HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 24to NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Ri's Service Center 14 William St. Crediton We service all makes and models. Trucks, cars and farm equipment Safety Inspection Station Ron Harvey 234-6505 Heavy duty class A mechani Times -Advocate, November 19, 1997 CLASSIFIE:cls,5-1331 I O i'I.ACF: YOUR Al) 231 -If I 23-0766 ..11111111011L. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 DEADLINES: MONDAYS 4 P.M. PHONE FOR DETAILS Get Results With Our $11 Super Ad* Or We'II Repeat Your Ad Up To Another Seven Times At No Charge • FOR SALE ITEMS ONLY ONE ITEM PER AD • Private pon-commerc/a/ ads only * All Super Ads must be prepaid OFFICE HOURS; MONDAY TO FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3 Situations Wanted 2 MOMS will care for pre-schoolers in our home.. Lots of toys, limited television, nutritious meals and snacks, smoke-free. Call 235-1884. (46.47) 4 Help Wanted NEEDED IMMEDIATELY - Someone to work on a large swine operation. Willing to train the right person. Phone (5 9) 655-2942 or Fax 655-3404. (47x) The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employment ad- vertisements. Be certair you are _dealing .with a. reputable.. company.before releasing ahy credit card information. Re- member... if any- advertise- ment mounds too good to be true. it. Is. I'Ili':-I':SII) tl k I_LS WORD ADS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Additional 15e charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births. Deaths, Announcements, Coming Events, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge e t5- Additional I 5 charge for each word over s maximum * BASED ON 52.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Borcieredie Monthly Ads Rates available on request . PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with identification). Money Order, Visa and Mastercard are accepted * PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FiRST DAY iT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT iT iS CORRECT 4 Help Wanted REQUIRED PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES - For various duties including assembly of funuture components. Previous building or cahtnetry experience may be an asset. Please apply with your resume in person to: Casual industries Inc. Hwy. 83 (Between Dashwood and 21 Hwy.), Grand Bend, Ont. Resumes will also he received by FAX at 519-238-5935. No phone calls please. (47.48c1 Help Wanted. Now hiring for the following: process engineer: Aggressive individual with attention to detail. Preparation and maintenance of processes. Job estimates. tracking of. current and: • new jobs. Maintenance of billings. •rodt!ngs. standards and costs in 2 machining environment. To41 Crlti Buver. Background. in purchasing. Tool crib knowledge a must. Emergency expediting. Computer experience. Excel Spread sheet. Excellent customer service in a manufacturing environment To apply please fax resume. references and salary expectations to Temp -Ted. Employment Services. 519-263-6117. c -v6 RN for south VON Huron County CANADA * Current registration with the College of Nurses * Minimum 2 years clinical experience * Excellent teaching and, assessment skills ' * Current Drivers license * Community experience an asset * Must be able to offer flexible hours of'work Send or Fax Resume to: Lynne McDonald VON Perth -Huron 101 Shakespeare Street, Stratford, ON N5A 3W5 (519) 271-7612 Lby November 28, 1997] ENALL The following Village of Hensall Committees have vacancies: .Parks Board (2) positions Economic Development Committee (2) positions Committee of Adjustment (1) position Anyone interested in serving on one of these committees, should contact the Village Office 262-2812 by Wednesday, December 3 - 5 p.m. C_ 1 ",\`- Sl1.11.1) (1(13 ( IFC Rf\I Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! 