HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 7FAMTT,Y
Quilting retreat like a therapeutic spa
Quilts and Calicos is holding its first retreat in February
. By Chantal Van Raay women • who are probably lonely retreat about a year -and -a -half in
T -A Reporter ' and it's nice for them to get together advance. .
with other women who are doing Quilting retreats have become
ST. JOSEPH = Whether it's to the same thing." popular over the years, and quilting
get away from it all, to meet new Joan Parsons, owner of Brent- stores from all over are catching
people, to abandon stress or simply wood on the Beach, sees the women onto the idea and holding retreats
learn how to quilt, people from all throughout the weekend "quilt and of their own.
over participate in the weekend socialize and agreed with Ewasko Lori Dalrymple, owner of Quilts
quilting retreat when she saidthe and Calicos in Exeter is holding a
that takes place While many of them weekend is ther- quilting •retreat on Feb. 27, 28 and
four -times -a -year are addicted to their apeutic. March 1 at . Brentwood on the
in St. Joseph. "We have a lot of Beach. She said she heard so many
Twice in` the habit, they still find burned -out • women positive things about retreats that
fall and twice in time for walks, swim- who come here," she she wanted to try one out for her -
the 'spring, . Re- ming or shopping in said. "They come to self.
ichard's Quilting escape the pressures The weekend costs.$240 for ac
Bayfield Sewing Sup-Bayeld and Exeter. of daily life and this cbmmodation," meals and the les -
plies from Elmira , . • group has. absolutely sons. To register call Dalrymple at•
holds a weekend retreat, at Brent- no demands on them. They're away 235-4084 or • Brentwood on the
wood on the Beach. Last weekend • from ,their children, their husbands, Beach at 236-7137.
was the fifteenth time Reichard's their workplace; and they come ' to Also planned for the nen '
held the session ' which saw 11 overdose on their habit." a quilting cruise from S u
women sew their hearts out from • Most importantly,' the group Santo Domingo, Barb:',.. ,n -
beginning to end. , . . • ' . leaves the retreat with new friends._ ica, Antigua and St. Thomas. The
,The participapts ? sew almost the • "They come here and make seven-day retreat begins Jan. 25
whole weekend, according to 're- friends and continue those friend-' and costs CAN $1,629: The cost in -
treat teacher Marnee Ewasko from " ships," said teacher -Debbie Beirnes, -.eludes return airfare from Toronto,
Reichard's: While many of them also from • Reichard's'. She said transfers between airport and ship,
are addicted to their habit, they still when the retreat first started only seven nights accommodation and
find time- for walks, swimming or nine people participated but by the. taxes: The prices quoted arc based
shopping 'in Bayfield•gnd Exeter.' next session , those same people on two persons sharing. Single and
But the Weekend is ,mare than came back' with their friends. She triple rates .are available upon re -
just quilting, explained Ewasko. said over time the retreat became so quest: To book, call Reichard's at
, ",it's therap'eutic.,Therc are some popular they would be booked for a (519) 669-3307.
A quilters ,vacation.
Below, the 'Reichard's
'Quiiting Retreat at 'rent -
wood on the Beach of
, fers an escape from the
'pressures of daily life,
and allows quilters an
entire weekend, to enjoy
their hobby. Shown clock-
wise 'from, topieff'are
,Quilts and Calicos oWner
Lori Dalrymple, 'Brent'
wood Qn the ,Beach b,Wn-
er Joan Parsons, teacher
Marnee Ewasko, student
_,'Barb Schaefer and teach-
er Debbie Beirnes.
Quilting an angle.
Ewasko, a quilting teacher from phorus re
before being discharged to
Reichard's Quilting and Sewing Supplies, Elmira, sews an the. watershed. "
angle at- the quilting --retreat- held—at—Brentwood—oh -the-
Beach last weekend. ,
Tines -Advocate, November 19, 1997
Page 7
It's time for that Christmas countdown
6 Weeks To Go
• Start gathering your favourite holiday recipes.
• Write your Christmas gift list; try to include eve-
ryone and put a dollar amount for each person.
• Order catalogue gifts now. '
5 Weeks To Go .
• Send out a list of the kids' sizes and gift ideas
to those who have asked for lists..
• Draw names for family gift exchanges so"-
you all have time to shop. ,
• Make a grocery list for the ingredients'
you'll need for your holiday baking; shop ahead..
• Start picking up inexpensive stocking staffers.
• Wrap gifts you have purchased each time you re-
turn from a shopping trip.
• Start finishing up handmade gift items and' crafts
4 Weeks To Go
• Find out sires and gift ideas for people you arc
still missing in the family.
• Have the kids work ahead and make gift tags
from coloured construction paper. They can also dec-
orate wrapping paper by colouring on,tissue paper
and.brown paper bags.
• • Write a Christmas letter to include. in your Clirist-
nmas cards and have it photocopied. This will be a big
time-saver for you!
• Have prints made of family photos to include in
your Christmas cards. .
• Mail overseas Christmas cards.
3 Weeks To Go
• If you still need to -place a catalogue order, this is
your last chance. Be sure to place your orders by
phone and verify that your order will arrive before
Christmas. • •
• Check out your wrapping paper supply. Do you
need to • pick up some more paper, bows, tags or
► ribbon?
11• Finish your holiday baking.
Most • holiday cookies and candies freeze
2 Weeks To Go
• Get started on your indoor decorating. Don't for-
get the holiday towels in the kitchen and bathroom.
• Check your•gift list and make sure you have•
something for everyone.
• Get the last of your Christmas cards in the mail.
• Test the tree lights. fo
• Buy batteries r the gifts that
'will need them. Remember how disappointed the
kids arc when they get a new. toy they can't play with .
because there are no batteries.
• Check the batteries in your camera and don't for-
get to buy film:
1 Week To Go
• Put up the tree,
les time to relax! Put up yourfeet and enjoy the
holidays -you can because this year you're ready!
Too much sewage
treatment at Hensall?
HENSALL - Hensall Council
questioned a $4,000 invoice from
the Ontario Clean Water Agency
for the treatment of the' Hensall
sewage lagoons prior to its last dis-
"Are we over -treating?" Council-
lor Butch Hoffman asked at last
Wednesday's council meeting.
Council thought the bacteria level
of the lagoons was within Ministry
of the Environment and Energy •
guidelines and treatment should
have -been minimal if any. It was
recommended the new council re-,
view the treatment options with
Alum is added to municipal sew- ,
age lagoons to reduee the sglids,
bacteria, organic material and phos -
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It's time to prepare for cold weather driving!
wtw tM pwthasa of se 01 & alts
MUr** . tl!e factory-
Woodt e
0 Rotate 4 tires
o inspect antrfreere • Pressure test. Bieck
hoses and clamps. water pump,
radiata. dutch faVeledric tan
• Check and adjust ergine drive bei .
• Check coolant condition and s; h
• Inspect front and rear brake system
• Inspect all fluid levels
• inspect exhaust system • Muffler,
catalytic converter. pipes. manifold
gaskets. hangers and damps
• Inspect suspension • Shocks, struts.
power steering components. hoses
and steering linkage
to. inspect electrical system • Battery.
wipers, washers, horn, lights, block
heater and clean battery terminals
0/Road lest and report results
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