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Times -Advocate, October 15, 1997
What are you
thankful for.
41c `
,, �. eY li j;.
t, 4
t t t 1
i, ,. '
". ,' . .y,.,.
'ti~ `Y;
rte` ; FJ.
"My family.
That would
cover every-
Harvey, 8,
"My best
friend Kristen
that lives very
far away from
me (in Komo-
Lou Hyde,
. Henson
"it's a time of
the year for
family. Even
my sister's
ter's fly -
ing home fro•
Florida to be
with her fami-
ly. "
"Family and •
"I don't even
know where
to start."
"I'm thankful
that my fami-
ly's in good
Teresa Foster,
Huron Park
"I'm thankful
for my happi-
ness and life
in general."
Brad Harvey,
10, London
"All the food
that we eat
like turkey and
. coming here
(to Grand
Bend where
Claude and
Rita Harvey
live). We love
Grand Bend.
Grand Bend
"Having my
family togeth-
er because
gone away to
school. "
Hot race during election for a Lucan Council seat
By iraig Bradford
I T -A Reporter
-LUCAN _ Landing a seat on Lu -
can council' won't he a cakewalk
-for anyone (hiring municipal 'elm,'
tions on Nov. 10. •
Tberc's a race for each of the five
. 'spots on council.-Fotireeve, Lucan
lavtiprelr Robert Benner is up against
-tincumbent Rob Brady,1a real estate
a8ent t and bus driver serving his
. set.•ond.tcrml oni.cliuncil.!.-
irlc,umbcnt 1Depuly Reeve Harry
_ .I Wraith, owner of Wraith Family
Pro hardware and. a long-time
councillor, (hal• tWo challengers for
his _ post: incumbent councillor
•RosemaryI. Gahlinger-Beaune; a
hommunity development consultant
and ' freelance writer, -and Lucan
,businessperson, Dave Pike..
1 • There are five candidates seeking
three councillor !seats: incumbents
Martin •Chittenden and Reg Craw-
ford tare I joined by''Londdn high
. school teacher' Perry Caskanettp, .
r :University, alf - V./cistern Ontario
building suliervisdr Glenn Silver
and Mary Lynn -Hetherington.
Benner, Brady, wraith, Caskan- -
1 ette.1 Chittenden and Crawford all
submitted their nomination papers
well hefore the Oct: 10 deadline
. and have been featured in the TrA.1
— Silver -42 is-ihe-develupmesirco=
ordinator for Ontario Minor Hock-
cy and past president of Lucan` Mi-
' nor Hockey. He used to .be a volun-
i . teer firelfighter in Arva .(where he i
once. lived) and in Lucan.) He has
never run for offrcc11before butlbe-
Ieeves-council should look• for more
- I 1.
Guard returns
1 II
By'Kate Monk
. T -A Reporter
1 'ZURICH - At its Thursday night
meeting, Zurich Council received
letters from the princilpals of the
village's schools and the .chair of
.. the Zurich Public School advisory
council. The letters expressed con-
cern about the loss of the village
. crossing guard on County Road 84.•
The crossing guard service had
been in place until the end of the
school year. The cost was $1,400
• per year and paid for by the Village
Councillor. Barb Jeffrey said the
children she observed crossing the
.highway in her neighborhood were
-very cautious.. However. Councillor
Nick Littlechild said students) he
observed crossing at lunch time
were not cautious.
Mary Haggitt, a secretary at Zu-
I rich ; Public School challenged
council's stand.. "Kids arc the most
iniport,lnt thing." she said. d
In his letter to council, St. Bon-
ttice School principal Laurie Kraft -
check Said "This is a busy, major
east -west highway and the volume
of traffic at times is quite high.
These times correspond to the high
. usage times for the children. I be-
lieve that the removal -of the cross-
ing guard has created a situation
where the potential for a serious ac-
cident has been increased.
