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Times -Advocate, November 12, 1997
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Call Sports Reporter Craig Bradford
with your sports tips
(519) 235-1331 • Fax (519) 235-0766
Stephen peewees takeBill Batten tourney 'A' title
A .
MacDougall's precisely on the mark
The Exeter skater heads off to Italy
with the Synchronicity precision
team from Feb..12-15
By Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
petition draws nearer: -
'It'lI he seven nights a week I'm sure:" she said.
MacDougall somehow tits skatingg-into her busy
schedule that includes holding down'a full=time Joh.
at .Exeter's Sugar and Spice and .a part-time wait-
ressing gig at Pizza Delight. Doing all she does
takes a lot .if "self motivation and dedication." Mac
Dougall said. • • -
EXETER — Mika'a.MacDougall may . not .know "This team is such a higher level than I'm used
precise'- what career she'll.. pursue. but •she sure to." she said. "It's a lot of hard work. but it'll -pay off
knows precisely where shell be from Feb. 12-1-5.' this year.".
MacDougall. . 22. is a member of the Syn- MacDougall said precision skating international
chronicity precision. skating team based out of Lon-. competition is fairly new and is- the-pinnttcie of the
don. Synchronicity 'is one of 'six Canadian inter- sport.
national level precision teams - "Being un the.national team
and one of three that will rep- and •representing your country
resent Canada at the Spring is as far as you can go." -she
Cup in Milan. Italy from Feb.said. "It feelsreally 'good. it's
. 12-15. The team will also nice to, finally. get to this Iev-
compete at the Canadian Pre el,"
vision Championship. in Ot- , -The next'step for the sport is
. tawa March 5-8. 'If Syn- to make - it. an Olympic sport.
chronicity finishes in the top and with 21 countries sending
three there. the team will teams on the circuit, precision•
head to the world champion- skating could be added to the
ship Challenge- Cup in Bur- Winter Olympics after 2000.
deaux. France later next year. -+ MacDougall said her. former
MacDougall skated for. the coach, Jeff Luosley of Exeter,
Exeter Figure Skating Club in was instrumental in helping
singles competition and tried her to realize her full skating
her hand at precision. But she potential through their work at
didn't. become serious about Ilderton and London arenas
precision skating till she tried over the years.
out for the . University of MacDougall's mom; .Mary
Western Ontario varsity pre- ' a • Jane, was going to travel to
vision team a few years ago. _ ti d7 `'" Milan with her daughter hut
Tryouts fur Synchronicity " i decided against the trip be -
started in Mav with the final cause she has to stay in an -
cuts - in June. MacDougall other hotel while there. All the
feels fortunate that coaches b team stay in the same hotel
Karen Hinnegan of Kitchener * ' away from family and friends
and Lorraine Martin of Lon- - •similar to the way the Olym-
don chose her out of the MacDougall M/kala pic Village works. -
about 60 skaters who tried outWhile a .little disappointed
fer rile 30 -member team. • - her family won't get to see her
Now a UWO graduate with a BA in kinesiology. skate in Milan (the rest of the family. includes dad
MacDougall isn't sure what field she'll end up in Mac and brother Kiatt, 16), MacDougall is looking
(though she knows she wants to coach skating) but forward to meeting people from all over the world,
is looking forward to where her precision skating Synchrohicity's first competition of the season is
will take her. The team is practicing four nights a the Ilderton Classic on Dec. 13-14 at London's
week at various London arenas- and MacDougall Thompson Arena,
said they'll meet more often as international corn -
Local teams fared
atoms winning 'B'
By- Craig Bradford
T -A Reporter
• Dane Michielsen picked - up 'the
• The ninth annual Bill Batten Me- shutout- between the -pipes for Ste-
morial hockey tournament didn't. phen.
disappoint players. parents -or fans - Stephen. cnished Brampton 8-1 in
this• •weekend with several local their•tirst game on goals by Knee,
teams hnlding•their own versus the ,Davies- t2),- • Wilson (2): Jesse
competition. McCann. .Schroeder. and Colin
"It's getting better every year." • • Sauder. Schroeder, Davies (-3), Wil-
said bantam/midget convenor Dnn son.. Shawn Thompson. Sauder and
Richardson who is retiring from the Knee had the helpers.