1. NAME ADDRESS DATES TO RUN: PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO Expiry SIGNATURE 4 Hetp Wanted ATTENDANT CAREGIVERS - Part-time live-in duty possibly I-2.days/week. Will train. Please apply- .to Med-i-Carer Suite 104-342 Erie St. Stratford, ON N5A 2N4. Fax 5I9 -273.5370.(47c) PART-TIME CLERK •: One houf developing. Apply in writing only. Apply in handwnting. Jervis Photo Inc. Box 1840, Exeter, Ont. NOM IS7. (44-47c) MiNK GRADING -AND PELTING - No experience necessary. Fulttime until Christmas. Please call 229-8885 between 5 and 7 p.m. (46,47c) . HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED to cover maternity leave. Apprentices welcome. Apply'in person with resume to. Eclipse. 50 Thames Rd. Exeter (valu-mart plan} (47c) 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-hy electridity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor •Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tf n) Sao* i)'Ii Commercial or Residential CaII Carl Gower 229-6542 ' fiL43- 11 (.f 6 Services we make things sparkle JULIE GODWIN SHAR11108INSON 235-1149 263-2818 LAWN & GARDEN CARE • SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Exeter 235-II2. (3tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St., 1l Tate Bros. Custom Cabinetry ... Handcrafted wood furniture of every description .,. Custom built cabinets and doors Solids and raised 235-0414 ' 1 The Handyman * Total Renovations * Corrtplete residential & Commercial Renovations One Call Does it All! No job too. small Quality work at Reasonable Prices Seniors Discount Call Tim: Bus. 519-235-1098 Res. 519.235-4328 •l tnt SECURITY SYSTEMS -HOME - FARM - OFFICE 24 HOUR MONITORING • CLOSE CIRCUIT TV - MEDICAL ALERT • HOME AUTOMATION • SMOKE DETECTORS • CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS - HIGH/LOW TEMP. CONTROLS CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Toll Free: 1-800-440-3387 Fax 1-519-243-2544 "The Property Protection People" •0 • ell STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SiNCE 1971. IUCAN, ONT. Jet Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 ELECTRICIANS & PLUMBERS REQUIRED (Interested In an apprenticeship or currently enrolled in an apprenticeship program) Send Resume to; J.M.R. Electric Ltd. 137 Thames Road East Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 Applications available or fax resume to 519-235-0507 (No phone calls please) I . l 1 2 Found dost, yed s 'I 3 Situations Wanted Help Wan 1 6 Sery{Ce* ted 7 Li / r Livestock e 8 %C e ; g S ann Machinery 1 i 11 Cuts htCl-�ment. Veh. 72 ' e Pets e /h3 ents Pe pliances, Television s Personal r ' 16 For Sale . . Page 23 s 17 Wanted to Bu 9 Wanted y s .20 pperty For Sale t 21 For Re t ty for Rent 24 p23 W�antteed to22 For Sale rRentt 25 Noti ' nrty Wanted ces i 26 Legal Nr 27 Tendersed 1120 Yard on and Gara$e Sales 6 Services 6 Services f N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Soil Excavating - Dozing - Trucking Driveways - Parking Lots - Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc.. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235-0925 (Office) 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter CLASSIFIED MAR KETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" TORONTO CHRISTMAS TRAiN SHOW. Nov. 29/30. Saturday noon -bpm. Sunday 11am-5pm. International Centre. 6900 Airport Road. Messrs- sauga. gperafing layouts. displays. clinics. ven- dors. A show for the lamuly, rail buff and model railroader! CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. DOLL AND TEDDY BEAR SHOW, Sunday Nov. 30, 10am-4pm. Sea- way Trade Centre/ 65 Skyway Avenue. DixorvHwy. 