HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 30Page 28 Times -Advocate, November 19,1997
Tea time Volunteers honored at appreciation dinner
The Trlvitt Anglican Women served tea at the Exeter Villa on Monday afternoon. Beatrice
Tate (left) and Ruby Pepper (right) were being served tea by Audrey Bentley while Florence
Gettner was following with the cream and sugar.
By Carmel Sweeney
• Zurich correspondent
ZURICH - About 45 people
attended the bean festival apprecia-
tion dinner at the Dominion Tavern
on Sunday.. The same executive
will be in charge of -next year's
event, president Jody Durand and
main cook Donna Thiel •and their_
A potluck supper will be held
November 20 for the annual meet
ing of the Fair Board. beginning at
6:30 p.m. at the Township Hall.
The meeting will begin at 8 p.m.
Cash calendar winners for the
week of November 16 to 22 were:.
Ed Bezaire, Seaforth, $100; George
Mathonia, RR 2, Zurich, Tara
Bedard and Craig Redrick, Zurich,
Mary Morley. Seaforth, Mike
Ryckman, Zurich, Doug Geoffrey,'
Exeter. Louise Masse, Zurich, $50
Open skating is being offered at
the arena for children and their
families on Saturday and Sunday
afternoons at 1 p. -m. For more
information. phone the arena at
236-4969. Moms and tots can skate
on Mondays.
There will be a parents meeting
for students of St. Boniface and St.
Peter's Catholic Schools on.
.November 19 in the gym beginning
at, 7:30 p.m. with principal Mr.
Kraftcheck. The topic will, be the
gradethree assessment results and
Ontario. curriculum.
An open house was held at the
Mennonite Church fellowship hall
• • on November 8 in honor of newly
weds Jason and Rachel Erb. The
couple_. were married September 13
- in Kitchener. He is the son of Doug
arid Rini Erb.
Anyone wanting to join a 3 -on -3
hockey league over the -age of 19
• are ,to phone Jim Ramer at the
Zurich arena, 236-4969 or nights at
236-7332 for more information. He
is looking for six teams with up to
10 players on each team, three lines
of•three skaters plus -a goalie.
Games will' be played on Sunday
• from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The next Golden Agers card
• parly__wiILbe held -at- the -Township
Hall on November 24 at 7:30 p.m.
The cost-is$2 at the door plus
lunch and door prizes..
The Zurich Cubs travelled to
ARC Industries in Dashwood on
The Girls Club will be meeting
at the Mennonite Church on
November' 21 at 7 p.m": for a
Mystery Supper. Some members of
their parish will he going on a bus
trip November 23 to see a play
"Bethlehem Live."
Percy and Marie Bedard Sr. cele-
brated'their 60th wedding anniver-
sary on November 15 at the Zurich
Community Centre with all their
family attending. There were
Donor options for Christmas Seal campaign
STRATFORD Three and a
half million pieces of mail from.
•The Lung Association, destined to
homes across Ontario. are. at "a'
standstill today at a Canada. Posi.
•butlet. They won't be delivered
white a strike by_ Canada Post
workers is in place. The mail is
part of The Lung' Association's
most Crucial fundraising drive. the
Christmas Seal Campaign.
In an effort to help donors
maintain their commitment to give
to the Christmas Seal Campaign..
The Lung Association is'providing
the following donor options:
••Call The Lung Association
toll-free .at 1-800-668-7682 to
make your donation by credit card.
• Visit the Huron -Perth
Community Office at the Jenny.
Trout Centre. suite 121. 342 Eric
Street, in Strafford during regular
business hours to make your dona-
tion in person.
• Donors who received the
Christmas Seal mail piece ,in
October can.place their donation "
in -the Royal Bank envelope pro-
vided and take it to any branch of
the Royal Bank. The Lung
Association -regrets that the Royal
Bank cannot accept donations
witliout the specific Royal Bank
• Royal Bank customers can_
alsomake a d, nation through
Royal Direct. .
"Every dollar we receive is cru-
cial. We need everyone's
Christmas Seal donations' to run
our many commnity health educa-
tion programs and services and 10
fund vital medical research.' says
Trish MacGregor, volunteer chair
of the board of The Lung
Association, .Huron, -Perth
Counties. "Please don't let the
postal strike be an -excuse not to
For further information about
The Lung Association and the
Christmas Seal Campaign, please
call 519=271-7500..
