HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1997-11-19, Page 3Times-Adnocafe,Noiember 19,199T Page 3" ""---"'7" How to save Grand Bend's beach from erosion By Chantan Van Raay T -A Reporter - GRAND. BEND - Because of eroding water conditions, the south beach at the end of Lake Road is barely a beach. : But quarry rocks can be placed in the water to prevent the beach from disappearing, explained ' clerk - administrator Paul Turnbull at Monday' night' s council meeting. An experimental proposal made Gear up for new boa STRATFORD - The planning group forthe school hoard amalga- mation__ofe Perth and *Huron Counties (known as the Local Education Improvement Committee L.E.LC.) continues do meet and prepare guidelines to assist the'new . District School Board to -get up and running after the November 10 municipal and school board 'clec- tions: - In addition to monitoring the work of its many sub -committees. the L.E.I.C.: at its regular meeting of October 2-1 addressed the.• fol- lowing matters: - - • A Site Review Committee has . Commenced the, analysis of options • for the location of a new headquar-- ters. in its initial examination of site possibilities, the committee has •recommended -that the search he limited to consider only hoard: owned buildings.- Recognizing the . current financial plight -of the two • current hoards, the. L.E:LC: con=' curred with this recommendation. . -_A further progress report. is expect- ed at the next meeting. • The L.F.. LC. passed a formal recommendation to .urge .the new District School .Board to maintain all current cooperative agreements in place between boards, govern= ment, 'community andprivate sec- tor agencies. Both current hoards work clirsely•with many partners to deliver programs.which allow cost - savings to the taxpayer through col- laboration. and, which extend edu- cational benefits which 'otherwise are not available. _ The L.E.i:C..cxpressed its sup- port for the continuation ofa--num- her of special enrichment' initiatives currently in place until the end of -the school -year. until a thoughtful review by the new Board can he made. This action would provide security lir undertakings such as the Perth Enrichment Foundation, Gallery Straitiord partnerships, gen- eral'support for arts"and.cultural 'and athletic -.activities: and for undertakings such as the Seaforth High School marching hand. and the Blyth-Bclgrave-Brussels School - Fair. - to the village entails the option of placing up• to 20 quarry rocks .be- tween three groynes; one straight off the end of Lake Road, one im- mediately to the north of Lake Road and another just north of that. The rocks, which weigh - ap- proximately 10 tons each and are about four by four feet wide and, six. feet lung would. be placed 30 feet from shore in three or feet of water. A similar experiment showed that sand covered about two feet' of the rocks, pushing them deeper into the sand, The sand then covered the rocks and they could not he seen. ' An experiment with quarry rocks was done' at Shady .View. about 3 km north of Grand. Bend. This ex-' periment was a success because -it filled up the Keach in two weeks. • 'Still. One success does not make a standard, said Mayor Cam Ivey. "What may work in one arca may not work in -another arca depending on the production of the wind. the level of water," Ivey said adding they also need to check whether the procedure is legal. . "You need permits." he argued. "if you put rocks out there you'll - have the feds out there: You better check this out if you're going to he out that far." - - Contractor Doug Jennison, who proposes to.,go ahead- with the ex- ' periment said he will take the rocks. out if the experiment doesn't work. Council decided to check thele- galities of the proposal before go: ing any further. Canadian Volleyball Cham - Liberal dinner Finance Minister Paul Martin was the keynotespeaker at a dinner hosted by Huron -Bruce MP Paul Steckle Tuesday. November 18 in Goderich. From the left are: Jim Mulhern, Paul Martin, • Mary Lepine and Paul Steckle. Oueen's Park Office 12th Floor 135 St. Clair Ave., . Toronto. Ontario M4V 1•P5 Tel: (416) 323-4617 Fax 1.116) 323-5910 Ontario Helen Johns, M.P.P. Huron Constituency. Office 388 Main Street P.O. Box 520 Exeter, Ontario .NOM 1S6 - • .. Tel: (519) 235-4920 Fax: (519) 235-4922 NEW HOME? BUSINESS EXPANDING? A NEW DRIVER IN THE FAMILY? Now is the time to take a look at your insurance needs. What could be easier than one phone call to Gaiser-Kneale? We will answer your questions, assess your insurance needs and shop around for the best deal at the best price. And when you have a claim or a problem, call us first. We know how to help you. Remember ... we're insurance brokers - WE WORK FOR YOU! W Insurance Brokers Inc Exeter Grand Bend Clinton 235-2420 238-8484 482-9747 pionships may come to Grand Bend • • Grand Bend is also looting at, hosting the Canadian _Volleyball Championships in August '98 as well 'as other amateur and pro- fessional beach • volleyball tourna- ments. Last year. Labbatt's sponsored a tournament which took place at the Main Beach. Ivey' said he is optimistic about. holding the tournament again next year, although hecouldn't say who would sponsor next year's event. London Area WI hold annual convention EMBRO • London Area Women's Institute held their 83rd annual - convention in --Zona Community Centre, Embro with •Oxford North . Distract WI as hostess. The convention opened with the - Presentation of Flags hy' Margaret Dale and Dorothy Sutherland. followed by singing 0 Canada. A March -In of Di District. Banners followed. Following . the formal opening the Anna P: Lewis WI Branch conducted an -in • memoriam - service. President Gladys Egleton: in her • opening._ remarks. urged everyone to strive for - safe and" healthy communities. •Future of London chair, Pauline Lindsay. stated this arca will consisted of 2 soh -divisions'. • Resolutions . cimvener Dolores Shapton _ presented three resolutions. • • One dealing with Farm Equipment being difficult to see at dusk and after." one requesting installation of a strobe. light ion all Ontario's school buses thus "enhancing visibility of- a school bus:. and one requesting each primary school bus in Ontario he equipped with .a _safety bar. thus enabling a child ti9 he more ' isihIe to •the school bus driver. These three resolutions were later sustained. • - Vivian _ reviewed the displays including the F.W.I.O. June Convention. 