'Band and the Goderich Laketown
The.paradc will conclude at the
South Huron Rcc Centre where ad-
ditional activities will make it a-fun
afternoon fair the children
The Optimist Club will behold-
. ing a Christmas party beginning at
1:30 p.m. -Children will have a
Chance to meet Santa and get a free
candy hag.
There is also free public skating
from 2 to.4 p.m. •
The parade will he -taped for
broadcast on the local cable sys-
• For additional information con-
tact Jon Dinncy at 235-0173. •
Park lighting
EXETER - The Exeter Lions and
Lioness clubs arc sponsoring the
Lighting of MacNaughton Park Fri-
day evening from 6:45 to 8:00 p.m.
-As well as having a chance to sec
how beautiful the park is this time
of year:those who take in the event
will hear seine pretty good carol-
lirg. Rumor is there's also free re-
Pearen trial
SARNIA - The trial of Cheryl
Suc Pearen. 52, of Grand Bend has
been 'adjourned to April 3. 1998 for
a ruling.•
Pearen is charged with stealing
more than $1.000 from Grand Bend
•United Church between 1987 and
1992. The Crown alleges Pearen
stole more than $150.000 in
cheques made payable to. cash on
the church's accounts and deposit-
ed into her own account between
1987 and 1991 while she was the
church's treasurer.
— With files from the Sarnia Oh -
`Pinning' to be a Brownie
promise...Christina Zehetner, right, gets pinned by Brown
Owl Brenda Morrissey during her.enrollment into the Exeter
Brownies at the Exeter Lions Youth. Centre last week. Mor-
rissey said 12 first year Brownies are enrolled last week for
a total of 21 girls aged 7-8 in the troupe.
Christmas Bureau will be
at Santa Claus Parade
EXETER - Santa's coming to
town and he's going to help
needy kids.
The Huron County Christ-
mas Bureau will be a part this
Saturday's 11 a.m. Santa
Claus Parade.
"People will be walking be-
side the floats so people can
give their donations to them,"
said manager of the Caven
Presbyterian Christmas Bu-
reau Conrad Sitter.
People . can donate non-
perishable food items, cloth-
ing, toys or money to those in
need at the parade.
The bureau will also be at
Trivitt Memorial Church in Ex-
eter on Sunday beginning at
2:30 p.m. where the Exeter
Community Band and Exeter
Community Choir will per-
cause it's part of a cash do-
nation drive.
Sitter believes some peo-
ple are worried the Christ-
mas Bureau will interfere
with the Food Bank and Sal-
vation Army this Christmas,
but he said because the
bureau only helps families
with children in need, It
should not conflict with or-
ganizations who also help
adults and the elderly.
People can drop off
goods for families at the
Caven Presbyterian Church
during the week of Dec. 8-
form. Sitter said all types of
donations are required for to
needy children, but mon- volunteersetary donations would be at
preferred at the concert be-
School boards propose options
for protest -shortened school year
By Kate Monk Teachers are scheduled to receive indepth tech -
T A Reporter nicar training for -computer programs. It was rec-
"ommended the .April 24 P.D. day become an in -
HURON COUNTY - Fewer professional develop- -' structional day.,
merit days, shortened exam schedules and.balancing
the semesters will allow the.local school boards to
adjust to the instructional time lost during the teach-
ers' protest. The school boards in Huron and Perth counties
are working towards a similar model since they
share transportation. -
John McCauley, Superintendent of Education for
the Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate-
eparateSchool Board said they are waiting for a decision
"-from-the-province-on-the number -of- professional de b.curriculum alterations,,.particular in the sec
velopment days that can be dropped from the school ondary panel: -
year. -' c. individual school adjustments to special events
Staff at the HPCRCSSB' have proposed a number andnon-instructional activities; and =
of changes. : d.. nominal adjustments to the length of the school
At the secondary school level, the semesters will day. . ,
he re -arranged to, balance out -the -number of in- The Education Relations Commission. does not
structional days. This will delay the examination' , have a history of intervening to adjust school year
dates to the end of January. As well, the number of calendars for work interruptions of -this. short dura-
' days set aside for exams will be.reduced from m 12 to , tion. -
10. "in 1978,. theitnron County board of that day
The. school year also included two "turn over" made no changes to secondary school schedules fol -
days for, teachers to mark exams and prepare re- ' lowing a 31 -day strike. We have had nine or more
ports.. This will be reduced to one day with the other storm days in some winter periods and have made
day used as an instructional or make-up day. no adjustment to school calendars in either panel,"
"At the elementary level, my. board is facing a.di- director Paul Carroll said in a report to the -trustees.