Avoid Christmas financial hangover
The Christmas rush is upon us
once again. We make our lists.
check them twice,:and-then run out
the door and- rack up the largest
credit card bill of the year' -, many
of 'us. taking until next May to pay
it off, some of us never paying it -
This is certainly a very difficult
time of the year from a financial
point of view. There are, however.
certain step you. can take to avoid
the bills after Christmas. -
Before , you purchase anything,
Paul Sampson,, author of Taming
Personal debt , (McGraw - Hill
Ryerson, 1997), stresses that we
must consider the following:
how much cash have you saved
towards these seasonal expenses?
• how many gifts do you need to
purchase, and for whom?
• how many additional charitable
expenses will you have?
• 'how. much will the company
parties and holiday get-togethers
• how many.other annual bills do
.you have at this tinie ofthe year?
• will you have travel or vacation
expenses over the holiday season?
• keep in mind that RRSP season.
as well as tax time. are just around
the corner. .
Once you have considered these
expenses. it is easier to determine
just how much you can really afford
to spend on gifts..Prepare_a budget
and put a value on each gift, and
stick to your budget. If you are
-creative. perhaps you can make
some gifts. such'as seasonal baskets
or crafts. Though handmade gifts
may take more time. they • can be
substantially less expensive. not to
mention furi to make as well.'
Craft and bake sale
Hensall Minor Hockey held a craft and bake salefund-
raiser on Nov. 15 at the Hensall Community Centre. All
proceeds went to support Hensall Minor Hockey. Show
'Here are two organizers of the event Karen. Campbell,
left, 'and Judy Garniss.
Erik II
to the uoters of Biddulph
for electing Leroy Maguire
to Biddulph Township
It also helps to start yout
.shopping early if you can. "My
wife and I try to do our shopping in
October and November. to spread
sonic of the' expenses over a few
months and avoid the crowds in
December," says Sampson.
If you. consider this advice. you
could have a very nice present for
yourself --• a credit card bill you
can afford to pay off. -
Paul Sampson. Vancouver, B.C.
is the author of Taming Personal
Debt, McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1997.
it a If ra. l 041 li l Ic >< _ list ! a M I X 11:1 lsr •l1• ."
Thank You for your
support on
November I0
Robert ,Drummond
dill 11111111n 11:111 rai' 'g Ca !'i's a s n 1Tr i mi l im it st
approximately 150 people to help
them celebrate the occasion. They
also held a pre -Christmas party. .
Arnold and . Coby
Vandenboomen celebrated their
40th anniversary on Saturday at the
Dashwood Community Centre with
family and friends. Family mem-
bers from Hollandalso attended.
Maurice and Florence Denomme
.held.an open house at the Blue
Water Rest Home in Zurich on
November 15 to celebrate their
65th anniversary.
Happy 15th anniversary to Cathy;
and Rick Skinner on November 20.
Tony and Adeline Denomme cel-
ebrated their 56th anniversary on
October 25. •
A surprise birthday party was
held for Keith Thiel on November
15 in Windsor at -the home of his
daughter Carolyn and Dave Stark.
Son Randy and. Karen Thiel.
Dashwood and brother, Glen and
Donna Thiel were also there to sur-
prise him for supper at the "Top
Hat" in Windsor.
Carmel Sweeney spent Saturday
and Sunday in Windsor visiting.her
aunt. Eleanor Cecile, now in
I.O.D.E. Hospital. Sweeney spent
the night with a friend Roxic
Michalski and family. • •
Special happy 94th birthday
wishes go to•Josephine Dietrich on
November 22.
Nora Corriveau of the Spruce
Villa Apartments, along with
daughter Julie and Mozart Gelinas
Jr. recently attended a surprise
birthday party/supper held in
London at the Harmony Buffet.
A surprise baby shower was held
for Cathy Clausius (nee Overholt)
of Exeter recently at the home of
her sister Patti Geoffrey with sever-
al relatives attending.
A baby shower was also held for;
her in Grand Bend with her girl
friends attending.
I would like to
thank the voters in
Hensall for their
support in my bid
for council.
Greg Da yrnan
Township of Stanley
Thank you to all the voters who
supported me at the polls. Your
vote was appreciated.
Jack Coleman
To the electorate of Stephen Township
Thank you to everyone who came out
to vote for me at the Municipal
Election on Monday, November 10:
I truly appreciate your support.
Robert Pertschy
.Many Thanks
To Town of Exeter Voters
for your support Nov, 10th
. Dan Traquairl,
74444 yea
To the 1263 voters who voted in the Stephen Township
election. A. very much appreciated THANK YOU to those 586
voters who voted for me, electing me to be your reeve for the
next three years. To the approximately 3700 voters in Stephen
Township, I will try and represent and help you with your
concerns. and questions for the next. three years. For any
concerns, comments, or questions pleasephone me at 237-3694.
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