Bill Batten organisational team at ... Schroeder said "teamwork -and
ter.12 years. "We' had the top four strong goaltending" by Michielsen
midget teams is 'CC' in the tourna- _ and Davies', hat -trick trade the dif-
ment." terence in the 'final.
Novice/atom /peewee convener -Stephen coach Jamie Wilson said
Bart •DeVries agreed with Richard- Davies'.: performance• in -the final
son adding they had more .interest was wen better ihan on paper since
than available spots: Davies missed the third period of
''it ran very smoothly and there .the-Tillsonhurg game due -to 'an in -
was gond volunteer work." DeV- jury.
ries -said. 'There. was no prohlem ' "The key: to it all was that our
tilling its up. Minor hockey -parents
and volunteers Deserve a pat on the
• DeVries passed a special thank •
you along -to his t..o-convenor; Steve
Desjardine.- -
The Stephen' Township peewees
vain all. three of their games.on• the
waw .to notching -the -"A' title. Ste-
phen edged- Struhrov 3-2 in the fi-
nal at the -Si -South.Huron Rec. Centre
un Sunday with Scott Davies
mg all all three of 'Stephen'; goals. for
a that -trick: Captain, Jesse Schroed-
er. Roman
well versus competition with Exeter's bantams and .
finals and the midgets making it to the 'A' final
on Saturday to snake it to the 'final :Exeter made it to the` final .May
on an unassisted goal by Schroeder. heating Thedford 3-2 on -.Saturday.
Exeter scorers: Anstett. Mike Ned-
za andTravis Elder. Assists: Shawn -
Murray. Kurtis Masse and Anstett.
Exeter • lost their first -game on
Friday to Petrolia 2-1. •
Stephen lost both their games on
Saturday, 5-1 to Dorchester and 2-1 -
to Mount Brydges. Stephen scorers:
T.J. Sheridan and Jeff VanBergen. .
Assists: ' Matt Marlene and Andy
Springay. --
Delhi won the 'A'- final over St. ..
Clements -Wellesley 3-1. :
All novice, atom and peewee
games were played at the South
Huron Rec Centre with a few
games on Saturday. spilling over to
Stephen Arena. _
Exeter defeated local -rivals Ste-
phen 6.2..to capture the 'B' title.'
first year kids .came: up -with -a hig Exeter scorers: Andrew Mayer t3),
game." Wilson said..: • John- Gregus (2) and
He also praised Mi
'1. l f h
"i4'inor Craig Overholt. Assists: -
c tie sen for
is Overholt i 2). Mike.
strong play and add- . Seip, Jared Bourne.
ed heatingStrathro parents and
y • Gregus. :Aaron Hew;
in. the sinal was es- volunteers wood and • Steve Ra-
pecially wect - since deserve a pat senhcrg. Stephen `scor-
• Strathroy heat. them " .r- Hennv Pfaff i2i. '
soundly earlier this »t the hack. Assist: Shawn Sher -
season when Stephen - wood. 1
was short -a few•bodies. Wilson also Exeter. lost -their lits[ game to
said if was satisfying heating teams Twin Centre 2_-1 Friday night. Exet-
- from touch nigger '13' centres. er scorer: Tanner Ingram. Assist:
Wilson. Ryan Knee. ancf Exeter's peewees didn't fare as -Caleb Johns. Exeter made it ti► the
Brian Glavin picked up -assists. well and lost both their games — 5- 'B' final' by ;hutting ,;hut Alvinstotl
.Stephen .hlanked Tillsonhure i -0 .-. 1 to Strathroy : and 3c1 to Dor- 5-0. Exeter ;corers: Gregus. Ingram
chester. Exeter scorers over the two (2). Overholt and Rasenberg. As -
_Top skaters. Top ieft- , games: Matt ,Dietrich, 'Daryl -osts:'Rasenherg (21: Andrew May-
-photo: Exeter-Noviee--- " Bourne and.l4att-Ailstett ( s-- r,-Jeff.}-ingan (43110-9ver-holt=
hockey player Jared -
Anstett tries to fool the
Harrow netminder during
the 'B' final on Sunday. .
