HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 23Page 22 Times -Advocate; November 19, 1997 irexixdr- wassowerats-,-,- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A change for the better? "If this bill is truly benign, then why is so much of it devoted to central- • izing final authority...11 Dear Editor: 1 ata beginning to realiie the real relationship. between Bill 160 and Mikc Harris's Common Cents Revolution - money. The more I learn about BiII 160. and the extent of its possible implications. the' more suspicious 1 become of'this Government's - intentions to actually change our children's public` education for the better. i don't doubt their intent to -. change the system. We all heard and saw Harris's Tv fireside chats. and his soothing mantra about smaller classes. more ctas.ruon►•time. more parental input. ri . if this hill istruly benign. then why. is so much of it dc►utcd to centralizing final authority, and elimi-. mating the appeals process lir lawsuits by any of the parties actually invorlyd? (i.e. Parents. teachers. or students.) Why do they need to limit liability in such a draconian fashion? What's really going on here? You don't reinforce the walls of your fortress with concrete and barbed wire, stock the moat with croctl: doles. heat the boiling oil and raise the -draw bridge. if you intend to sign a peace treaty. Those are the actions of an attack this government is intending to launch on our educational system. They plan to remain safely behind the fortress walls of Parliament until the requisite dollars have heen.chopped from public education. - By then. some schools may have been closed or sold to private groups. Parents in upper -Middle-class suburbs shouldn't feet too complacent about this either. Any group seeking to Set up another version of Upper Canada College isn't going to purchase a run-down inner-city school. Public and Separate School systems•will prohahly have been merged. • Handicapped children may be exiled to separate institutions, away from their families and communi- ty: But Bill 160 will ensure that this government's fortress walls will not crumble. and'democracy will not be allowed to interfere with this financially man- dated restructuring. And the only sound left to us in the outer darkness will be the weeping and gnashing of teeth. The next election is two years away. and the damage will have been done. - 'Roberta Ann Walker, parent. Grand Bend The Holocaust display. War Museum is there to show Canada's military history and not events of the Holocaust. • . I understand that a lot of Canadian relics and memorabilia- are in storage. Surely a new exten- sion of the museum should be built to house these. 1 personally, am getting. fed up•with feeble minded dogooders giving away, trading or .• selling Canada's heritage. If they - want to build a Holocaust Museum, go ahead (hut not with my tax dol- tars). Although perhaps the right place for it would he in Israel. 1 suggest that other concerned people also' write to Paul Steckle. Yours sincerely, • John Sanderson "1 understand that a lot -of "Canadian relics and • • memorabilia are in storage." • Dear Editor: Can anyone tell ine what the • Hofucaust has got to do with the- - Canadian Canadian War Museum? The Holocaust shoukl never have hap- pened and probably will never hip- . pen again hopefully. 1 think plenty has been said on the subject and people all tiler the world were dis- mayed and disgusted with the • . actions pertifrmed by the German nation. although no Germans will admit t i being involved. But the Concern over survey "Your report has result- ed in many teachers in Exeter and Huron County to consider tak ing their business else- where." Deal Editor. I am writing to express My con- cern over your survey of Exeter businesses asking for opinions on • .the effects of the teachers' protest marches On business. I did not feel the survey deserved a reply. Furthermore. I object to the way the survey was reported in the paper. Whether it was your intention or not. the article' suggests that busi- nesses in Exeter are upset and unhappy with the teachers' protest actions. There may have been a few businesses upset but. who they are and why they personally were upset is not stated in the report. (Letters to the Editor require a name in order to express an opinion.) There are -no business names in the article and therefore the teachers and pub- lic can that the report expresses the opinions of the Exeter main street businesses. Having a husincss in Exeter. 1 object to the inference that these were the opinions of the husincss We welcome your opinion All letters to the editor must be signed and are subject to editing. Deliver to 424 Main Street, or mail to P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S6 persons. Your report has resulted in many teachers in Exeter and Huron County to consider taking their business elsewhere. Many business persons in Exeter have worked hard to provide quality service and attract business to our town. The BiA has donea lot to beautify the main street and attract new busi- nesses. Your survey and report has set back those efforts. Doug Ellison Carlson Wagonlit Ellison Travel Editor's comment: The survey was delivered to local businesses -to . find out the effect several hundred demonstrators continually march • ii1R in front of stores on both sides of our downtown area would have ' on business. This was covering the Monday through Thursday period when protest activity was at its peak. We showed the opinions we rec•eivedto some of the protesters Friday morning and, coincidence or.not, the leve! of activity dramati- cally reduced. Obviously some businesses Would benefit from this amount of traffic. Others reported sales were. doom by as much as 5067c. if the purpose of demonstrating is to get public support. does it really take several hundred at once over a four-day period 10 do this? Report ignored Board's