Zurich Public School principal
Debra Gill has two concerns about
using senior students as crossing
guards: a. A child cannot safely
• cross children at #84; and b. The
principal is liable for the students in
such a position and they are too far.
away and out of sight for her to feel
Gill said that a recent survey
found between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.
on a Friday on Cty. Rd: 84, there
were 181 cars, 51 vans, 59 pickup
trucks and 45 transport trucks.
Council passed a motion that the
crossing guard would be re -instated
and the village would possibly
work at cost-sharing.
On Friday, Zurich clerk -treasurer
Sharon Baker contacted former
crossing guard Helen Gingerich
who was scheduled to be on duty
yesterday morning.
input from taxpayers before Mak-
ing decisions. .
I want. td see if we can provide
services without costing the tax-
payer anymore," SilVer said.
Silver, originally from Nova Sco-'
tia, has lived in Lucan for 12 years.
-He is married to Janice and has
three children: _Robbie, 17; Tyler,
14, and Jeff, -10.
PilCdt 58, is originally from Lon-
don, England. and has lived in Lu -
can for 22 years: He is married to
Yvonne. has one grown son and
two grandchildren.
"I think it's time for new faces
on council and some new ideas,".
Pike said. "I'm interested in where
my tax dollars are going.
Pike feels too many council deck
sions are made behind 'closed)
r "I think it's time councils" were
'honest with the ratepayers," he
said. 1
Pike voluhteers with palliative
care, the Alzheimer Society, Meals
on Wheels, Scouts and Lucan Mi-
nor Soccer.
Gahlinger-Beaune said her seek-
ing the more senior deputy reeve
post is "a logical decision."
She said most of Lucan's infra-
structure concerns habe been dealt -
"Now we're going into the tough
part of communitjf development,"
Gahlinger-Beaune said. "I have the ;
most experience on council , on
that." -
Gahlinger-Beaune is married to
Ken and has -one, son, Calen. 6. She
volunteers on various Lucan com-
munity groups including the -
Friends of the Library: '
The Lucan and Area - Business
Association all -candidates meeting
is on Oct. 23, 7 p.m. -9. The free
event is moderated by Pat VanGe-
leuken and is Open to anyone inter -
1 ested. • '
• in liddulph Township, incpm-
bents Reeve Earl French hal; no
._competition and will be acclaimed).
'Incumbent Councillor Paul Vallis.
Will be acclaimed as deputy reeve. -
Both are farmers.
Six people are running for three
councillor spots: post office worker
Doug Anderson (a Granton Police
Village -trustee), golf cburse opera-
tor Bill Fox, Exeter State Farm In-
surance's George Marr, Fanshawe_
College part-time instructor John
e. Stevens, farmer/marketing•man
ager • Greg Shewfelt and farmer/; •
(truck driver Leroy MaSuire. r
-Candidates had till 5 p.mi yester-
day to have their names dropped
Off the ballot: . ,.
The 1998 Neon.
This is what you pay for.
0 -he 1998 Neon 22D with its roomy interior, sporty good looks and the most power in its class, is setting
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2.0L 16 valve conditioning
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steel hood
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Full body anti -chip
9 step paint process
Stainless steel
exhaust system
3 year/60,000 km
Dual air bags
Engine durability testing
steel doors
Centre console
Four wheel
independent suspension
GOLD Only at your local Chrysler dealer.
3 Bawd or(a 10 month leave for vNutle equipped as described. TOW tease obligation is 59,269. Kikmetert arelimited to 51,000.
Charge 01 5.09/km for excess kilometers Sublecl t0 approval by Chrysler Credit Canada Ltd. pot is a dosed end New with no buyback requirement. lease includes freight, taxes and security
deposit and excludes licence, insurance and registration. •Price includes factory 30 dealer incentises. Price excludes licence, insurance, registration, freight and taus. t • Price/1ease for vehicle
equipped as described, Neon 220. Thew are limited time offers and apply to retail deliveries 01 1998 models for personal use and may not be 'combined with any other offers: Dealer order may
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Plymouth Prowler. Rebate includes GST. Limited time Offer applies to 1998, 1997 and 1996 university or college graduates. See dealer for detain and conditions