27), Elo0e oke. Antique collectele. artist dolls, teddy bears. collectible holiday deco- rabons. miniatures and more! WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs. prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Spe- cial care taken n harvesting. Pannell Veneer Co. Ltd. est. 1927, 340 Louisa SI.. Kitchener (519)742-5887. • GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government auatance programs information evadable. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the govern- ment grants and bans. Cal 1.800.915-3615. CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Huge earning poten- ttat'sernang the explosive Christian market with today's technology. Home.based. Ful! Ironing and support. Cal 1-800-663.7326. - FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION BRO- KER. Canada's fastest growtn4 franchise. No inventory. No staff. Low overhead. Computer generates none 24 horns per day. 1-888-889- 1010. COLLECT -CASH. Coke. Pepsi. Hostess, MBM, Cadbury. etc. Restock established torque ven- dors n your area. No seam, fttl-tine, part-time. Minimum investment 513.980. 1-800-546-2799 (24 hours). Member 8.0.0. INTERNET EXPLOSION! 8186 BILLION by 20001 Revolvtona y system. Seize it Appy now for the world's fastest growing INTERNET Fran- chise.Investment muted. 888-678.7588. HAVE YOU GOT A SMALL BUSINESS or inde- pendent glass shop. Need an Edge. We have exclusive territories available . PATENTED PRO- TECTED. We are supported by a multi million dollar International Corporation. Cal toll tree al 1- 803-219-8804, coiled 807-857-2579. THE FUTURE has arrived in Canada! Surf the Internet !nom your TV. Join the prosperous busi- ness. Tire is your, chance to be Fnandaly Free! 1.800-988.7600 or 1.360.992.0868 collect. GREAuf CANADIAN Dolor Store franchise oppor- turMy. 865,000. • $70.000. nvesenuN (ndudng stock). P.O. Box 825, Duncan, BC, V91.3Y2. 250-748-1090. Fax 250-748-5096. Mr. Ouches - nay: Ontano"Quebec phone 1.888.829-0521. YOUR OWN health busness. American buS*Ae of Natural Saences Oilers Home Study Diploma Courses in Health, Business Nutrition, Aro• malnropy, Magnetic Therapy, Ailrology, Alcohol 8 Drug Counseling. Miry more. Free prospectus 1.888-518.1212. www.teins.com. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES! Learn income lex preparation or bask bookkeeping. Tu deducible cedilla* courses by Mine study. For Iris biochips, no obfgaYonr =tact U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, M(3, R3T 286. 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about free franchise termones now available, BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... wen our great home -study course. Cal today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Wring School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Stile 2942. Naas, ON 1(11. 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING'instutute :1 Canaria offers on -campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice. to begin this month. Free catalogue. call 24hrs. I- 800-665-7044 THE BEST COMPUTER. the Best Price. Dekv- ered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just 879.00 per month. No Money Down For Tyman- nus loaded 166MMX Mutumeda Package: 166 MMX, Motorola 56.6 FaxiModem, Stereo sur- roundsound. dotal full -motion video, 3.2 GB H0. 24X CO ROM. full colour 14 non monitor. .oaded current software !tat is too long for this ad. call esu') Instant credit approval available right over the phone! Caul 1-800-551-3434. To ordenmore info. rlainiflgowomr EXPERIENCED OVERHEAD Crane Technicians. required. Edmonton. Calgary, Prince George. B.C. Duties-lnpectiorvrrpatrs in mnes/mill;/lac- tortes. Fax resume: Crane Pro Service 1.604- 521.4161. Tran n Ontario. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL Exchange - Agds 18 • 30 with agricultural exbertence to lrvework with family in Australia. New Zealand. Europe, Japan. Costsldelads - 1-800.263.1827. • Calgary, Alberta. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks. beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, RAI 2. Kilworthy, Orland POE I GO. ATTENTION: MOM & Others. We pay you to lose weight! Wanted 49 people to look and feel good before Christmas. Call 1.800.732.0374. wwwnewbody.bc.ca for free booklet - CASE -IH DEALER REQUIRES quakfied agricul- tural mechanic, combine knowledge a plus. Good wages, plus benekts. Fax resume to: Somerville Farm Equipment 705-429-2127. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Noting 10 pay n advance. Fast delivery 1.800- 383.3589. HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENTS, ORTHOPAEDIC, Cardiovascular/Neurosurgery, 'Bloodless- Gamma Knde, MRVCT. Top American facriibes. Travel autstertce, package rates. MedResource Canada (Toronto). (800)395.8851. e-mail: m e m8allertog.cdm. STEEL BUILOINGS...Clearance Special. Con- struction and Leasing available. 20 x 14 x 30 $3,688.00. 25 x 14x30 53,988.00. 30 x 14x40 55,944.00. 40 x 60 89,688.00. 40 x, 80 812,244.00. 50 x 100 821,566.00. 60 x 120 $28.900.00. Others. Pioneer 1.800-668.5422. GULF -FRONT VACATION PARADISE. Penins City Beach, Floods Luxurious 1.2,3 bedroom suds, indoor Mated pool, tennis and mots. Snowbird activities, exlerhded stay discounts. 1- 800-874.8823. CLUB PARADISE. North Americas largest doli- ng optionaVnudul resort at Parades Lake just rlorth of Tampa. Condos. hotel rooms/suites. pools, bars, ele. 800.237-2228 „ew.peradlae- !ekes Dom CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words Sets of numerals as for sena! numbers. street numbers, phone - numbers or pnces count as one word per set. Words joined by hy- phens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words S9 00 1 aper word thereafter SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 20 words 56.00. 15c per word there after. BIRTHS •- 30 words $11.00. 15c per word thereafter. . MARRIAGES - Engage'ments. Death Notices - 20 words $1 1 00 each additional word 1 5c IN MEMORIAMS - S11.00 plus 25c per ;Ine of verse. COMING EVENTS •- 30 words S1 1 00. each additional word 15c. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF . THANKS - 30 words $11 00. additional words 10e each. S2.00 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED ABOVE FOR PREPAYMENT WEDDINGS & ENGAGEMENTS With picture - 525.50. GRADUATES with picture - 510.50 PHOTO REPRINTS 5x7 $8.00 8x10 . 59.00 SEMI -DISPLAY FiRST INSERTION - $10.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS 58.00 per column inch. :minimum size in this category 1 inch Accepted in multiples 01 halt inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. SUPER ADS $11.00 Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advemsng n the Tmes•AdvCcate •s accepted -..in cocoa., that. n the event of a typogrepn.Cat erroe'rhat Deman of the advertrsng spec* occu. :vac by the erroneous +tem, together wet reas0n- abue aaowenca for synature. w.11 es rerun n a subsequent Owe as a make good at'no charge. *Mite the balanced the adve,rsemenl wet be MA 'or at an amicable rate. 1n the event of a 'ypographaal error advertsng goods or services at a wrong m.ce. goods or services may mol be see *Diems 09 s an offer to sea and may be wtbdraw) at any tete Any errors must be IC• • tnowredged wehrn seven (My! of tiublcaton.