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Creative in Dashwood
Knit while they wait. Dashwood's Donna Marshall, left,'
and Joyce Morden replenished their supply of •knit goods
while they waited for customers at the Dashwood annual
Christmas Craft Show and Sale at the Dashwood Com-
munity Centre recently. The two sold their hats, mittens
sweaters, slippers and towels during the two day -show:
Times -Advocate, November 19, 1997 Page 21
Hensall United Church celebrates 111th anniversary
The ministers mes-
sage was "Paddle
By Lk Sangster
Hensall correspondent
HENSALL - Hensall United
Church celebrated their I I lth An-
niversary with Dave Williams as
the guest speaker. Joanne Row-
cliffe welcomed everyone and gave
the announcement. The greeters
were Susan Stoll and daughter.
"Church is Wherever God's Peo-
ple" was the children's hymn. The
children's story was "Light Bird=
Jean and Raye Iacobe were the
ushers. The lector was Jennifer.
Young. The Stratford Soul, Singers
provided special, music. "It's Hard
to Stumble When You're On Your
Knees" and 'tPass Me Not of Gen-
tle 'Saviour" were among the hymns •
- sung. Mark 131.1-8, Epistle reading,
and Old Testament reading were
The minister's message ' was
t'Paddle Power'. Mr. Williams told"
an interesting story of the Peace
Candle. ' 1 •
,The offering was dedicated fol-
lowed by Prayers,.
"The Church'One Foundation"
was sung followed by the commis-
sioning, benediction, and threefold
Mark Garlough was the organist
for the ministry of song. Nancy
Fraser is the minister of Hensall
United Church.
The worship on November 23
will be a celebration of communion
and baptism • of Jonathon Bryce,
son of Brad and Susan Mann.
The Friendship Circle appreciate
the used clothing donated to their
Any message for the Christmas
Letter must be given. to the secre-
tary no later than November 19.
All knitters and shoppers are invit-
ed to decorate the Christmas tree
with mittens and hats. The Gospel
Music concert by the Stratford
Soul Singers on Sunday was well
Legion Ladies Auxiliary
The Hensall Legion Ladies Aux-
iliary meeting was held on Novem-
ber 5 in theLegion Hall. President
Iva Reid presided. The president
welcomed Zone C- I Commander
Eva -Brown and her Deputy Zone
Commander Velma Young to the
meeting for their official visit;
.A donation was made to the Hu-
ron Adult' Day Centre. A donation
of $700 was also made to the
branch which was presented at the
Blyth Festival announcesseason lineup
BLYTH - As winter sets in. the
Blyth Festival is all. fired up with
plans for next summer. Artistic
Director Anne Chislctt says
audiences can get set to laugh
during the. Festival's 1998 season.
She has chosen . four captivating,•
funny, romantic, and meaningful.
stories about people in situations'
that audiences will recognize as
true to life' • .
In announcing her inaugural
season to the , Festival's Board of ,
Directors recently, Chislett said,
"I'm asking the Board to roll with a
season pf 'comedy on , the main,
stage -- comedy with a capital '‘C"
—for charm:--but—also witty -"B" for
bite and "A" ' for affirmative
attitude.", ,
The 24111 season ripens June 26 '
with Yesteryear, a sunny comedy
with the hopeful message that love
can be lovelier the second time
.around. One of Canada's .
best -loved playwrights, ' Jotlnna
McClelland Glass,'turns pretension'
and hypocrisy upside down when
an Irish sweepstakes ticket exalts
the 'meek above 'the ;mighty in a
tightly knit prairie town. Yesteryear
is the perfect play for opeh-hearted,
open-minded, joy -loving, people.,
The whole family "will enjoy the
shenanigans' when , high-tech
madness' kisses, sweet 'common
sense in Jobs. Jobs,, .Yobs ,by ,Keith
,Roulston. 'I'tic new mayor. of
Winstead, hoisted 'on chis '� own
petard, of election promises, leads a
larger -than -life cast through this
frolic' of eeonotnic . opportunism.