'The Erland Lee. •Tweesdsmuir History and Public Relations. - F.W.LO. President Margaret :Harris _ brought greetings and expressed appreciation for the' opportunity and honor of being • President. Twenty-two counties were represented at the 100th convemion in Hamilton in 'June. Messrs. Doug Smith and Jack Matheson were this'year's Erland Lee award recipients, A hook and video_ .entitled "Indebted to the Past" commemorating the recent anniversary is available.. Thank yoti to all W.I. members. and - friends •for support, confidence and involvement... - Nominations f< r two Provincial Board Directors resulted in Willa Johnston :elected in • Suh-division 22.and Donna willows elected for Suh-division 23. -Board Directors Elects nominated. were • Glenna Ladell fin- Sub -division 22 and Donna MacPherson for Sub-divisiim 23 - • • During the afternoon "reports were _ • heard from Children's Hospital of... Western Ontario. Western Fair Association. Public Relations Officer. Tweedsmuir -HistoryCurator,` Memhership Organizer._ Erland .Lee. and Conference -'97. Enertainment was.provided by Dotores.Shapton as "Millie the Mob" anda skit by South Lobo W_l.. Branch "Fashion in Time." • . Assisting the -President. in chairing the convention • were Pauline..- Lindsay and Fran Hyattt Vice-presidents.- • •• • • Song leaders were Marlene Matheson. Evelyn • Chute. Betty Walther. Election Of Officers for 1997-98 chaired by -Harris' are as billows. - ,Past'President Dolores Shapton. President Gladys Egleton, Vice chairs Pauline Lindsay and Fran Hyatt, SecretaryDoris Spence. Treasurer Chris Wiffen, Assistant Secretary Dorothy Sutherland. Public Relations Margaret Armstrong, .Program Convener Shirley Towers; - Resolutions . Dolores Shapton, Tweedsmuir Curator Jean Leitch, - Assistant Curator, .. Helen - VanBnnk. 'Membershiporganizer. . Glenna Laddell. and Board Directors W. Johnston and D. Willows.' • At the evening banquet dinner music was enjoyed by students of Mane McKay. -A program of music by the Youth- Choir from Knox Emhro United Church commenced the evening program." -Recipient of the Maryn Pardy Scholarship Award was' Allison Mudge. and the Dorothy Futcher Scholarhip was Andrea French. • - Guest _speaker, Donna Lunn from Belmont. spoke about - C.A.P.R.O. (Community- 'Abuse Program In Rural Ontar of pits • how we : can creatt, 10f, Its3 healthy yaikittuniatee',AW4, , . abuse and viblei•tc.&.Occur?;'f1Ver 100 trained comttiunity facilitators with CAPRO are available to ask key people of any problems. Malls have displays. Assistance is... availabte-from the Justice Dept. in investigating violence and completing fotms. CAPRO won't turn their back on neighbors in need. They must be helped. Flags: ..were retired. bringing 'another -successful convention to a close. Pay child support --or- lose driver's license "TORONTO - The government will begin to phase in driver's license. suspension for 'those drivers failing. to pay their child support. Attorney General Charles Harniek - confirmedrecently.This tough -new sanction is -a key element in -the government's strategy to ensure support. payors meet their legal obligations to their children. "Fur years. people have been refusing to pay their child.support and as a.result more than.SI Killion is owed to children andfanilics. This government is transforming the Faintly, Responsibility Office. into an 'aggressive enforcement -operation that ensures hildren and families receive. the money _to which they arc entitled." said the Attorney General. "We are phasing in this powerful new enforcement tool 'to iherp make delinquent par- ents pay up." . - "The first 101) suspension notices will he issued ,•_ and several hundred will be mailed out'over the coming months." - Within 35 days of the mailing of a suspension notice. a delinquent parent must choose to: pay all arrears. make:an arrangement with the Family Responsibility Office to pay all arrears over time. or obtain a court orderdirecting FRO not to suspend their license while they aipply lot a variation to their exist- ing support order.. If they fail to' do • so. they Will lose their driver's license: • "Finally..we have an enforce men( •neasure that makes parents who ignore their' child support • obligations think twice and either pay up or risk- 1psipg their driving privileges," said Heinz Paul. co- founder of Families Against._ Deadbeats (FAD)._ "This govern- • rneni is -making -a difference for children owed support -and we con- gratulate them for cracking down • on delinquent parents to put our children• first. This government is doing what it said it would dor for us:" MN illE PIP i INANE PINE Compaq Presario 2200 Packard Bell M403 $1 99°° s1999�� $80.74*/Month Payment! PIantOIA.C. $107.67*/MonthPa yEqual Monthly meat Plan O.A.C. FORM FACTOR PROCISSOR 1^ 41.19". HARD ORIVI •4i 1 Packard Bell.. 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