HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 14Novem Diabetes - the silent disease . Di ahe'tc. Is an often silent disease and Is ,ine-ot the leading ;Anse, of death from'a -wdisease :Although 1 j million Canadians rahl�ilt l•n•r percent of the population l have been dia$2nn'e1 with diabetes: it is estimated itica.t another 750.000 people have Ilie disease hut hop`s kn i rit. Type_ I diabetes. -which affect. 10 per • cent of people with the disease. -usually • occurs in children and young adult. 11 is • usually diagnosed very quickly !'vpc 'diabetes. alsosometimes knouyn as adult • - unset diabetes. aticets 9f} per enc of pen- ple wtlh.tht disease . - • • Bccatise•the.rlsk• factors arc so broad lift Type_' diahcles and the syniptunls 1 :.inallr not uhviiljrs. some people don't - - know they have 11 until serious complica- tion tions set in And complications can. he Jec;ixtaun;i2. For instance: diabetes is the leading ,:wse ol`adult blindness and a major valise ofheart attacks and strokes Earle- diagnoscs.:an prevent •Ir signifi- cantly lenrl•i- .antly reduce complications. - A pers.in nm}.have.nne.9r'rnore-uf the tiillowln+Brisk tactors: • - - - age 4 or older; . - • - - -7 more than.20 per. cent over your nor mal healthy -Weight:- • , n immediate family member with diabetes, Ahongtnal. Asi n. African or Limn .American descent: .. ' .• s .then birth to a hahv welching more than 1• -sur kllogranis or. nrne'pounds: - known heart disease. . Haying ingg .me: • r More of these risk factors .hags riot necessarily mean you will. . " • del. elop:diabetes.'11 does mean. however. ,otos should talk to your tamrh• doctor .Minn.' • ` - . There are a number of cornmin svinp-. rums_whu h Could Indicate diabetes and - Prrimpt t quick :trip to your doctor: The nio,r•cummon'warningt•signs ittet iUC"-- hlurred vision, unusual thirst: tkeyuent uri- natton._unusu,a1 weight I9ss and extreme to iguc. 'Family physicians will likely soon he .i ine the new Canadian Diabetes \ssocl:won'l; guidelines for the rnariage- meat ,itdiahetes. He or,she`will he screen- ing people over ace -45 and those -at high rish..vtlh a simplifiedblood efucosd test and Hien follow -tip with tht''test every thrce.ycars. For more inlitrnatton. please call your . • hranch of the Canadian Diabetes ' \s ociatun at t: `i(O-13:\S TING or Dawn \1ct;uttin-Tn n at ttie South Huron , Hospital. -•,*, 'lit, ' (-.i,aj liall 1)1(111C!(, l,\nr ration er is Second Section - November 19 1997 Diabetes Month Help to deal with diabetes is close by Doctors will have recom- mended guidelines for diabe- tes testing in the new year • • By Kate Monk T -A Reporter . EXETER— - 13e. ins; diagnosed with diabetes can be <i life -changing experience. -Many people think their - days of sugar:and-hocolate are only memories: Forta,rnaterv; a 3l ucatton and—guidance avaitabt The insulin pen is a user-friendly alternative to the syringe for injecting insulir:. ` • Nursing educators. Dawn- McGuffin-Town and Aileen •Knip,help people with diabetes establish- healthy -eat- ing habits and. lifestyles. • - lines including watching carbohydrates, fat and ' 'Knip said;lifestvle.is also a tactor in Type pmtein..Mct:uffin-Town-uses the diabetic food • guide with her clients. • . •- Carbohydrate counting and label reading are.the kevs to having varietv.in the diet. People can make choices in.theioods..thev eat as lsinf; as L Mire trom staff at the South Hilton Hospital to help peo- pie cope with the disease. ' - - - Dawn McGill-fin:Town is -the director cif nutrition ind"tooit yerti•rces at the hospitaland spends about half her time with diabetics. :As a certified Diabetic - educator,she meets w:ith•diabetics to teach them - about healthy eating habits and a lifestyle to help therm deal with the disease \itrrse educator Aileen Knip is'also part pit the team.: , First t make -people feel.r:omfortable and make • them realize it isn't their fault. Diabetes.is often • genetic. As people get &ter, the diabetes is diag-- nosed, ' \,IcGuttin riown• ': t per.,on tial to manage.diabetes„" she explained. iddnll( thea rnitst,also.