Meanwhile, the', young. women of
the small' town are cooking him a
dish of humble pie: garnished with
'adollop of love at first sight. - ,
Tlr ftep'-ids, by ' Canada's
Pulitzer -Prize w,inning,author Carol
Shields, deals a trump-ladein hand
in ' this witty. wise. .. and
heart-warming , tribute , , to
uncelebrated generations of women
who lived before the feminist
movement. Shields catches them at
their most vivacious, around a card
table - 'where it's not a sin to
compete!. - where no .open is
relegated to a rot as wife, mother,
daughter -- where a' woman .can
simplyIbe herself. ''
Can shared laughter tear • down
„ barriers of fear and mistrust? In
, Huron County Blues by Andrew
Moodie, a. Nigeriah . immigrant
seeks a safe haven for his teenage'
son away' from the tensions of a •
Toronto ghetto, bht is himself
afraid to join ,in commuiity life. It
takes a teenage romance and a set
of unlikelyconspirators to 'turn.
Ben's village house'into a hpme.
' The -Festival's second `stage mini
space (the Garage) will also be an
integral pan of the '98 season with
an eclectic mix, , of shows, ,
beginning with .a mint .mustcat
composed by Blyth Festival
favo'rite, rollicking . John Roby,
with book'by Paul Ledoux.
Festival, coupons packages for
the 1998 season arc on sale now,
with substantial savings if 1
purchased before Christmas. Fore
mare information, contact the Box..
Office at (519) 523-9300.
Recipes for
Peanut Butter And Jelly
Medley Sandwich
4 slices bread -
30 mL (2 Tbsp) peanut butter
30 mL (2 Tbsp) strawberry jam
30 mL (2 Tbsp) grape jelly
Spread grape jelly on one slice of
bread, top with second slice and
spread with peanut butter. Top with
third bread slice and spread with
strawberry jam: Top off with fourth
Have a news tip?
Call the Times -Advocate
* Ballet * Ballroom
* Latin
BALLET for age 4 through
adult Saturday morning
classes beginning
November 22
dancing for teens and adults
Wednesday evening 'classes
Location: Zurich Town Hall
Instructor: Kimberly Redick
Call 236-4945
for more information
Community Centre
Wed. Nov. 19
Bingo starts 7:30 p.m.
Regular Game
Jackpot Game
52 calls or less $900 bonus
Total prizes $3000
Duo to the licence regulations,
no one under 18 allowed to play
Licence #537495
children in
bread slice. Cut sandwich into
quarter triangles ' (makes • two.
servings). 'Serve with orange.
fat-free potato chips,, one percent
milk. and lowfat granola bar. '(726
Boldgna And Cheese Roll -Ups
2 slices hread
2 slices turkey bologna
I slice fat-free processed cheese
1 slice fat-free Monterey Jack
Exeter 235-4003
GLS 500, iso caps
52799 tax extra
Bring in this ad for 10%
off any product (exc. Books)
"Set" to your
For more information please
phone Deb Lord at
the kitchen
30 mL (2 Tbsp) fat-free
mayonnaise -
Roll each slice of bread with a
rolling 'pin until flattened. Spread
each slice with mayonnaise and top,
with one slice of bologna and one
slice of cheese. Roll -each into a log
and cut crosswise into about five
pieces. Fix with. a toothpick if
necessary. Serve with orange juice,
• reduced -fat corn ships, cucumber
slices and a pudding cup (made
' with skim milk). (637 calories)
Reign of Christ
planned for. St.
By H. Davis
Saintsbury. correspondent
.SAINTSBURY - St. Patrick's
Church celebrated their Holy
Eucharist Service at 10:30 a.m:
withthe Rev. Stanley Jay officient.
ISimlrerley Kelley assisted with the
scripture leasjings_fr» n the_OldancL__
New Testaments. Crystal Davis -
was server for'the service.'
Saturday evening November 22,
St Patrick's will celebrate their
Reign of Christ Service at 7 p.m.
Ron and Margaret Carroll were.
Sunday evenings dinner guests with '
the Iredales to celebrate Margaret's
Remembrance Banquet on Novefft-
her 11. A discussion was held ,on
the subject of upcoming banquets.
Hensall residents are advised that
leaf collection and green waste
pickup will continue until'Wednes-
day, November 26.