• smAd01,0- The Tes-vOcale'eserves the pnvifege 0i ‘054,9 >t telecing adsetIMrlents that 4 conaro. Off Ob,acrbnab4 and tp change the c s ssnccaI.on ' 01 any advemrsemNN from.thal Ordered to con- 'orm t0 the p0*1 y 0f trim newspaper. Contents are protected by copyirght • Reproduction of any marmot +velour the permrssan of the pubtrahm. ,s lorbdden. Adverhsers purchase spec* and C"Cule0On only Ai rgbts to any adnMhsements produced by the Times -Advocate. usng artwork. typography or Or.clograpls arranged for by me newspaper shall be the ploperry of the Tenes•Advocele 140 such ad or any part thereof may be rl9lOduc'ed Or *L WNW opioid antler) Consent of the Times • Advocate STATEMENT OF POLICY The Times -Advocate .s not responsA4 Ion errors In aavenraamerw nor submeted n timbre form. nor for mote than a see* 4Xerred nsertgn of the! adverbwroM Phone 235-1331 Ise your VISA or MASTER - CARD and Save 52.00 I'Ili':-I':SII) tl k I_LS WORD ADS -20 word maximum 1 insertion $7.49 2 insertions $13.91 3 insertions $20.33 Additional 15e charge for each word over maximum NOTICES - 30 word maximum (Births. Deaths, Announcements, Coming Events, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks) 1 insertion $9.63 2 insertions $21.40 3 insertion No Charge e t5- Additional I 5 charge for each word over s maximum * BASED ON 52.00 DISCOUNT FOR PREPAYMENT Borcieredie Monthly Ads Rates available on request . PAYMENT Cash. Cheque (with identification). Money Order, Visa and Mastercard are accepted * PLEASE CHECK YOUR AD THE FiRST DAY iT APPEARS TO ENSURE THAT iT iS CORRECT 4 Help Wanted REQUIRED PRODUCTION EMPLOYEES - For various duties including assembly of funuture components. Previous building or cahtnetry experience may be an asset. Please apply with your resume in person to: Casual industries Inc. Hwy. 83 (Between Dashwood and 21 Hwy.), Grand Bend, Ont. Resumes will also he received by FAX at 519-238-5935. No phone calls please. (47.48c1 Help Wanted. Now hiring for the following: process engineer: Aggressive individual with attention to detail. Preparation and maintenance of processes. Job estimates. tracking of. current and: • new jobs. Maintenance of billings. •rodt!ngs. standards and costs in 2 machining environment. To41 Crlti Buver. Background. in purchasing. Tool crib knowledge a must. Emergency expediting. Computer experience. Excel Spread sheet. Excellent customer service in a manufacturing environment To apply please fax resume. references and salary expectations to Temp -Ted. Employment Services. 519-263-6117. c -v6 RN for south VON Huron County CANADA * Current registration with the College of Nurses * Minimum 2 years clinical experience * Excellent teaching and, assessment skills ' * Current Drivers license * Community experience an asset * Must be able to offer flexible hours of'work Send or Fax Resume to: Lynne McDonald VON Perth -Huron 101 Shakespeare Street, Stratford, ON N5A 3W5 (519) 271-7612 Lby November 28, 1997] ENALL The following Village of Hensall Committees have vacancies: .Parks Board (2) positions Economic Development Committee (2) positions Committee of Adjustment (1) position Anyone interested in serving on one of these committees, should contact the Village Office 262-2812 by Wednesday, December 3 - 5 p.m. C_ 1 ",\`- Sl1.11.1) (1(13 ( IFC Rf\I Please print one word per space. The rate* is shown on the left. REMEMBER! THE MORE YOU TELL, THE MORE YOU SELL! 1. NAME ADDRESS DATES TO RUN: PHONE: METHOD OF PAYMENT: Visa MasterCard Cheque CREDIT CARD NO Expiry SIGNATURE 4 Hetp Wanted ATTENDANT CAREGIVERS - Part-time live-in duty possibly I-2.days/week. Will train. Please apply- .to Med-i-Carer Suite 104-342 Erie St. Stratford, ON N5A 2N4. Fax 5I9 -273.5370.(47c) PART-TIME CLERK •: One houf developing. Apply in writing only. Apply in handwnting. Jervis Photo Inc. Box 1840, Exeter, Ont. NOM IS7. (44-47c) MiNK GRADING -AND PELTING - No experience necessary. Fulttime until Christmas. Please call 229-8885 between 5 and 7 p.m. (46,47c) . HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED to cover maternity leave. Apprentices welcome. Apply'in person with resume to. Eclipse. 