HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 6Page 6 Times -Advocate, November 19, 1997 CROSSWORD 2 23 25 :243 :27 • i 35 38•�- 1 24 i y 36 �o . 42 '43 47 48 . I -----77 ;63. i -t 54 Ii T-- ...;_-_;_-_ I 59 - _;,_L,60 ! ng i 40 58: • lot •11. 12 113 ACROSS 1.- Pran:st Peterson 6. Snort race . 10. Very rn Versai':e, 14 Foie gras source 15. Double-reed instrument 16. Delicate 17. Home of the Barbary Ci :3 wdS.l 20 .>, •Ir'e schedule. abbr 21. Fume 22. Manitoba gild ans 23. Ducein ot_music 24- Bankruptt 25. Emulates the waiting Penelope. • 28. Ta•dy 31. Resin color ' 32. Broadways Aantie 33. Bond rating 35. Ludes locale . 36.' Texas 37. Pivotal point 38. Complete 39. CoUnlenance 40. 'Metaphysical poet of ' fame 41. Century components " 44. Believes 45. Hockey great Bobby 46. Small store • 47. Richard's second -in - command 49. Defrost 50. 53. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. Letter aft-' sigma Tyke Kin of lett.-ce . dodge ChiRmg ' - Cedain bits Seethe Dog and bob DOWN 1 Hongcblin 2. Coal dust • 3. Caesar s sidekick. once 4. Go Alice-. 5. Ne.v suppy 6. • bag aestacrant leap'°Fist. 7. Love, of an Irish - - Rcse - sister Symbol.of strength Knack Extreme unction e.g. Pc ods in history Hatez al -Assad s nation iabbr 18. Short-lived moneymakers 19. Concert sono 23. Neper GNP A Sucker An Break , 24. Invoice word 25. Surfboard support 26. Correct - ' '! 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 27. `s•r-ac.' aa. Re. •i, - 29 '.laky_ r•-oney 30: Irr,� eat; 32. Actress King . -34.' Ch(•pp;ng tools 36. Yaffe proUuit3 37. Clever accomplishment 40. 'sues off - 42. Te 1'e•s 43. Specw, air 44. Siamese 46. Kate. e g 47. Evade 48. 8ioodtess ' 49. At a distanceprefix 50. Exnaust 514 11 .oddens blue litmus paper ' 52. Apples , 53. Syl . e g 54. Make e(lg:ula-- 55. Mideastern fill Bryanston Friendship Club BRYANSTON - The Bryanston Friendship- Club met on Nov. 5 at 12:30 p.m. for a pot luck lunch .with 27 members present. The meeting opened with singing of '0 Canada' with. Margaret •Hartwickat the pia- no. A minute of silence was ob- served for Carl Barbing. Alex read a poem on 'Thanksgiving Dinner'. Thc birthday song was sung for. Gordon Eaton, Mary Jane Dyson and Audrey and Elliott McRoberts. Thc secretary treasurer reports were given and in 1998 Edith Eaton will be the new secretary treasurer. Margaret and -Beth made a motion that each one. bring gifts for the Fob(' bank to the December meet- iing. The Dec. 3 meeting will be held at • Bryanston Church at 12 p.m. with Ethel' Grose, Ada` Smith and Isabel Robinson- in charge and the Shocbottom Girls serving us 'dinner. Alex read a joke and the meeting was adjourned. Ethel Grose called Kathy and .Alex Jeffrey to the front and pre- sented them with a lovely wreath and card for their recent marriage.: Margaret`rcad.a poem 'To' Newly- weds'. Ada Smith gave thoughts on •Remembrance •Day and some info on the recent stay of John McRaes medals and summed up with the reading of 'In Flanders Fields'. Margaret introduced her son Vau-. ghan Hartwick and he gave us a most interesting talk about his work s$ith Commodities in countries such as Russia, Egypt, China. and Mexico. He told of many things that happened and about the life while he was there working. Joan Robson came to talk to us about the book they hope to have out for the 'TheShaff B In` MORE THAN A BED & BREAKFAST 6 large conference room (22 capacity) v heated indoor pool V large bedrooms V, dinner party facilities V comfortable country setting V a Perfect Country Get -Away RRI CENTRALIA 228-9969 Fax( 228-9968 year 2000 on the history of London Township. Anyone who would like to contribute any writing or pu j tures arc to get in touch with the committee. , Margaret closed the meeting with the playing of 'My Buddy' and we all sang along to 'It's a long way to Tipperary'. Games were played. FAMILY Donations collected for fire victims GRAND BEND - Twenty-two women attended the United Church Women's November meeting last Thursday afternoon. Two new. members were welcomed. President' Evelyn Johnson opened the meeting with .poems on 'Kindness.' Lucy Sage gave the call to wor- ship and read _scripture.. She also gave a story of a local bag lady-. Several thank you letters were read. The Bible Society told the Successful craft fair and tea room EXETER - The November meet- ing of Caven P.C.W. was held' Monday, November 10 with a dessert lunch provided by Pauline Simmons and Beryl Elgie. The meeting began at 2 p.m. with a devotional and program led by Bea Ersman and Flory Foreman. A prayer and reading on Remembrance Day opened the devotions. The scripture and medi- tation were taken from Hebrews and the devotions closed with the Lord's Prayer and a Soldier's Prayer. A video was shown called "Why Should We Remember on November 11?". Jean Easton conducted the busi- ness meeting. _ Roll call, minutes and treasurer's' reports were given and other reports followed. Our craft sale and tea room was a very successful venture. Final plans were made for our Hobo Luncheon which was held November 12. ' We were. informed Caven is on the nominating committee of Huron -Perth Presbyterial to help fill vacancies on the slate of offi- cers for 1997..There will be a, meet- ing -of all The- Presbyterial groups of Huron -Perth on November 28. This. is to help plan Synodical to be held in Stratford next spring. Each group will. be asked to help in some way for the event. We