opinions "...the recommenda- tions... were not indica- tive of the opinions expressed by my Board..:" Dear Editor: i was surprised to read in Helen Johns' letter. that a consultative meeting lift all Boards from the Western Ontario Region. resulted in the rectnntnendatiuns contained in the document "The Road Ahead written by the Education "improvement Commission. The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board was represented at the 90 minute session for Trustees and Board Administration by Mike Miller. Chairperson of the Board; Louise Martin. Chairperson of the Local Education improvement Committee; Gactan L. Blanchette; Director of Education; and Gerry • Thuss, Superintendent of Business. The Board's representatives were very surprised with the recommen- dations which were eventually released, because they were not indicative•of the opinions expressed by my Board and others'at that ses- sion. in fact. much of the 90 min- utes was used by the Education Improvement Commission to out- line the process they were under- taking. Although Ms. Johns indicates that Bill 160 was based on "The Road Ahead", the Government of Ontario appears to be ignoring a very important recommendation of the Report. "that any savings real- ized through the restructuring of the School Boards be reinvested in education systems." Cuts in educa- tional funding of at least $670 mil- lion have been confirmed in the draft employment contract of the Deputy -Minister of Education and Training. it would appear that - just like in their consultative process - if they don't like what they hear, they won't listen to it! Sincerely, Mike Miller, Chairperson of the Board, Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Harris, public education isnot for sale in Ontario The bully will back down if we standup to him...-..- Dear im....•- Dear Editor: • - if Mike Harris truly believed that'our" children should have a .quality education, he should not -pro:. ceed otpro- ceed with Bill 160. Unfortunately. Harris isn't inter- ested in providing quality education and he will con- tinue to ram Bill 160 through the regislature. Why? Because Mike Harris' vision of the educa-. tion system is radically different from the one that .. parents and teachers want, and it's certainly not the education system that our children need. -During the province -wide protest by teachers. we learned that Mike Harris wants to take hundreds of' • millions of dollars out of•the education system and to centralize power overeducation. But that's only a pan of his plan.. • To understand the rest of his plan, look at the logi- cal consequences.nfwhat Bill 160:wi11 do.to educa- tion. What happens when Mike Harris uses his cen- tralized power to Circe funding and standards lir public education down to the lowest common de- - numinator? Parents who want their children to get a good edu- cation will be forced to abandon the public educa- " tion system in search' rif an alternative. For those • 'who can afford private schools. moving their chi)- dren into a private school will he an easy choice. But what about parents who want their children to get a good education but can't afford to -consider an- alternative?.What about -their children? What kind of future will they have if they don't haveany - choice but to stay in an underfunded public educa- tion system? - • This is the ultimate goal ()Mike Harris' plan for education in Ontario: a two-tiered education system of public and private schools. - Mike Harris has even figured out -how to privatize • - ourschouls. Under Bill 160: principles and vice-' 'principles no longer have Lobe teachers. With mas-• sive cuts to funding. how long will it take before we see people with university degrees in business ad- ministration running our public schools like a busi- - ncss? •• . And alter that. how Tung -will it take before it Gems to make more sense to run schools as husi- . - . nesses frit means being able to raise money private- ly and make a profit.? This is what Mike Harris means by "quality edu-. cation' - quality for those who ean. afford it. Bill . --I6O should.be renamed the Privatized Education As- surance Act. because•that's precisely what itmeans. The NDP will not sit by and watch Mike Harris destroy our children's access to quality public edu- , cation in Ontario. We will dight Bill 16(1 at every -turn in -the legislature. It a had la's It's bad for our children. If passed. . it lolls) be repealed at the earliest opportunity. and that is the NDP'. commitment. We will.continue to work with teachers. parents _ and students of force Harris out (Rim' the shadows and into the light so - that hc.knows that' we are Watching his c►ery mac. " . • • Mike Harris may-bedetermined w ram Bill 160 • through the legislature, hut his plan can't succeed if we work -together. Thehully will hack dols n if lle stand up to him. Howard Hampton. Leader Ontario.New Democrats To place your F Kt:E ad and be matched instantly with area singles. Call 1-800-213-7514 Ext.135 24 /lours a Da},r Itaiaks Seeking chafes Call 1.900451.4323 ea 135 5aw24a9 peMrr tablet1tfra x1 %0 MLA TOM 1111104441 $NI 31 57 or. 17.41 49 bon M 7••4 t41 114.1 54 4* 7441sr. 946 54l9o9* .'419. 41.m% NI *411 can* 24 .1445141911...41658 414 Rn 4911144.E MAIM • F4n7 SNt 11 Oadl .5144 1,1. .11. II i MMM on N.. MM. basal 54 Si 1,11111111181141 AN4.51141 ST 141*' • ;111.1.488 p1sa2w7 yS,5 7489 Pornno662..4. Mbq 15. army. flsMl ;6:1614= 914 •s1 docs lop. a 1.032[071 '340414 SNY 71 wag4 nyt beam M bY.aon97Y.4.4r.......114117109 • 011111411140 W61 41711511E 0 1168. 17199410 *1414 4.9.26 .094 b., 4144 ars .M.. 1.14 ago. ca14•upa164 eft a tor. rd• MM dna. 44935 IRIS 9••x MRY 1:811 519 n 57 ton.. Oa 14 Now. AmplmO0 Mos bas404 )9117 910bolosb a loss agars Mtg44y. 44.. SA 4. Nib R1407111.411 bars. mow SNE • opy c4..r', 4WOra. n14. t 4{44 S4 Ka 369 {65.4 60411111744 . 4463w 6..1 4K 1. 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