50 Thames Rd. Exeter (valu-mart plan} (47c) 6 Services FOR PRIME POWER and stand-hy electridity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor •Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936. Phone 519-655-2396. (30tf n) Sao* i)'Ii Commercial or Residential CaII Carl Gower 229-6542 ' fiL43- 11 (.f 6 Services we make things sparkle JULIE GODWIN SHAR11108INSON 235-1149 263-2818 LAWN & GARDEN CARE • SNOWBLOWING Laverne McCarter 235-1062 Exeter 235-II2. (3tfn) QUALITY PHOTO FINISHING and custom framing and now 5 minute enlargements. Jervis Photography. Main St., 1l Tate Bros. Custom Cabinetry ... Handcrafted wood furniture of every description .,. Custom built cabinets and doors Solids and raised 235-0414 ' 1 The Handyman * Total Renovations * Corrtplete residential & Commercial Renovations One Call Does it All! No job too. small Quality work at Reasonable Prices Seniors Discount Call Tim: Bus. 519-235-1098 Res. 519.235-4328 •l tnt SECURITY SYSTEMS -HOME - FARM - OFFICE 24 HOUR MONITORING • CLOSE CIRCUIT TV - MEDICAL ALERT • HOME AUTOMATION • SMOKE DETECTORS • CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS - HIGH/LOW TEMP. CONTROLS CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Toll Free: 1-800-440-3387 Fax 1-519-243-2544 "The Property Protection People" •0 • ell STEWARTS HOME RENOVATIONS SiNCE 1971. IUCAN, ONT. Jet Florida rooms, build & design additions, windows, roof coatings, self storing retractable fabric awnings for decks and windows FREE ESTIMATES (519) 227-4033 ELECTRICIANS & PLUMBERS REQUIRED (Interested In an apprenticeship or currently enrolled in an apprenticeship program) Send Resume to; J.M.R. Electric Ltd. 137 Thames Road East Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S3 Applications available or fax resume to 519-235-0507 (No phone calls please) I . l 1 2 Found dost, yed s 'I 3 Situations Wanted Help Wan 1 6 Sery{Ce* ted 7 Li / r Livestock e 8 %C e ; g S ann Machinery 1 i 11 Cuts htCl-�ment. Veh. 72 ' e Pets e /h3 ents Pe pliances, Television s Personal r ' 16 For Sale . . Page 23 s 17 Wanted to Bu 9 Wanted y s .20 pperty For Sale t 21 For Re t ty for Rent 24 p23 W�antteed to22 For Sale rRentt 25 Noti ' nrty Wanted ces i 26 Legal Nr 27 Tendersed 1120 Yard on and Gara$e Sales 6 Services 6 Services f N.C. JONES & SONS LTD. Sand - Gravel - Stone - Top Soil Excavating - Dozing - Trucking Driveways - Parking Lots - Ponds - Site Preparation Clean-up of Barns, Houses, Foundations, Silo's etc.. Call for an estimate (519) 235-2489 (Shop) 235-0925 (Office) 235-2815 (Res.) Exeter CLASSIFIED MAR KETPLACE 'Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" TORONTO CHRISTMAS TRAiN SHOW. Nov. 29/30. Saturday noon -bpm. Sunday 11am-5pm. International Centre. 6900 Airport Road. Messrs- sauga. gperafing layouts. displays. clinics. ven- dors. A show for the lamuly, rail buff and model railroader! CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY. DOLL AND TEDDY BEAR SHOW, Sunday Nov. 30, 10am-4pm. Sea- way Trade Centre/ 65 Skyway Avenue. DixorvHwy. 27), Elo0e oke. Antique collectele. artist dolls, teddy bears. collectible holiday deco- rabons. miniatures and more! WANTED: HARDWOOD LOGS. Prompt payment for hardwood logs. prepayment for timber stands. Veneer log prices. Provincially licensed tree markers and certified equipment operators. Spe- cial care taken n harvesting. Pannell Veneer Co. Ltd. est. 1927, 340 Louisa SI.. Kitchener (519)742-5887. • GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government auatance programs information evadable. For your new or existing business. Take advantage of the govern- ment grants and bans. Cal 1.800.915-3615. CHRISTIAN FRANCHISE. Huge earning poten- ttat'sernang the explosive Christian market with today's technology. Home.based. Ful! Ironing and support. Cal 1-800-663.7326. - FORTUNES MADE AS INFORMATION BRO- KER. Canada's fastest growtn4 franchise. No inventory. No staff. Low overhead. Computer generates none 24 horns per day. 1-888-889- 1010. COLLECT -CASH. Coke. Pepsi. Hostess, MBM, Cadbury. etc. Restock established torque ven- dors n your area. No seam, fttl-tine, part-time. Minimum investment 513.980. 