are having a congregational dinner on November 28 and are hoping everyone will come out`;on that occasion. ' On December 10, the P.C.W, will be going tb the 4 Way Inn for lunch with a meeting at the church afterwards. A gift exchange and Santa Claus will be on the agenda. group that used stamps sent in earned $2,600 and each pound of stamps sells for $4.50 which is the cost of producing and distributing a Bible anywhere in the world • It was decided to send donations to several charities..Donations are presently being collected for a young family recently burned out. An invitation was received from' the C.W.L. of the Immaculate Heart of Mary .Catholic Church to attend the Christmas Ecumenical on December 9 at 7:30 p.m. Norma Miller gave the nominat- ing committee report. Following is the list -of officers: Past presidents - Loreen Gill and Irene Kennedy; President - Evelyn Johnson; Vice president - Marlene Brenner; Recording secretary - Bertie Keyes; Assistant recording secretary - Lola Jackson and Ina Flewelling; Treasurer - Joan Love; Unit assis- tant treasurer - Marg Love; Stewardship and finance - Betty Gurnell; Christian development Ina Flewelling; World outreach - Hazel Broad. 'Happy Birthday'. was sung for Irene Kennedy's November birth- day. Lunch hostesses were Norma Walper and Hilda White. It was Remembrance Sunday at Grand Bend United Church on November 9. Royal Canadian Legion members placed two flags at the front of the church at the beginning of the service. Rev. R. Putman _spoke to the children and congregation about the significance of Remembrance Day and the sol- diers who gave their lives in' the war. Poppies were handed out to everyone attending'the service. Scriptures' were read by Anne Reycraft. The prayer of appfoach was said together. The choir's anthem was "Though -hMay Speak With Bravest Fire". Beef pies are being made by the U.C.W., available for pickup on Novembei: T7- To`orde ceill`238- 5525. ' " 'Transition Times' was the theme at Grand Bend United Church on November 16. Rev. R. Putman talked to the children about remembering; and to the congrega- tion aboutchanges, some good, • some not. The choir anthem was "Christ is Made the Sure Foundation.". Scriptures were read by Frank Loscombe. Evelyn McLean gave the Prayers of the People. Thc annual Angel Tree is coming •FREE,parking,14 days •Airport shuttle(operates 22 hours per day): $4.00 round trip; Kids FREE *Children tinder 18 stay FREE if sharing a room with parents (Children 6 and under eat FREE Terms ft Conditions: • Guests must show valid airline ticket at time of cbeckdn • Maximum one night stay on departure 8 return • Rate Is based on single or double occupancy pet room, per night • SIO 00 per additional adult, per room, per night (maximum 4 adults per room) • Rate does not apply to group bookings • Subject to availability • Our rate does not Include applicable tuts • Valid until September 30, 1998 410.4. §tik :.# #.0! 11.# 14) :-# tfc4t r on November 23, which will be decorated with angels each one identifying the gender and age of a child in the care of the Huron Codnty Children Aid Society. Gifts for the children will be collected on December 7. Grand Bend Golden Agers held a euchre party on November 12 with seven tables in play. Winners were: Ladies high - Mary Robertsot Ladies low - Annie Morenz; Ladle most lone hands - a tie betwee Verna Lovie and Barb Davidsoi Men's high - John Kelders; Mer low - Emerson Des.lardine; Mo lone hands - Hugh Griffeth. The next euchre will be het November 26 at the Legion Hall 7:30 p.m. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED is pleased to announce that a D1VIDEND has been paid on members Life Savings Accounts Assets have grown by 4% to over 103 million dollars . TOP RATE TERM DEPOSIT 20 Months ' *Annual Interest Rate Paid At Maturity Clinton Community CREDIT UNION 48 Ontario Street 118 Main Street North CLINTON 482-3466 EXETER 235-0640 Web site: clintoncu@odyssey.on.ca "Where Members and Service are #1" SANTA SAYS ... "Shopping locally gets you more than just products and services" With a long Christmas gift list to fill and not very much time left to fill it, you may be a bit too busy to think about the many "extras" you receive when you shop locally.. BONUS #1 Local businesses depend upon you for their livelihood and they really value your patronage. For this reason, they stock the kind of quality products that build cus- tomer satisfaction. If you are happy with the things you buy, they.know you'll shop in their stores again. BONUS #2 Your hometown businesses are small enough to know you personally and that is what makes them ''big enough" to serve you properly. You receive cour- Hous, personal attention and you are never treated as "just another face in the crowd." BONUS #3 Part of every dollar you spend benefits you and your community in the form of taxes paid to your town by these local businesses. Local firms also support lo- cal charities, service clubs, and minor sports. When you shop out of town, you are supporting someone else's com-- munity ... not your own. So,before you go to fill out your gift list, -think about these and the many other bonuses that are yours when you shop locally. Give your local businesses what they deserve... ' ... AN OPPORTUNITY This message brought to you by ... Main St. Exeter 235-1331 ... your community newspaper. ftt-4Str 4..104.611t*tr ***--=4....A°41;111.70:..144* s** -0'Y 40, •