Exeter lost 8-3. Middle left
photo: Exeter Bantam •
player. Andrew Mayer
breaks away from the pack
during the 'B' final game
versus. Stephen Township -
on Sunday: _Exeter won
6-2. Bottom right photo:
The Bill Batten
Tournament peewee 'A'.
champions, Stephen
Townsh, ip. Front left:
Roman Wilson. Jesse
Schroeder, Dane
Michielsen; Aaron Geiger.
ken Tilley: middle left:
Colin Sauder Jesse
McCann, Brian Glavin,
Scott Davies, Shawn •
Thompson. Ryan Knee. -
Wes Johnson; back left:
assistant coach Tony
Michielsen,- head coach
Jamie Wilson and trainer
Ron Johnson.. ,
;fists went to Scott -Ralph: Dietrich.
- BOurne and Nathan Spivey.
.11derton heat -Dorchester 3-1 la
take 1he.13' final: 1 -
Here'; ., rundown on how local
teams did :u the other age levels:
Exeter. lost the 13' final to -Har- .
tow 3-3, 3. Details of the game -were
unavailable .at press. Exeter lost
their . first game to -'A' finalists .
Strathroy 1:3-0 hut heat New Ham-
hurg 5-2.to make it to the 'B' final..
Exeter scorers: Ried Ha'penny i 2),. •
Jared Anstctt, Anthony .Vink and
Chad Hackett. Assists.: went .10
Hackett i 2), Troy Elder. Ha'penny.
Vink. Anstett and goalie Stephen
Osgood. - - .
- Stephen lost to Dresden 6-3 and •
Harrow 6-5. Stephen goals 'went to
Cale. Duenk. David Reschke.. J.T.
Knee (4), Josh Cornellisen and Enc
Stephen. lost Their, first 'girlie-- on'
Friday to Dorchester ;-2. Stephen -
'scorers:. Dan Mesurinjohn and
- Sherwood. Assists:: Pfaff. Jeremy ..
VanBergen. • Mesurin)ohn " and
F'raizer McDonald.
Stephen blanked Ilderton 1-o to . '
make it to the 'B' final on i-goal,by• •
Brian Dixon.assisted by Sherwood.
Twin Centre- won. the :A' final
liver Dorchester 4-2,..-
- Midget
Exeter lost `a heartbreaker to Sea-
forth 5-4 with. just 43 seconds left
in overtime to fust mass out on tak-
ing`the ,A' sinal at Henson Arena ,
on 'Sunday. Exeter 'scorers: Chad .
Monteith (2) andJeff Campbell (2).
Assists:. Tyler Bourne. Jason Greni-
er. Brian • Haymao and Tawner In-
gram. .
Exeter made it to . the final by
heating Clinton 3 An Saturday
and Mount Clemens 5-1 on Friday. .
Exeter scorers over the two games:
• Brian - Hayman. 'Campbell t4),
Grenier. Rob • DeVntes and Cam •
Dougall. .- ssists: • Campbell• (2),
Scott Keys 42), Ingram:' Kian
McDougall: Monteith. Ryan.Ralph..
Dougall. Hayman t 2) and Bourne.
• Mount Clemens.tMich.i heat II-
derton in the 'B' final.
All midget and bantam games r"
-were played ai Hensall .Arena. '
Duenk.Assists went to Cornellisen.
C. Duenk..: Brendon VanOsch and
Kurt VanOsch.
Dorchester won the 'A' tinal over
'Strathroy -0. • •
Atom •
The Exeter Broncos slipped by
Mount Brydges 3-2 to win the 13' •
title. Exeter goals came from Nick
rosiest: Erik Denomme and Adam
Johns with helpers by Anstett. Scott
Loosle. and Curtis :Masse.
The Bill Batten Memorial tourney peewee
champs Stephen Township