lemma as far as, the professional_ activity days," The revised 'school year calendars will be sub -
McCauley said. • milted to the Ministry of Education and Training.
He said the board would liketo retain the June
P.D. dates so the schools can work on their plans for.
the next school year.
The Huron County Board of Education is con-
sidering similar measures. Elementary students have
lost eight instructional days and secondary students
have lost 10. Four methods will be used to com-
pensate for lost instruction days:
a. adjustments to the schedule of professional ac-
tivity and examination days;
Exeter council says thanks
Recount puts race even closer
CREDiTON - One vote. That was
all that separated Robert Penschy
from Tom Tomes in the race for the
deputy -reeve's position in Stephen
A recount 'last Wednesday con-
firmed Tom Tomes won the election
558-557. Thanks to the single vote.
Tomes will serve on council for an-
other three years.
The recount also decreased the
margin of victory of Harvey Ratz
over incumbent reeve Bill Weber by
two votes. Raiz won 586-563.
By Kate Monk
T -A Reporter
EXETER - Last Wednesday
night, the Exeter Council expressed
its thanks to the volunteers who'
help make the town tick at the an-
nual appreciation banquet.
Representatives from the Exeter
Business Association, advisory
committees., boards and council as
well as neighboring municipalities
put aside this year's trials and next
year's challenges and celebrated
the year's success.
Mayor Ben Hoogenboom pre-
sented plaques to the retiring coun-
cillors for their -service.
Wendy Boyle was on council for
three years and served on the rec-
reation and cemetery boards.
"It's interesting that so much
hard work could be so much
fun...It must be the people," Boyle
Joe Rider represented council on
the cemetery and fire boards as
well as the planning and South Hu-
ron economic development com-
"h has been a pleasure and priv-
ilege to work for and represent the'
citiicns of Exeter. I'm sure the
town's in good hands," Rider said.
Retiring coun-
cillor "Tom
Hughes, who
• served on council "It's ince
• for three years,
• was not present,at that s
the dinner. • hard wo
Bill Mickle has be S
stepped down of --
ter serving . on flllt...It
council for 17 the p
years including 15
years -as reeve.
Hoogenboom praised Micklc for
the strength he brought to council.
"Bill was a tremendous asset to
the community. He always did his
best. We'll miss Bill. The town will
miss Bill," Hoogenboom said.
Stephen Township Deputy -Reeve
Tom Tomes said Mickle was an in-
telligent speaker who did his -home-
work as Exeter's representative on •
county council.
•Micklc said it will be difficult for
him to step back from council and
• thanked Exeter residents for their
support. •-
• "h has been a tre-
mendous journey:
• I've.. been blessed to •
have. an extremely
good partner in Fran,"
Mickle said.
Mickle said vol-
unteers will need to
' play an• even greater
role in Exeter and en-
couraged everyone to .
work together, to vol-
• unteer. He said every-
one should have the community
spirit of Olga Davis. who has self-
lessly volunteered her time in Exet-
' er for many years. .
"Volunteerism is -very important
in making a town work. 'Council"
won't have money to. do every-,
thing," he 'explained.
o Much
rk could
o much
must be
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