•take responsibility_ for what • they eat.' - According to a Canadian Diabetes Association • pamphlet; the inure people know aliout*diabetes, the healthier life fan be. Diabetes oducation gives a per- son the.power to have greater ot.1ite. Niccutfin-Town -aid es'ervone.should follow . .• within the guidelines. , - - • "There is more adherence to the dietIfthere is variety. The challenge is it's a daily thing: You'xe- always planning what to eat next," she o•xplained. • New recipes for diabetics'have.milre flavor and • include sugarin•noderation.. two popular Look. . --books.publishedin cooperation with the Canadian Diabetes Association are available at the Exeter Times -Advocate: Choice Menus \n EasY Glide - with Recipes tor Healthy Everyday Meal Planning - and More Choice Menus: More recipes to help- ' make healthy meal planning easier. • - Moral support is an important tool -in dealing • with diabetes. thanks to government funding, -Knip sand McGutfn-Tpwn can ovrirk with people • one-to-one and -in a group .setting.. • • • ' Because the government wants to keep people out -of hospital beds; preventative and education . services are receiving a higher priority. This' • - indudeslasses • n diabetes with the next four- - week session starting November :26 at the South- ',A outh diabetes: "We used to have three set meals. Now, tast food is a way of life. We're more .likely -to stop and pick up supper on ttie ivav home. These pr&'essed,toods oak a higher tat content," Kritp explained. -: McGuffin-Town said she often deals with clients . who are used to.having 'neat, potatoes and pie at dipper. She emphasized peciple With diabetes Have • to know when to stop eating:foods high in sugar. ":1 half -piece ot pie inav be okay, but -two pieces • are not -okay," she sited as an example. - Diabetes is currently prevalent in 5-6 per cent,txt . the-populatiori but new guidelines Will increase that -' number to 10 per lent iA. tie neW year. Screening in certain -sub -populations in adults 'Under 45 <ind in all adults over age •45 -on a fp-annual -basis is recommended: It promotes a simpler basic • test for diagnoses ot diabetes - a tasting plasma glu- ,rose. In addition. it suggests the acceptable 'eye! id': tasting -glucose be lowered to diagnose a larger por- tion it people as early as. possible. •. - . The new guidelines will be published in 'the new year and'be accompanied by a major awareness pro - •gram directed at physicians, diabetes educators and health care practitioners. \nyone-with concerns about diabetes can contact their family doctor or \ltcGutfin-Tdwn<it the South Canada -.Food Guide to Healthy Eating but aper- Huron Hospital. courses have also been held in • ,on with diiibete' is'tl+,rccd til follow eating },naide- : Grand Benda Huron Hospital at 237-;-2700. - LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW SAVE 15%-50%- ONE DAY ONLY - SAT. NOV. 22nd 9:00-4:00, HJC LS AIRTECH HELMETS leuiCKl 1. 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Only 5149.95 BULK ARCTIC CAT OIL Reg. $18.95 ONLY $15.95 • Bring your containers CHATTERBOlb Rag, $1*95 Only $139.95 TANK BAGS $22.95 CAMOPLAST TRACKS 15"x121" ONLY $450 Rh most models ARCTIC CAT BOOTS 1/2 PRICE DELUXE SADDLE BAGS Only $69.95 SNOWMOBILE JACKETS FROM $79.95 OVER 20 USED SLEDS IN STOCK SABER CARBIDE STUDS $1.75 each ARCTIC CAT SKI SKINS ONLY $4995 SNOWIKDBIIL.E PAWS FROM $69.95 1 / /1 e Products /nc. 600 Main Street, South, Exeter, Ontario, NOM 1 S 1 Ph: 15191 235-1757 • Fax. (519) 235-4067