Users of the Hensall Landfill Site
are advised that the hours of opera-
tion will be Monday 1-2 p.m., and
Wednesday, 1-3 p.m., effective
January 1, 1998. A tipping fee of
$12./cubic metre applies. Users
must have a current Hensall Land-
fill pass, these are available at the
Hensall Municipal Office.
The following Village of Hensall
Committees have vacancies; Hen=
salt Parks Board (2), Hensall Eco-
nomic Development Committee
(2), and Hensall Committee of Ad-
djustment (I ). Interested persons
should contact the Village of Hen-
sall Office by Wednesday, Decem-
ber 3, 5 p.m. Additional informa-
tion is available from the Village
Office (262-2812).
* INJU & D 0 *
* Brian Bearss 6.*
* Lori DeWys *
y Saturday, Nov. 29, '97
T Kirkton Community Centre, 9 - 1
Lunch provided. DJ �[
*Tickets $5.00 each y
For tickets & info., contact Paul '1`
* 229-8461, Kim 263-5337
or S. Beattie 284-4965
Caleb and Corbin MacGillivray
enjoyed a hayride Saturday 'along
with Nick White of Lucan.
St. Patrick's A,C.W. members
are invited to a kitchen show
onThursday, November 20 at the
Worrells. On Thursday, December
4, a couple of ladies From St.
Patrick's Are invited to the.
Christmas party at Holy Trinity
Anglican Church in Lucan; hosted
by the ladies guild.
Keith Coates of Calgary called
op Mary Davis this week..
Suzanne Davis, Travis and Starr
visited with mother and grandmoth-
er, Dorothy Deitrich at the Biue
Water Retirement Home on Sunday
Country Inn
"A Place to Remember"
Delicious Christmas buffet and
entertainment every Saturday
Book Now for New Years
Located at St. Joseph on Hwy. 21
between Grand Bend and Bayfield
Call for reservations 236-7707
Large or small, we can take
care of it all
So book early and reserve your
right to party
125 Main St. S. Exeter 235-0271
for Calvin Willard
& Barb Ferguson
Sat., Nov. 22
at South Huron Rec Centre
Dance 9 p.m. - l a.m.
Forthcoming marriage
Angela Joyce Lansbergen,
daughter of Nick and Carolyn
Lansbergen of Crediton, and
Scott Gordon Heywood; son
of Lester and Dianne
Heywood are pleaseql to
announce their forthcming
marriage. The weddin will
take place Satu ay,,
November 29,, 1997 at 3:30
p.m. at Zion United. Church,
Crediton. Open reception to -
follow at 9:00 p.m... at the.
South Huron Rec Centre.
Dance Hall
--9pm. Iam
t.;ne Dancers Wetcme
Fri. Nov. 21 '
-- Country Justice - -----
Sat., Nov. 22
Country Justice
, Exeter Legion
Ladies Auxiliary
Thurs., Nov. 20
7:00 p.m.
Jackpot Guaranteed
Full card $500.
130450 Persons $ 750
Over 150 $1000
"NEW" Air purifiers
No one under 18 admitted
Lic. #M405944
Are we meeting the needs of
-.Seniors? •
-Aging parents'
-Caregivers?, -
Adults'with physical challenges?
Find out at the
Cbmmunily Meeting
This Thursday
Nov. 20, 1997, 2:00 p.m.
St. John's By The Lake
Anglican Church .
Representltives from area
groups will be present to.: ,
answer questions '
-share information
-exchange idea's ,
-explore frays to meet the needs
of the community
S1onsored by:
Town and Country .
Support Services
" (519) 23.5-0251? + .
Huron Adult Day Centre
(519) 235-4600
Lambton Elderly Outreach
Well re )1 MCA!
pt ,Y, \T DFR\sPii D_-viE
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1,, :•;:;:T '
- w - I : ,-. '- ' 1 �!'' i -
a �' t . ` r
F . \r :IL
. DIRWF.tiT r`
9„::,1 c . : t*: q
6111-•» • ,; p� —�1
:— , ,t; \ l ,
Watercolour pastels and graphic
from $12.955
Also again stocking sketch pads
$6.95 and up
424 Main St. Exeter, (519) 235-1331
Office Hours: Mon. -Fri. 8;30 a.m.-5 p.n..