1-800-546-2799 (24 hours). Member 8.0.0. INTERNET EXPLOSION! 8186 BILLION by 20001 Revolvtona y system. Seize it Appy now for the world's fastest growing INTERNET Fran- chise.Investment muted. 888-678.7588. HAVE YOU GOT A SMALL BUSINESS or inde- pendent glass shop. Need an Edge. We have exclusive territories available . PATENTED PRO- TECTED. We are supported by a multi million dollar International Corporation. Cal toll tree al 1- 803-219-8804, coiled 807-857-2579. THE FUTURE has arrived in Canada! Surf the Internet !nom your TV. Join the prosperous busi- ness. Tire is your, chance to be Fnandaly Free! 1.800-988.7600 or 1.360.992.0868 collect. GREAuf CANADIAN Dolor Store franchise oppor- turMy. 865,000. • $70.000. nvesenuN (ndudng stock). P.O. Box 825, Duncan, BC, V91.3Y2. 250-748-1090. Fax 250-748-5096. Mr. Ouches - nay: Ontano"Quebec phone 1.888.829-0521. YOUR OWN health busness. American buS*Ae of Natural Saences Oilers Home Study Diploma Courses in Health, Business Nutrition, Aro• malnropy, Magnetic Therapy, Ailrology, Alcohol 8 Drug Counseling. Miry more. Free prospectus 1.888-518.1212. www.teins.com. MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES! Learn income lex preparation or bask bookkeeping. Tu deducible cedilla* courses by Mine study. For Iris biochips, no obfgaYonr =tact U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, M(3, R3T 286. 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about free franchise termones now available, BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER... wen our great home -study course. Cal today for your FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Wring School, 38 McArthur Avenue, Stile 2942. Naas, ON 1(11. 6R2. COUNSELLOR TRAINING'instutute :1 Canaria offers on -campus and correspondence courses toward a Diploma in Counselling Practice. to begin this month. Free catalogue. call 24hrs. I- 800-665-7044 THE BEST COMPUTER. the Best Price. Dekv- ered right to your door anywhere in Canada! Just 879.00 per month. No Money Down For Tyman- nus loaded 166MMX Mutumeda Package: 166 MMX, Motorola 56.6 FaxiModem, Stereo sur- roundsound. dotal full -motion video, 3.2 GB H0. 24X CO ROM. full colour 14 non monitor. .oaded current software !tat is too long for this ad. call esu') Instant credit approval available right over the phone! Caul 1-800-551-3434. To ordenmore info. rlainiflgowomr EXPERIENCED OVERHEAD Crane Technicians. required. Edmonton. Calgary, Prince George. B.C. Duties-lnpectiorvrrpatrs in mnes/mill;/lac- tortes. Fax resume: Crane Pro Service 1.604- 521.4161. Tran n Ontario. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL Exchange - Agds 18 • 30 with agricultural exbertence to lrvework with family in Australia. New Zealand. Europe, Japan. Costsldelads - 1-800.263.1827. • Calgary, Alberta. SAWMILL $4895 SAW LOGS INTO BOARDS, planks. beams. Large capacity. Best sawmill value anywhere. Free information 1-800-566- 6899. Norwood Sawmills, RAI 2. Kilworthy, Orland POE I GO. ATTENTION: MOM & Others. We pay you to lose weight! Wanted 49 people to look and feel good before Christmas. Call 1.800.732.0374. wwwnewbody.bc.ca for free booklet - CASE -IH DEALER REQUIRES quakfied agricul- tural mechanic, combine knowledge a plus. Good wages, plus benekts. Fax resume to: Somerville Farm Equipment 705-429-2127. $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars. New products available. Noting 10 pay n advance. Fast delivery 1.800- 383.3589. HIP/KNEE REPLACEMENTS, ORTHOPAEDIC, Cardiovascular/Neurosurgery, 'Bloodless- Gamma Knde, MRVCT. Top American facriibes. Travel autstertce, package rates. MedResource Canada (Toronto). (800)395.8851. e-mail: m e m8allertog.cdm. STEEL BUILOINGS...Clearance Special. 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